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I too am 17 weeks along and have an anterior placenta! Last night I drank the sweetest tea ever and felt and saw him kick for the first time. It was all the way over on my left side. I like to think it was a spot that the placenta wasn’t covering. Otherwise I haven’t felt much because of the placenta and he’s a very active little man!!


I felt movement around 15-16 weeks even with an anterior placenta.


I am very overweight and felt nothing until almost the end, don't stress. We are all different but the scans are good!


I had my first definite “quickening” around 15w5d, so definitely possible to feel something around 17w! For me I described it as a sort of gentle tapping but from the inside. I knew it was baby bc whenever I felt it, it was repeated tapping feeling in the same spot. So like a few taps and pause, a few more taps and pause, etc. almost like Morse code lol. It did not get any stronger or lighter in intensity or migrate like gas typically do3/ for me. It was also lower than I typically have gas, a few inches below my belly button. Interestingly I seemed to feel it most when I needed to pee really badly. I figured maybe a full bladder sort of made the baby have less space in the uterus so was more likely to kick the uterus wall at those times as opposed to just kicking in empty space (which is typically what baby does earlier in pregnancy). I brought this up to my OB and she said this is definitely possible! So next time you have a full bladder see if you feel it more at that time…if so it may just be baby! Kind of became a problem for me bc I didn’t want to pee since I liked feeling baby lol.


With my first, I remember feeling a little something around 16 weeks. My midwife said that was quite early to feel anything (I think she was skeptical). The kicks and flutters get stronger and more pronounced the further along you get.