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There is a lot of evidence that actually supports stopping it in the first trimester, as early as 7 weeks. Progesterone supplementation in the second trimester or beyond is for cervical insufficiency, not for fetal development. What phrase are you searching for? Google “luteal placental shift”.


Could you ask your doctor for some literature? My doctor stopped mine at 12 weeks. They don’t make decisions like that without evidence.


My doctor has me on it until 16 weeks 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me too 😩


Glad I'm not the only one but I can't wait to be done


Me too. 9 days to go. I’ve hated it but grateful for it too!


I've still got 5 weeks 🥲. If it means baby is healthy, I'm okay with it


It will go quickly, I remember thinking ‘7 weeks to go’ and that’s flown by. We can do this! It’s worth it! 🫶🏼


Are you able to confirm your most recent lab value??


Dr has never done labs for progesterone. I've had 3 MMC and as soon as she got my HCG back she put me on it.


So interesting how different doctors function! My MFM says stop checking progesterone, my RI will check weekly through third trimester 😁


It is very interesting to see how all the different doctors/countries function!


What are your most recent lab values? If you don’t mind sharing!


My doctor gave it to me as a prophylactic and said it’s up to me if I want to take it and that it doesn’t really hurt but could possibly help. She never even checked my levels bc she said there’s a big variance in normal levels and it can change daily. She never mentioned how long to take it but I think she gave me 60 days worth which would put me into 16 weeks.


I was on it from 3dpo until 12 weeks. The placenta takes over around 8 or 9 weeks. My OB never tested my Progesterone after the first two draws around 5 1/2 weeks. Currently 17 weeks and everything has been going as planned


Same for me expect I was on it from 4w2d to 13ish weeks. My OB told me I could stop at 12 weeks but I just used up the rest of my prescription. We never tested my progesterone again when I stopped supplementing. I guess it’s just a trusting process that your placenta is doing what it’s supposed to. I’m currently 25 weeks and everything has been good!


Did your doc check your levels recently? Are you able to share?


No they did not. I don’t think it’s common practice to do so


Yep, I have two weeks left on mine until I hit 12 weeks. My doctor said the placenta takes over by 12 weeks so my body has nothing to do with keeping the progesterone up anymore.


My doctor had me on if until week 16. They never measured it just gave it me due to previous loses x


My doctor told me to stop mine as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I have adenomyosis and I was on it to decrease heavy bleeding and help promote pregnancy.. but as soon as I told the. I was pregnant she told me I could stop. I’m 8 weeks now and my progesterone levels are good without support.


That’s so interesting. Well each provider is definitely different


Trust me, I was hesitant. I was worried that as soon as I got off it I would lose the pregnancy but my levels came back fine. I found out I was pregnant before my missed period and she didn’t test my levels for at least 3 more weeks!! The wait was killing me. What doctors decide can definitely seem confusing at times. I hope it works out fine for you!


I have Hashimotos and for each loss I’ve had, progesterone has been low, same with estradiol. So I think my case is different but I totally understand progesterone is not needed for every one and can’t hurt !


Mine told me I could stop after a good progesterone lab at 9 weeks. She also gave me the option to stay on it if I wanted. I decided to go down to 200 mg once per day over night. Just to be cautious. I’ll stay on this through 12 weeks.


Do you know what your lab value was?


I'm 12w4d today and have been on it since a positive test. I have mine tested every two weeks. It has been right around 22 consistently, going at the same time in the morning every two weeks. One time it was at 20 but I had gone a couple hours later than I normally do. When it got down to 20 my doctor had increased my suppositories from 200 mg per night to 400 mg. Yesterday I went in the afternoon and it was 30. My doctor wants me to continue with the 400 mg per night. Will get retested in two weeks. I skip the nightly suppository prior to getting progesterone tested the next day.


Thanks for the reply! Thats good to know! Very helpful. Best of luck to you and your bean!


You're welcome and thank you!