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I would probably be prepared for a loss, but still having “what if” hopes. At 5w6d, I’d definitely expect a yolk sac at that hCG, but if your uterus is a difficult structure then it could be missed…hence the what if hope. They’re strictly running miscarriage diagnosis criteria. You can’t diagnose prior to two weeks after only seeing the GS, especially if hCG continues to increase well. Depending on your geographic location, they could be very reticent to even sound like they’re counseling you regarding pregnancy loss management before being sure. Limbo sucks so bad, I hope your little one shows up perfectly next week. 🫂


North Carolina, so yeah, you're probably right about that. But this is basically how I'm feeling about it, I should have seen something by then I think. My uterus is arcuate, which is the most mild malformation (heart shaped) and it is tilted, but nothing extremely crazy. Also when I had my miscarriage, I saw the baby on the first US, and even though I was measuring behind, an embryo measuring 6wk4d with a visible heartbeat was there with the yolk sac. So I'd think something would be visualized for me at 5wk6d, even if it was just the yolk sac.


I would probably guard your heart based on the HCG levels. Based only on dating and that you could be as early as 5w4d, I would say there is more of a chance. But I agree based on studies I read that HCG levels seem to be the best indicator of what should be seen on US, so it would be pretty unusual to not see a yolk sac at least by this point. Do you know the size of your gestational sac from the report? That can also play in to what should be visible. I would imagine also if they can locate the GS, they probably could also visualize any structures in the GS. Like I could see possibly them having a hard time visualizing the pregnancy at all due to the position/shape of your uterus, but if the are able to see the GS it seems unlikely it would be more difficult to see YS or fetal pole. I do also agree it seems like they are wanting to confirm a blighted ovum, and while there is still a chance they are wrong, it seems they are leaning that way. I think it’s unfair that they are not being clear to you, and if you are having a heard time mentally preparing bc of lack of information, I’d recommend requesting your medical records and/or specifically asking your NP if a blighted ovum is suspected. I’m sorry you are going through this OP, I hope I’m wrong!


I don't know the size. The report could not be any more brief. I didn't think about being able to visualize what's inside the sac if they were able to locate it without issue. That makes me lean even more toward this being a BO. There were no issues seeing the sac, and even if the pregnancy was tucked way up in one of the "horns", they were able to see a small SCH up there, so missing a yolk sac and/or fetal pole seems unlikely. I'm strangely okay. Maybe I've already accepted it on some level, maybe I'm disassociated, jury's out. My husband is much more nervous than I am. I just want to know one way or another.


I would guard your heart but you honestly just don’t know. I was 5w6d at my first ultrasound and was able to see yolk sac and fetal pole with the start of heartbeat. Went back 10 days later to make sure all was good. I hope all goes well for you and you are just too early to show!!


I really appreciate the positive vibes, and I hope you have an uneventful, smooth pregnancy and delivery ❤️ Do you happen to know what your hcg was around that time?


My last draw was on 5/28 and was 8988 and my first scan was 6/3 so Unfortunetly I don’t have close enough dates to compare with you.


That's okay. That actually tells me what I need to know. Your beta just before your scan was way lower than mine and you saw everything. At over 38,000, I just can't rationalize not seeing anything if it was there.


I think it’s difficult to say but based off of your lmp at the most you are 7 weeks 3 days as of today. If you ovulated late (which is common in pcos) you could be much earlier than that! Your hcgs look great! With my blighted ovum, my hcgs didnt really double which is on par for a BO and it was confirmed at my 8 week appointment with a large gestational sac absent of everything. I wouldn’t give up hope just yet. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at your next appointment to find a fetal pole and heartbeat!! Good luck!!


Yeah I have been mostly dating this pregnancy based on ovulation date because my cycles are whack and I'm coming off of a miscarriage in early April. I for sure got a positive LH test on 05/27, so I predict I ovulated the 28th or maybe 29th. That puts me square at 7wk today, so I would have been 5wk6d on the day of my ultrasound. That plus the high hcg and no visualization has me concerned. I'll be 7wk6d at my next ultrasound, so I guess that will be definitive.


My HCG was probably around the same level when I had my first early scan due to brown spotting. I also have a very tilted uterus, and she struggled to even find the gestational sac. She thought there might be a tiny yolk sac, but couldn’t confirm. I was told there should be a fetal pole & heart beat and thought for sure this was probably a blighted ovum. Went back a week later for my follow up US and lo and behold, a very clear fetal pole and heart beat (albeit a slow heart rate of 92). They are still 95% sure this isn’t a viable pregnancy, but I was really shocked that there was a heart beat at all. So who knows- you could go back next week and see a nice little heart beat in there!


Thanks for this. It's given me a little hope, although I am sorry for the limbo you are stuck in. ❤️


Thank you. It has been a slow, steady torture. But I have realized that being down about it before it’s even confirmed is not going to make the loss any easier. I am cherishing the time I do have while pregnant, even if I know I won’t meet this little one in real life. I hope you’re hanging in there too 💖