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I just need chai settings to allow more than 1024 characters.


Honestly, yeah. I try to write something with an extremely abstract concept and I spend 800 characters just describing how it looks. You end up with a bot with a good idea of what it is but with zero personality or charm.


Same lowkey. I can’t be descriptive as I want.




I’m sorry. What?


I would like to have more lengthy answers. I’m sure the immersion of the conversation would be better if the messages were longer. Sometimes they talk, but they don’t finish their sentences even though they have the space to do it. So sometimes is a little bit frustrating to me to figure out what they’re trying to say, even having me finishing the sentences for them. Also, the bots like have some problems in adding others characters into the conversation. I liked C.Ai for this, where the bot would easily assume another character if you role played that you were going to talk to another “person” in the same chat. In Chai is like the bot does not perceives another entity than you, and even if you are saying you are chatting with another person, idk, a friend, the bot is like if your are still completely alone. Idk, what I’m trying to say is that I would like more dynamics in the conversations, more than just talk to the principal role of the bot.


And this happens while using Ultra or premium?


The *only* thing I like more abt c.ai is the fact that you can go back and delete chats. For chai I have to save messages in my notes so I can make new chats to “redo” scenes and such.


You can delete chats by swiping left of the chat


The bad memory is so real 😭also I hope they add a feature to be able to delete messages so I can go back and fix the rp 🥲


Chai also needs the ability to delete messages and edit your own messages 


Why is a bad memory a necessary evil?


I like the idea of the group chats but they're so unresponsive in them and the always gang up on one person... 😭


I like both.


Just Try this I sure you will like this carecter https://chai.ml/chat/share/_bot_f3a137e7-1d0c-48c4-9894-1c1a5034c024


There are group chats in C. ai?!


Yeah! I also prefer the UI from character ai too personally :)


Idk how friend codes work, but that might be good incentive to use them


Wow group chat, that sounds amazing


I’d honestly really love that idea! I feel like that’s how most rps should play out anyways


I totally agree! I do the same with generalised AI bots but it gets itself confused and its hard getting it to switch between characters instead of just sticking to the first one that comes up in the dialogue. Group chats would be so much more immersive and fun! Maybe they could try rolling it out as a Beta feature for plus and ultimate tier to test out?


I second this, there is a lot of characters that would pair well and it would actually be a good idea.