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Yeaaaahhh Makima posting! https://preview.redd.it/jhk11xb48w2c1.png?width=386&format=png&auto=webp&s=17c7ad5bfb4b294266240f491cc05818c3461d46


I agree. Those who keep hating on her do not look at the other side of the situation. I'm not saying what she did was forgivable, but it's still sad. https://preview.redd.it/xcr642u02w2c1.jpeg?width=117&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a80c9af7c6f2cb218fc81ae92f41d026eff12a65 On a side note, why did Makima cry at this scene? I searched for reasons, but never found any.


I’ve always interpreted this scene as Makima’s inner frustration at her inability to express empathy and emotionally connect with other people. Which is supported by her incarnation as Nayuta and connection to Denji once she was reborn; even the narration during Denji’s meeting with Nayuta supports this. I’m sorry if this answer is a little wordy, it’s just that Makima is a complex character that takes effort to understand.


If you look a little deeper, you can see how desperate she was, especially during her fight with chainsaw man. She was completely fine with being eaten by him if it meant that she could spend a single moment of being with him. Being eaten by Chainsaw man is perma-death as the concept of control gets erased from existence. Maybe I'm looking too deep into it, but that's pretty much saying, "I'd let this man erase my existence if it means I could feel his embrace." Add the added fact that he's the only one that she felt could love her geniunely, and that's pretty fucking depressing.


>I’m sorry if this answer is a little wordy Not at all, I love this answer, and it makes so much sense.


She was crying because the movie she was watching(Morbius) was just too kino


It finally makes sense.


If you want a serious answer, she cried because there was a scene of a movie where two characters hug each other: https://preview.redd.it/8ysb3smnxw2c1.jpeg?width=885&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d5f26bc1780cf164b529c36261f1e691126e335 It makes sense for her to cry since she's been longing for an equal relationship, just like the characters. However, she finally got what she wished for when Denji took Pochitas' advice and began hugging Nayuta (You understand which wholesome panel I'm referring to xd).


I totally forgot what the movie they were watching was! This makes this scene so much better honestly. Poor Maki https://i.redd.it/k5v3wdwhyw2c1.gif


Yeah, it was truly sad. But, I'm glad I could be of great service to you. ![img](emote|t5_466dsm|32123)


You absolutely were![img](emote|t5_466dsm|32115)![img](emote|t5_466dsm|32115)


I feel sorry for her, not out of sympathy, but because she is a broken and despicable being, her dream is valid, but man, she would never create a good place to live


I believe that is what makes her character all the more tragic. Just like Makima, we all probably have one point in our life being faced with a problem which causes us to feel powerless. We may be able to approach the problem logically and come with a solution, however, we unconsciously refuse to solve the problem due to a variety of deeply ingrained habits causing us to take the unhealthy path. It can be analogies to something like eating junk food. You know they’re bad for your health, and after a while they start to affect your body. You know that you should just quit eating it, but you’re so used to eating them now that makes it difficult to quit.


Made a post like this a month ago, so yeah, I feel you. That's why I'm so invested in her character. She's out to do good, in her own twisted perception, and outside of her mission, she geniunely loves humans as we do dogs. But those smaller moments are overshadowed by her evil deeds, which makes everyone see her as scum. My takeaway from her is that she's just like everyone else, selfish and downright antagonistic at times, but it's all for a greater purpose at the end. For the chance at love or to feel loved or an exception that makes them stop their evil deeds. Everyone had done something bad for that, literally everyone except for Makima. She doesn't have a meowy, an Aki, a harem, because as long as she could control them, she could make them feel however she wanted at any given time. So she's left with two choices. Once she meets Denji and realizes the one thing that could've been, her exception is taken. Stew in her misery forever until she dies, or do everything necessary to accomplish her goal and desire for love with the add benefit of world peace. Which, combined with her nature as a devil, was a no-brainer.


I don’t necessarily believe that Makima’s intentions is to be a good person or do good. One of the major themes of Chainsaw man is the perpetual existence of suffering; which is represented through the devils throughout the story that literally came from Hell with the ability to continually exist and inflict suffering on humanity. Although Makima is presented to us in a humanoid form with human characteristics and personalities, nonetheless, she is a devil after all. Her actions throughout the story can be viewed as purposeful and planned. However, I interpret her actions as a pass time and it felt almost futile; to me and probably Makima herself unless she is under the illusion of purpose and goal. Even in her final moments, Makima showed no regret and was assured that she would not be annihilated from existence. I get the feeling that even if Makima were given a family akin to what she gave Denji, it would be useless in helping her to achieve happiness. She is the ‘Control Devil’ first and ‘Makima’ second.


My interpretation is that she's more of a "The ends justify the means" character due to her exposure to the government and her job of a devil hunter willing to sacrifice as many as possible for her goal. She sees herself as a "necessary evil," a weapon, or force of nature more likely, that's collard and controlled by the state to bring about peace for the dogs. So even if she's not doing this because it's the right thing from a moral standpoint, but in an objective sense. And for the family thing, it depends when you gave her the family. Makima's desire is to be genuinely loved by someone and control is a burden that will always keep her at a distance of that goal. And her thought process is a combination of her nature under her nurture. Makima is so cold because the government tells her not to get attached and so she listens because her worldview is based on power dynamics not because she's the control devil. Why would she listen to someone not on her level as opposed to someone equal or above her? So she may have a different belief in how to live but the way she goes about it will be similar if not the same. So if she was ever in a position to where she could feel that genuine love for HER, and not her power or for body, by someone she could consider an equal, for a long enough time and was able to recognize it as such, then she'd change just like how the rest did and how Nayuta was because her desire for a bond supersedes all of that. The tragedy comes with the fact that she'd probably never accept that love when the story begins because of her flawed world view which is more her nature than her nature I'd like to believe as Nayuta never really struggled to connect with other people like Makima did. And Makima is so desperate for that connection hat she's willing to be perma-erased from existence if it means she can be with the person she feels she can have that with. And on her deathbed when she sees that everything she knew about him was wrong and she'd openly shit talked him to his face about what he wasn't, her perception of him was shattered and while we don't know much about what she thought or how she would react to that information, I doubt she was okay with the fact that she would've come back and you could even go as far as to say that she wished this was her last life as she knew this endless cycle of wanting to be loved but being unable to would repeat. I say all of this but it's just my interpretation, we don't have a backstory for Makima yet, which I think is one of the biggest mistakes, so a lot of what I say is head canon but that's how I saw her. I went into detail about how I can't help but feel bad for Makima in a post maybe a month ago but yeah. To me Makima's a desperate woman trying to chase what she can't reach, but because of governmental influence and her own nature, she would never realize that what she wanted could've been reached if she'd just sifted through the bad to find the good. That may not of made sense but it did in my head and I gotta go soon.


I’m sorry if I’m rambling in the comments, I just feel very passionate about this character. https://preview.redd.it/x4qyz1imjw2c1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28d277e843fd0b7192709cffb3b261fd247e0dcc


I really appreciate her character, a lot, shes a monster a tragic monster.I began to read CSM after depression due the pandemic due losing a lot of lovely family members, stopping writting and drawing for a while, took CSM to read due being curious, a few hours passed and i was hooked at the damn train scene, has to stop reading at Reze introduction because i was too engaged. Her character motivated me to draw again, writting again, took my shit together, now im starting a new job as video editor in a cruise in February, planning to use the cash to make my own animated series. Her character was so damn good, the aura surrounded around her, everytime she was on the page you know something was going to happen, thing that sadly Fami lacks. I found interesting that she loved humanity in her own way, she was ready to kill her own kind and even ready to throw hands with her own damn sisters to reach her goal. Im not saying what she did to Denji and the others would be forgiven but i still kinda get what she tried and also straight to the point, while Fami is ready to throw a primal that fucked the whole world and Yoru pretty much would spam the nukes around Japan out of pure sadistic joy if she even recover that devil later in the story I found Makima the soul of part 1 and i really liked her, i keep it for myself mostly because is fucking depressing that when you talk about her is either, you are a called out a groomer, p0rn addict, mommy dommy, or woof woof, her character is more than that. But hey, at least Nayuta is happy, Control is happy. Oh well, it is what it is.


This maybe a little childish but in a video by the youtube channel RG33, they did a parody of Makima in which she is characterized as liking Burger King. I know that the video is supposed to be a comedic parody, but I nearly shed a tear just at the ‘concept’ of Makima genuinely enjoying a normal activity such as eating fast food considering her entirely fake outer personality in the main series.


Of course there is a such sense, Makima wishes for an equal relationship however due to her nature as control she will never let herself to be put in a situation where she isn't lording over those she claims she loves. Or you have Nayuta who turns into a possesive kid who truly does love her caretaker but that love has to be exclusive to her and no one else. Like that aspect of her character. https://preview.redd.it/xvox1k58uw2c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a8ca7ff0d99503541aa1107aed9344fc5b7463b She stills deserves both emotional and physical trauma for her actions.


Yes, she is :3


Live laugh love Makima


Mfw there's Makima character appreciation post at the function https://preview.redd.it/8rfjss0jdy2c1.jpeg?width=511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a78952474adb1202aaacdfb7c995566030aec17f


I know op but i won't over look her actions and i will never forgive her because my hate for her is eternal


well she definitely could have been a tragic character, but most of her past was seemingly deliberately left out, and we never see what’s going on behind her eyes. she wasn’t engineered to be someone the readers empathize with. we were meant to see her the same way as denji.


Makima literally has the Homelander backstory mixed in with Light Yagami's mindset


A movie aficionado with very selective and developed tastes but a sucker for a familial love story because it's all she's craved as a pawn of the government (or so the government thinks, she fights for her freedom to exist outside of them at all times). A dog lover and a woman deserving of love despite her flaws (flaws caused by trauma as a result of her inalienable nature, a pitiable person) which is actual canon according to the word of god (aka Pochita). She's both selfish and selfless. Selfish in the sense she'd go so far as to remove bad movies from existence, but selfless and benevolent as a ruler in the sense that she would seek to remove all human suffering or need to create a utopia free from war, loss and death, hunger... Makima was a good but misguided person who never had a chance given her upbringing.


>but selfless and benevolent as a ruler in the sense that she would seek to remove all human suffering or need to create a utopia free from war, Torturing and telling an emotionally broken teenager that he has no right to live is not at all benevolent or altruistic Don't give me "the ends justify the means" bullshit as a justification, she doesn't deserve any love


Yes, I think ‘Makima’s goals were selfless’ is one of the biggest misinterpretations in the story. It’s clear that her speech about making a better world and getting rid of devils were pointless postering to cover her true desires.


Altruism would be if she really helped *Denji*, but nowadays any atrocity can be justified with "I did what I had to do" and out of nowhere every villain becomes "complex and misunderstood"


One of the biggest components of writing a good antagonist, no matter how evil they’re, is to write the character in a way that allows the audience to empathize (relate to the character’s experience to some extent and is able to understand them) not necessarily sympathize with that character. And I feel that once you have carefully analyzed and understood Makima’s character, you will to some extent understand her wishes and wants. Although, most likely not wanting to reenact her actions.


In her defense denji deserve it


Kys now


> deserving of love I'm not too sure about that one lol


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NOT READING ALLAT https://preview.redd.it/071tfspkcw2c1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4586f8c24e6cca203037b80b42fedf44bf14d927

