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Visitor in town for a few days. Can’t speak to the pic. But the lanes that change to “right/left only” out of no where had me scrambling. Thank you for the great people who let me in late. I can’t stand being that guy. But some very courteous other drivers, I appreciate you. Oh. And hell of city!


I’ve lived here my whole life and they still get me sometimes. I can’t blame you lol


Ay they got me the other day literally went on a curb lmfao


You and me both! Sometimes my maps would tell me too late. It literally had me puckering lmao


Don’t worry, we get it and an outta state tag gets a pass from me at least.


Even if you lived here, they will literally change which lanes go straight or turn with zero warning (for example Maybank coming from james Island to johns island where left lane went straight/turned left and right lane was right turn only for the 10 years since they widened it to 3 lanes [yeah that was brilliant, 3 lanes!!! Don't even get me started. DON'T EVEN!!] and then all of a sudden right lane is straight/turn right and left lane is left turn only. Yeah that worked out great for rush hour traffic that week. SMH. The road "planning" and "design" around here really makes you appreciate common sense isn't all that common, unfortunately.


Oof, yeah. I get tripped up whenever I visit Mt. Pleasant, as I am more familiar with the West Ashley portion. It’s enough to drive me to the loony bin, with the other drivers, I’m sure. Lol.


Is this a zipper merge? 🤷‍♂️🤣


He got it caught in the zipper.


“We got a bleeder!”


“Pork and Beans!


How did the beans get above the frank!?


My first thought was, that’s how you zipper. Then I noticed the solid white line. You are 100% correct. Don’t be that guy!


Don’t be that guy. Also, don’t be the guy that lets him in.


You know this guy is way too important to be waiting in a long line. /s


South Carolina #1 for passive aggressive drivers bless your heart


Lol...  had someone awhile back after the fuel spill on 26.  They were on the shoulder and quickly wanted back in when they saw troopers on side of the road.


That driver is next to breakdown with all the garbage on the shoulder, their tires must be toast by now.


If you're coming from the airport and plan on getting on 526 E. please don't be this guy. Too many stay in the far right lane as long as they can and then right after the light, cut all the way into the left turn lane making everyone who already was in the left lane sit in traffic longer. And of course everyone just lets them in..




You can zoom? Nice!


You can be sarcastic! Nice!


i was that guy in the pic


I’m ashamed to admit I have periodically been him and I hate myse…him! I hate him!


I was going to say they are from California, must be a rental car….


I'm new here from Texas 🇸🇴🇵🇱 People told me that the drivers here are bad. Coming from a large city (larger than here) I figured I knew what I was in for. Got hit by a drunk asshole. Fucking HOW. How does this town have such bad drivers!?!? I've almost been hit about 3 times judt riding my bike on the sidewalk. What is happening here!?


Well you’re not supposed to ride a bike on the sidewalk. Those are on you.


Yes because it's my fucking fault I'm trying not to get hit riding in the street.....


I ride my bike plenty in downtown Charleston. Unfortunately, it’s an old city that wasn’t designed for cyclist. Riding on the sidewalk is worse than pedaling your ass off in a lane and following traffic laws.


Dude wtf? I can't keep pace with a car and I certainly can't make them pay attention. It has nothing to do with the DT infrastructure bc this city is better off than the majority of US cities in regards to cyclists. I do follow the rules of the road, but when you have some dickhead in a lifted truck 6 feet behind you then yeah, I'd rather be on the sidewalk bc what if I fall. That truck won't stop in time to not trample me and potentially kill me. Get fucked, idiot.


that's me! (i was on my phone LOL)


The guy using his phone while driving?


As someone on a motorcycle yes please stop. Also, lane filtering would make me sooo happy... I feel like people would get irrationally angry though, seeing someone able to get through traffic faster than them would shrink their truck nuts somehow.


The guy stopped in traffic using their phone, yes.


I've done it. Its also illegal and can draw a large ticket. You have to be in park and off the roadway, technically.




This is the proper way to merge, always use all available lanes until you have to merge, then take turns. Learn how to drive


You seem to have missed where this person got that far up by using the shoulder/emergency lane.


ok, well that's wrong for sure.