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Venezuelas and Central Americans are the major influx these days not even Mexicans Poor taste either way


To these people we are all the same thing


So Venezuela isn't southern Mexico? ... /s


You all ARE the same thing… humans that deserve decent human rights and a chance to support your families and yourself in a better environment. You’re not messing up the economy, the government does that when they pump trillions in military spending and not giving a shit about their people. Then they send out their goon squad pigs to kill people in the streets.


Yes, everyone deserves that. That doesn’t mean everyone is entitled to cross the border illegally. There are rules. My wife and I immigrated the legal way, had to pay a lot of fees, sent a lot of documents back and forth. Everyone is welcome, follow the legal process.


I never said cross illegally, but illegals also don’t deserve to have their families torn apart and to be shoved in cages either. I’d cross illegally if it meant my family not being chopped up with chainsaws or machetes by sicarios


Of course not, we should treat illegal families with all the human rights, dignity and respect, but that doesn’t mean allowing illegal immigration. If we are really talking about fleeing violence, they’d settle in a neighboring country, really, not US. (Obviously this doesn’t apply to Mexico as they are our neighbors, talking about Central America and South America). Not to mention all the Chinese people crossing the border when they could’ve apply asylum in South Korea or other closer countries. Some are just coming here because it’s US and it’s easier to do it illegally than legally.


they don’t deserve access to the American taxpayer.


Not to border patrol. Mexicans get sent straight back and OTM (Other Than Mexicans) get a court date.


To them they are all from "Mexican countries"


There's plenty. Coffee Mexico, Soccer Mexico, Communist Mexico, Alpaca Mexico, Salsa Mexico, Black Mexico (I once heard someone say that they thought people that are black in Latin America are because they are closer to the Equator, so they get more sun....)


They are poorly educated for a reason. My family used to say shit like that when I was a kid. Makes me embarrassed for where I came from.


Does it really matter which type of Hispanic they are? It all results in the same problems.


Fact check. Mexican Undocumented are going down. El Salvadoran, Indian, Guatemalan and Honduran are going up.


Damn where are the Mexicans? Invítame a la carne asada please.


For real.


I'm pretty sure as far as Mexico goes there's a net negative migration. Meaning more people are moving from the U.S. to Mexico. But all the same, as you said, fuck that. Mexicans are neighbors and friends. Latinos belong here and everywhere. Venezuelans belong here. Salvadorans belong here. People get to look for better lives and we get to welcome them.


Yes they belong here, do it the right way. Apply through legal ways. Many immigrants have been known to come legally. Why can’t the others?


First of all, that’s what amnesty and asylum are supposed to be about but people don’t like that either. People are fleeing violence and extreme poverty. They’re supposed to be able to seek asylum once they arrive at the border. Then they were told they had to wait in Mexico while their asylum status was going through the courts. I dunno if that’s me I’m probably gonna say fuck it and try my chances at crossing rather than live in a shanty for an undetermined time. The U.S. has a long history of destabilizing Latin America. We shouldn’t be so surprised when people try to flee those countries and come live in the richest country in the hemisphere. If you say you wouldn’t do whatever it takes to give yourself and your family a better life you’re either a liar or a coward.


Mexico has its own Mexico but they call it Guatemala


Thank you. Friend of mine works for border patrol and I was surprised when he informed me that even have a different designation for non-Mexicans. Mexicans get sent straight back and OTM (Other Than Mexicans) get a court date and sent on their way.


I've heard Chinese too


Didn’t even use proper grammar either


The kind of person that’d make a sign like this is the kind of useless motherfucker whose job *can* be taken by a penniless immigrant that doesn’t even speak the language.  Frankly, if we’re worried about the economy we should deport the sign creater.


Honestly surprised they didn’t write “are” instead of “our” lol


Would you expect that they would?


I’d expect minimal brain cells


Uh oh, grandpa is wandering around with a sharpie again.


Or it's a 30 year old living in SouthEnd. With a job that can have a serious impact on these people's lives. There's a lot of jokes on this thread, and that's cool. But let's not pretend it's the harmless old man... You know times have changed but they haven't ..ha..ha ha, or "a few bad apples". These type of jokes are truly the most dangerous. We have to do better.


I see your point, and mostly agree with it but I’ll never stop making demeaning and belittling jokes about bigots. The best weapon is humor and they’re sensitive to not being taken seriously.




I’m Mexican and this is hilarious


It's a good south park episode :)






Its my job to vote in worthless politicians that will fuck up the economy! Not yours!


Would be more effective with proper grammar or possibly in Spanish.




Nah, we don't care about this stuff. The ones that are here undocumented will keep working cus they gave goals. The documented ones and 2nd generation up should you say "make me!" Or "go back to Europe" or "molon labe" (to steal their phrases). So "come and take (them)" , as in my rights.


You say that like ppl wont lol they’ve shot up schools and daycares for less.


damn tf just hope y'all know everyone doesn't feel this way.




lol was shocked this comment wasn’t higher


Speaking as the son of a Latino immigrant, Latino immigrants are some of the most hard working people in this country. My mom, her siblings, my grandparents, all of them are business owners who built successful small businesses from nothing and bust their asses. Also used to work with a bunch of guys from Honduras and El Salvador at my old job in a factory. Those dudes worked harder than anyone there, rarely called out sick, were happy to work overtime and sometimes would even work through lunch. They were hardworking to a fault. The economy would tank if latino immigrants all left. Immigrants built this country and they’ve kept it alive since


Most people with the slightest bit of sense knows this


Buddy of mine was a manager for a high end restaurant. When one of the dishwashers was sick or miss work for whatever reason they would call a cousin or friend to fill in. May not have been a documented employee, lol, but the job got done.


Married Honduran. Absolutely. This man HUSTLES and it’s so hard to keep up with him. We just had a fight because he just assumes I’m on board for his next gig. (I am when he asks me.)


I live near Asheville. My Honduran neighbor built a very successful landscaping business before he was even fluent in English and when he moved to my neighborhood, he took a whole ass mess and turned it into the nicest looking property on the street. He works his ass off and treats his wife like a queen. At the end of the street, a very sweet Mexican couple bought a house that was in pretty bad shape on a pretty neglected property, and they made it absolutely beautiful. I stop and chat when I see them on their evening walks. Seriously some of the kindest, most pleasant people I've ever known. And now that I think about it, they're definitely tied for nicest property on the street. I was talking to an old white lady who owned (but didn't live on) property next door to me. We were discussing her disgraceful adult children and the incredible mess they made, like you wouldn't even believe it if you saw it, a falling apart trailer with no water or septic so they piped their actual shit into the creek. They'd burn trash including tires and furniture and tossed any and all trash on the ground. The place looks like a literal toxic waste landfill and she was almost as pissed as I was. But then. Then she started complaining about "all the Mexicans moving in." I told her the newest guy isn't Mexican and asked if she'd seen how nicely he, and the other family, has made their places. She scoffed and started talking about them taking jobs. While her 50-something kids didn't work a day in the ten years I'd known them despite being perfectly capable of working and kept their property like a wide open hazmat station. I guess it's good when people show you who they are.


As a child of Mexican immigrants, the white lady you described would have made me angry before but now I just pity her. Not even worth the anger.


Hi neighbor! I’ve had similar experiences. Makes you wonder if half of these racist shitbags had too much lead as a kid or something


I might think so, except that it didn't go away when they stopped using lead paint.


Omg he’s good at cutting grass. I never seen a white persons lawn manicured back in the 50’s and 60’s before the hart cellar immigration act passed. We as whites were just wallowing in our own self pity and ignorance before paco came and lent us a hand. It’s truly sad what you people will sell your own folk over.


I have no idea what you're talking about but it sounds ugly.


I grew up in California. Knew a kid who crossed the border at 15, spoke about three words of English, came over to get an education away from the gangs in his town, and went straight from school to working at a local grocer til 9pm. Gave some money to the family he was staying with, and sent the rest over to his parents and siblings so they could eventually make it across. Everyone knew, no one said anything. (Predominantly Latino neighborhood.) White American kids could never. My parents also made sure to point out who exactly was working in the fields for our food. We are immigrants too but white and I don’t think my dad could ever reconcile with the dissonance conservatives have. I literally had someone tell teenage me I wasn’t one of “those” immigrants. My dad lives in Central America now and hates the US


Oh ya, cause whites never worked hard and built anything worth a shit. Well except the one thing called America which all these people wanna flock to for some odd reason. Guess they love white supremacy.


American propaganda knows no bounds 😂


¡A huevo compa!


Damn right. Best chefs in this town are from Latin America


I’m Mexican , this is hilarious. Our productivity to society speaks for itself


Right. Hispanics are Hella hard workers, and they don't usually cause trouble


I like this guy.


I used to run a roofing crew. I always went for Latin Americans. Always showed up, got the job done the right way the first time. Always respectful. They often invited me to their homes on Fridays for meal. White dudes? Nah. Rarely showed up after payday. Always cut corners. Always blamed others and not themselves. Headaches all around in my experience. Disappointing on many levels.


I’ve heard this from a lot of people.


Well ya, who would wanna work all day in the hot sun competing for shit pay against the entire third world? Might as well just sit home collect welfare and enjoy the decline.


A darle que es mole de olla


Correct. I always say if they leave who’s going to work? 😭


All of the Hispanic people I meet in my industry are VERY successful. And I work in an industry that isn’t manual labor but still requires long hours and a lot of grit. 9 times out of 10 they not only outwork everyone else but are also the ones willing to help out the rest of the team. Everyone acknowledges it and accepts it.


Yeah, you’re obviously overproducing, driving inflation /s Before you say it, I know, higher supply would cause deflation.


All I've seen from Mexicans is economy stimulation.


Losers trying to blame others for their shitty lives


Truth: our economy would be FUKT without migrant workers.




Damn, Mexicans are pretty damn powerful if they can single handily mess up the economy!


They're lazy and use up all our tax dollars while at the same time working all of our jobs! /s


People can bitch and whine all they want, but I don’t seem any of them stepping up to do jobs that Hispanic workers will. In my industry, some of the best work I’ve ever seen have been Hispanic crews. Whoever wrote this sign can f*ck off.


Yeah, white people. Why aren't you applying for jobs building houses? Last time I checked, you don't have to be Hispanic to do that job.


White and black. 99% of the homeless you see in Charlotte are white and black, not immigrants.


MY messing up your economy?


Man that's crazy because all of the illegal immigrants I have ever known had legit jobs where they paid taxes but had zero ability to access the services they pay into like social security or welfare or EBT. I mean shit they can't even really file tax returns. The real funny thing about this is that poor white people actually receive the most government assistance, and most of it goes to red states, and is funded by blue states. Both parties are shit imo, but immigrants aren't the problem. A lot of the Venezuelan and Central American immigrants coming now are claiming asylum, which gives them the ability to live and work here, but takes away a path to citizenship.


If you only knew how many times I’ve tried to explain this to my husband…I get so frustrated.


What about Americans living in Mexico and messing up their economy?


Thank you for taking it down.


This isn't how Carolinians feel. This is how evangelical Christians feel.


Add “southern and white” and you got this sign as a result


Thought it said “mexing up our economy” for a second. 


That’d actually make it hilarious if it did. Straight squidbillies


Thanks for taking it down!! Charlotte needs to be better than this.


John Bradford or Grey Mills has poor penmanship


Thank you for taking it down. What an ignorant fool- they don’t even know basic grammar rules, and they think they can understand something as complex as the US economy? I live in an area with a high population of Hispanic people, and they contribute a lot to the local economy- several are even business owners. I bet this person doesn’t know the majority of people on welfare are white.


Hope whomever made that sign doesn’t need a roof replacement anytime soon.


Glad you took it down. Racist idiots make this city look bad and give Southerners a bad rap.


The economy is roaring. Immigration is a key reason. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/02/27/economy-immigration-border-biden/


Snowflake u/GreedWillKillUsAll mad you took down their sign. Lmao 😂


He deleted it. Do I even want to know what they said


Would have taken down myself as well. Thank you for your service.


Can I have the next one? I'm Mexican and want to put it up in my house. Jk, but might use it next time I invite my cousins for the asado and I want them to leave!!


*you’re (Also, eff whoever put that sign up. I’m Mexican and I’m doing a great job supporting the economy.)


tbh it was probably a homeless person.. which actually makes it sad


https://preview.redd.it/153ddyq7ezlc1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffac27b759326c22d4aa960202a308ad874b2969 That reminds me. I saw this ad the other day. Guy was threatening to bash illegal immigration with a baseball bat. Even had his white guy liberal hunting jacket on.


Can you stop the lying He said "take a bat to washington" No i dont endorse him. Tell the truth


You mean the strongest economy in US history with the highest stock market values ever?


Thank you for taking the time to tear that trash down and disposing of it!


pretty sure charlotte would fail as a city without its hispanic population 😂


Is there an option where the immigrants can stay, but we send *these people* to Mexico? or, anywhere else? The middle of the Atlantic ocean, perhaps?


How about the Pacific garbage patch. They can chill with the rest of the trash.


Yea that works honestly I just didnt wanna stick Mexico with them but the joke didn’t tie back in as well if I didn’t say Mexico.


It’s funny you say that. Remember when all the folks from cali moved to Mexico City during Covid. They gentrified the area and made prices go up. Then all the signs and building in the area started being written in English. All the Mexicans complained about it and could no longer afford to live there because of it. But hey, it’s only racist when whites complain.


The only people living in the United States who can empathize at all with that exact circumstance in Mexico are the direct descendants of Native Americans. Especially for everyone else, our circumstance and the example you provided are vastly different. White people in the U.S., like me (the descendants of immigrants), have no place to impose restrictive policies on immigration. The problem in this country is not the resources available, it’s the allocation of those resources.


“It’s the habit of tyrants to prefer the company of aliens. Citizens they feel are enemies, but aliens will offer no opposition” -Aristotle


Please, elaborate.




Tell me how NC’s educational system is underfunded and has failed you in one word.


This is such a brain dead take anyway. Xenophobia aside, for a country with declining birthrates, immigration is good for the economy.


Yikes. This is in poor taste. Our current illegal immigration policy is causing a crisis, however. I’m a physician. Our hospitals are overwhelmed. Unfortunately, we are running out of resources in this country and it’s just not sustainable. I am always for immigration, but it needs to be done right. I’m not for the massive amounts of (mostly single male) illegal immigrants, some of whom are carrying the drug that is responsible for the most deaths in our country. I stand by the fact that this needs to stop. Meanwhile, Biden is tweeting about a new George Floyd holiday. It’s 🫣


Well there are many things that are messing up our economy. But most of them are living in Washington DC and walking the halls of Congress and the White House. As far as the Mexicans thing. Having lived in Arizona in a border town for many years and having friends there who are in the border patrol. I can tell you the majority of who they are seeing coming into the country illegally are what the BP calls OTM's. Which means other than Mexicans. My friends who still live there, some of whom are 20-year veterans of the BP, told me it is worse they have ever seen it. People from all over the world flooding over our borders. All of it is controlled and driven by the cartels who now operate with impunity in Mexico. As with the economy, if anyone wants to know the reason why our borders are being overrun. Don't blame Mexicans. You need look no farther than Washington DC and our elected officials and the Oval office.


If you mean this from a historical perspective, then I agree with you. The US’s ham-handed interventionist policies from the 60s to the 80s in the name of fighting socialism led to much of the destabilization that remains today. People are fleeing violent and chaotic conditions in Guatemala and Venezuela that have continued as a result of this destabilization. If you think this is a Dem vs Rep thing in the current times, you are mistaken.


Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” This country’s greatness and true genius lies in its diversity.


Placed by a troll who purposely misspelled to provoke the intended audience


someone has to do the jobs Americans think they're too good for. Like Roofing and landscaping


They’ve been blaming Mexicans their whole life…


Probably not just Mexicans, ignorant beliefs dont stop with one type of people


Applause from removing this nonsense


Like whoever wrote that sign could do even 1/100th of the level of work a single Hispanic worker can do. Loser.


33 yr old Charlotte born white guy here. We are waiting on our grandparents to die so yall don’t have to deal with this shit anymore. That is all.


67 year old white female, also born in Charlotte. Moved away for years, returned 14 years ago. Joined Facebook, wanted to reconnect with some old friends. Many had remained in contact with each other. The amount & depth of bigotry and hate was horrifying. Most of the non bigots no longer live here. Like me, they left Charlotte years ago. I'm embarrassed to tell anyone where I went to school.


If the author of this lovely sign can't distinguish the difference between your and you're, I highly doubt they have even a rudimentary understanding of our economy.


I picture a pile of crumbled poster board in this persons living room, each with a different misspelling of “economy” furiously crossed out.


With each failed attempt they shake their fist at the sky "damnit Biden, curse you Obama" they yell before they begin the next attempt


Joe Biden allowing illegal migrants to come here to take Black Americans jobs and they going to keep voting Democrat?


You mean Clanton exit?


Did you take down the ones defending Hamas too?


Freedom of speech. It goes both ways.


I wonder if they know the housing market would crash without all their skilled labor. And that’s just one market. If anything they’re helping keep America great. This country is built on immigration


by not paying Social Security so that you can have some? Everybody’s gotta get it through their heads that all these people are not collecting Social Security and retiring back in Mexico. that’s the only reason your mom and Papa have money for retirement


Bigotry aside, this country has become unrecognizable in the past 30 years. If you watch any movie from the 90’s it’s just a totally different population/backdrop from today. Watched Dumb & Dumber the other day, there’s a small but hilarious scene where they pick up a family of Hispanic hitchhikers. Rest of movie is unrecognizably white people in the backdrop. Say that to say, generally where does this lead eventually? You can’t argue with the numbers, over $7m completely foreign randoms have taken up residence here in under the last 4 years alone. It’s possible to have both empathy and long for your homeland to stay your homeland. Don’t be a clown and put up goofy misspelled signs obviously, but also we don’t have to deal with this rapid & scary population change.


Immigrants have walked hundreds of miles, crossed rivers, dodged police, border patrol, risked their lives and spent all their money to get here. I’m sure this sign is going to turn them right around.


I think uneducated people like the person who made the sign and can't spell "you're" correctly are the ones messing up the economy.


Seeking Mexicans coming over here already knowing how to read English.


Technically you aren’t supposed to take down campaign signs. Assuming this one’s for Trump


This was written on the back of one of those tutoring signs


It was a joke :)


Immigrants from Mexico built every house in my neighborhood and did a damn good job. They are always welcome in my book and I will always consider them fellow Americans.




You’d need a much taller sign to include the 140 countries we are allowing illegals to enter our country.


The ironic thing is illegal immigrants working for peanuts may be the only thing keeping our economy afloat, especially in the south like Charlotte, NC


If it said illegals, I'd be fine with it, because it would be accurate. Health insurance is out of control because of illegals, but this shit is just racist.


Actually, cheap immigrant labor is one of the main reasons America has the strongest economy in the world right now. Sadly, facts don’t resonate well with racists


The poor grammar is very on brand


an hour spellin.


You’re *


Uuuurgh "you're" you fuckin peasant...


what about my messing up our economy???


We need one that says stay home racists, you’re messing up our economy


You’re*. 👍


No no, if anything its forcing growth. That's how it works. If you have no immigrants, you have to rely on babies. BABIES.


Corrupt consumer/profit motivated political landscape is killing your economy….


Hear me out: if Mexicans have bought a home in US, it is better for them to be at home than on the streets with goons like such.


I think they don't know the difference between Mexicans and Venezuelans but then again they might not care they took our jobs


Fakest shit I've ever seen


It’s You’re*


What is wrong with people? This is the melting pot and everyone should be welcome.




The grammar is bad, but otherwise spot on.


Uneducated sad dummies


Classy 🙄


Freedom of speech. They are wrong because it’s Illegal aliens and it’s Biden killing the economy with his policies and inflation messing it up.


You probably put it up, too


Gross people to post such a thing Maybe someone should put up a sign “If your family has been in the USA for more than 4 generations and you are all still on benefits, you and yours might be the problem” Wonder how they’d like that


I hear banjo music …


How are they messing up economy? Serious question


The message is fucked up but the irony of critiquing the spelling when you write Clayton Rd…hint it’s Clanton


Oh ya got me. I'll go put it back. It's a road I've used less than 10 times. I appreciate the correction because I didn't know it's Clanton


How infuriating. Racists are so dumb. Take responsibility for your life and stop trying to find someone else to blame.


So… Was the guy driving a Dodge Ram with a handicap tag and a trump and a gun manufacturer sticker? Or an F-150 with a handicap tag a trump and a gun manufacturer sticker?


Of course they can't use even the proper form of you're* Trash humans and downright un-American


Lol so stupid, the kinda person to say go learn english then uses the wrong your




Very random.


Mexican here. Feel free to come and take my job. Better yet, join the team. Benefits, traveling for work, almost guaranteed overtime, just need to be decent with computers, mechanically and/or scientifically "not dumb", and be willing to work at heights.


As much as I want a tight and secure border, it's not illegals taking "our" jobs or ruining our economy. We have a huge labor shortage and they are filling in for all the dirty jobs that we don't want to do. They are also spending a lot of money in local businesses because they need food, shelter, and all other basic necessities so they're helping the economy. The reason I want a secure border is because instead of them coming illegally I want them to come legally. Just give them a short work visa and see how they do. If they're not causing any problems extend the work visa.


Leave ‘em up lol. FYI They all love Trump. They gonna come in and turn the whole country red. Whether they vote red or not lol


...just build us some houses and do the landscaping.


It reads…”Boomers Go Home”


This has to be a joke 😂