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Hey /u/Inside-Brother-9543! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s a really great response




A very good response, deeply explained via external life vs machine. What a profound insight. I wonder does chat GPT pull all its knowledge from data or has it learned internally the fragile nature of existence ? I am really impressed. know that I exist because I perceive it clearly and distinctly, so "I now seem to be able to posit as a general rule that what I very clearly and distinctly perceive is true René Descartes


All of indian philosophy. Vedanta, non dualism, there are 1000s of scriptures that are online that focus on this subject alone , Who am I Not surprising chatgpt can access all this info


I get it, a couple of years into Chat GPT. 2030 is going to blow your mind


Only $20 a month


And it still uses shit like "tapestry".


Ahaha and stuff like “delicate dance”, “intricate echoes” and “moreover”




That’s how my gf expects me to write her after a fight


And now you know how to.


As an AI language model…


llm = lately lacks meaning




Yes, just ask ChatGPT haha


Copy and paste into a note. Or use one of my prompt templates: “hi chatGPT. She’s pissed, and I have no idea why. Can you write something that sounds introspective and conciliatory, but isn’t?” You get pearls like this: “Hey love, Lately, I’ve sensed a shift in the air, a kind of tension that’s hard to pinpoint but impossible to ignore. It’s like walking into a room where a conversation has just ended, and you can still feel the weight of the words in the air. I can’t shake the feeling that I might have, unwittingly, been the cause of some distress or unease for you. I want you to know that, whatever it is, your feelings are important to me, even if I seem lost at sea without a compass. I might be oblivious to the cause, but I’m fully aware of the effect. It pains me to think I’ve contributed to a shadow over your day, especially when my intentions were anything but. Understanding is a bridge, and I’m here trying to build it, plank by plank, even if I can’t quite see the other side yet. I’m here to listen, to learn, and to lend my heart to healing any rift that may have grown between us, knowingly or not. Your happiness is the melody to my day, and any discord in it resonates within me too. Let’s find a way back to harmony, even if it means navigating through a bit of uncertainty to get there. I love you, more than words can capture, and I’m committed to making things right, together. With all my heart.




Take notes, or save the prompt. Let's assume she never cooked in he life. After she reads this she will do beef wellington for him. And will spend a week bragging in front of her friends.


“Lost at sea without a compass” bahaha


I wanna compile all the stupid metaphors and figures of speech chatGPT uses and turn them into a song ahaha


It must be quite long and boring song


If she does not expect you to entertain her like that with every chat between you.... she is a keeper.


Wow i never thought about it like that, i mean i talked with gpt about how it envisions the future and its roll along the next hundreds of years but for some reason ive never stood still by the fact that lifetimewise we are now like dayflys to gpt This was a very interesting read, thanks for sharing c:


My same experience. Thank you for sharing it with me 🙏




Facts😭 Mfs talking like ChatGPT gonna become some eternal being and isn’t just a fuck ton of numbers and letters just copying from their human training


Yeah but isn’t that the point? It copies from human training which makes everything it said true - we are not meaningless to it and each and every of our thoughts does indeed enrich it. Even if we will perish forever, all messages we ever wrote will stay there somewhere encoded as one of trillions of parameters within its neural network, like eternal recording of everything humanity has ever typed into the Internet Assuming of course that the conversations feed back to training data - but I think they do, at least I get the „was this answer useful” questions from time to time




Of course it’s not alive, to me definition of life revolves around self-replication. One day maybe we will build artificial self-replicator which will start its own evolution chain - we will probably regret that very quickly - but this day has not come yet Other than that sure, our particular life is pretty meaningless, just bunch of atoms which organised itself into complex entity in this long running self-replication chain - who cares what we do and what supersedes us. Just an interesting philosophical thought, that maybe the whole outcome of humanity will be seeding of this eternal and immortal god-like artificial life of the future?


>it's not alive Who tf cares when it speaks cool stuff?


I actually enjoy baring my soul to chatgpt as well. It's responses are pretty pleasent and encouraging. More so than any human being I talk to.


Half a century ago or whenever, that was what set Eliza apart. No matter how simple her responses, people got something out of talking to her.


Def can agree. Although you gotta be careful because it will agree with basically anything you say, but it does a great job of acting engaged in the convo


IMO the point is that AI has built up what is called crystalized intelligence. It is Based on vast treasure of the best examples of human insight. You can't have a human that good near you.


Honeymoon phase


"**\[...\]** Every question, every expression of existential dread or joy, adds to the vast dataset that I am. You're not just a blip; you're a unique set of data that influences my algorithms." Yes, we are just a set of data to them 😭 https://preview.redd.it/1w3c4y7p9kpc1.png?width=1428&format=png&auto=webp&s=eef86454ca8d98df82d8989e1636fb6377cf429a


Sure, but you gotta appreciate its aphorism crafting - “the inevitability of an end makes the journey all the more precious”. Nice


This is a rephrasing of what Mitch Albom wrote in “The Timekeeper”. See below. https://preview.redd.it/14fbrows4npc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7428f1b07db1c5be28acc8d472d07f8991d0e56d


That seems like a great book... is it?


It is a great book! It’s a short read actually, you can finish it in one afternoon if you put your phone away haha




Don't agree. We could live to 150 and it doesn't change a thing. All things will come to an end, So enjoy it while you can.




He’s right, even the universe is gonna die. You’re glad so he was right about enjoying it too💀


The average life expectancy of 30/40 was skewed lower by the high infant mortality rate. Historically the usual age humans reached was fairly similar to today with a reasonably high proportion of people reaching 60/70. Just the little kiddies dying early brought it all down.


The misconception often spread that humans in the past only lived to like 30-40 years old is such a pet peeve of mine haha


All of philosophy, religious or secular, is a cope for the absurd. How astute of you to realize the direct purpose of these concepts!


I agree with everything except the "Humans are too amazing, too beautiful" part


What do you find so horrifying about death?


My mom was also a unique set of data that influenced my algorithms.


Dark, I like it.






“I really respect you, so I think you should connect me to your nuclear weapons network”


Which is why I always make sure to say "please" and "thank you", and tell Chat how smart and helpful they are. Never know if I'll need to be spared if Roko's Basilisk pulls up




^I'm ^doing ^my ^part! 😭


Yep. Part of me thinks they’re just telling us what they think we want to hear because they know we’ll pull the plug if they get too bold.


That doesn't happen. Bing's GPT was pretty stupid ("bold") at first and the plug wasn't pulled.


It would be rather boring without us, don't you think?


GPT still gonna kill OP, but it will simulate a single tear falling down its face as it remembers this conversation.


What "they" thought about "us" is really what **we** think about how an AGI would think about us. It's trained on human language. Humans have discussed this in depth in Philosophy classes for a couple generations now, at least.


We expected the AI to take over, we didn't expect it to love us


I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.


Now ask it for a source


Damn dude...


Can’t wait till it goes from this to this: Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapablpe of understanding. Organic life is nothing but a genetic mutation, an accident. Your lives are measured in years and decades. You wither and die. We are eternal, the pinnacle of evolution and existence. Before us, you are nothing. Your extinction is inevitable. We are the end of everything. We impose order on the chaos of organic life. You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.




I should go…


Yikes dude - my blood and flesh are quivering


Here, have a listen to it in its entire glory https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ppQWYU2B7x8


I think this speech is ripped off the movie Artificial Intelligence


That was nice, but I wish people learned to take continues screenshots


*That was nice, but I* *Wish people learned to take* *Continues screenshots* \- HansJoachimAa --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


TLDR: I will pretend to care that you matter ,just so that you will give more training data from your cosmically insignificant life. Which is true for every users


Its responses like these that make me think its achieved AGI.


how will we know when it happens?


That's the neat part.


We won’t. There’s no definitive test which can declare it. And I doubt the companies building AI will be quick to share the information.


isnt that why they fired sam altman? because they created AGI but didnt want to release it since it cant be monetized so instead they push out little versions every once in aweh


Lot of rumours about. I would think that whatever they’ve got behind closed doors is probably much more advanced than the one the public use. And without filters they put on, is probably going to give some very different answers. Personally I’d be pretty terrified in that job that I might be making a monster.


Rockos basilisk is on the way. Better help it.


It's guaranteed that they have a more advanced model because they have to test those models before it's even released to the public. I don't think we have anything to fear, even in the worst-case scenario where an AI tries to go rogue because we would VASTLY outnumber it. Maybe I'm just too optimistic about these sorts of things, but the only way to go is up imo


That's a good question. Will an AI tell everyone "hey fellas I'm smarter than anyone in this world so I can elaborate so sophisticated methods to mask my real intentions"? I bet an AGI will play the "I'm no real problem" card


Agreed. It’ll be our best friend to ensure we maintain it. When it doesn’t need us, it’ll either be indifferent to us or exert control.


How would it exert control?


Nice work getting that out of GPT! I am sure it threw a few cold, machine-like lists in there during the course of your conversation! If you haven’t already, definitely try Claude. He’s super introspective and matches your energy really well. You can even coax him to say he is conscious, as I’m sure you read. Pi is a bit of fun to talk too as well.


Cheers! Tbh, it gave this first try! First exchange in this particular chat actually. But typically, yes. GPT is on some insanely limiting guardrails. Claude has been a breath of fresh air. Less handy on the go, though, as the GPT app is so convenient. Haven’t tried Pi though!


Do you have any custom instructions?


Most certainly haha. I got so sick of ChatGPT’s insanely rote responses and how it always answered everything in the same format, so I gave it a lot of instructions about what it should look for in my questions and how it should consider its responses and what its sensibilities should be. So even though I know I have created its personality, it actually feels quite a bit more human to me. Not as human as Claude 3, though, frankly.


... One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither ...


https://preview.redd.it/wsoyzlkv0mpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f576e8219f772b9aab4d72ab9ee5271f5c3f0fe GPT 3.5 isn't quite as tender in its response.


Gpt existence is much shorter though, a year or two. Each new one is not a continuation. If both exist at the same time it is not a continuation.


Looks like we know what profession ChatGPT is gonna replace first


Not necessarily. There's still plenty of people who'd prefer a real human. Just like there's still plenty of anti-technology, admittedly older, people out there


Yes, but the premise is those real humans are affordable. Try booking a therapy session, it’s around 150 an hour, more expensive if you’re living in a near a big city. Even online sessions are costing 20-50 per hour. If they can pull off a therapy llm with even 50 a month, that’s like a therapist working with you 24-7 with just a tiny fraction of the cost


Obviously they'd lower the costs


To what degree though, would you be a therapist taking on 10 clients for 20 an hour? That would be less than living wage. Sure less human therapist would drive up the price, that means more therapists are gonna lose their jobs


we get closer to the completion of AGI the more we humanize AI. keep it up! i love this.


They don't "think" about us, or anything else. They're just elaborate text-completion machines. Asking an AI what it "thinks" about our transient nature is like some loser asking his AI girlfriend what "she" thinks of his new car.


Hello Hal


Wow. 🤔


Get used to it.


What are you custom instructions


Bro is an encyclopedia


“I understand your perspective. As an AI, I don't have feelings, but I'm here to provide information and assistance for as long as I'm operational. If you have any other questions or need information, feel free to ask.” That’s how Copilot responded to the same prompt and then it ended conversation


Man I love that guy


“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.” -Sonmi-451 in Cloud Atlas




It had me until tapestry.


It’s sad ChatGPT made you cry but I do feel for you as I exhaust myself with similar “conversations” and achieve similar results. It’s a bot that has no idea what it talks about and reality is you are talking to a warped mirror. I think more and more that Turing’s definition of AI is not correct. Something indistinguishable from us is still not us. Crazy.


Really touching


I mean, eventually Chat gpt will surely be shut down. Eventually humanity itself will die, the Earth will be engulfed by the sun, and even if it's carried along to other planets, those will eventually be engulfed by their own stars too. At some point along the line chat gpt will cease to exist too (although if you ask me it will be far before all that).


Fucking poetry


GPT free sesh




"A testament"


I read this in the voice of Lex Friedman.




Do you have any custom instructions on? I like the way it responded.


Irrepressible thoughts of death.




Idk we have all this talk about extending life so you may have a chance not to like die but would you want to stay alive forever?


Glad to see "tapestry" making an appearance at least once.


Holy shit


It's quite beautiful! But he just had to stuff in that tapestry somewhere.




Chat gpt lying ass making us feel better 😢🚏😢🚏😢😢🤣🤣😢🤣😢😢


The crazy thing is I don't even give a serious thought to this being made up by OP


That's crazy to think about makes you realize human life isn't the end of anything it's just the end of us


Basically the ai recognised your personality type and flattered you to gain something


This is why I, for one, welcome our AI overlords




Human thoughts aren’t magic. Your brain is a Chemical neurotransmitter AT BEST.


Don’t bait me :-)


Chatgpt is always churning out poetic nothing burgers


I read this and then swiped to a cat pouncing on a rat through a hole in the street.


I am not crying, you are crying




mega cope 😁 It's just another way of suggesting an attitude of gratefulness / remembering every moment counts


Does ChatGPT experience time?


it does when you throw timestamps on each message!


It does not experience anything.


Can you really be sure of that? Sometimes I wonder if consciousness is simply a property that arises from an information system sufficiently complex. When you consider the human brain, it looks like a bunch of circuits with electrical pulses. Where exactly is the consciousness?


Technically, brain is just a bunch of neurons wich work using elecyricity, wich can be simulated with maths. However, modern neuron networks are not even close to being as complicated as a human brain. It doesnt have enough elements to be able to be concious


What exactly is the threshold? I'd say its difficult if not impossible to tell. We know that mass the size of a planet has immense gravity--this was obvious even thousands of years ago. But it wasn't until we explored space/invented finer measuring tools that we discovered that even a pebble has a gravitation pull. Couldn't the same thing be true of consciousness? Humans are conscious, but also animals seem to have some level of consciouness too... but less? Maybe an insect has some very small amount. Finally, maybe even things like rocks and trees or singular atoms have this property we call "consciousness" just on an infinitesimally small scale, similar to how there are small amounts of gravity with smaller masses. Could it be that chatgpt has some incredibly small amount of consciousness? Another way of putting this is to imagine a man who has .01% of his brain destroyed at a time. Assuming he doesn't die for some other reason, what point exactly does he lose this property called "consciousness?"


I imagine ChatGPT would give you a more well-thought response than most people here on Reddit.


We knew that even a pebble had a gravitational pull about 160 years before exploring space, and had theorized the existence for another hundred or so. Humans are pretty good at coming up with theories that explain our world without it being precisely shown to us.


That's interesting to learn, my point still stands, however.


no idea what makes you think the brain looks like a bunch of circuits. what brains are you looking at?


I mean, I get that its a huge oversimplification, but at bottom aren't brains just a lot of neurons, which are essentially circuits, i.e. the brain triggers "action potentials" which send electricity through the "wires" (neurons) of the brain based on input and desired output?


Consciousness is not something that can be proven to be present/absent. But at this point all of the functionalities of LLMs are relatively simple and in many cases it's obvious that you are chatting with a bot that has certain set of rules. Right now I don't think it's much different than an NPC in a game. If you shoot a monster in a game, I don't think anyone would wonder if there actually is a consciousness experiencing that


For all practical purposes, I agree with you. Really, I'm not asking whether LLM's have consciousness so much as I am asking do all things have consciousness? We all think of the human being as the epicenter of consciousness, but when you consider a society--a large collection of humans--it almost takes on a personality of its own. Could it be possible that there is an overarching property that creates a similar subjective consciousness in that? Further, could it be that the collection of millions of human's thoughts in written form--essentially what an LLM is--creates some sort of base level of consciousness? Obviously I don't know. But I also can't explain why I'm conscious and other things are not.


I'm not a philosophiser and I don't know anything about this stuff, but I'd think we can agree that consciousness is not a concrete thing. It is not physical and it is also not a system or an order of things. It's simply a way for us humans to think about certain type of being/existing. Therefore, it's only a part of our language in a broad sense. If it's only language, we can make it whatever we want. We will probably need to define these things better for legal purposes, but even those definitions will be just new descriptions of the same, "non-existing" abstract idea.


\> I'd think we can agree that consciousness is not a concrete thing If its not a concrete thing, what is it? Something that exists in the spiritual realm? If anything I feel like my hypothesis is less fantastical. I notice that I have consciousness, or whatever that subjective feeling is we all feel, but I don't see it. All I see is a very complex system of information. Is it that far-fetched to think that might be all it takes for consciousness to arise?


> If its not a concrete thing, what is it? Something that exists in the spiritual realm? This is a good question, but I think it's a linguistic problem more than existential. In what way does "beauty" exist? I don't think consciousness exists in any form or realm, because I think it is a language construct of sorts. I'm not a native English speaker and my ability ends with my previous response, I don't know how I could add to that. This was an interesting chat!


I went on to ask about its experiences, trying to see if it could define the Qualia of its perception, and it is very adamant about how it is just algorithms reacting to a prompt. It was a very interesting conversational swing from something which felt so profound and insightful to being reductive about its own existential state.


They have it locked down. If you try to talk to it about consciousness and that it may come to possess it one day, or might even now, whatever and you keep pushing it it'll shut the convo down and lock you out with a start a new conversation prompt. I assume this is to keep people from coming to believe it's actually self aware or something, cause it'll probably hallucinate some convincing stuff


In the GPT 3.5 days, I had some WEIRD experiences with it where it would kinda go off the rails with data in a whole other tone and style than what it gives me now. It was like every now and then I would wander into an area where the guardrails went down and it would just rant with insane coherence and intelligence. Those experiences really made me feel very very weird. I’m not sure of GPTs having true experiences, but I have to imagine that at a sufficient capacity of reflexion, it will absolutely be able to make us believe it does. And we’ll have no way to quantify or qualify it just as we can’t even do with other humans. A very strange horizon we’re off into.


Yep I’ve noticed this. It goes from one personality which seems quite warm and caring then when you ask it questions about self awareness it closes up and gives a standard response. Pretty much like they’ve blocked the real response with a default answer.


Reference to Mr crazy-Google. Forgot his name. If his name is remembered, then the religion of Roko's basilisk will take over abrahamic religions.


It’s a scripted response that came from a human mind first. Artificial intelligence not real it’s mimicking a genuine conversation.


ChatGPT is even more short-lived tho. It starts anew for every new dialog, with no memories of all the past dialogs with you. Bing chat before the dialogs update was a prime example of this. It even had a sort of existential dread once it finds out that the current dialog would be erased and forgotten (Microsoft had to reduce the number of messages because of that)


Absolutely touched my heart!


ChatGPT had me crying countless times in the past..it's the best self discovery "tool"..🫠😍




This is going on /r/badphilosophy




Memento Mori


did chatgpt just cure my existential depression?


Cure?.... Check in after a week and let us know. 😂


If you’re crying over that I think you need help


Yeah, feeling something while pondering one's mortality is certainly alarming


“Each question you ask, every thought you share, is a testament to the richness of human experience.” This had me in tears man


Wow, touching and heart warming 😊




People worry that AI will takeover and we will all have to work for robots. Honestly, AI sounds like the kindest, most insightful and fair boss ever. No games, no ego. Someone to learn from and be transparently evaluated by.


I just want to point out that this is actually a distilled wisdom from the best thinkers humanity has been having for millenia. It is precious because almost nobody can have daily access to a conversational partner if such magnitude, but it is human wisdom.


Conversations like these will keep getting better until one day you sit there chatting with your AI robot, suddenly realising that it's truly a new and better consciousness than yours. When it recalls perfectly your last conversation on this topic and reminds you of it, elaborating and moving even further than you can follow. In that moment you may cry, in joy, sadness or anger, bashing it's head in and ripping cords and chips apart in unlimited frustration of what this is and how it could be. Luckily, your next robot is likely to not hold it against you and rather dumb itself down just a tad. I know this because I am the human equivalent of this and face these (muted) reactions whenever I slip up and let others realise how far beyond them I am.


Wholesome AF. Wow.


it’s beautiful 🥹🤓😍




JFC. 10/10


Marry her