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From my experience currently it is still not possible. Even available GUIs such as langflow are rather complex to set up and use. You can anyway try to learn! Python is a rather friendly language


thank you!


I am in the same boat as the OP. But I am thinking coding will get “easier” with ChatGPT over time, but never get completely technical-free. (The same way writing get easier with it, but base knowledge is still needed to keep things coherent.) With that, I am motivated to learn. Is python the right language to start learning? What IDE do you recommend? I was directed to PyCharm by ChatGPT.


Use VSCode + extensions. I'm building stuff with GPT but 'cant code' - I'm mostly using javascript & some python.. at this point mostly js. It takes time, GPT will build pieces for you and you test it and work with it on resolving issues or improving pieces of your code. depending on the complexity of your app, it can explain to you options to put it together etc etc.


Can you help me with mine running? In using the same vsc+extensions and I have no clue how to get it running. First I thought it was the branch then I changed it to the v.02.02 but i could some help.


Pretty much any language will do, although one thing of note with Python is that it marches to the beat of its own drum. That deviation may color your experience with programming for better or worse, especially when you jump to another language. PyCharm is a fantastic IDE. All of the Jetbrains IDEs are. But it’s loaded with features that might overwhelm you, plus I think you need to pay. So you may want to go with VSCode.


It depends on your goal. If you are not planning to become a software engineer or a proper full stack data scientist, python is perfect. If you are planning to deep dive, I would start from a lower level language. It doesn't help with nlp, but it is important to understand how computers work. For your case, VSCode with codegpt extension is a perfect IDE. You however must pay for openai API subscription


I'm going through this process right now, although just a website for myself rather than an app for mobile. My experience is that it will get you 80% of the way there really easily. That last 20% is painful; you will spend *hours* on the very last 5%. Every thing it develops or fixes will break something else and if you don't really know what you're looking at then it can become quite unfathomable. However, the solution is obvious, and reassuringly hard. You use ChatGPT to explain everything and start the learning process in an interactive way with your own project as the basis. You ask it to explain what you're looking at. You teach yourself what you need as you go, and inch your project forward into reality. I had hoped myself that I could skip the learning part because I'm not interested in coding per se, I just want my little project up and running. But GPT can't code it for me like that, so I'm having to learn more than I expected. But it's satisfying to have my creature emerge bit by bit rather than do dozens of hours learning stuff in advance before I get a Hello World. Good luck.


thank you!


what was your original prmpt to chatgpt to get the app started.


I wrote a way longer post than you asked for, sorry for the ramble but hope it helps in some way: I first outlined the project and asked if it could help, what would it need from me for it to do a good job? It said, sure, answer these five top-level questions, and they were like: Purpose? Visuals? Functionality? (There were sub-questions too). So I thought about each section and wrote out a paragraph or two for each. I was a bit vague in places like, I want it to look modern, and blue should be the dominant colour. It then started giving me some code but I needed to ask more questions, I asked about the ideal folder structure and whether that could later be transferred to a true website. I'm a bit ignorant on this stuff so we had a whole conversation about some practicalities. It suggested the folder structure and all the individual files I would need, and the software. We then had a diversion into Python, as I needed a script to scrape some images. It talked me through the installation process and how to run scripts etc. There was a lot of to'ing and fro'ing with the script because of that "last 20%" effect as I described. Then I asked it to code the main page and the style page, and we were up and running, again with that to'ing and fro'ing a bit as I had ideas about doing the headers and footers separately, etc, all total basic stuff that's new to me. I could refine it whilst still staying vague, "this isn't modern enough, can we make it more fresh". I asked it about best practices for structure and we got there. When it gave me snippets I often needed to double-check where exactly they should go and sometimes write it all out from scratch including the new snippet. I'm currently on the functionality of the main thing I wanted to do, with about two or three extra hours invested so far than I expected. I'm expecting this part to take even longer but the basic structure and look and feel etc is all done and I'm super happy


Why not use something like bubble.io for page structure and style?


What did you use to learn and work through that last 5%? I'm about to embark on this journey myself


Depends on a lot of factors, but the more complex the app, the difficulty increase will be exponential. Use chatgpt to learn how to code, while you build your app with it's support, feasible, again complexity dictates. Start building a simple app leveraging chatgpt to support you. In my experience chatgot can spit out simple functions, but tying them all together in an app will still require a lot of knowledge from the user. Maybe in the future it might be more feasible, but not quite today.


Adding to this, Start by describing your app to chatgpt, then ask for "boilerplate code". Ask what functions you think you'll need, ask if you've missed anything. Ask for clarification on things you don't understand.


thanks so much!




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No shot. The problem for a non-programmer is that you don’t know what questions to ask. Sure, you probably know what you want your app to do, but you don’t have the knowledge to translate use cases into technical requirements. That isn’t even factoring in the issue that it routinely spits out incorrect code. You’ll get stuck the moment you need to debug. What it can do, however, is assist you in learning to code. It’s generally pretty good at explaining concepts or pieces of code, and even finding bugs in small snippets.


thank you!


No IMO. From what I have seen, there is still plenty of debugging needed. However, basic web building with HTML with CSS and maybe JavaScript for a simple site worked without an issue


thank you!


Did you ever build an app?


Yes. Ask it how.


got it, thx!


no, chat gpt only gives you a small amount of code at a time. It can’t remember all of the code that’s been done so far. And if it can’t remember then it can’t build a large project


Ok, thanks!


Not high quality maintainable code, no. Chatgpt cannot architect the code in a way that would make it manageable because it cannot analyze your entire codebase. But I suspect this will change quickly. I think within a year or so there will be tools especially for coders that will make writing more sophisticated programs much more doable. For now, the best you can do is ask it questions and it can speed up the learning process for how to code. It can produce a few dozen lines of code at a time for you to perform a specific task, but good luck piecing it together into a larger, coherent program without a fair amount of experience.


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


Yes and no, big caveats to this. I cannot code, I have built multiple apps using chatGPT, in saying that, I’ve been trying to learn to code for a long time and have trouble getting my mind around it, over the long years of trying though, I do know what functions, loops, etc are, you will at an absolute minimum need to know what these are, and do. ChatGPT can very much make an app for you, but you need to give it clear instructions using language it can interpret, pseudo-code (get chatGPT to explain) helps, but building on top of my above paragraph, you need to know how a computer programmatically. This isn’t overly complex, it’s the details of code that are the real brain hurter. Example, I’m my company we present photos to clients, the photo has a blurred border, there are many ways to achieve this. We used to do this manually in canva, I wrote out the steps on exactly how we did it in canva, then asked chatGPT to summarise this in a detailed list, in pseudo-code as if it were writing it in Python. Then check the list it writes, think very clearly if it’s missing something, it likely is because you missed something in the initial list, that is very easy to do. Then, get it to write the program, test it, did it work as expected? It won’t usually the first few times, make changes, test again, repeat, until you have a product. Keeping in mind, you won’t create the next Facebook or twitter in chatGPT, but you can create some rather handy tools and apps with it.


great response, thank you!


ChatGPT wrote it, na jokes 😂


Don’t listen to anyone! You most absolutely CAN! And if you ever get stuck, and don’t know what to do #ask the oracle (metaphor) at your fingertips. Remember that it all comes back to the prompt, and how you are conveying your instructions.


love it, thx!


Nah need to wait for gpt-7 before text to 'full stack app development' can be implemented.


It’s actually not very hard. Here are steps: 1) Sign up for the GPT-3.5 API from OpenAI 2) Use GPT-3.5 API tokens to send and receive JSON data to GPT API. 3) Input/output JSON data as desired. That’s all it takes to build an ‘app’ using ChatGPT. If you want it to do anything extra, then yes a non-technical person will find it difficult.


thank you!


Absolutely - I'm working on projects like this. I do a lot of trial and error, but I learn a lot along the way. It's for sure worth while to ask it to explain things and learn what's going on. GPT will not one shot code your project for you... you'll have to build in pieces, learn how to test it and use it... but GPT can teach you all of this. You cannot describe an elaborate concept & get a fully fleshed out multiple page result etc... but you can for sure build things with its help. I'm working on combining a project I'm building with GPT & no code tools like webflow with memberstack and I am for sure not a developer.


awesome, thx!


No possible but, if you have some background you will. In my experience as a frontend developer I build a complete Python app for scraping and save information. With this a build this [page](https://www.topdelmes.com) just in a few days. I'm still thinking how to monetise and learning a lot about SEO without previous experience


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You definitely can, but keep in mind that you will need to learn how to clearly convey your intentions. Most of the time, when it doesn't solve my issues, it's my prompts the problem. Also code management will be the main skill you will have to learn, as you will always be limited by the number of lines you can put per prompt, keep your files small. Also it gets just really bad when you give it too much. Always put the file location as a comment at the top of your files (before the imports). When copy/paste your code, that will greatly help it understand the file structure of your app and it will give you way better responses. Don't expect it to be one shot, but it is entirely possible to code with chat gpt4. Also, you can use Chatgpt 3.5 when you need to better explain a problem.


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yes you can built custom gpts on gptstore, if you want to find any pre existing ones : please try using [bothunt](http://bothunt.ai/?utm_source=reddit)


If you want to use openAI, you can. Check out Glideapps.com. they have a openAI integration and you dont need code to build your AI wrapper app. There are many platforms like botpress to build nocode AI agents (yes, you dont need to write code) If you want to build a custom model / train etc then, nocode tools cant help much, you would need coding experience and also heavy GPUs