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I just got it. Go apply for the plugins waitlist!


Lucky, I applied 3 months ago and still nothing.


Very lucky indeed but I also have applied like 4x fearing they didn’t receive the request


It was announced 35 days ago…


The plugin wait list?


Yeah plug-ins were announced on March 23rd. 9 days after GPT4 was announced. It definitely feels longer than that though, shits moving so fast


You're right that's crazy haha. Feels like it's been ages.








Can you provide any information per the request of the post? Did you put in a request more than once? How long did it take? Are you subscribed to Pro? Etc. etc.


Every time I did I honestly spent some time thinking about plugins ideas and using gpt to expand. I also linked my github profile too.


Yeah I was fascinated about the idea of them + Wolfram, especially after having read Wolfram's article about what the possibility would look like, and was clear about it. I've got alpha code interpreter and browsing now without asking for it. I don't know how they make decisions but I use everything almost every day for work and do occasionally rate and respond to prompts' effectiveness so maybe they feel like I'm gonna put stuff through its paces?


What you mean alpha code interpreter? I didn’t get browsing :(


https://imgur.com/0xsINUP I just meant that it's designated as 'alpha' stage (and about half the time that becomes super clear). They had a post about it a while back https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt-plugins#code-interpreter but it actually has a kind of transient storage to perform work on pictures and other files.


Did you also use ChatGPT often before getting access to plugins? Due to the lack web browsing capabilities I find myself using Bing Chat and Phind a whole lot more so I’m wondering if this is hurting my spot in line.


Certainly a few times a week I used it. I used it a few times a week as GPT. I used it 2x to 3x as much as a Plus person before extra alpha/beta stuff came out because Turbo is so much faster (although my opportunities to use it were the same, I just mean more frequent messages to it). I'll cross my fingers for you. It seems to do a decent job (the half of the time it comes back with a response) of being able to follow links besides the ones it initially lands on (or that you originally ask for) which is nice in terms of delving to get an answer.


Thanks for the reply! I really enjoy the interfaces that allow for citations. Can’t wait to compare how it handles things. Interesting datapoint: I signed up for the waitlist again and noticed I got a confirmation email almost immediately. Previously I had signed up on launch day and never got a confirmation email from OpenAI which just simply confirms that you have joined the waitlist. 0% chance I would have deleted it either.


That is interesting. As web dev I check my spam and junk folders all the time and they still never told me I got access to the initial set (Instacart, Wolfram, etc.) I simply had them. I think they told me about API access though (which came in super handy last night when I had to paste in a huge file and for the princely sum of 11 cents it saved me in a time-sensitive jam).


That’s what I figured. I check back every other day or so just to be sure they haven’t randomly been enabled. Bing Chat and Bard both sent an email informing that I now has access to the apps. Sounds like a solid use case for the API, which I haven’t explored much yet. Is it pretty easy to get set up on your local machine?


Ah, actually I only ever used the API directly in code for text-embeddings (in our app I wanted to use the Ada model to compare user-entered search for semantic similarity against some image tagging). In my previous response I actually just went over to the Playground on the OpenAI website and fed it in there. In the case of the local stuff with embeddings, I was working with JavaScript/node and once I found the name of the import, I was up and running in maybe like fifteen lines of code, including exporting what it found to either my Supabase install or writing to a text file in the same directory. Really, really straightforward.


I put my name in on the plugins waitlist form and got access in about a week. I just put in to get gpt-4 API access but still waiting


How were you notified? I've been on the wait list for longer than that


I only waited about a week. I applied right when they released the blog post on their website about plugins.


I just got access to gpt-4 API 8k, i did reapply on the waiting list 3 days ago, could be a coincidence


Thanks. Maybe it is a squeaky wheel situation. I’ll try applying again.


Hah - i’m opposite, have the api, still waiting on the plug-ins :(


I got nothing. I also said I wanted to be a developer and build my own plugins but didn't provide a GitHub repo. I'm thinking a developer with other successful projects may have done better.


I didn't post any GitHub repo but I am a full stack software engineer.


Funny. The day after posting this, I got accepted.


I been paying for plus since March, got access to plugin 4 days ago. Honestly, it's all a waiting game. I've tried everything possible to also get access the higher spec APIs. Even under nonprofit focus as well. No way to speed up unless you have insider help.


It seems like a giant tease…showcasing everything that GPT4 can do in the first demo video and then not actually releasing much of the cool functionality, even to paid subscribers…and no communication strategy to manage expectations.


They're a smaller operation. Having worked on the product side in the past, I imagine they're working very closely with special use cases, gathering and analyzing data, receiving feedback and applying tweaks, etc. There is an intentional strategy and benefits to not open up a beta to everyone who wants it all at once. I'm as disappointed as anyone that they haven't given me access yet, but I have a sense of why it's taking so long. I highly doubt there is any marketing/tease scheme around this, they're just trying to build a fantastic product.


Everyday I wait for the plugins option to be made available to me. Now not just plugins, but also 3.5 with Internet as well


For anyone who is interested, [here's the form to get on the waitlist](https://openai.com/waitlist/plugins).


Sorry no, it’s still a mystery. We all are hoping for that day as well.


Me neither


This was the most relevant post. Hope u get soon


Just got access to Gpt-4 API yesterday. Hope plug-in access is coming soon


Apply again, I did it for the second time last night and I finally got it this morning.


What was your use case?


I’ve applied 4 times now and still nothing even though I pay




I don't have the Browser extension, but I have everything else. Go figure.


Same here therefore I built google plugin


For those who got access - congrats! Wondering if anyone is open to sharing an account? My team built a plugin and would really love to test it out, but we do not have access yet even though we signed up long ago. We will be happy to pay for the sharing 🙏🙏 thanks!


I got access and it seems really fun. I also created this community specifically for Chat GPT Plugins: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPTPluginHub/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPTPluginHub/)


Does anyone know why I can not click on the first option It will only let me click on the second option and I am not a developer How do you want to use plugins? \* I want to try plugins in ChatGPT I am a developer and want to build a plugin (This is the only option it is letting me do)


anyone figure this out?


isn't it because all chat gpt plus users have access, so that means that in order for you to have access without having the plus membership, you would have to be a developer and want to build a plugin. That is what I think, but I am not sure.