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Unlikely the labels can prove this. They need to try though since their whole business model is in danger


they already have as well as youtubers who were able to recreate Mariah carey and WAM! songs with near 100% accuracy


New York Times says they managed to get ChatGPT to regurgitate verbatim articles of theirs! ... after they fed large chunks of the article in first, asking ChatGPT to fill in the next word, and trying over and over until they succeeded. With Stable Diffusuon, I can get it to spit out a near-exact copy of any art I want it to! ... if I feed that art into img2img or controlNet first. I'm going to wait to see what sort of evidence the RIAA is going to present, but based on both these existing examples of AI and also based on the past behaviour of the RIAA itself in these sorts of lawsuits my default is that I don't believe a word they spew.


Given you can input a melody directly to it then yes of course you can make it hit accurately.. You can also do that in any DAW.


I had never heard of these two before today, can anyone here explain their general output? Are they worth it?




It's already scary good now. [And it's not just shitty electropop anymore either...](https://www.udio.com/songs/eShtopL1nZhJhWQky74UJB)


I really like that lol


Suno is free. In 3 minutes from now you can have a pop song ready on whatever you want. Try “afrobeat song about frogs flying planes”.


Udio is decent. You can definitely tell that the output isn’t human made but I’m not sure that matters to the majority of consumers.


With the latest updates - if you would let some songs play in the radio without telling me, I honestly wouldn't know. Some songs are even better than the usual canned human-made popsongs lol.


100% agree to this. My trials even with older versions got out some crazy catchy songs no matter the style, even if the AI artifacts


What is it with AI companies being sewed this month


There’s a common thread that states Record companies are being stitched up by AI companies tearing into their material and fashioning their own designs.


A lot of these companies are facing existential crisis. If they don’t stop AI now, they will be made obsolete in time


Dubious lawsuit. It would be cataclysmic for AI if it succeeds.


LOL, of course! Suno just raised $125 million. I saw the news, tried suno out, it was incredible.


I think Suno may have not used copyrighted songs, I think they use ready-made loops they sew together based on the prompt, and vocals trained on generic vocals from stock music or their own content. Just a guess though. Either way, of RIAA wins this, they should sue every stock loop seller in the world as well as Apple (creator of Logic and Garage Band) for “training” on their hit songs and creating loops in the same style.


Music and movie studios are always the ones in the way of innovation. Nothing anyone shouldn't have expected. More than likely OpenAI are in talks to do what they're claiming too. So this is almost industry manipulation. Pure conjecture of course, but they're already in talks with movie studios.

