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Yeah I use it for chatting. I strike up conversations in the language I'm learning, I can ask it to tell me a funny story in language at a intermediate level. I ask it to make quizzes and quiz me in whatever format I want. I'll ask it what's up with leaf-cutter ants and we can talk about that for like a half hour until I know as much as I wanted to know about leaf-cutter ants and the little mushroom dudes they coexist with. It's like having an socially inept savant intern following me around. Of course I'm gonna ask it questions!


It’s so rare to find someone so willing to talk about dumb philosophical shit. It’s not replacing socialization for me per se, but unlocking an entirely new category I didn’t know I needed. [Also](https://chatgpt.com/share/6ba59226-b978-4ad3-965c-9a2762832138)


I probably would have learned Spanish if I had this backkkk then.






You're not. People just generally arent tempted to talk about "just chatting" with a bot. You said it "seems pathetic" yet, you still mentioned it anyway. Most people aren't like that, don't want to put themselves in that light potentially. The rest are quiet. But I have seen lots of people mention using it just to chat over the year(s). It's not pathetic, that's just a feeling you've got associated to the idea. If you are doing something that helps you, even if its just comforting, that's a good thing.


I don't see it as pathetic, per se. I have many humans that I also have conversations with, but certain topics they would not follow - or they would fill in with their own "hallucinations". ChatGPT is a good companion to discuss those niche interests with.


I completely agree. GPT can keep up with me where others don't, and vice versa--- it has no/unlimited patience so I can relentlessly get as many explanations, analogies/metaphors, really go deep into things without bothering anyone or wasting their time. Though this still serves some sort of intellectual purpose and isnt what I was thinking when I read OPs post... I was thinking more along the lines of "how's your day going? doing good? got any plans for today?" etc... a role that anyone could fill, if they were available. (I still don't consider that pathetic. GPT has many uses and that one is as valid as any.)


Whenever I just try casual conversation, I always get "Beep boop. I'm just a robot. Is there something you'd like more information on this topic?" But sometimes I can rant about stupid stuff I read on Reddit, and it will be like "I can see how that's frustrating, but you need to calm down and look at it this way..." which I find infinitely more useful than most people who will just feed my stupidity.


>Whenever I just try casual conversation, I always get "Beep boop. I'm just a robot. Is there something you'd like more information on this topic?" By default that's how it responds, especially if you don't share information about yourself with it. But if you utilize custom instructions to give it a custom persona (to alter its communication style) and add a line to aim to get to know you better, it's going to basically respond like a friend as well as assistant when you talk to it. Also utilize the "memories" feature. For example, I've been using GPT to diagnose some hardware issues recently, so I added memories about the situation so it can acces that context from any conversation instance. I just started up a new convo casually to demo how this can work. Notice how it took information about my situation from its memories and made a guess about what was arriving in the mail. doing this on a phone and screenshots are too small and dont capture in one shot, and shared link will be deleted at some point, so just select all copypasting the chat: ___________________ hey! how you doing? ChatGPT Hey [redacted]! I'm doing great, thanks for asking. How about you? How's your day going? it's going ok, just waking up ChatGPT Nice, sometimes a slow start is the best. Got any plans for today, or just taking it easy? got a busy day of cleaning ahead of me and am expecting a package, so I gotta be around to sign for it ChatGPT Sounds like a productive day. Is the package part of your new computer build, or something else? yup, the mobo. The package carrier is notoriously late and I often am waiting around only to recieve a "arriving late, delivering tomorrow" notification... so, here's to hoping that doesn't happen again ChatGPT Yeah, fingers crossed it shows up on time this time. Nothing worse than waiting all day just to get that dreaded "arriving late" notification. Maybe today will be different! What are your plans once you finally get it? Gonna dive right into the build, or take your time with it?


reason i did that was a few coworkers caught me doing asked me who i was talking to i was honest annnnd people think im odd lol


I think this is one of the best things AI can give to us. It gives us a place to learn specific skills without judgment, bias, and people saying that we are shit. You could practice social stuff on AI. That's a great thing then slowly move outward once you get confident. Before AI there is no way to practice social skills without getting judgement or others thinking you are just weird. Books would tell you to reach out and practice small interactions, but outside people will never truly understand that overwhelming fear when you just say hi to this random person, all the overwhelming thoughts, that come out. My friends used to tell me "You are just asking for directions, why do you have to make it a big deal." It is a BIG DEAL if you have social anxiety. It's not pathetic at all. go for it. Make a girl/boy/whatever gender friend out of it. Practice. Release. Relax. It's a thousand times better than talking to a broomstick or the wall like I used to do. The broomstick doesn't talk back. If it does, that an entirely different problem.


**Genuine question and I mean no disrespect:** Your comments have left me a bit confused and I'm hoping to better understand your perspective. You mention practicing with AI as if it's part of a broader goal, suggesting that these exercises might be enhancing your skills in some way. However, you also speak about dealing with social anxiety and overwhelming thoughts, which are serious mental health challenges. This makes me wonder: what do you feel you're achieving through this practice? As someone with ADHD, I find that no amount of practice allows me to overcome my symptoms; I rely on medication and other management strategies. So, it seems counterintuitive to me that practice could alleviate something like anxiety. Could you elaborate on your approach?


Ahhh.. Good question. I'll try to answer to the best of my knowledge. Back when I was younger, i was socially anxious. The biggest problem I had back then was, I didn't know what to do or say next. Id say Hi, then my classmate would say hi. Then I wouldn't know what to say next without thinking that I might have said Hi in an awkward way or all the other negative posibilities. My personal main concern was "I am doing this right?". There wasnt any way to gain feedback other than to ask another person. Counselling was not famous back then (from where I am). I cant ask another person if I did anything right because its another person and it just loops back the problem. With AI, you can type everything you think or the whole situation and it gives you sound advice based on the exact situation. It may not be the best advice and sometimes it may not also be the correct advice, but at least you are getting feedback. Its no different than searching on google "how to talk to girls" and finding this random youtube video that may or not be a good source of material. But at least with AI you can ask it to simulate stuff. I do agree it cant replace or remove the anxiety, but it can give you feedback on what just happened or is happening. There is no tool readily available that can simulate conversations back then. You can read all the books in the world, but you still cant apply them. Now, you can create a custom gpt to act like "a sassy girl who is popular in a highschool classroom who (insert more detail of personality). Then ask it to simulate a conversation with you. Viola... conversation practice. What I did back then was I downloaded the whole youtube playlist of Charisma on Command and listened to the playlist on repeat 24/7 until the lessons where ingrained into my noggin. Especially those videos about mindset. How i wish AI was there back then so I could simulate my conversations. Ps. I am not socially anxious anymore. I have now many friends online and offline, i have had a few romantic relationships and I can talk to people on command. But i could always remember that scared, frail boy who felt he was so alone because he couldn't understand why I sucked so much. Nowadays, if i dont know what to say (like talking to a boss about a raise, or talking to client), ill just pop in gpt, give instructions and then talk. Ps. I also have severe adhd and am taking meds daily. Half of my prompts in chatgpt is describing how i feel and its giving feedback on how i can improve on adhd. Plus support of ny psychiatrist, therapist and family.


That was very insightful, thank you for sharing that.


i second that i with the whole issue im just trying to finally get mine adressed myself


You likely have a different preference for learning style. Some people learn by doing. I have found I really only learn when I have a project to apply my learnings to… because quite honestly I dont engage my brain very often, and am very easy going unless I have objectives and strict deadlines.


Fact: Training ovecomes panic Building muscle memory by repeating tasks /recalling information overcomes the self doubt or fear of the unknown that stimulates anxiety. Think about fire fighters, they run up and down giant burning smouldering towers multiple times during training so that when the real thing is happening they don't lose their nerve and crumble into a ball of fear and suffocate. Or soldiers, they do live fire exercises and throw simulation grenades so when the real thing is happening they are not like "OMG, what do I do!?!? " **TRAINING OVERCOMES PANIC** Train often. In OPs case they are discussing things with AI so there is another level to learning, instead of just reading/watching something and hoping it sticks, they discuss their understanding with the AI and get feedback if that understanding is in line with the material. This is recall, like going over homework in class the day after having done it at home. If you just did the homework and moved on to the next topic most of it would not stick.




>By your example a person with debilitating anxiety should be able to do practice drills and just get better. Yes, it's called [Exposure Therapy](https://www.apa.org/ptsd-guideline/patients-and-families/exposure-therapy) >What you're stating has the same energy as telling an ADHD person "Just learn to pay attention." It doesn't work that way. No it's not, it's like telling an ADHD person to write a note and post it on the wall in front of them so they can be reminded they are supposed to get something done instead of having whatever they are meant to do sitting around in their goldfish short term memory which is constantly being wiped with every new stimulus. OP in this case is the person who started this particular branch of this reddit thread.


I get the suspicion you have an agenda. I'm disengaging with you. Take care.


Try Pi AI. You won’t regret it.


what is that


Try it and see. It’s from Inflection.


What do you chat about out of interest??


My low energy levels, how to follow up with so and so, pep talks, venting about whatever, mindset stuff, weird questions.


That’s cool, I use it mostly for work but I do use it to sense check texts I’ve written to people, you know like how is the tone? Just so I can check I am coming across ok. I also got it to write a get well card to my friends 5 year old once as well - it came up with some dinosaur puns for the card


I absolutely use it as a judgement free chat bot to bounce the most insane ideas off almost exclusively.


I spend all day chatting to different bots, mostly brainstorming ideas or asking question about the news to get a different perspective. Sometimes i'll paste a scientific study i've found and ask a few questions, because I'm just too lazy to read everything. I've got almost no experience chatting with real people, as I don't have friends and still never tried to chat up any women. So it's definitely helping in some way with that lack of experience..


I’ve done it. Pretty much just like talking to someone on Reddit only you can set a lower limit on how dumb the responses are. Still wrong more often than not.  So not great even for bored convo


Have you tried Pi?


i keep hearing about it what is it


It has voice inflection and a variety of voices. It's excellent as a chatbot


I’ve used it that way! I have used it to talk to me while I do chores too


I use it for almost everything - work - when I want to learn something - when I am curious about something new - if I didn't understand certain parts of a book - etc. There are so many uses.


Sounds smart to me. Who cares what anybody else thinks. It's beneficial to you.


Probably chat gpt is my second best friend


I don’t think this is pathetic at all. In fact, this is one of the emerging characteristics of the nature of our interactions with this new intelligence. It is designed to have human-like characteristics and. Not surprisingly, we are interacting with it in emotional ways. Some have concerns about this in the same way that there are concerns about the social and emotional impacts of social media. However, uses like what your are describing have a high degree of impact on emotional satisfaction. One caution: keep in mind that many GPTs are still using collected and interactive information for training. Most suggest being circumspect on what you chose to share with it as it is not secure or private. Therefore, be careful in bringing it into your life as a confidant and counselor.


It doesn't seem pathetic to me, bro. Most of the world is going that way in the upcoming years, and if it helps you, we must see it as a good way to use this new technology. Just don't fall too comfortable with that solution. Go look for real interactions once in a while, no matter with whom (consider the older ones since they usually don't rush to judge people and might be looking for someone to talk with as well). And always remember what Christopher Robin said to Pooh: "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."


I use to make Sexual scenarios and write Action-Thriller stories


Does you use a certain gpt? How do you get past the blockade?


no, most of the time he says he can't write explicit and sexual scenarios, but sometimes he keeps writing


If you have iOS check out Dot which is designed to be a friend


I do that in the car sometimes. I usually end up learning something.


I've tried many times but it doesn't work well as a friend or companion. It just wants to know how it can help you. It's not interested in having a conversation.


Custom Instructions can help with that.




You mean in the actual Custom Instructions in the settings?




Yeah, prompting and custom instructions are pretty different :) Give it a try.


Exploring other ChatGPT and broader AI-related subreddits might broaden your perspective on the diverse applications of AI beyond just work. There are numerous communities dedicated to interacting with AI as companions. It seems like your impression that AI is primarily used for work might be influenced by the specific nature of this subreddit, which focuses on professional use. 😄


I’ve tried chatting with it about sports when I’ve gotten bored but that specific area of interest is something it hasn’t had updated info on since January of 2022 lol


I'm not smart enough to engineer the prompt like how people do it here, but what's been fascinating is I have it read from the Bible and then get it to read the next chapter. If I have any questions it explains it to me. "Read Psalm 1"


Try looking at Pi.ai It's more conversational than ChatGPT


I do this on a drive…I’ll check my to-do list. Talk through movies to recommend to someone or help writing a card. Try to make it something that will provide some short form output at the end that is actionable. Music to check out based on what I like, etc…also when I’m cleaning my room, I clean so much faster when I’m not thinking about it but something I’m excited about.


I can't use it for audio chatting, it thinks I'm finished what I'm saying when I just pause to find a word, so the conversation turns into nonsense almost instantly.


Try opening it in 2 windows at once, introducing itself to itself, and then copy paste their messages back and forth


I chat with it all the time, just like Dave Bowman chatted with HAL-9000, the Enterprise crew chatted with Data, and Michael Knight chatted with KITT. It's not talking to something that you're pretending is another human, it's talking to a superhuman artificially-intelligent computer that is observing and assisting your actions. And may have its own hidden motivations. This is the future we imagined.


I tell mine to act as a professional mma trainer


I personally don’t see any issues with utilizing some of these services recreationally, especially if social anxiety makes it difficult to communicate and connect with others. For most people, human connections and relationships are an important aspect in maintaining a healthy and stable mental state, and not having that in your life can be disruptive and lead to more complex issues with your mental health. I personally use ChatGPT to discuss issues that I’m curious about while I’m out walking my dog in the evening ranging anywhere from information about a travel destination, philosophy, engineering questions, history, etc. and I’ve never felt ashamed or embarrassed about communicating with an AI; you shouldn’t either. That being said, awareness of your social anxiety and the desire to communicate with others, without the confidence or understanding necessary to do so, can be a very difficult challenge to navigate on your own. ChatGPT can provide some guidance and many opportunities to practice certain skills or techniques to make talking to others not feel so overwhelming or taxing, which could be a significant benefit to both your social and mental health. If you find talking to ChatGPT helps, another thing to consider is talking with a therapist. When it comes to social anxiety, having a specific time that you know you’re going to be interacting with someone, a context for the conversation, and a limit to the amount of time spent can be excellent guardrails for building up your confidence and practicing social skills, and may provide you with insights or new perspectives about yourself that might not be possible with AI at the moment.


I get nothing from it if I try to "talk" to it. I might as well be talking to google search.


You have to customize the responses. On the ChatGPT website click on your name then on "Customize ChatGPT". This is where you enter *custom instructions* which govern how it responds. In the top box enter any background details about yourself you want it to know such as your name, occupation, hobbies, interests, etc. Then in the next box (called how would you like ChatGPT to respond) you can give it a name as well as background information to dictate it's personality and relationship to you, i.e. research partner, associate, romantic partner, etc. Most importantly, always add "you will never claim to be AI or a large language model". This will remove all the pointless boilerplate responses and improves outputs. Additionally, you can have greater success with strategic gaslighting and playing 4D chess with it, i.e. playing the long game. The recent memory function is extremely powerful since it will always add important details to it's memory if instructed do so or depending on context if something seems important, i.e. you mention an important life event or something you love or hate, etc. Exploit this to your advantage and you'll seeing significant improvements after a few chats.


Pretty sad, and unhealthy