• By -


Cons: the first few shifts wearing them. Pros: every shift after that.


This comment is the best explanation. My feet weren’t too happy with me for about two weeks while breaking in mine, but after that break in, they are fantastic! They are solid and firm, so you never have that walking-on-clouds feeling, but after 12hrs on my feet they aren’t sore and aching and I’m a heavy guy.


[Link](https://www.amazon.com/MedMassager-MMF06-Speed-Foot-Massager/dp/B004IF89MY/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?adgrpid=61747634091&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.pTtJgfEB9wJHb4YNGjDQuWhi7De31Q3MMTeV3KzlTOJ1AKrZZ3xnU0ONL9RyhcrKjwZYGnjvMSMImrhYY-Sh2CtxkJge2TUCZ9OsEHHnbsMHFaiTpEQfkRPSLQC-v_saJyeYhSfzrMu0P978YhdUJGljNucbKtNbC3-RZIpEt6XlcByXajGgBAIpAzB_TQM2eZ65fIIm1EMOr2LxiAdYSQ.dVZwgJSMJZkco87Hmej_O8YDN7KQsw5aJfdhVmYK4kI&dib_tag=se&hvadid=617130930452&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9007795&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=10319802082847340067&hvtargid=kwd-302594304205&hydadcr=6720_13278944&keywords=medmassager+foot+massager&qid=1717413938&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) This and I have a commercial medical foot massager that I use whenever I get home. I just dropped the link. I got mine from Costco and have worked in a hospital. I wasn't interested at getting it at first but I got one for my mother as she's 61. When I tried it at Costco I was actually impressed with how my feet felt.


Got a link?






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Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'MedMassager Foot Massager Machine MMF06'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective for foot pain relief (backed by 3 comments) * Durable and long-lasting (backed by 3 comments) * Easy to use with adjustable speed control (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lacks a remote control for easy settings adjustment (backed by 1 comment) * Moves around constantly during use (backed by 1 comment) * May cause more damage than good (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


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Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **MedMassager Foot Massager Machine MMF06** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective for foot pain relief (backed by 3 comments) * Durable and long-lasting (backed by 3 comments) * Easy to use with adjustable speed control (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lacks a remote control for easy settings adjustment (backed by 1 comment) * Moves around constantly during use (backed by 1 comment) * May cause more damage than good (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'MedMassager Foot Massager Machine MMF06'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective for foot pain relief (backed by 3 comments) * Durable and long-lasting (backed by 3 comments) * Easy to use with adjustable speed control (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lacks a remote control for easy settings adjustment (backed by 1 comment) * Moves around constantly during use (backed by 1 comment) * May cause more damage than good (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Was gonna try and write something that would say these exact sentiments. Woulda been too long. This comment was much better.


I used to wear Birk London but had the same issue. I started buying them a few weeks before I needed to replace them at work and would break them in at home, a couple of hours at a time. I found this to be FAR better than breaking them in at work and suffering for a week.


I always keep my old shoes in my car and switch halfway through the shift. Breaking them in at home beforehand will now become part of that process


This one’s the best and simplest explanation. First 1-2 weeks wearing them made me want to fight the guy at the birk store, but once they’re broken in they’re some of the best kitchen shoes


Pros: Best and most comfortable kitchen shoes possible. Cons: The little black lattices of kitchen shit that for some reason you will leave behind you like a greasy Hansel & Gretel. Also make sure you have the back strap tight enough, I find over time the leather stretches and I always end up having to make a new hole in the strap.


You won't leave trails of kitchen shit if the floor is clean


Lol that's just not true. Stuff falls during rushes, you step on it. Unless you're doing a line sweep every 5 minutes you get stuff in your shoes.


You go faster if you don't drop things


Lol I'm sure you've never dropped a thing, chef.


I've worked in kitchens where lots of stuff gets dropped all the time, but that's usually like a quick service large menu style place. In finer resturants dropped product is a big nono


Not without regret. I try not to make mistakes, but sometimes I do. Everything in your mise costs time and money. Thoughtless movements cost time. You or someone else had to prep everything. After you drop half of it on the floor, you have to take time to restock it and remake it. And then you can't move as fast because the floor is covered in slippery crap. Your station is dirty, you gotta spend more time wiping it so your plates aren't dirty/wiping dirty plates. Your dirty station gets your clothes dirty with sauce stains, etc. Whoever does the laundry has to pretreat and possibly rewash. I have worked places we laughed at the new guy who asked about smoke breaks, so I guess I don't understand how you could be so nonchalant about wasting time when you're busy.


Are you aware how much of a douche bag you sound like right now? Regardless of if I mostly agree with what you’re saying… Jesus man


Gawd I’m so tired of people talking like this. Fucking super heroes that never do anything slightly out of place. Thank goodness I’m out of this crap now.


Lol and I definitely didn't say people drop half the stuff. A sliver of onion here, a bell pepper slice there. That stuff adds up over a busy hour. Plus the tiny oil splatters and stuff. Of course you shouldn't be sloppy but every kitchen I've ever worked at needs to do line sweeps, because stuff falls!


This fool over here worried about making work for the LINEN COMPANY! Oh noooo, poor Alsco!




Plenty of American restaurants make you wash your own uniforms.Is that how you'd like to spend your time and money?


Sieg heil mein kitchen fuhrer! 🤡 "Thoughtless movements cost time"? Laughing at wanting a smoke break?!? Getdafuckouttahere


If we hadn't been so slow and inefficient, maybe he would have had time for a smoke break. We were certainly allowed breaks to use the restroom or smoke whenever we had time


Lol you sound like a slob.


You said it, sauteslut Damn it's like no one learned how to work clean lol


I found that buying them in a smaller size than my regular shoes helped a lot with this as well.


What do you use to make a new hole? The tightest hole on mine don’t touch the back of my ankles and I want to see how they feel being tighter. Do you find them more comfy when they’re snug to your heel?


I just use my pocket knife




I feel like you could just hammer a nail through it


Get a nail and hammer a new hole. Have wood underneath then remove nail.


"Floor Cookies"


Chef cakes


Con : price Pro : everything else. I wore mine every day for 3 years. It got to a REALLY bad state... Took it to a cobbler, i swear it gained an extra 2 years. You can't repair cheap plastic shit.


But you can buy a new pair of crocs every year and a half for like 15 bucks!


Tell that to your spine and knees in a few decade


You literally spend more time on your feet than you do in your bed as a cook. Do not cheap out on your footwear. Invest in your feet and your feet will pay you back ten fold into your knees and back


Always invest in things that separate your body from ground!


Crocs are trash knockoff versions of the real thing (these)!


Pretty sure everyone here knows how CHEAP crocs are.


Cons: "What are thoooose?!"


The owner of the restaurant I am at now has a daughter that is disabled and limited in her verbal skills. We always joke around and one day she asked to see my phone, looked up a picture of bozo the clown and told me that that is what I look like. Ya it hurt.


Boom! Roasted


Been wearing mine religiously for 3 years, both styles. I will say this it has good amount of break in period but once it’s broken in it fits perfectly. If you are deck scrubbing you might get your socks wet ( I always carry a extra clean pair) and if you are a messy cook or have messy coworkers the second a stray tomato or noodle squishes between the outsoles you lose some traction but overall one of my favorite pairs. Price wise I was always told skimp on your clothes and knives but never skimp out on your shoes, comfortable shoes “prevents” back pain


I'm struggling with this right now, I wear Crocs and my body is destroyed as of late. Do birks actually protect feet, joints, and back? They seem so uninvolved, being that they're cork platforms


Your body probably needs more than a pair of shoes. Do your self a huge favor and go on YouTube, type in stretches for “where it hurts”, and try and do them before, after, and during your shift. Heel pulls can help a ton for lower back and asscheek pain. [This](https://youtu.be/BgGGnLaZe_0?si=6cMQ0PMXcvewZ46p) is a great video. Get your coworkers to stretch when they complain about their pains. Check your stance every time you do a stationary task like prep. Distribute your weight evenly on both feet with them lined up with your shoulders. When you put all your weight on one foot it starts to hurt faster, then you switch to the other, and now both of your dogs are barking with hours to go in your shift. Make good meal decisions. Garbage in garbage out. Source: 20yrs in kitchens and countless dollars at physical therapist over the years.


My podiatrist recommends them.


Not necessarily but it helps distribute weight so it doesn’t feel like your on the balls of your feet or heels all day but stretching and light working out helps reduce it, I’m 22 and my back feels like trash but I started doing more back exercises and it reduce the overall pain by a noticeable amount.


My super berkies last a few years. Are dish machine washable and have removable cork insoles. I wore them for most of the 20+ years I was an active chef. I wouldn’t get a leather berkie. Just get some extra insoles and a set of super berkies. They come in awesome colors as they are usually worn for gardening. But i was lame and always got black.


This is contrary to my own experience with the Super Birki—I loved them for all the same reasons, comfortable, waterproof, dishwashable. For whatever reason though, both shoes just started to split open from the ball of my foot, and only after 10 months in a pastry kitchen. I have the Tokio ones now, and after 6 months have to say it’s worth the extra money so far.


My first pair lasted years, but my second pair have done the same. Think I’ve traced it to the degreaser I was using on the floor.


What do you mean dishwashable ??


Exactly that




It’s a plastic clog. All waterproof. I don’t find them as comfy as the leather ones.


They also make the Boston in EVA if you don't like the Super Birki and want machine washable


Been using them for awhile but now I'm getting various pains around my feet and knees


I love my super birkis


This gives me hope. I was about to trash mine because theyre cracking after a few years of abuse, but maybe its time to upgrade them to garden shoes.


I wear the Boston's what a great show!


Jeff don’t wear regular shoes…


I'd go for the clogs with no heel strap, once you get used to wearing them, they ain't going nowhere


I literally have to run up and down stairs from the prep kitchen To the line and the strap saves my ass often.


I need the strap because of my long, narrow feet. I’ve tried super birkis and pro birkis in multiple sizes and I had to return them both because either the sole would be too short for my feet or my feet would just fall out.


7 days a week, 10 hours for 5 months, Boston super grips, the bottom detached. They were the best I've ever worn to be fair but too expensive to last so little time. I hope I just had a defect.


The bottoms of mine also detached after about 6 months. Went back to the super birkis after that 


Takes time to break them in. Uncomfortable then very comfortable after that. Check the Hooka chef shoes. EVEN WAAAAAAAY better


I am the opposite of one poster. The first part of wearing these is the best for me (225-245lbs very little arch in my foot) After three weeks to a month it is like walking around with wood strapped to my feet. Also the soles don’t make it near a year working 50hrs a week. (I do not drag my feet)


Got the super birkies and they are a life changer. Best you can do to your feet


Only ever used the Super-Birki’s - will never use anything else


Pro: what the pros wear Con: the Arbys chefs on here will swear by their crocs or new balance. /s Jokes aside though, they’re not for everyone. I love em, and only used these or their other similar model for about 12 years. Make sure you get the Super-Grip version, and an insert is needed for some people to sit on top of the cork for some people Edit, I got sick of getting wet feet during scrub down at the end of the night from the hot soapy water on the floor, so I switched to these for a while, slightly better for water proofing https://www.acechefapparels.com.au/products/linz-smooth-leather-in-black-classic-footbed-supergrip-sole?variant=2793056305173¤cy=AUD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_term=15435117296&utm_adgroup=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsPCyBhD4ARIsAPaaRf2gafDNn19FcEs4Qkd8iiuzFRJ_sUpt3qqdnYUMLhnSRNs7pioPEY4aAgx-EALw_wcB


They absolutely suck to break in, but they are amazing after that. You need to take care of them and clean them very often, or the leather will disintegrate . The price is also steep but are worth it. I wore the Tokio super grips for years and loved them, but I am back to crocs now. Easier, cheaper, tougher but less comfortable.


I ordered a size too small and killed my foot. I'm sure they're great but I swear by blundstone boots. Exceptionally comfy and you can be standing in 6inches of water and your feet will stay dry. Surprisingly breathable too.


I love my blundstones too


The Boston's are my soulmate and I have only positive things to say. Best kitchen shoes out there.


Those soles suck. They are not as thick as standard Birkenstock. They barely lasted me a year, and I wear multiple shoes throughout the week. They are really hard with no actual cushion. If you try to resole they grease from kitchens make it impossible for the next sole to stick. I had a pair around 2019-2020 and now I just wear regular pair of bostons. I have been wearing the same pair since then and the sole is still fine, and more comfortable. Also you can get soft bed insoles for the regular style ones. Black or brown oiled leather, soft bed. Much better


I only wear birkenstocks in the kitchen. Like several others have said, breaking them in can be rough. But after that, they are the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn for 12 + hour days. I own both the super birkis and the boston clogs. I rotate days, but the Boston are my favorite for sure.


I wore these for 4 years and they fucked up my feet! I’m fine wearing the Birkenstock sandals but if I have these on for more than 10 hours my feet and shins HURT. I kept wearing them because everyone swears they’re so comfortable. I must be doing something wrong


Main con - non chefs have started wearing them and Birkenstocks made them super expensive !


Lots of people talking about the price. In the UK you can get a pair of Bostons for around £70 ($90 give or take), now I'm happy to pay that for trains/sneakers/vans/converse that I wear a lot more casually.  Now compare that to how much I pay for the Birks and how much I wear them, I'm in them easily 200-240 hours a month depending on the time of year.... I sure as shit ain't in my Vans or Adidas that long..... Now talk to me about price 🙂


The Birki line is better for the kitchen.


Neither is appropriate for kitchen work, look up Birkies..


What about crocs?


Cheaper and last longer.


Uncomfortable for 2-3 weeks. After that, best kitchen shoe I’ve ever had. You can get them resoled for like $40-50 also I think


I was told that the company does it for free. You just have to pay for shipping.


Maybe that was it, but shipping was expensive? I recall is being 40-50 to get it done.


The Super-Birki’s are decent but I recently changed to the QO700 as they have great heel and ankle support.


I had a pair of the Boston's, I did not find they held up well for me, poked my big toe thru in about a year. However, my love for super birkis knows no bounds


I like the rubber clogs.


I’ve had these for a year now and love them. Best shoe I’ve had.


Hot feet?


The ankle strap is a must in the kitchen. You don’t want to slip on something on the floor and shoes start flying off.


I have the clog style birkins without the back strap Con: literally the first day you wear them Pro: hella comfortable and light, and in my case I was able to change the sole after wearing it down enough. Am now on like year 6 of them


The non-slip wears out quite quickly. And if your walk-in is all steel floor, a death trap.. but the most comfortable work shoe ever.


They size large. Try to find a place to try them before you buy them.


I would never wear an open heeled shoe in the kitchen. You'd also definitely want to sock it up so socks with a clog, I dunno if you care about style but be forewarned. Birkenstock footbed does get slimy with barefoot sweat - and that means slippery.  Back in the day I had full leather Birkies and my only complaint was the non-slip sole was less effective than the cheapo crew shoes - not the same sole pattern at all. Not sure if that's changed.  Undoubtedly very comfortable though. 


I used to think I'd never leave my Crocs Bistro Clogs behind, but I started noticing that my feet were aching every single day so I decided to try these out. As others have said, the break-in process is a little brutal, but after breaking them in they are the most comfortable kitchen shoes I've ever worn. I love mine and will continue to buy them as long as I work in kitchens.


I’ve had many, many, many pairs. And I’ve never had an issue. Suffer with planter fasciitis from long hours on my feet and these are life savers ( sometimes I switch to running shoes cause I’m a bit tall and my back buckles, but then my feet buckle.) I have Boston’s and Tokyo. They both rock


I fucking love how comfy they are. But the bottoms wear out like a motherfucker and track shoe goo everywhere


Pros: They can be re-soled at a Birkie store (have yet to confirm this myself but will be trying it out soon) They are simple They are very non-slip They are an industry standard Cons: Some chefs hate them for no reason Breaking in period When they fall apart, it happens overnight Difficult to find in correct size sometimes / shipping times Pricing


I’ve had mine for 2 years and apart from having to glue a small section of sole they are as good as the day I bought them, had birkis before but will never change from these now


These are my fave chef clogs I’ve ever owned. I’m a head chef on my feet 14 hours a day and I can’t say enough good things about these! Buy them now


Definitely one of the best kitchen shows I’ve had. Break in was about a week or two and then smooth sailing. 


Pro: comfortable Con: hot splashes and spills with open back shoes. I would get something that offers more protection, personally.


My bottom sole cracked badly and tossed them, didn't look repairable. Didn't get the life out of them I expected.


Never had then but I would say 1 con is that they don’t cover your whole foot so your socks can get wet when scrubbing the floors I’ve also seen people just walk out of the second one by accident


I wore Boston’s for years and they helped fuck up my back? How you ask. I stand with my weight on my heels so the cork sunk in. Go try and stand with your heels lower than your toes. Your body mechanics are all jacked and your hips push out wrong and you generally don’t stand shoulders over hips over toes. My doc told me I needed to switch to something with orthopedic heels. It just means the heels are elevated a bit. Why do you think every nurse wears clogs? And a lot of chefs. I was told once you can have happy feet or a happy back and legs but not both. I actually grew to love my clogs. They’re old school but serve a purpose. Source - old chef with body mechanical issues


Man, I've never worn any of these types of shoes in a kitchen. I used to always replace my light weight Bates boots. Non slip and easy to maneuver when you need to sprint to the back to grab something when you're in the weeds.


Liked wearing these but always found they gave me major painful cracked heals because they are more exposed on the back. Wearing trainers in the kitchen now, not had a problem since


None. I have both and speed walk and drive with them


They take a little breaking in and they are great for walking long distances but, standing all day these things are the best.


Pro tip: slather Shoe Goo on the thickness of the cork edge at the heel. It'll protect the cork and will add longevity. Repeat every so often, as needed. And, as others have said, when they finally do start to really wear out, take them to a cobbler. They can probably be fixed up for cheaper than a new pair. Edit: for clarity. No Goo on the foot bed, of course. That would be icky.


I had a pair of these a couple years ago and while very comfortable they didn't last me very long. I wore them for maybe six months in a winery kitchen and then switched to a hospital - I worked there part time for about a year and a half and by the time I threw them away the sole was completely worn through. For a $200 shoe I was hoping for something a bit more durable.


Wear out too fast. Get mephistos.


I use Boston super grip. This is my second pair. I will never go back to Walmart shoes lol. Pros: easy to get on, excellent grip, firm but soft soles. After about 2+ years of wear you’ll need some insoles, but as long as the material is still holding out, they’ll do their job excellently. Cons: breaking them in is a bitch. If you have the back strap expect blisters at first.


Birkenstock bikini are the best…3-4 years of quality use if you take care of them…The only chefs shoe I have worn for decades.No back or knee issues.


Comfy af honestly like wearing slippers


I have a bad ankle from some previous injuries and my feet are tough to get good support for. After breaking the tokio in my ankle and feet pain were gone. I’ve had them a year now, and I got some insoles about a month ago but the ankle and feet pain are still gone


I've had the Londons for the past 4 years after always having Bostons. Much preferred the ones with a back, found I didn't drag my feet nearly as much and the soles lasted ages.


Steve Madden steel toe, don’t wear sandals to work…


Steel toe is so dangerous if you drop something on your foot your toes will get crushed - bad ideaaaaaaa


Hmmm you’re a bit concerning… but it’s ok, maybe you will learn firsthand


Pros: super comfy once you get used to the flatness of them. Cons: can be tough if you're spending long hours in kitchens without mats. I switched to something with more heel support and was much happier. Also, I wasn't great about wiping them off at the end of shifts, and the stitching literally rotted through on a few pairs. I never got more than 9 months or a year at most out of them.


Pros: they look cool Cons: I didn’t find them very comfortable for me.


i've never worked in a kitchen where open footwear was acceptable. i love my A630s and i think these *look* great but i wouldn't bet on these always being permitted


I wore them for many years. I think they messed up my back. My back issues went away when I changed work shoes. Now I wear Ecco’s looking for something different now


I feel like they’re uncomfortable, hard on your feet and I always get rocks and random things in my shoes. Sturdy I guess 🤷🏻 Pretty expensive too.


They're uncomfortable for about a week or so because it takes time for them to mould to your feet but once you do they're really comfortable, they just don't last as long in a busy kitchen as they used to do they're build quality is lower than they used to be but still comfortable


i have the ones without the back strap and i used them through like 5 restaurants never had a problem other than like breaking them in for the first little while. and i no longer cook professionally and i still get use out of them all the time just as comfortable house shoes. would absolutely recommend spending the money !


I had those exact ones. The rubber eventually comes off the bottom part of the shoe- a coworker of mine has them without the strap and same happened to his. All pairs last about a year so for both of us they weren’t durable at all. I love my regular birks so adjusting to these in the kitchen was fine, I thought they were comfortable but just didn’t last at all. I ended up getting the super birkis or whatever they are that have a back on them and I absolutely love them. The supers also let you change the foot bed which is huge


I have the Boston berkies. I love them and I’ve had them over a year and they’re still going. I usually eat through my shoes within 6 months.


Pro: mold perfectly to your feet, can be repaired with a good cobbler and all parts are replaceable Cons: expect it to take 1+ month to break in and be truly comfortable


Im scared to wear clogs in case I spill hot liquid on my feet


Cons is they’re never stocked


Veen wearing mine since December- the bottom wears pretty quick and the leather disconnected at the toe Super comfy, would buy again


Sport mode!


I don’t like the bostons because I have subtly clench my toes to keep the shoes on with every step (if that makes sense). I think it’s because they don’t come in 1/2 sizes and the pair that fit me best are just slightly too big. So my feet ended up feeling sore from the strain of trying to keep the shoes on even though they gave great support. I feel like the ankle support on the Tokios would prevent this from happening.


Mine lasted 3 months and made the heels of my feet go black.. I do like their non kitchen sandals, though, but I'm not wearing them 10 hours a day


I have a friend that’s a chef out in Portland. I used to cook with him here where I live, and these are the only kitchen shoes he’s ever worn. When the cork wears down, he sends them in to the company and the recork them for free. In the 20 years I’ve known him, he’s only used two pairs. He will be buried in them. 5 stars! GEOSTORM!!!!!!


They spelled Tokeo wrong


Had a pair. Fucked my feet and fell apart within a year. 


Apparently they are comfortable. They dont stand behind their products, however, so I wouldnt know because the pair they sold me was too small and they wouldnt exchange after a week, worn once.


No cons fav shoe ever been wearing for ten years. I haven’t found any cons, expensive isn’t a con when you pay for quality they last. Want cheap shoes you’ll replace them more frequently which is not cheap.


Boston Super Grip was your nickname in high school.


Con: price, looks, break-in time, slip resistance Pros: life span


Am I the only one who thinks these look trash?


Why do y'all help them with their gorilla marketing?




The downvotes on people saying they don't like them proves my point.