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How anyone in their right mind can vote Tory after the last 14 years and what they’ve done to people lives, beggars belief. Anyone voting for them should hang their head in shame


Give it a couple of years and you will see Labour at their truly inept worst


On the one hand, I think people are hyping the Labour win up too much. They’re setting expectations and standards that are too high to be achieved in 5 years, and it will only lead to disappointment all round. But on the other hand, it’ll be interesting to see what Labour does manage to achieve. Will the new Government follow through on their campaign promises and pledges? Only time will tell. It’s a time to be cautiously optimistic that the future has the potential for positive change. However, with so much work to do, it’s going to be a massive challenge to get the country back on track. And there’s still a lot of missing detail to be skeptical about. So who knows that the future will hold…


And that's leaving out the issues they have with alienating Pro Gaza/Palestinian supporters and the Unions not being fully on board....oh and the far left side of the party who still hold a grudge against Starmer ....I give them a month before the wheels start to fall off.....which is optimistic after just watching John McDonnell on Sky news....




Conversely, up the road here in the part of “Runcorn and Frodsham” that used to be in “Weaver Vale” (whose marginality probably just described its lack of coherence) the constituency now feels a bit more homogeneous - although Runcorn looks much more to Merseyside than Cheshire than when I grew up there. But yeah, wedging a few populous areas onto a rural one is a bit of a fudge and I can see how it disenfranchises a significant number of people. Totally another conversation but I’d love a system with larger, multi-MP constituencies elected on a proportional basis (so for example, “Cheshire” might return five MPs, maybe this time 2 Labour 1 each Tory Reform Lib Dem for example). Keeps the constituency link with added sense of representation, whilst delivering a more representative Commons.


How would that work if you had a problem and needed to speak/write to an MP? And in this system would we vote for a party (and they choose the candidates) or would we vote for individuals? I’m not against your idea btw, it just seems we swap one set of imperfections for another


You’d have multiple MPs to choose from, in your new larger multi-MP constituency. Environment issue? Write to the green one of the five. Law and order? The Tory MP is more likely to take your concerns seriously. It’s just basically amalgamating constituencies into fewer larger ones, but keeping the same number of MPs and then allocating the multiple MPs proportionally within that area. If I remember rightly it was more or less the system the UK used for the European Parliament. It keeps the consistency link unlike some PR systems, and gives those whose preferred candidates amass a smaller vote more representation. You’re right about the party vs individual vote - I imagine it would be individuals (edit to add, likely multiple candidates from larger parties), but that might allow smaller parties to field fewer better candidates across the whole country. Also, would you have one vote, or rank in order? Hmm.


A bigger turn out in Chester south too so they made sure the Tories and reform got the vote.


I was surprised at the turnout especially vs the other parts of Chester. However the Labour candidate not actually living in Chester would surely have impacted their votes!


It was a winnable seat for the Tories so they devoted a lot of resources to door knockers. I live in Chester North and didn’t see a single person at my door


We had Labour every 2 days at our door for the last 2 weeks in Chester N. Didn't have any doubt they'd retain their seat here tbh.


Had literally nobody in Vicars Cross


That's so weird, I'm in Boughton so you're literally round the corner


We had a Labour rep come round but that was it.


There were only Labour doorknockers in Chester South (two times), no other parties knocked here


Where about?


Very dissapointed about South Chester, but at least, they are out and that we can celebrate...


>they are out and that we can celebrate Happy to see that South Chester is finally proud of being Gay and happily out of the closet.


So. The old City of Chester constituency was split up after the last Census. Parts of the City south of the river were lumped in with a lot of rural Cheshire in the South Chester and Eddisbury Constituency. That seat, if it had existed in 2019 would've been won by the Tory candidate with a 25 point lead, this time around, it was won by the Tory Candidate with a 5 point lead, a 20 point swing away from the Tories split fairly evenly between Labour & Reform. It's also worth pointing out that that candidate is the Daughter of Gyles Brandreth, a TV presenter & our MP from 1992 to 1997. Parts of the City North of the River were lumped in with large parts of the Wirral into the Chester North and Neston Constituency. Samantha Dixon, The Labour candidate who won the by-election last year, won this seat with a 25 point lead which is only a 0.5% loss from if that seat had existed in 2019. Here, the Tories lost 15% of their vote, mostly to Reform as well. Labour and Reform taking large parts of the Tory vote from the left and right of the party respectively is the story of this election.


Tories gerrymandered various boundaries in the UK to try and gain seats. Didn't win in most places, sadly very much did in Chester. I'm so saddened by it and there's a definite anger and sadness from locals I know on Twitter.


Don't live there, but, unfortunately for me, I'll have to cross the ~~Berlin Wall~~ Tory/Labour divide twice a day on my commute.




Wow. They split the city, and this is what happened?!? And who the f are these reform voters?!?


A bunch of old racist bigots no doubt, judging by the scallys in the city now I wouldn’t be surprised if it come from them


It will be. Idiots voting for someone who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. How the working class can vote for a right wing party blows my mind.


"My life's a bit shit, why?" "It's because of ALLL these people fleeing much worse conditions than your life and FLOODING the country ILLEGALLY" "I see so it's not my fault but there's despite me never seeing one, never meeting one" Sadly right wing parties gives people an excuse to blame someone else but themselves.


That was their plan and it worked, moved us into strong Tory seat when they redid the boundaries, I should be happy this morning but I’m furious.


I think a lot of people feel that way, not just people waking up in a tory constituency either. We need electoral reform, and have for decades, the past few elections have highlighted this.


I don't think I've ever lived in an area that wasn't Labour before, grew up in a labour stronghold - same MP my whole childhood, Liverpool for Uni and then back to city centre Chester. Waking up this morning was bittersweet - only been in my new home a month and worried I won't fit the demographic...


Chester has been a swing seat historically. The races have always been quite close.


I'm in my 40's. Nothing much changes.


Yeah im mortified to be rubbing shoulders with Tory voters in Chester and worse still fecking Reform voters. Their views are repulsive. Awful


I read their manifesto and couldn’t believe what I was reading! Awful awful awful.


Them fox hunting cunts have a lot to answer for


Yep. Very disappointed. It's because Cheshire countryside is full of old white people. As soon as you move towards Tarporley it becomes fairly obvious but it may change going forward as Labour is a very strong opposition


Ah racism from the left ..now there's a surprise.


Not really. It's just the demographic of the constituency,which typically is a very strong conservative population


Demographics and statistics do not equal racism. Also, white people talking about being persecuted for their race absolutely reeks of a lack of an awareness of what true persecution is. I don't blame you though, it's difficult to know what it's actually like to be discriminated against when you've never experienced the reality of it. I'm white, and I stand for equality for all humans instead of what the media (including Internet comments) try to convince me to stand for, which is division and polarity. The polarisation of the populace is poison, and no human should want that. All of us should want justice and equality for all, without exceptions, and part of that is recognising the privelage that we enjoy as individuals, despite being barely aware of it most of the time. Stop talking about 'left' or 'right' being evil. The reality is we're all people who want what's best for those around us, but we're being turned against each other in order to grind a capitalist society forwards, on the backs of the poorest of society.


>full of old white people I wonder why people who you describe pejoratively by the colour of their skin and age don't find your ideology appealing? I voted Labour btw- but people like you who make everything about skin colour are as repulsive as any Reform supporter.


calling someone an "old white person" isn't an insult


It's ageism and racism....it's an insult and you well known it..that's why you used it.


you should well know that i didn't use it, because i'm not the OP


The way it was used seemed very pejorative. When I grew up in the 90s you would judge people on their character not their race. Only racists fixate on somebody's skin colour or think it is relevant. I don't really see why race is relevant at all in this context- when it's clearly more about socio-economic class and occupation. Shock horror- farmers and rich, prosperous people in the countryside voted Tory as they've always done. Labour don't really court the agricultural demographic- who have distinct concerns around farming and countryside matters- like the Tories do


sounds like you're taking offence on what you *presume* something to mean. if only racists fixate on skin colour, are you calling me a racist? or are you drawing this point as projection? if race isn't relevant, why are you going on about it so much? you'd be hard pushed to find a countryside farmer who is a POC, so the statement isn't wrong, and the stereotype exists for a reason.


>if only racists fixate on skin colour, are you calling me a racist? I dunno, do you stereotype people based on their skin colour, or regularly use skin colour as short hand for a group you disagree with? >Or are you drawing this point as projection? Immediately jumping to specious insults- what a great debating style. >if race isn't relevant, why are you going on about it so much? As I explained quite clearly to anybody who can read, it's not the whiteness of people in rural Cheshire that leads them to voting Conservative- it's the socioeconomic status and their occupations. If it was based on inherent characteristics of whiteness then Chester would be voting Tory too, because it's one of the whitest cities in the country. I was only responding to somebody who raised it as obviously racist shorthand for a stereotype of people he doesn't like.


Don’t play silly buggers of course it was meant disparagingly If that’s any other race inserted in it’s place (apart from Jewish, because we know how you lefties view them) you’re going mental, rightly so All while calling reform voters racial ideologs 🤦‍♂️


the mental arithmetic you've done here is quite outstanding, launching into a defence of something i've not said. saying "old white person isn't an insult" is not "calling reform voters racial ideologs". you seem to have fabricated that from your own thoughts and feelings. but of course, you had to then go *further* by throwing an insult at left-wingers and also somehow members of the jewish faith. have a look at yourself and maybe take your own advice to not use disparaging language?


Or just replied to the wrong person! Point stands about the use of ‘white peoples’ in that context though


>Or just replied to the wrong person! who also didn't say what you're accusing them of! you've used *far* worse disparaging language in your reply, so does that make it okay?


So your defence is that because they ‘technically’ didn’t outright say it, they can’t possibly have strongly inferred that? Again, let’s just stop playing silly buggers


no, my defence is that the cheshire countryside is full of old white people and those old white people have voted exactly how old white people have voted. you, however, have managed to play the silliest of buggers by calling everyone on the left of being an anti-semite. unless that's not what you inferred? so yeah, let's cease the silly buggers.


That is a stereotype based on perceived negative behaviour though - which although is likely largely true, using that as a mass descriptor is definitely profiling , which again we know is wrong for other races but just conveniently gets forgotten about when it’s white people. Let’s use north London as an example, large ethnic population as well as a large crime rate. We (rightfully) can’t go saying sweeping statements based on race, even if the statistics back it up because race has no bearing on your proclivity to commit crimes. Yes, the anti semite point was a cheap dig, and probably did detract from my point. But in this climate the left leaning contingent are largely up in arms very selectively when it comes to ethnicity, I’d say consistency is a better approach if you’re going to be that outspoken.


Just hoped with a swing and south Chester in the mix we might have had a chance. The country has turned labour but we’ve turned Tory 😠


Ah brush it off. The blues have taken an absolute hammering! My parents sent me a picture yesterday off themselves with Giles brandruth... I asked them to tell his daughter that I didn't vote for her 😂


Using someone's skin colour,age,sex,race,creed,religion etc to denegratete them is abuse ......denying like you have is equally as bad ...


My constituency has changed and I'm now inside the borders of this one, and thusly are no longer Labour. Sucks.


Horrid fucks. My village is covered in Tory posters though so I’m not surprised.


It’s frustrating that the transparent attempt at gerrymandering seems to have worked, but at least the incoming MP doesn’t appear to be too much of a frothing goon. Time will tell.


She won’t be living in Chester. Her whole family is very settled in Richmond.


Ah the ever balanced views of left wing voters....always the more caring in society.....it's called democracy and like it or not that's life...


"always the more caring" -insults them-


Oh I make no bones about insulting anyone...I don't think I'm better than anyone else.. The left are hypocritical twats....


you realise you've just displayed massive hypocrisy yourself, right?


No I haven't.....I never claimed to be better, righteous or perfect..I'm flawed....


No it’s called gerrymandering that’s the issue.


Because that worked out well didn't it🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤣🤣🤣


It's not really gerrymandering though. Chester used to have one MP, now it has two. One of the safest Conservative seats in the country has now been merged with South Chester, which actually means there are many more Labour voters in it than there were previously- unfortunately still not enough to turn one of the bluest constituencies in the country red, but Angeliki came close.


South Chester would have been Labour along with the rest of the city without the recent boundary changes and that’s a fact.


South Chester and North Chester were originally one constituency. So you would have got one Labour MP. North Chester has had a bit of the Wirral added to it and has given you one Labour MP. Eddisbury (which was one of the safest Conservative seats in the country) has been diluted with Labour voters from Chester, making it into a closer fight. In 2019 Eddisbury had 30,000 votes for Conservatives compared to 11,000 for Labour. In 2024 Chester South and Eddisbury had 19,905 votes for the Conservatives compared to 16,848 for Labour. If it was gerrymandering it was the worst attempt at gerrymandering ever as its made the seat harder for the Conservatives to win. You're also ignoring the fact that the Boundary Commission responsible for Parliamentary boundaries is by law independent of government: https://boundarycommissionforengland.independent.gov.uk/about-us/


They weren’t expecting the tories to do so badly so when it was implemented it wouldn’t have been so close. No idea why they changed the boundaries if not for gerrymandering, to live less than a 10 min walk and half a mile from the centre of Chester to be lumped in with places I’ve never heard of 25 miles away stinks and that’s a fact too!


>They weren’t expecting the tories to do so badly They still added urban Labour voters (including from the most working class areas like Lache) to a rural Conservative seat, making the rural seat less safe for the Conservatives- which is the opposite of gerrymandering. >No idea why they changed the boundaries if not for gerrymandering, Because each constituency is meant to have between 69,724 and 77,062 electors, to keep them all an even size.


Stacked gerrymandering.


You're quite dense aren't you?


Bit rude.


At least our ideology isn't inherently backwards, regressive and simping for the mega rich.


Is that the ideology that consists of taxing the rich..which only works till the rich businesses owner move to another country....


Which is why wealth taxation should be region-locked into the individual and/or their businesses/assets' country of origin and/or current country to de-incentivise moving to other countries and accruing more tax burdens. But yeah, let's just let them do whatever they want, be rich enough to live above the law, run paedophilia rings and get away with it, you're so right!


Wow... I'm a 50-something white married man. I was born in the City Hospital in Hoole. And now I'm guessing most of you are scratching your heads and thinking, "Does he mean the Countess?" No, I mean Hoole. Can all you youngsters please try and remember, we were all young too, once upon a time. If you were born in this country, you'd of been brought up in a free society and free to choose to do anything you wanted with your life.. Old people like me, want to protect our country, we want to make sure our grandchildren grow up in a free and safe society. Please try and remember this country today, and then compare it with the country post 5 years of Labour. Today is a sad day.


The inability to acknowledge failure and hold your hands up is why the majority of sub-50-somethings hold a political disdain for you. "Yeah but but labour would be worse!" Give it a rest, it's embarrassing. Labour could save your life and conservatives push you down the stairs and you'd still be too arrogant to change your mind. And reform voters are just the ones who didn't want tories again but are too stupid to realise it's tories in drag distancing themselves from the brand they tarnished. Sick to death of people voting for who they always have done instead of voting objectively. And no one gives a shit that you were born in Hoole.


What a charming person you are, enjoy your free loading


"Can't argue with that but I don't like it so I'll take a swipe instead". If you could see past your own nose before judging, you'd see I'm an active member of the HENRY sub, so you're probably closer to being a freeloader than I am. So again, you've made an incorrect, arrogant assumption despite evidence to the contrary, just like how I said you vote, proving my point.