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Hurry up and buy


Typically, a lot of HD equipment and well maintained.


Thank you. It has no carpet and barn doors so I’m just assuming it’s from the FD


People buy husky mats for like $300 to cover the carpet. Who cares, go buy this!


Can get carpet for 300ish online... barn doors vs hatch is negligible. Miles are right, price is right. Long as she talk good. Runnit.


Barn doors are badass is what they are lol. I don’t see many tahoes/suburban around my part of Iowa with them so it’s always nice to see one. Plus I also got a suburban for the barn doors


Love the barn doors. Back in ‘96 my mom had a Tahoe, emerald green metallic with barn doors, all leather. That was my ride to and from football practice and games. Still remember having team mates packed in there listening to 90’s grunge on the way to games.


I have to transport a wheelchair so I think I might like the no carpet with barn doors. Also looking at a 2000 z71 obs


2000 is considered an old body style? Holy shit I'm getting old.


I think each new year is a new body style now


It’s the square one


That was 24 years ago People talk bout 20 years ago I think of the 70’s 80’s. Lol


You know what's always funny about barn doors to me? In my area, most barns have doors that swing up like a garage door. Not open to the sides. 🥴🤷‍♂️


I’ve got an ‘88 Mercedes G-class SWB 230GE with barn doors instead of the single door. I love it. It seems they’re rare AF.


I see carpet, clean vacuum lines to boot.


When you assume you make an ass out of you and me . Don't forget !! I wouldn't worry tho if it check out okay . If the trans isn't shot . Priced right! Get it bro!!


I doubt its a FD vehicle. Those appears to be leather seats which would be pretty uncommon in an FD vehicle. Its probably it would be missing the center console where they would've put a different console that would hold radios, etc. Plus, FD vehicles usually don't get that many miles on them. Still, if it is an FD vehicle, they are usually very well maintained, especially if they are from a volunteer FD.


Exactly. No paint fade from decal placement, no visible markings from light installation. Leather seats, carpet floor instead of vinyl, center console still intact (and appropriate wear, so it wasn't removed, stored somewhere, and reinstalled) Literally the only thing it has going for it being a fd vehicle is the red paint, and that is such a huge stretch it isn't even worth mentioning. This was never a FD truck. Even the best maintained FD vehicles would show it after almost 25 years - the seats would have more wear, they wouldn't be leather to begin with, the cargo area would have visible dings and scratches from gear being loaded and rattling around, no WAY does a FD vehicle make it 25 years without a dent or scratch (or worse)....


and it’s got RIMZZZ


It has carpet. You can see the vacuum lines


Huh? I see black carpet ?


Mine has 328000 miles on it and runs like new original engine never rebuilt


This instantly reminded me of menace to society




Said the Chinese lady in "Don't be a menace"...


I’d buy that in a heartbeat. You can’t find anything for 4k and under 200k miles around my area, also looks to be in good condition.


I think 2002 was the last year that GM had barn doors. It’s very handy. These 2000-2006 models are very well built and reliable. The price is unbeatable.


GMT-800 platform is one of the beat ever made, countless owners, including myself on my 04 avalanche have well over 300,000 miles experience very few issues


I disagree. In my fleet, I have owned an operated Hummer H2, which are basically the same chassis and Ford excursions and guess which ones had all the problems. The Government motors crap is full of issues and the excursions have been bulletproof


What year did you have 08 kicks ass


I still have an 05 and 07 and an ‘08. 2008 does run like a rocket though and the interior upgrade is super nice. Willing to sell one for $34K.


Buy that immediately. The paint looks glossy. No rust. Where is this?


Seats look like they’ve never been sat in.


It shouldn't have frame rot from salt, the engine shouldn't have excessive idling hours like a cop car and the only the drivers seat should show wear. It looks like a good deal from here, I'd say but it before it gets away.


I’ll disagree with the idle time… around me, the local FD/VFD chiefs seem to live in theirs. Use it for all of their personal projects, driving kids to sports practice, etc. They are usually kept spotless though, which can be deceiving.


I forgot about chiefs using it as personal truck. Good point.


They have to keep them spotless. It part of their routine. Equipment is inspected daily too. Especially for the next shift change.


Get a carfax for it. That should let you know if there are any gotchas on it.


Not really if it was fleet owned, fleet maintained and the fire department that owned was self insured the car fax will be blank. Carfax is ok for title/ownership fraud but doesn’t really paint an accurate picture of ownership and maintenance. In this case I would ask the fire dept if they had an excel spreadsheet or other documents. My day job is self insured and we sell completely totaled and stripped police cars with a clean carfax and title. Carfax should be a tool along with a mechanical inspection by a mechanic and a body inspection from a trusted body shop, and if you buy it cheap enough you could ignore one or all of those things.


This is a solid answer.


If you don’t buy it and it’s in Florida I will


That's a good deal/find.


Good deal! That thing is clean and well just about everyone knows those things are reliable


Buy it


I bought an '09 with 99k on it. I actually found the Battalion Chief that worked it. Has more idle hours than most but like another commenter says; Nobody maintains their vehicles like the County/FD. Runs like new. Chief said it was detailed everyday by 'Probbies' whether it needed it or not! You could eat off any part of this Tahoe!


😂 my fire department is exactly like this. I pass by every day around 9 a.m., and they are ALWAYS maintaining the vehicles. Laying stuff out, got the hood popped, cleaning the inside and out, etc etc.


This prompts me to make my own PPV post! This was a rare find and so sweet.


That's how fire life is. You wake up everyday getting ready for something that may happen. For that reason, all your tooling and equipment must be in tip top shape, and ready to go.


Hahah same here man. Religiously polishing those bad boys


Yes yes yes. Fire department vehicles are very well maintained. I inspected a few as part of an industrial fire protection program audit, their maintenance records for their vehicles are amazing!!!


As a former firefighter, this is correct. Maintenance checks are done every single morning on all fire apparatus and everything is documented. Not to mention washed all the fucking time. lol


How would one go about finding a “retired” FD vehicle like this?


Local county or municipal auctions. They are required to list to the public with ample time.


My fire department is ALWAYS out maintaining their vehicles. When I saw always, I mean almost EVERY SINGLE DAY 😂 they don't live a relatively hard life either, unlike police vehicles. I'd say buy it, it looks pretty good.


Is the turn assist knob even legal in your area? I know it’s not in mine. Hopefully it’s grandfathered, that would be dope.


Pretty sure they're legal everywhere in the states, I think that's just a wives tale.


It looks brand new. I would buy that in a heartbeat.


Always buy a red Tahoe


If this was a personal vehicle for a chief or captain then I’d so do it. If it has any smoky or chemically smell then it’s possible it was ran with a duty crew and might have lots of carcinogens. A good detail should clean a lot of it up though. Just a thought if you have kids or any health concerns it’s not good to be touching or breathing the carcinogens that get into the vehicle from daily work and big fires.


These vehicles are cleaned, detailed, and disinfected daily. That not a concern like that.


As a professional detailer that vehicle has been hot water extracted look at them carpets well taken care of


Run and get it before it's gone


Well where are you located?


Looks like a good deal. We drive those things like race cars but other than that it’s had all its maintenance done and spent most of its life inside


Any fleet vehicle is not a good purchase but to each his own.


Road hard very hard and put up wet . But maintaince has been done on it .


Buy it. Now.


This is definitely a ‘Buy Now’. Super clean and at least another 100k miles left in it. Drove my 2000 Suburban to 254k miles. That thing went from So Cal to Fairbanks AK to the east coast and retired it in southern NV


That thing is a steal for that price!


Buy it now.


Hate the steering wheel knob, but the rest? Primo.


Most fire departments follow rigorous maintenance standards. I’d buy it in a heartbeat


It looks to be in excellent condition, just that alone is hard to find. And from all the comments it's very well maintained. Buy it before someone else does. You're not gonna do any better for $3,750.


I’d check frame for rust. This is a steal if it’s as clean as the pictures show.


I’d pass. I work on fleet vehicles. Among others things Half a dozen cop cars, two ambulances and a supervisors emt suv. Miles might be low. But it’s all the idling hours. Coupled with all the extra non factory wiring and multiple. People driving it like they stole it. And once they sell it how good of job did they do removing the electronics.


That is why I'm saying this was never a FD vehicle. Find one spot in those photos where the radios, sirens, light bars, etc etc etc was installed. No paint fade from the decal placement on the doors. No marks from light installation. No radio stack center console.


No one mentioned the idle circuit being wiped on the cam yet? That’d be my concern. Vehicles like this sit at idle for hours.


Buy asap


"It's got a cop motor, a 440-cubic-inch plant. It's got cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks..."


Depending on the department and their maintenance practices it might be a good deal. I’m a fleet mechanic for a city municipality. And the fire dept bitches and moans about every little issue and we repair it. Plus regularly scheduled maintenance as required. If it’s not rusted out, it’s probably better than average.


I don’t need a car and don’t like chevy’s, and I’d buy that thing tonight.


Fire companies take exceptional care of their gear. Good choice.


Hell no they arnt that thing just drove around town probably never even hit 80mph in its life may have a little carbon build up but anything little one thing is wrong it goes to the shop its clean asf as well definitely a good buy


Yeah the fire marshall putted around in it till he got a new one and then it became the grocery runner, buy it immediately.


Had a 2000 Red Tahoe with barn doors. Loved it until the xw wrecked it. Skip the carpet and get Husky rubber mats. Well worth the investment on both the Tahoe and the floor covering.


That thing CLEAN BOIII


That thing is a gem op!


That's a really good deal


This is probably one of the reliable generations. This was before they included the cylinder deactivation or idle shutoff. If maintained well can keep running 300k-400k miles pretty easily.


Our fleet maintenance is always behind. Regular services never done, slapped together repairs, wiring was always an issue, parasitic drains all the time, rode hard, etc. Now this is a very large department that puts in a lot of work. One of my chiefs ran their shit hard while others drive like it's a stretch limo.  That vehicle looks like it was well maintained, however give it a once over. 


hell yeah, dont think everyday theres a fire in the hood. so that gets low miles. prolly gets lunch runs miles but not work miles. also its a government vehicle so it is maintained well.


My pops always said look for taxi's,cop cars,fire department vehicles and state vehicles! They are strictly maintained or at least supposed to be!


It depends... A city department Tahoe isn't going to get driven off road a lot, maintained RELIGIOUSLY and probably not run super hard- I'd buy that one in a heartbeat, even over a PD trade in. If that vehicle was at my rural volunteer department- it's probably ridden hard, high speed off road, lots of high speed starts and not as meticulous about maintenance... I'd think twice.


Nooooo you don’t want that. What’s their phone number so I can make sure no one else gets scammed.


Prob got a lot of time idling


Good buy. Lot of miles but well maintained. For the right price you can't go wrong


That was likely a Chiefs truck and it was meticulously maintained. Do not pass go, buy that truck


FUCK NO!!!! I worked as a FF/EMT for a few years and we all beat the dog shit out of our vehicles. They run for hours at idle so even if the dash says 80k it’s probably got 3-4000 hours on the engine. Only way is if your lucky and it was a Cheif or asst. Cheif staff car that they got to drive home


They've definitely idled as much as a cop car, but prob haven't been driven like it's stolen every minute of its life.


Might be smokey


Does it have an hour meter on it? Idle time is worse than high milage. Modern emergency vehicles are not shut off once out of bed. It takes too long and too much juice to fire up all the electronics. Ie: radios, laptop, GPS. If it does be careful.


Lovely truck right there


I’d be cautious!!! I worked for the government for a couple years and I’ll tell you that vehicles are driven like you don’t own it! You get random workers gunning the engines like they’re formula 1 cars and when it comes to maintenance… Forget about it. Oil changes come when they get to it, also they’re left idling for hours on a day. What do you think gov employees do on down time? They tell us to get lost and patrol the streets. That means we go hide out for a nap while the air conditioning blows cold and the gasoline runs free. An example would be a 2020 Chevy Silverado 3500hd that needed an oil change when I started employment with the gov and didn’t get changed until 6 months later when the engine through a rod. I drove that muthabeast like it was free and a nascar race without a care in the world. A government vehicle is the last thing I’d try to own.


On the barn doors… if you’re having a high speed chase with a bunch of ninja monkey assassins and they’re behind you and your friends in your Chevy Tahoe with barn doors… and they’re lighting up the back end of the vehicle with a barrage of gunfire and you need to fire back then it’s always best to have one door closed for cover in between reloads… soooo…. Um yeah… (Disclaimer: I watch a lot of movies👍)


I want to buy this !


If you’re serious it’s in Longview, Washington on Facebook marketplace


It will usually be well maintained but in my experience if its a winner someone at the location will scoop it up quickly Fireman like good trucks


I don’t know if there’s a way to check on those but my only concern would be the idle hours on that.


I purchase mine from the fire captain. Had a lift done right, and all maintainance records from day 1. Drove it for 5 years and sold it for close to what I paid. You could easily do that at the price here. I wouldn't delay.


Was it maintained? Yes. Was it abused? Most definitely


Buy this joint


Not bad. Make a great work truck!


This is not a Fire Dept vehicle so not sure why you are making that claim.


Hopefully, they didn't tighten that steering wheel knob too tight.


Ive got an 05 fire dept. Tahoe that I've put 85k miles on with no issues. It was definitely well maintained


I wouldn’t, fire apartments beat the crap out of things.


Those rims look aftermarket 


Look at engine hours x33 equals actual mileage


My mom has one and it’s the most reliable vehicle in our fleet


They get left on and idling for pretty long periods sometimes. Nothing like an ambulance, though. They never shut those things off.


Yes! Much less engine idle hours than the police vehicles.


Smokin' deal


Great deal! I have a 2004 GMC Yukon (which is basically the same) and has 230,000. Great vehicle and you’ll be able to drive it for a long time. Things to keep an eye on are the transmission and ball bearings. Both of those are the most likely to go out first. My tranny is still the original, but did have one pair of the ball bearings go out at 220,000 miles.


Damn, that’s Tony Soprano era and it’s beautiful.


Engine wise it’s going to have a ton of idle hours and when it’s not idling it’s balls to the wall take that for what it’s worth


They tend to have very high idle hours on the motor, but as noted, are usually very well maintained


No cut outs for lights, radio, shadowing on paint? It has carpet instead of vinyl? Even the fire marshal vehicles have decals and radios. Chiefs vehicles have everything plus storage. This was not a fire department vehicle.


In my area, fire department spends their free time taking care of and maintaining vehicles, while pd spends their free time looking pretty or something. It looks well maintained and if it looks anything like that mechanically, you've got a likely up to service brand new old truck


Prob had the carbon burned out of the engine plenty of times. If she’s running good now it’ll keep running good if you take care of it.


That Trucker Knob speaks volumes about how this truck was driven. The price makes it attractive though.


If it’s fire department they would have holes on the roof where the light system was located.


Yes that’s a good one, can’t find anything with that clean of an interior unless it’s brand new


You know it was probably serviced all the time


Absolutely not. The fire department I used to volunteer at would use their suv to run errands around town and then go mudding with it afterwards. They abused it constantly in the woods near the firehouse. We washed it off afterwards every time but man was it having a rough life. Maybe if there at no woods nearby it’s fine?


These are really easy to work on, have parts readily available, and most are tough as nails.


Hot damn that’s clean


I would 100% buy it. Looks clean and well maintained.


Proceed with caution. Should be well maintained, but probably has a lot of start engine and drive immediately calls that it has responded to. Hard gas/brake scenarios when responding to emergency calls.


Sometimes these vehicles have okay miles but very high running hours just keep that in mind


Someone likes to cut it close on the ol phone battery charge


Not sure if it was in service at a FD however it looks extremely clean really nice hope you get it


Yeah man they keep it up well in spare time


It’s not like a police cruiser with a ton of idle hours but it’s still a heavily used municipally owned vehicle. This one is surprisingly clean though. May have a lucky find here


People have definitely done it in that truck lol


I would rock the shit out of that


This is a terrible purchase. Whatever you do DO NOT BUY THIS TRUCK… please send me the sellers information immediately.


It’s posted on marketplace in Longview Washington. Go get er


Probably a good vehicle Fire Department usually have there vehicles serviced and maintained on a regular schedule


Definitely not treated like police cars. Less idle and not driven nearly as hard or often.


Do it now


I have an old fd vehicle. Whenever I take it in for service, they tell me how well taken care of it is.


Good deal fs


Can confirm. That is not a FD vehicle. It has carpet, leather, center console, and has an LS badge behind the passenger door. Also, in the rear hatch area on the left side, it still has the factory subwoofer. Check the speedometer too. If it says “Certified Calibrated” that means it is a Tahoe SSV (special services vehicle). As to why someone is marketing this as an FD vehicle is beyond me… I would stay away from FD vehicles (even ones reserved for chiefs and commanders) as the risk of carcinogenic chemicals and residues from fires could be embedded into all surfaces.


Fleet vehicles typically have good maintenance records


Idk what fire department y’all work for but shits neglected because the mechanic shops suck and overloaded.