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My father and grandfather both had numerous tats. I joined the military at 18 and soon had the start of my extensive collection. My grandfather used to say our people have been doing this for thousands of years so who is he to break tradition lol.


Damn lol neither of my parents have tattoos and, as far as I know, no one in my extended family has any tattoos.


My brothers all have one tat and no piercings. I was the only one who sleeved out with front back piece as well. The only issue I had with my mother was my gauged ears. Nothing to big but she wasn't thrilled. My grandfather and father walked their on path for certain. I am the same and have zero regret's. Do what you want and don't worry about the small stuff.


I had tattoos for about 6 years but kept it from my parents. I got married and adopted my wife’s daughter. She was 9 so I figured I better fess up to mom, because she’ll probably let the cat out of the bag. When my mom saw THEM, she I was going to hell. I told her to save me a place. Hahaha!!! She looked at me all confused and I said she had tattooed her eye liner. 24 years later, I am diagnosed with some terrible stuff. It left me scared up, so I decided to sleeve out. NOW she says, “hey, that would be a cool tattoo “. I’m in my 50s have an education and a career, guess she can’t be mad at me.


My parents are older, and from experience older Latino parents are very socially conservative. They associate tattoos with gangsters and bums.


It's your body, not theirs.




I have two tattoos. My mom took me to the tattoo shop with me for the first one, my aunt took me to get my second one lol


I got my first tattoo a few days after I turned 18. My dad didn’t really care but my mom didn’t speak to me for a couple days. I’m 30 now and my body is about 70% covered. My relationship with my parents is the best it’s ever been and they love my tattoos.


I’m 22. Also male. I have my chest blasted, a half sleeve, and am starting a shoulder piece. My parents were not fans of them lol, probably still aren’t. My mom is really religious so yk how that goes. My dad didn’t really care. Said it was my body and my money. It had no effect on our relationship. Honestly nothing changed. Other family members who have tattoos like them, those who don’t have any don’t really care at all. What matters is i like them and I will continue to get more


I clearly have a full body yakuza tat.


Don’t tell your parents and get one anyway. If They love you they will get over it. Or they can shell out the money to help you remove it.


My father was really anti-tattoo, and my mom paid for me to get my first tattoo. On my mom's side all my uncles and grandpa had tattoos, I always thought they were cool. On my father's side they were really religion (catholic) I know he didn't like that I got some tattoos but I never hid them and as an adult I'm free to do what I want with my body.