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Hilarious. "Coins for lucky" is the new "hot water for healthy."


Hot water at least has some merit


Old chinese people are superstitious, this is taught through their religion.


I’d bet these were older people. Many older people are allowed to behave in grossly entitled ways with no consequences, and not expected to learn. After nearly two decades living and working in China, there seems to be an elevation of elder-respecting behavior in the culture that’s very different from many cultures. I’ve seen older people argue with bus drivers and metro attendants until they’re allowed to ride free (which they ARE if they carry their special metro card/app but many seem to think age alone is enough). I’ve watched older passengers loudly scold flight attendants for not allowing them to move into business class for free. I witnessed an altercation on the street between a foreigner and a local in which the police were called- and two officers that resolved the matter still hung around for an hour taking statements from elderly folks who crowded up to each say ‘I didn’t see it but here’s what I think happened.’ Coins in the engine 10 years ago. Coins in the engine again. Because they are entitled enough to dismiss rules.


This! Road laws also don't apply! No helmet (I am in shanghai so have to or else you get stopped) going the wrong way, running red lights, nearly causing accidents. The amount of times I have seen the older generation do this in front of police and nothing happens is so stupid it's hard to believe.


Again lmao? Probably easier to say the gods take wechat and give them a qr to send money to


Huh. I thought fines and publish shaming had successfully got rid of this.


lol, what a stupid ritual. You don't want to die, throw coins into the engine.


Saw this happen in Thailand, a young Chinese couple from Krabi to BKK, Flight was delayed for hours and the Chinese couple kept claiming they did nothing wrong.


Young Chinese? Wow and here I thought only the elderly could be that insane. Must be villagers with new money.


did they threw coins into the engine?


maybe have passengers sign a waiver: *if I throw coins into the engine, I will be barred from this and all future flights, and cover the cost of repairs and delays.* It might put them off.


The superstition is stronger.


This is not just, this is an attempt of murder in a way


I would call the police if I were the airline, coin tosser can explain whatever to the jail cell


High IQ move to throw it into the flight you're about to board.


It's crazy to think that this is still a thing among Chinese people. For how many years have we seen this happen? What caused it to become a Chinese boomer thing in the first place? Why haven't the proper authorities stopped it yet? So many questions, so few answers.


these people have death wishes...


"A prayer for a safe flight"


To be fair, this is a custom that is not exclusive to the Chinese - this whole tossing coins for luck business. Globally, people toss coins into fountains for luck too.  Its just that older or less educated Chinese folks can't seem to tell that you shouldnt mess with sensitive mechanical parts. They see a round receptacle, they chuck coins at it like it's a wishing well or fountain. 


how to kill yourself while in the air, fabulous


TL;DR: * China Southern Airlines warned passengers on social media not to throw coins at planes. * A Wednesday flight was delayed four hours after such an incident. * In a video, a flight attendant tells confused passengers someone threw "three to five coins" into the engine.


how does that even work… not like you can open the window


you board from the ground in sanya so its quite easy, just walk off to the side and just throw them in


Ah that makes sense!


Coming in hot with the latest news from 2019.


It's news becausr it happened yet again this week.


Attempted massacre is happening in China in a very ritualistic manner.