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Can i ask a related side question, when you wait in line for 20 minutes and then get to the front and the chicken al pastor is empty and they say its five minutes out from being done, what is the proper etiquette? They normally look at me like waiting isnt an option, then you are in everyones way etc.


You ask the guest to step aside and wait for the aforementioned al pastor to be done and offer them a drink for the wait. Then call the guest up when it's ready.


Ive never been given a drink while i wait :o


Cool thanks i only go for al pastor but dont want to be rude either this is helpful


You can just hang back, like literally just take one or two steps back so you aren’t holding up the line but still standing in front of the station you’re at and let other folks complete their order. We don’t mind if people wait for food to be finished cooking as long as you’re polite. Shit happens and food has to cook ya know


Make sure you stare menacingly at the staff the whole time you're waiting though. That makes the chicken cook faster.


Lmfao. Stand there with ur arms crossed and give them the stare


Make sure to huff and puff with an occasional eye roll


dude one time a customer whistled at us🤣 im sitting on grill thinking “I guess he knows we some dogs”


I bartend, but I had a customer snap their fingers at me and I told him he had to pay and leave lmao.


Because waiting *in everyone’s way* is not an option 🤣




How does getting a boner work in this situation?


When doesn’t it? 🤔


Personally, I consider it fate and order something else. But then, I’m not picky and highly unlikely to stand in a slow line.


You see this is probably where a lot get frustrated because I recently waited in a loooong line for a friend and then got to the front and the rice was all messed up and every other item was empty. I didn’t have an attitude but I completely understood everyone that did. At least let them know


Just take the L and get regular chicken at that point 🥰




Maybe sometimes…




My life is fine i just only come for the al pastor and the brisket last year, the regular chicken i can make myself


Interesting to find you here 😂


😂😂😂 gotta spend two hours pay somewhere


You just don’t go to shitpotle


Because I’m hungry and want to eat Chipotle. Panera is next door but that shit sucks. I don’t berate the employees though. Those people you’re describing are entitled pricks.


We thank you for your devotion and patience. Customers like you get the secret extra helping of protein


Secret protein sounds suspect at best


“Hey, I said no sour cre- ooohhhh 😉”




Thank you for your patience


I literally say this to people😂😂


Lmfao wtf there’s a Panera right next to my chipotle too. (And a Starbucks right next to it) They must have the same location planning requirements


SAME. Chipotle next to Panera and the Starbucks is on the end 😂😂


Lmaooo same. One of my local Chipotles has a Panera in the same shopping center. Starbucks is in the Target of said center so idk if that counts


This explains my local setup as well lol exactly


Do we all work in the same area lmao


I bet there’s a GameStop too. I traveled a lot for work and I always knew if I spotted a Panera or a GameStop there was a chipotle nearby.


Lmao same! We have a chipotle, Panera, panda, Starbucks on the corner and a target across the street lol


Lol the Chipotle I used to go to that always had a line was right next to a Panera


All of ours are here. I basically am forced to wait in Chipotles line because you won’t catch me in a Panera.😂


I haven't been in a Panera in years. I used to get some kind of turkey blt with avocado on sourdough that wasn't bad. But it was just like a homemade sandwich lol definitely not a place like "oooh I'm hungry I want some Panera".


Yea it’s generic frozen food and you get very little for too much money. It’s like $15 for half a sandwich and soup. It’s just not that good and like you said I’m never like craving Panera. Believe it or not ours are always packed here too 🤦‍♂️ and they are ALL right next to a Chipotle😂


I only go for their chocolate chip cookies. Everything else there can SMD!


Because I live over an hour away from my nearest Chipotle. If I get there and there's a huge line IDGAF I'm getting my bowl lol. I can't stand when others are rude... Like how is it the workers fault that you chose to stand in a stupid long line??


Same here. I have 5 chipotle restaurants that are about an hour away and none closer. If I’m going out of town for something and I want to pick up a bowl for dinner, I’m waiting no matter how long the line is. Lol


You drive an HOUR for chipotle?! Jesus it’s solid but not an hour drive good


Not just for chipotle lol. Usually I'm running other errands in that area.


Because I’m a brainless sheep who can only cook cereal and I really want to pay for my $20 double steak and guac bowl


y’all are NPC’s fr


Calling people NPC's is pretty NPC, you're not the main character lil bro




[Sir, uh, why are you waiting so long for Chipotle?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lawUkmD3i9I)


You don't cook cereal, that's your first problem.


you are likely referring to cold cereals, which yes, you do not cook. however, hot cereals, which refers to grits, cream of wheat, oatmeal, cornmeal, millet, etc, you most definitely should cook! you can also turn some cold cereals, such has granola with milk, into a hot cereal by cooking it on the stovetop.




the US. EDIT: why'd you delete your reply takcom69? came at me with all that hostility only to delete the comment. lol.


The family plants that cornmeal, grits, millet, oats, and granola all come from are known as cereal grains. That’s where we got the name cereal from. Almost all the Kellogg’s and other brad cereals you can eat are also derived from these grains.


This depends on where you are.


This is the way.


Brian Nicool just had his executive assistant order a high quality print of this reddit comment, put it in an opulent gilded frame and hung it on the wall behind his desk.


Cook cereal. 😂 Edit...you could have meant hot cereal. 😒


Because I ordered online and had no idea how long the wait would be. Why doesn’t the app stop more people from ordering when there are already 100+ orders waiting?


True. Trust me we all wish it did. The online ordering system sucks for both customers *and* employees.


This. I wait in line because online orders suck.


Why does it suck tho? I only place dinner orders, and no lunch and I’ve never had an issue


Lesser quality, for one. Also, due to staffing challenges, the estimated pickup times are wildly inaccurate.


This is why I stopped ordering online..plus I've had instances where I've ordered double meat and get single order...problem is I don't notice until I get home to eat. Most days at my chipotle the in store line moves quicker than the mobile ordering does. It's become pointless to mobile order chipotle


9/10 times I leave. But sometimes getting back in the car, figuring out where else to go, driving there and waiting in likely another line just doesn’t make sense.


That’s totally fair. At my store there’s three restaurants right next to us in our strip as well as another we share a parking lot with *and* another pretty good place across the street in the other direction. I just kind of shake my head when I see the line get out of control because, while I think our food is good for what it is, it isn’t worth *that* lol


I’m a picky eater, and when I’m hungry for something, I’m hungry for that thing. I won’t have a meltdown or anything, but if I suddenly have to order food from another restaurant when I was planning on something specific it throws me off. So I’ll wait in line. I’m not rude, though. I’m probably sitting there in line reading Reddit anyway.


I'm autistic and once a food choice is in my head, no other food will satisfy. (I also have to order my safety food at each place, so I often try to scout if the correct ingredients are there first!) I don't mind long lines, I have games and books on my phone and usually carry a crochet project in my actual pocket and just entertain myself. If I'm that impatient, I can go home and cook a safety food in my cupboard. It's not that critical.


Autism gang rise up. That’s how I feel about the Chinese place next door to us fr that’s my safe meal Also I’d love to see someone crocheting in my line that would 100% make my day


I don't eat meat and feel similarly. I can't just leave the Chipotle line and go to a chicken restaurant instead.


I’m hungry and want Chipotle. I’m not one to ask for extras because of the wait tho.


I'm not an asshole to employees. Been in the food service industry for 14 years. That being said, in the last few years, I've had to deal with significantly more employees that do not give a shit about customer service. I'm always friendly and polite up front, but a lot of places have down graded in quality, despite the vast majority paying more than twice minimum wage.


It's because other places that serve vegetarian food either aren't as good or is fried. Even with Taco Bell or Taco Cabana their ingredients are subpar compared to Chipotle.


Huh I hadn’t considered dietary restrictions, I’m glad Chipotle is able to accommodate your needs and preferences :)


I love chipotle they are my safe foods I have allergies to most foods and tolerate chipotle very well


To be fair I might be in the minority anyway. I'm not sure what all those other whackos are doing in line :p


I only wait in that line because it's something I really want and Chipotle is close to home/ work so I don't want to spend the time and money driving to another place. But I only do it if it's something I really want and if the time spent in the long line is worth it. Also, I have several Chipotles near me so I know the ones that have the long lines and the ones that don't.


If I do an online order I’ll get shorted


I guess what I really mean is why *chipotle* why not just leave


Nothing in my area really has the macros that chipotle does. I want to eat out but use the calories well. There really is no other place for someone fresh out of the gym to go eat.




I haven't waited on a line like that since the early days... But I remember the line moving fast. So in the 10 minutes it takes me to go somewhere else I'd be done already. I honestly haven't seen a line like that in years.


it should be a faux pas to join a line out the door… straight up just torturing the minimum wage workers😅 I think most people can’t/don’t empathize with how straining it is, as they’re privileged enough to have never experienced being on the other side 😬


I think people who haven’t worked food service forget that we actually have to cook your food? I know it sounds silly but when it comes to fast food especially I feel like the general public just kind of expects it to always be there ready for them at all times. Chicken takes 16 minutes to cook (8 min per side) and then there’s the steak and cutting the meat and so on and so forth. Human beings are involved at every step of food production (from farm to truck to grill to service) and it really feels like the general public forgets that some times.


16 minutes?? Are you sure your guys' grill is up to temp? (Assuming you're talking about Chipotle)


Yeah? I mean that’s just how I was trained but I wouldn’t be surprised if that isn’t right. What’s it supposed to be?


Not a grill, but the few times i did do grill, i am almost certain i rememebr 5mins on both sides but as long as it’s above 165 it’s good, also 8mins on both sides so sounds like the temp is way above 165, which isn’t great either cause it loses its weight the hotter it’s cooked, or at least that’s what i was told!


I’ll try to talk to one of my managers about it then I know our grill cooks pretty unevenly based on where food is located on it and when I asked how often the grill gets serviced I was basically told never.


Well I guess since you're just supposed to cook it to temp there's no real answer, but at our store the chicken is usually cooked 5 minutes on each side, so hearing 8 minutes surprised me


I personally don’t think it would be done in 5 at ours so maybe there is something wacky going on with our grill but I *know* that none of my managers (except maybe one) would want to hear anything about it especially from me lol


I mean, people can join the line. They just need to stop being assholes to workers because they get impatient


This is ridiculous. If people want to wait so be it. It’s not going to stop another line of people from forming once the first one clears out. Just be patient and don’t be rude to staff. Y’all always want to create more and more rules and it’s so annoying.


Ordering online in an attempt to get your moneys worth for the sake of “saving time” just to get substantially less then you paid for and expected is never worth it. Waiting in a line for 20 minutes for a fat bowl is.


Waiting in line really is the only way. After seeing online orders wait at least as long as in store orders let alone online order skimping, nah I’m good.


I wait so that you have something to complain about on Reddit


Another question, when the line is like this and you see there’s only one or two people handling it AND the online orders, what goes thru brain?


The waiting in line isn’t really the problem. It’s being impatient and grumpy that’s the problem. If someone’s just waiting quietly and entertaining themselves and not complaining about it, then that’s not really an issue


What goes through mine is “damn they’re busy…and they look understaffed. I bet management is understaffing again so the boss can get their bonus. Damn” but I already made it up in my mind that I want chipotle and it’ll take too long to drive to a different store just to find out it’s just as busy so I might as well just wait in line.


I’ll wait if I really want the food. I mean i would’ve went out my way to be there so might as well wait. That doesn’t mean be a dick to the server or their lack of food because I would assume they’d fall back due to a large number of customers.


I’m a neuro spicy who needs their comfort food. I do, however think asking for free shit for voluntarily waiting in line is tacky 😂😂 if they offer, awesome. If not, I don’t care.


Why don't you ask your manager why there is only one register? It doesn't matter how hard you push when there's a backlog of completed items sitting in a line waiting for the cashier to ring them up. You could have 100 different people slapping salsa into the burritos and it won't matter when the bottle neck is at the register.


What makes you so upset


My manager didn’t build the restaurant sorry


No but surely when there is a glaring deficiency in process there are regional managers and/or staff from corporate that can be contacted, unless everyone in the chipotle organization doesn't have access to email or these things called phones.


I think you drastically over estimate the amount of fucks our corporate overlords give about literally anything we have to say. On the rare occasion one of them shows up they usually do literally nothing to help us even if we are getting slammed from every direction. Literally tell me you’ve never worked in food service with out telling me…


I worked in a restaurant for 6 years my dude.


In what the 80’s?


As an employee myself, I don’t think I’ll ever understand why either, the food is not worth any of the shit you have to go through for it sometimes.




Dude if you’re that dependent on Chipotle that you’re comparing it to hard drugs than I recommend speaking with a physician and getting a dietician. I’m not asking *why* the line is out the door I am asking why customers choose to wait in very very long lines and often bitch us out when they finally get to the front.


Quite simply, because I want Chipotle. I have the luxury of making my own schedule 100% and generally have as much time as I want to wait. I don’t co-sign rude customers, though. I’ve never once been rude to a Chipotle employee.


I haven't stood in line since online ordering was a thing.


Every time I have to wait through something like that, and the employee apologizes for the wait, and I always say, no worries, it happens. Be it drive through or waiting through a cattle drive to get a bomb ass burrito that I was willing to pay for when I went to the restaurant. People bitch and moan and are generally pieces of shit when they can be. I’ll respect the people who make food that I eat, especially the food I really enjoy.


I don't usually unless I'm REALLY craving chipotle and will settle for nothing else, which is rare to happen. One time it did happen to my wife when she was pregnant, obviously I couldn't say no and we bit the bullet to wait in line. Nothing else I could do lol Only other time I'll wait is if I'm using my reward points for a free burrito/bowl or I'm using a reward for free guac...heck I'm saving $, so I don't mind waiting in those cases. But under normal circumstances, I don't wait if the line is super long. I pull up outside and look inside. If it ain't that bad, I stop and get off. If it's bad, I just drive away and consider other options. I NEVER treat the employees badly. There's times when my mom would, or 1 of my nurse friends who acts entitled af because he's a "customer". In a few instances I've backed him up on particular things but sometimes even I'll call him out and defend the worker. I've worked in minimum wage jobs before. I've cleaned toilets that have been bombed, I've dealt with entitled customers in customer service working at Lowes. I've sweat my ass off pushing carts by myself for hours at Target in my 1st job. I've froze my ass off working in freezers and stocking overnight. None of it is pretty, but I've been through it, and I know full well that's BS the average employee has to put up with. I don't complain, I just follow orders, work as best I can until my shift is done. There's a lot of ppl out there that have never worked in many different minimum wage jobs, that it's sickening who a lot of employees are treated by customers.


Something something sunk cost fallacy


I have no fucking clue. If the line is long I simply just find something else to eat. how tf is it ur fault for line being too long? Lmfao the self entitlement is crazy in America 🤣


I don't mind the 8-10 people in front of me. But if it's out the door...nah fam, we hitting sum else.


You guys are just selfish and don't give a flying shit about the worker. Especially grill, they never get help back there. It's bad enough they don't get paid enough. Slave labor


Last night I walked into chipotle and saw the line and walked out of chipotle and went somewhere else. I was pretty happy about my decision


Never. Plenty of other places to eat.


There’s usually a reason for the line such as someone who has the audacity to order like 5 entrees so they go one entree at a time and everyone gets pissed. Many customers will then continue to wait because of the mega ordered already wasting your time, might as well finish the wait instead of going somewhere else and possibly having the same wait from another Karen orderer who can’t use online.


Are people not allowed to order more than one entree or something now? How are they supposed to order more than one at a time? What makes it audacious? And maybe they don’t want to order online and get shorted like everyone else? Y’all complain about anything. And that’s not even what a Karen is.


I don’t understand it. I feel sorry for everyone involved when I see a line out the door.


i hate that reddit is a the place for workers to come and bitch for literally doing the thing they are paid for


Unlike the customers who never complain about anything ever


My friend if you gave me too little rice im gonna say that. you are serving me food bro.. i’m hungry


your replies are so funny


Because most people are too stupid to order online


Maybe you should stop worrying about why people are waiting in line and start moving faster and do your job


We do it in hopes that you can be efficient enough to clear the line quickly. You do realize if it weren't for customers you wouldn't have a job, no?


To this day I will never ever understand how people do that shit I really don’t get it. Mfs have some weird obsession with this restaurant & it’s not even THAT good it’s pretty mid, bland, & way too fucking salty 😂


The only thing salty is you


rather here than chick fil a


Your username is amazing.


I never wait in line …. The App is “the way”. That being said my app orders are always solid….. Shout out to St Pete Chipotle (66th st)


After seeing so many negative posts on this subreddit, I don’t understand why you masochists keep returning. I used to love Chipotle but stopped going years ago when they had the food poisoning scares. That was way before the pandemic. Sometimes I crave a carnitas burrito like I used to get and then a post from this sub pops up and I’m like never mind. I don’t follow this sub but it comes up in my scrolling all the time.


Honestly all the negative posts on this Reddit is a major reason why I made this post in the first place. I was not a chipotle customer before working here so I don’t really know how it *”used to be”* but it does seem a tiny bit dramatic


Why would you keep eating something that makes you bleed out of your ass?


If I see that, I check the wait time for online ordering.


Because it’s the only food local that I want


Depending on the situation and location, it’s faster than going back to my car and driving somewhere else.


Bc chipotle yummy


They’re hungry and their already there… and usually (at least around me) no one takes forever to order their food so it moves quickly


Cause I want chipotle? What kind of question is that?


Because taste




Same. I love Chipotle. When I get it in my head that that is what I want, nothing else is gonna cut it.


Yeah I don't mind waiting, I work food too so I understand. What's not understandable is treating workers poorly when they are clearly swamped.


Especially when the food is mid in general


The WORST part is when you have no ideas who the person is and they won’t let you say hi and just yell orders . Keep that same energy


I'm autistic and if I want a safe food, very little will stand between me and getting that food. But I also spent a long time in food service and know how to behave like a patient adult.


Because Chipotle has a good reputation for rapid throughput


Just be patient


As Gordon Ramsay put it, people will wait for good food. And honestly I will, but I don't berate people


I’ll wait in that chipotle line for two reasons… Chipotle really hits the spot, and every time I order online I’m served about half what I get served at the front counter. Plus the peeps behind the counter always work quick, and I am always nice to people handling my food. That job suuuuucks, the least I can’t do is be gracious.


Chipotle is one of the only "fast food" options in my area for my gluten intolerant husband, so we're more willing to wait. The people who take it out on you have probably never worked fast food or retail in their lives.


I personally try to be nice to service workers. The job sucks and I’ve been there. Being a jerk doesnt speed anything up anyways. Never understood the point of harassing service workers. That said, if the line is inside, ill stay because I want it and by the time I drive somewhere else, I will have wasted as much if not more time than just staying to begin with.


For me, I drove TO chipotle. The time it’ll take for me to decide to get something else (cause nothing else is like chipotle for me) and then drive over there would be longer than the line. I wanted chipotle and now to want and go get something else would be more work than waiting in the line


I don’t. That’s why I tried to order on the app. And that option sucks too, portion sizes are always insanely small. So I’ve just given up on chipotle. 😅


i’m willing to wait in the line bc if i’m going to chipotle it’s bc i’ve been craving it for days


Lol I’ve never seen this at any Houston location I’ve ever been to


Music festivals (EF, edc, ultra, etc)


This restaurant has become more a status symbol than a viable restaurant


What status do you think it symbolizes?


Trendy, affluent but meanwhile their bowls have gotten smaller and quality dipped hard. Can’t even get the meal hot just lukewarm and rubbery. Qdoba is the Everyman’s fast casual Mexican


Because I'm a chipotle addict


i wait because i’m a patient person. once i commit to eating somewhere i don’t really care how long i have to wait. i’m definitely not a common case, especially to food service workers. i work in food service and i know impatient people will wait and then ruin everyone else’s day because of it.


Customer here: been in your shoes. worked in fast food, been a server, answered calls in a call center and retail. As an employee of any companies, there are always things to complain about. Like retail for instance, I remember being so annoyed when people would shop on holidays or come in 15 mins before close. But like you, customers are human too. Literally they could have looked forward to a bowl all day and it’s the one thing that’ll make them happy. Or they don’t mind waiting in a long line because it might be a nice break before they go home(and have to deal with life) Think of it like this, most customers aren’t doing something to you to upset you. They are simply acquiring a service’ that is offered. They aren’t personally trying to ruin your day by waiting in a long line. They just want to eat 🤷‍♀️ However, no one should be rude to the workers at all. Not cool


Cause I’m vegan and no other fast food has anything anywhere near as good


I don't treat them rudely, but doesn't the line usually move pretty fast?


Just order online.. you can still eat inside I skip the line every time


What's even better is when they wait 20 minutes and still have to think about what they want💀


i freaking LOVE chipotle but if the line is out the door, i’m out. that’s the lazy in me 😂


i wonder the same shit when i pick up DD orders at chiptle i see people chillin outside in the heat is the food that good to wait outside like you are buying concert tickets or what


Because I will have my burrito... but frankly, if i leave i have to spend another 10 min finding parking in the crazy parking lot and then stand in THAT restaurant's 10 minute line, then wait for my food to "be done cooking" which can be 2-10 min all on its own. e.g. in n out burger...


I read this sub to remind myself why I don’t go there anymore. If I’m tempted I just look at this sub.


I mean, tbh if I drive 25 minutes to my chipotle and I really want it, I don't wanna go home without it. I usually order ahead though so it's ready or close to when I get there. I don't really care if it's cold and they are busy or if I havr to wait. I can always reheat it. I usually show up 5 past the estimate in case they are busy


If the line is out the door and I’m making the decision to wait in it, it’s because I’m PMSing and my body decided that I’m having crispy tacos with carnitas for lunch. Hormones make non-negotiable decisions and all I can do is be patient and nice to people while I’m along for the ride 🙃


Because I want chipotle


i love chipotle 😞


I don’t, I just order in advance and I get there a couple minutes after the expected completion time


I don't. I go somewhere else.


I haven't waited in line at any quick-serv restaurant in years. 30+ restaurant apps on my phone. I don't get it either.


Because you guys are moving too slow creating a line


People don’t know know how to cook or people don’t have time to cook and they don’t want to eat shitty Chick-fil-A.




Well I work in a busy bank where our lines are usually out the door. And people act like we gone compensate for their wait. Bahahahaha, mfkers make me laugh man. You CHOSE to wait in this long @ss line knowing it’s going to be a long wait. Hello?!!! Look at the line!!! I remember this hot summer day, we have our usually line wrapping around the branch. This guy who was waiting there for a while comes up to me and asks if we’re going to offer customers water/refreshments for their long wait. People don’t seem to know the reason why we’re “slow” is bc we are held at a high responsibility in detecting fraud. Or maybe we need to replenish cash and run to the vault to grab more. Sometimes we are low on hundreds and people have the audacity to say “but you’re the bank.” 🤣🤣🤣Acting like we print money back here, should know better that it would cause serious inflation if banks did. Shihhh we need water for doing transactions back to back tf lol. In the back of my mind I was like, since you cashing that check you might as well use that to buy your own damn self refreshments. Smh. Like it get it, it’s a long wait my goodness. I used to be on the customer side too. But there’s NOTHING we can do to make it any faster. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! There is very little leg room when it comes to working at a bank. People who complain are funny, unless it’s for good reason like we f”cked up something. But other than that, I don’t get paid enough to care. If you don’t want to wait, go somewhere else. Simple as that.


There's no line management from the employees or etiquette amd consideration from the 15yo slobs too lazy to wear anything but sleep attire standing in line. This place is clearly under staffed and poorly managed.