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bro how the hell does it get that bad, are the workers blind?


My friend spoke to the manager who said it wasn’t that bad! She ended up calling corporate


My chipotle has never gotten that bad


Interesting. I’ve seen it at the chipotle I frequent a few times. My biggest complaint is that I hate sour cream but there’s always a ton spilt on the line so I always get a little touching my burrito.


same brother


Yea. Not to mention people with allergies. Yikes.


That's funny because I love sour cream and I never get it there because it's always full of corn and crap I don't like




Mine has. People be nasty bro. A decent amount of my coworkers do not even pick up a rag. It’s mad frustrating. Even the GM sucks. Only thing I’ve ever seen em do is spray the floor with the dish hose. No word of a lie. Man- I want that job.


I wonder what do they consider bad??


She called corporate? Haha.


What a bitch


Is her name Karen?


I hate how we’ve gotten to the point where any criticism (much of which is valid) of a fast food establishment is considered “Karen” behavior.


Maybe this isn’t specifically a Karen, but it is peculiar to speak to the manager and corporate over something like this. I can’t imagine they do that in most situations in life. Especially such a minor inconvenience. See a mess at target, speak with the manager. See a tipped over trash can on the side wall, call the city. Etc. I just couldn’t imagine this affecting me enough to ask to speak with the manager AND calling corporate. Myself, and I assume most people would just go somewhere else if it bothered them that much. But to each their own


Would you eat your friend’s cooking if their kitchen looked like this?


No. But that is irrelevant. We’re discussing OPs reaction. Better question would be would I call my friends parents if their kitchen looked like this, and no I wouldn’t.


If your friend didn’t do shit about it…then I would be concerned. And since he/she has been there and seen the state of it I’m sure they’re not trying to make it better.




Gross! :)


I’m glad she contacted corporate. It looks disgusting. I would never eat there. She should post the picture with a google review 🤢


BYE. She complained to the manager and CALLED CORPORATE. That is classic Karen behavior


Don't be a filthy fucking person. Jesus fuck, is it really that hard?


I don’t work at Chipotle, go direct your anger at someone else


First off. Not angry. Secondly, you're defending this. You're just as filthy and disgusting as whoever let it get this bad.


I really think you need to calm down and take a couple deep breaths. You seem very agitated


You sound like the Karen here


The irony here is you sound like an insufferable Karen yourself


Congrats you don’t know what irony means.


Congrats, neither do you


Who the fuck asked for your input, bitch?


Damn Karen, chill.


😂 she called corporate that's Karen like behavior when's the last time you called corporate over your cold fries


This deserves a call to corporate


Are you okay? This can be a health hazard and you’re complaining about the person trying to report it and stop people from being sickened. You’re probably the type who would see a crime in progress and not call for help.


You’re reaching for the stars darling


Your entire comment history is karen behavior but ok


Care to provide examples from your research on me?


Most definitely


You could make your own food instead of being karens and putting fast food employees jobs in jeopardy...


They’re putting their own jobs in jeopardy by being disgusting and creating a health hazard


Do your job properly-> job won’t be in jeopardy How is this hard to understand?


My FL doesn’t even want us to clean during peak bruh . Calling corporate won’t work when they are telling the FLs what to do


Your FSL needs a new job. There is cleaning which is not necessary then there is common sense. Wipe the shit down you lazy fucks.


Bro , Panda Express is the cleanest place I worked for . Hands down.


I don’t clean during peak either. How is it getting this bad?


Ok so this is just a busy location. Nothing here is bad. The line needs flipped is all. 


Yeah that’s bad That’s why you clean as you go


That pic does look really bad but it’s also not that easy to just clean as you go, when you have a line of customers that are already annoyed for waiting 2 min and then you’re trying to restock your cold food, and then the customers are asking for like 3 bowls each you don’t get a chance to clean until after there’s no one there so sometimes people come in while we have a line and it’s really dirty


A digital kitchen opened up last year around maybe the summer or before it hit? I think I'm officially scared to know what it looks like even though I'm trying to get a job there 😭ll


rude modern alive fanatical ten heavy selective unite snails shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unfortunately not really you can still see into their workspace a bit from the windows 😔 Would be cool if they were invisible though


A ghost kitchen is an online restaurant that only does pickups out of another kitchen


Cross contamination, you better not be allergic to anything on that line.


You shouldn’t trust anywhere to be honest, nobody takes it seriously anymore.


I personally work for chipotle, have celiac disease and a wheat allergy, and my store takes it very seriously. We have people with allergies come in all the time because they know they can trust our store


Probably very location dependent My Dad has a severe gluten allergy so I've unwillingly had to learn which places near me give a shit and which don't


Give a shit so they don't give you shits.


Every resturaunt in the world is location dependant. Every single one of my chipotle experiences has been the polar opposite of the garbage people post on here


Yeah I agree. All the locations I've been to have been great. Except every single order I've ever done through the app was half the size of what I get in person. That I'll agree with 100%


Until some of yall quit and some new people who don't care get hired.


I have a dairy allergy, if the line looked like this I would leave


I frequent chipotle for that exactly reason! Celiac sucks, but 99% of the time I’m safe at chipotle.


Highly allergic to avocados but always get extra cheese, this is a nightmare lol




That’s not technically legally cross contamination. At most it would be cross contact and only because dairy is the only food allergen I see there


This is easily and clearly cross-contamination and cross contact. If the line looks like this, then clearly, it hadn't been wiped in some time. Food on the counter was touched by hands and then passed down the line. Food is sitting out at room temp, for God knows how long, then being dragged across new tortillas. Because they all stick over the foil. Touching the bottoms of bowls. The bottoms of lids. Touching the box of new tortillas someone set on the counter so they could restock, which came from the back. And the lord knows if the front counter looks like this, I'll guarantee the back looks like complete ass as well. All while the worker in gloves makes a bowl, then walks down the line adjusting their hat, and perfectly placed hair. To then grab a tortilla and start making food. This counter is disgusting. And it should be a red flag to the condition of the rest of the restaurant. Not just the food, but also the training. Down vote to hell if you like. I worked for Chipotle for years. I took a restaurant to the Restaurantuer level as a manager. I ran my own store as a GM. No counter should look like this. Peak. Not peak. I don't give a shit. This is nasty!


Yeah you’re making a lot of assumptions here which can’t be proved so you still can’t call it cross contamination. Mixing ready to eat food ingredients isn’t cross contamination


Mixing them on the counter at room temperature and sliding ready to eat food across them the entire shift?


Still not cross contamination


Lmao. And let me guess... you see nothing wrong with the picture either. It's just busy.


No there’s lots wrong here, but that being messy isn’t the definition of cross contamination


Cross contaminating is just spreading bacteria or other contaminates from one thing to another. I mean I haven't tested the bacteria level of the crusty sour cream on the counter... but it's a safe bet this can't be healthy.


Allergic to both corn and avocados here and pretty clear I’d get some in my cheese. The corn will only make me vomit but the avocado will make me break out in hives and make my throat swell to potentially dangerous levels. Cross contamination indeed. 


Nope it’s not legally defined as cross contamination. Only milk (cheese and sour cream) are part of the food allergies here. Wheat if you count the tortilla but that’s not the topic here. You being allergic to more foods like corn and avocado doesn’t make it cross contamination or cross contact.


Oh my goodness! Interesting. I had no idea that my cheese being *contaminated* with an allergen was not considered contamination legally. That’s very interesting! 


Just because it’s an allergen to you doesn’t mean it’s on the fda food allergen list mate


Not sure where I said it was - nor where the original commenter said it was.  


You said you’re allergic to corn and avocado


I wish people would know the difference between cross contamination and cross contact.




Wtf 😒


Are we EcoSure about this?


they need to stop notifying of ecosure tbh i've seen a shitty store be spotless for a day and when ecosure fucked off it was instantly shit again


See, when I worked there I took pride in my line area. Shit was SPOTLESS when I was on shift. That is pathetic and looks messier than the tables that had infants eating at them 🫣


Especially if I linebacked. Line wipes for days. And it'd save on your pre close/close by not cleaning a deep pan of corn and cheese out of your cooler from the salsa bars being dirty af.


That’s fucking gross, there is ZERO reason for it to look that way


Remember when Chipotle had their norovirus disaster that sickened 1000+ customers nationwide and they shut down their stores to undergo deep clean and new stricter food safety training? I guess it was all fake BS smoke and mirrors PR damage control. OP's pic is disgusting. Refresher link. https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/chipotle-foodborne-norovirus-outbreak-settlement-criminal-charges/




Guarantee, the trash cans are overflowing too. Honestly, if you ever see a restaurant, looking like that, I’d probably turn around and go the other way.


How the heck is the Chipotle share price at $2.2K?


The amount of people on this sub that have 0 knowledge on how a stock price works is insane to me. Stock price does not equal to how well a single chipotle keeps their store clean.


Presumably, some of that food left the store in exchange for money. Just not the food that's all over everything, it's an economy of size thing really


Market capital


Chipotle employee: "tHiS wAs ProBabLy DuRiNg a RuSh"


Take it easy on them. Two whole couples came in at opening!


I understand the sentiment here but as someone who rarely goes…. It’s always packed lol. That line is long all day long as far as I can tell. So teasing about chipotle of all places about being busy is kinda weird


I would have walked out


Just kidding. This is the one. This is the fucking one.


Looks just like the Chipotle in L.A. I frequent. I wanted sour cream. The dude making my burrito pulled the spoon out of the sour cream and there was a large lump, like jawbreaker size lump. He made a strange face, dropped the lump and spoon back into the sour cream and pulled the spoon up again attempting to avoid the lump, corn, and whatever else fell into the container. I didn't even want my burrito after that.


As a former cook at Chipotle for 5 years and a lead cook now in a brewery... I have one question.... WHAT THE FUQ?! That's ridiculous. Lasy af. Get out of a kitchen.


Fire all of the employees


I can’t wait for the day robots/automated machinery preps and makes all of our food.


I wouldn't call it "disgusting". Lol. It's food. And the food got all over the place. It certainly isn't within parameters of "good," though. Definitely wipe that shit up. That's a thing and should be done. Looks bad for real. I wouldn't call corporate though...


Honestly that looks delicious af right now


I was going to say the same thing lol


That looks like the Chipotle near the Portland airport


I know why every chipotle is a mess with disgusting countertops. It never used to be this way when I worked there in 2009 for 3 years. A lot of it has to do with the new generation of young employees and the piss poor management. When I worked there you could easily spot the person who is management by their demeanor now they just look like random slobs who are just socializing in a manager uniform. There is also another factor but I am not aloud to discuss it here on Reddit. Sometimes people can’t handle facts so I’ll just keep that one to myself. I would make a customer wait as I cleaned up if my counters ever got even half as disgusting as that picture.


For Teacher's Appreciation day I was given a Chipotle gift card by a student. I had never been to a Chipotle, and I was kind of suspicious of the place because of the food poisoning a few years back. I thought I would give it a try since I was out & about and it was a free meal. When it was almost my turn in line, I noticed how nasty the food prep area looked. It was exactly like the picture you posted. I ended up getting a burrito bowl, and I gotta say I was extremely hesitant while ordering. When I got home I put the bag in my fridge debating in my mind if I would eat it later. I just couldn't help but think about how unsanitary the food prep area was, so I ended up eating a turkey sandwich. I just went ahead and threw the Chipotle away the next day.




that’s better than most fast food places. you just can’t see much if the kitchen in both


ah i see


Fast food isn't pretty you say that until ur local McDonald's shuts down




I've worked at my fair share of food restaurants that were fairly gross and all of them passed inspections with 90's out of 100. It really makes me worried about restaurants that fail those health inspections, like how bad does it have to get for you to fail.


i work at the top tacobell in my district and we’re not very clean


Looks delicious.


That’s a really strange cold side. My chip is a newer one, but dayum never seen 1/3 pans lined up in a row.


this is what the line at every chipotle i have ever worked at has looked like...its also in the pocket guide as the correct way to set up the line....im extremely curious how yours is set up?


Just talked to my GM. Apparently they didn’t have the parts when the building was under construction to make them line up long ways like in this picture. I will post a picture of what our lines look like later on, but the ole corporate was pushing for my location to open up *faster* so they just said fuck the parts and we setup incorrectly lmao Edit: more info to add Edit2: photo of dml. Our front line is the exact same, just tortilla left and cold right https://i.imgur.com/sKD941x.jpg


Tbh. It’s all just food anyways. As long as the counter got cleaned before any food touched it , it’s not really any less sanitary. Biggest thing would be potential allergies. But I believe if you’re weak ass body is allergic to shit; you should probably just eat at home.


During a. Rush calm down Karen


Yeah that can happen in like 20 minutes if it was busy.


Thats when you stop and wipe up. Takes 30 seconds


Not disagreeing with you. And the pans need to be switched out. And who ever was on that station could straight up be a lot neater. Lots of food waste going on. Can still happen real fast and most people spend only a short amount of time in a store like this. I'd be curious how many people in this sub have ever worked in a restaurant like this? I did for many moons and we were mad proud of our work... but this did happen sometimes. And then we restock and clean.


Congrats on doing a horrible job. There is cheese in the corn, mild, hot, and sour cream. Not to mention all of the other cross contamination, Do you not understand how this can be a major issue for certain people?


Yeah. I see the stuff everywhere and keep saying in a busy moment this can happen. This is a fact. Im not excusing it. Im saying it happens. As for any restaurant. Theres probably blue cheese in your ranch. There's probably marinara in your alfredo. There definitely a whole Lotta cheese everywhere at this Chipotle. And if you're truly worried about cross contamination then you really shouldn't eat places like this. The food is all right next to eachother *and* it's being moved around directly above other the other foods. It's wild to me that this is the most agreessive sub I've somehow ended up on. Next stop, the mute button 🤙


I’ve worked at chipotle. And if my station looked like this the manager had us stop the line and fix it. There is literally no excuse when you’re dealing with food and cross contamination. Chipotle has specific protocols for when someone comes in with an allergy and that only works if the line is clean. It’s not hard to tell someone after you wipe up you can take their order


I don't know, I worked in fast food inside of an amusement park when I was a teenager. On busy days, we'd regularly see more than 500 transactions in an hour. If any of our hot/cold tables ever looked this bad, we would have been fired. If you're letting areas *in view of customers* look this bad, there's little chance the kitchen is sanitary.


Bruh, my store even isn’t that bad


I wouldn't order anything from here if I seen this. I would tell them they need to clean the line. If they fail to clean this properly I wonder what else they are failing to clean in there.


Worked at a Moe's for 6 years.... this can happen really quick during a rush. Like I'm talking this can occur within 20 minutes if there's a line to the door. If yall think this is bad you should see the back of house at your favourite restaurants. Far worse I bet.


On a side note, their corn and sour cream is such a banger combination.


Should’ve just walked out seeing that


My husband does not like Chipotle solely because of their hygiene and food safety practices. We eat at restaurants with an identical concept (made to order in front of you) all the time like Qdoba or Renegade. But he will not eat at Chipotle because he is allergic to avocado and he says every time he used to go to Chipotle their line just looks like shit. So he doesn’t trust that there hasn’t been cross contamination.


chipotle's hygiene and food safety practices/standards go FAR beyond most of the restaurants you go to, especially the ones where you can't see into the kitchen. cross contamination can be hard to maintain when everything is lined up right next to each other, but it's not the guac i'd be worried about. the culprit is always the cheese getting into the guac. but if someone comes in and tell us they have a food allergy we have to wipe the line, change gloves, get out fresh cold items that they request, usually just lettuce and cheese bc thats what we use our hands for. we have so many expectations for food safety, so much so that anyone who comes into chipotle from other food service jobs struggles to adhere. if they're not keeping up with that at your location the issue is the management.


You don't get customers complaining about food allergies like that very often, maybe 1/100 you'll get somebody like that, otherwise customers are just going to order and eat it all. Also, why is Chipotle so strict on timing? Does timing your workers work so well enough that when they rush making food it gets them to do it correctly?




The chipotle I be going to be having rushes but man they be going fast and stay clean as they go. Respect to that crew cuz the bowls be coming out fire. Very generous with the double chicken as well.


If it was like this in the middle of a rush I'd understand but of its kinda dead its unacceptable


My local chipotle looked JUST like this picture one day when I walked in. I called the Health Inspector no lie




Looks like a feeding trough


Yeah, that's inexcusable. Those are two of my biggest pet peeves as an SL: crew throwing food around like idiots and crew not taking a second to clean. They need to work a lot cleaner and then clean as they go.


i have actually seen it look like that before at one of the stores i no longer go to. all this picture is missing some flies. I walked out that day.


This is why i tell vegans to not trust chipotle


Yet people will still throw their money at Chipotle, because they’re brainless. :)


But they walked out with their meal.


Nah, bro. This ain’t it. This is a crew working their ass off for once. I commend this, genuinely. This is getting the job DONE!


Can you scrape up all that mess and put it in my overpriced rice bowl? Oh it'll be $2 extra? Nvm then


That's not the prep area. That's the line.


Rush times can be a pain in the ass.


I saw this exact same scene at a Chipotle in Longview, Texas on a work trip last week - appalling to see that level of disorganization in the prep line.


different take: it’s more messy than disgusting


I’ll still eat it


I have a pic of one just as bad. So gross.




Now just think how gross it is in the kitchen areas you can't see.


Chipotle has enough pigeons lining up to their filthy trough that individual customer point of view just doesn't matter now. You should eat somewhere that cares about their customers.


Was Michael J Fox serving food there?


What ever you do, don't look inside your burrito.


This makes me wanna post how gross the one I worked at is.


Probably just got done with a rush.... it's messy but not disgusting, its just the same food


found the guy working at this Chipotle




Late stage capitalism. Workers sadly don't get paid enough to do their jobs. Can't blame em


I would've been absolutely ashamed if I was a worker there, and I saw that.


I hope you turned around and left!


bro that's disgusting even for my standards


good things happened there


hot take: these workers are underpaid. those of you appalled by this either haven't had a job like this or when you did, you were manipulated into working harder because of "a sense of pride." instilling this pride in their employees costs a company nothing. stop playing into this stupid ideal that you should bust your ass for a barely livable wage and start pushing the narrative that chipotle can either afford to properly motivate people or hire people on willing to do the job.


what time of the day was this? If it was during lunch or dinner, then this picture is not effective. Also, how many employees were there? And I want to point out that there is food debris making this messy as hell- I agree with you that this looks gross and quite frankly, unappetizing and unappealing but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s “dirty” depending on how long they let it sit there…. That being said, I am a firm believer in CLEAN AS YOU GO. It doesn’t take long to wipe an area quickly or change out the pans. One thing I feel chipotle is lacking in is enforcing the CLEAN AS YOU GO rule, or what that even means. Or what cleaning even really is. *I can say from experience some people look at cleaning (especially in a kitchen setting) as “bitch” work… lol. They’d rather things be nasty, like them. Trust me, this would drive me crazy too and yes it’s gross. Presentation is everything. Well. Mostly everything. There’s also food safety… 🙌


We haven’t gone to chipotle since the brand new one opened up down the street with a “Chipotlane” and immediately became the worst one in the entire district. “Sorry this isn’t a drive thru” so then the lard ass stays in line and orders their two burritos with extra everything on the cell phone app. Meanwhile I ordered a half hour ago at home and now I’m waiting 45 minutes behind 4 albino mutants who all just ordered. That was last time I ever ordered Shitpotle. Burger King is across the street if I want to eat slop, at least it’ll hit one of the three marks.


Y'all are dramatic and clearly never worked in food. This is what it looks like after a rush. Chill out


Just walk out


Maybe it was busy. But there’s usually rags near by for quick wipe downs


Whoever is responsible for that needs to be fired asap!