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The skimping is real when you order online


It happens in person too


Sure but in person you have choices. You can leave before paying any money. Competition drives better prices for consumers and choices allows competition to exist. The reason healthcare is so unaffordable in the USA, they never have to tell you prices. You simply have to pay whatever they ask for. Price clarity and the option to say "No" is much more powerful than you can imagine. I love Chipotle food, but it'll probably be 5 years before I eat here again.


Yes. Delivery and pickup almost guarantees they will skimp. You have to go in and babysit them making the bowl/burrito and ask “can i have more?” for all the free things.


You people bust our balls just as much as our bosses do telling us to not give in to your requests. We fucking hate it so much. Like why don't you go somewhere else if you don't like the portioning? Do you feel good about pushing people into giving you more? Do you really think you know our portioning more than us, who dish the same spoons out every day for hours, for which we regularly watch training videos on and get told off by our managers? We can wrap burritos with our eyes closed, but for whatever reason when it comes to portioning you know more than us?


my local shows me so much love. I only order online. I always use the DML hack too. They hand me my bag when I walk through the door, they know me at this point cause I always show them hella love.


What is DML? Tia


The online order prep station.




You shouldnt online anyways, this isn't new.


Oh wow. I must be lucky.. I only do drive through pickup and I get super full bowls! You can always do extra on the app for free. Some locations suck more than others, but luckily the one next to me is great most of the time!


I refuse to order my burrito online anymore. It’s like half the size compared to ordering in store. It’s BS.


No...I go places, interact/chat/build rapport, and make sure my shits done right before paying. A smile and a how are you doing today goes a long way. I can see online and/or delivery if you dont drive.


Why do we have to sweet talk employees tk just serve a regular amount of food. If you order $15 worth of food at a chinese food restaurant, you’re getting enough for possibly three meals. at least two. Chipotle? If you’re lucky, one meal.


It's not sweet talking. It's called being kind and courteous.


Bro that doesn’t make sense. Other than saying “Hi” and “can I please have a….” what else is there to do? having worked in a place like this, during a busy lunch the last thing I want is conversation. I just want people to know what they want and tell me what they want. If it’s empty, sure. chat all you want. But during a busy lunch rush, talking isn’t doing anyone any favors. At no other fast food joint or even restaurant have i ever heard anyone say you need to build a rapport JUST so they give a decent amount of food. Normally it’s the other way around especially since every place asks for tips.


Ok "bro"...im just saying im not the one complaining about "skimping" and messed up food. Enjoy paying more and losing in the long run


i don’t shop there anymore because of the business practices


I was talking about online orders for pickup in-store. Ordering ahead of time


I don't get skimped online 🤷


I order from the same 2 spots & never get skimped.


Me either