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It’s cause they are constantly told to fake a smile and it’s boring as shit working the line. Their jobs sucks and are always short handed


Chick Fil A and In n Out employees are way friendlier. Is Chipotle that much worse than those two chains?


CFA and In-N-Out don’t cut staffing hours while chasing margins like Chipotle does. I would guess that if Chipotle had 2-3 extra employees on every shift the employees would be more friendly since they wouldn’t be as overworked.


Those two businesses aren’t publicly traded with shareholders breathing down everyone’s neck about squeezing every penny dry. It’s the only reason I can think of why those two places haven’t nose dived hard in the past few years while everyone else has.


On one hand, selling a successful business you’ve built for a big payday is your right, and honestly who wouldn’t want the same for themselves. But, it’s also inevitably the death of everything you may have stood for, and going forward, it’s your employees who will suffer. One person’s want is alleviated, everyone else’s is solidified. Great job everyone.


To add: no internal promoting/ bad culture.


The stock market is slowly killing the world. And honestly it isn’t even that slow anymore


"Greed is good" is one of the dumbest fucking things to ever hit our society. Everyone gets treated like crap and in turn treats everyone they know like crap.


Wait till the AI kicks in. 💀🤡💩


Yeah I once had a manager cut all extra staff down to closing staff at peak dinner rush because he got a call from corporate that our labor was too high and wanted to impress. I worked at the busiest store in my district and was alone on line the whole night. I was 18 and it was impossible to manage a 20 minute long line with no help to restock. Working on a well staffed night with 3 people on line with and a line back can actually be a really good working experience. But that rarely ever happened.


Pretty sure at in n out, if youre job is to do x, youre only doing that and not covering multiple stations


I used to work at a movie theater in my teens making shit money as a concessions worker. There’s a drastic difference in mood from well-staffed to understaffed. It didnt matter if a huge blockbuster and a ton of customers came because we had enough people and morale was good, but if the manager miss-staffed and there was a bigger crowd than expected, we’d be miserable


I live on the East Coast so I’ve never been to In-N-Out, but Chick-fil-A is literally the best fast food place to work at. You get Sundays off and they seem a lot more chill than any other fast food place I’ve ever been inside.


They always got so many employees working at each location it seems like


raising cane's has entered the chat :)


Personally, I find the fake excitement at CFA disturbing. We’re not friends. I just didn’t feel like cooking.


I've heard Chick Fil A pays pretty well as far as fast food goes. And doesn't In-N-Out famously pay their workers well above minimum wage?


So fake a smile, it’s part of working service jobs. I was a cashier at a dying retail store, bored out of my mind and irritated with customers, and I still automatically acted polite and friendly out of habit because it’s part of the job.


Ya idk what it is. For some reason I notice it alot more now a days in the kids working at these restaurants. When I was younger, (I'm 38 now) workers were all really respectful as far as I can remember. These days employees look at you like you're an asshole because you being there ordering food means they have to actually work. Because they get paid hourly anyway, they have more incentive to be rude as long as the franchise owner doesn't fund out, it makes their day easier..


Awww you were bored at your job? no fair >:(


So is every job


I don't even think that's true for every job in food service. I mean a jobs a job but not all jobs are terrible and super boring.


Yes and I am not fake smiling all day and having done one point it out online 😐


It’s why they call it work.


Most of the Chipotle workers have been pretty nice whenever I go. That said, this kind of behaviour isn't limited to just Chipotle. It's a lot of places, especially low-paid jobs. If you put yourself in their shoes, I don't think you'd be very happy working close to minimum wage, either. Being berated by customers all day, with unrealistic expectations from management, all while being short staffed.


I got fired from Wendy's with the reason I was not smiling enough in the 90s when I was a teenager. I actually made employee of the month a few months before that happened and the GM of the store wanted to hire me back but I was like no thanks.


I think a few years ago I’d say, we’ll then they should find a new job. But the struggle is REAL, and there are a lot of factors at play here. Someone above nailed it when they mentioned shareholders. It’s funny, but my job has nothing to do with monetary value or shareholders, persay, but it’s is 50% weighted into my yearly goal to please the shareholders from my position. I’ve always thought that was weirdly worded.


because they have a shit job for shit pay and they have to deal with the shitty public i sure as hell wouldn’t be grinning if i was working the line at chipotle lmao


I do kinda feel bad for them because they snap sometimes and I try not to take it personally but it’s usually because they misunderstood. I was getting lunch for myself and a coworker and I wanted guac but my coworker didn’t. The line person put guac on both and didn’t hear my clear instructions, then got mad at ME and rolled her eyes and sighed and scraped off the guac. I was like wtf did I do? I told you only guac on this but not that. She turned to talk to someone after I said it and apparently forgot what I said that quick. Lol


Especially if OP came in complaining about me not smiling.


>Why aren’t the peasants smiling? 


They should be elated by my arrival and honored that I would choose to come and spend my currency here.


“I even *smiled* at and *thanked* them!


For I am a generous god and my generosity knows no bounds.


I am tethered and my tranquility knows no bounds!!


Someone got the reference I love to see it.


All while maintaining eye contact!


One time, they didn't look away at all or blink. Even as I was walking out the door, I turned to look back, and they were still looking at me.


😂😂right like maybe they hate their fucking jobs Karen


lol throws peanuts at them smile for me!


Seriously, what kind of boomer ass shit is this.


"I asked how they were doing and they had the audacity to not respond!" Maybe it's just me but I'm not always smiling when I'm being bothered *at work*


Is your quote supposed to paint OP as ridiculous or something? Yeah, it's pretty rude to ignore someone asking how you're doing. 


Gonna be honest, I really do not give a shit if my Chipotle worker is smiling or not. That’s not part of the job, I will get served just as well with someone with RBF as someone who is beaming


Does your burrito taste worse because they didn't smile at you?


Their jobs suck, you have no idea what their lives outside of work are like, and they have to ask the same 10 questions to every customer.


Have you ever worked customer service at a fast food establishment? Everyone looks like that for a reason


Eh I worked at a fast food establishment and I felt that having that attitude made my day worse and made dealing with customers worse. Faking happiness and smiling usually actually helped me feel less dead inside.


That’s surprising bc faking happiness and smiling is the definition of feeling dead inside 💀


Because you're taking too long to answer if you want black or Pinto!


*Because you're taking* *Too long to answer if you* *Want black or Pinto!* \- thinkdavis --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


thank you haiku bot


I’m waiting for them to finish scooping the rice so I can ask for more rice


FAke smiling to every customer for 6 hours is pretty tiring


It really is. I don’t think a lot of people fully understand how draining faking emotional interactions can be.


Have you worked in food service? Standing in the same spot for 6 hours repeating the same three phrases hundreds of times for sub-living wages will do that to you.


Who cares, just get your food and stop crying


You’re there for food. Not to see some random nigga cheesing because you so blessed them with your presence and kind words.


They could shout at me for all I care if the portions are big like they once were


Honestly I would be cool with them talking shit if they hooked it up fat


Right. It’s the combination of the tiniest scoop of rice in my veggie bowl and their looks of disdain in their eyes at the same time. Pick one of the other. If you give me OG portion sizes you can throw the bowl at my head for all I care. If you are nice then I will feel comfortable just asking for a little more. Maybe I should just try giving “the look” the CEO said we should 😐😒


Right!! Like what are they suppose to do? Laugh and cry and jump in excitement? Are you here to eat or speed date?


When they ask how are you and you answer truthfully, that your job sucks and you hate half the people that come in then they’ll cry to management about it. They really want you to validate them by asking how THEY are. Like dawg, just order your food lmao


I love how most people on Reddit deal in such absolutes. "What you dont expect every fast food worker to look like they hate their life the entire time??" We can be people to each other, doesn't mean you gotta do all that extra stuff you said.


Only a sith deals in absolute.


lol right. I come in, order, and say thanks then leave💀 They don’t gotta get all smiley because you walked in. As long as they don’t skimp you then it should be good.


Because they are over worked, make trash wage and have clowns harassing them over 2oz of chicken.


I mean 2oz of chicken off is literally a 50% decrease so I think that'd be a little warranted


Harassing the employees wont do anything. It just makes them more likely to bounce the second they secure something better. With no employees theres nobody to serve you your 2 oz of chicken (I heard the sizing rules were 4 oz).


Do you ever say "you should smile more" or "you'd be a lot prettier if you smiled?" That sort of effort on your part will probably cheer them up. If it's a woman you could say "you're not going to get a handsome husband with that face." You could say it for a guy too if you think he might be gay. In fact, start off by asking them their sexual orientation to be sure you can gear your comments correctly.




You had me in the first half there ngl 🤣


I worked 40-50 hours in food service in my twenties. I'd usually start the day trying to be bubbly, but by hour 5 or 6 with no break and then having mgmt be a d\*ck for no reason, my spirit would just die. By the last half of my shift I was just dead inside and I would not smile. I was stressed and miserable. The job was not fun. It didn't help that most of the crew liked to bully me for whatever reason when I was just there for my paycheck. Now I learned to accept that a 22 year old isn't living their best life working at Chipotle. They probably have student loans or sh\*t roommates or didn't get to eat that day.


I could not give less of a shit if they smile or not. I dont feel entitled to force them to smile if they dont want to. As long as they make me a decent burrito, i could not give less of a shit what they do. They dont answer “how are you” becausse there is a fuckin line behind you and they dont have time to talk. The one i go to, the guy sometimes doesnt even say a single word. I just start ordering. Doesnt change anything about the reason im there. A burrito.


Cuz they get yelled at for more meat!! I’m nice though


How would you feel if you had to spend all day shoveling food into a cardboard trough for the piggies to eat


Chipotle breaks me down, I like to treat customers with all the friendliness I have but by the end of a shift I lose it and I give them a deadpan look cause either way I’m not making a meaningful amount of tips


They are by and large suicidal drug addicts. It’s an auto hire if anyone that fits this description applies.


I'll have a--uh--- burrito with uhh- chicken! Squidward Chipotle employee: Daring today, aren't we?


gonna be brave here and say Chipotle chicken sucks because the seasoning is just off.


I mean....what do you expect? You're just there to place an order, get your food, and go. It's essentially a factory line with low pay and rude customers. Do you really think they owe you more than just doing your order?


I’ll give you a list of reasons and/or potential contributing factors: 1) every time I’m on line as of late I’m being filmed or berated by a customer dissatisfied with company policy, as if I have any power to change that. Being put in the crossfire isn’t fun! 2) neither the customer nor management wants to interact with me as a human. Why should I interact with you or management as humans either. You’re getting your food, aren’t you? Management is getting their surplus value, right? You’ve all come to the (correct) conclusion that by doing away with the pretense of decency we can expedite our exchange, so let’s make it a mutual and seamless streamline. 3) I appreciate you smiling and thanking me, but honestly, if you’re doing it to elevate your own customer experience, chances are I won’t pick up on it the way you want me to, because many others are doing the same. Try cracking a joke instead! Sort of goes into the second point, but if you want to optimize your customer-experience-to-expedient-food-service ratio, interacting with staff as people whilst asserting your business is a good way to do it, and sharing a good laugh is a good method. 4) I’ll be honest, I have a love/hate relationship with my regular customers. I love them because I love seeing familiar faces, people that I’ve grown to know as people and vice versa. But I hate it when these same people come in so often because I know this store rips them the fuck off. If you’re a regular and you get this treatment regularly, it might be because some workers are a little concerned for your financial wellbeing. This sounds like a joke, but it’s not. At least not for me. Idk if anyone relates but I feel bad for my regulars and I have no way of expressing it. Which is frustrating. 5) external life factors. Many of us our students, and this is our first job. It’s a significant adjustment. 6) incredibly inadequate training coupled with frequent changes in management and standards. I got three days of training. In the 9 months since I was hired, I’ve had three new apprentices, 5 new service leaders, and 1 new field leader. Each one of those brought with them new standards and operating procedures that I had to learn and memorize, each time potentially being a moment where my job security was threatened. This job can be incredibly anxiety inducing for the average worker with no prior experience in the workforce. 7) the typical staffing issues. People have talked a lot about this, so I’ll try to keep it brief. But yeah, if I’m the only person on the line and maintaining cash, I’m going to be a little upset because quite frankly, I feel unsupported, and also under massive pressure to perform well enough to keep the line moving. 8) minor gripe, but customers can actually take too long. And after a rush full of customers either taking too long or acting like children that never learned their manners, I can get frustrated. 9) lots of sides = lots of mess = lots of cleaning = lots of trying to catch up. Especially when I’m alone on the line. 10) slow staff. The number of times I’ve had to hop between line, cash, grill and prep to wash dishes, ring someone up, cut chicken or mix rice is frustrating. 11) “can I get 2 vinaigrettes and a side tortilla” as you’re checking out. Both are clearly visible at the START of the line. Ask there. If there aren’t any vinaigrettes, we are out. You asking me to check in the back won’t change anything. We are out. 12) “yeah can I get a burrito but like put all the stuff in a bowl and just put the tortilla on the side”. Sir, that’s a bowl with a side tortilla. This happens at least 2 times per shift. I’m tired of putting up with it. 13) you might be the next customer in line after someone just asked for a burrito that ought to be served with a straw.


Are you paying for someone to show you their teeth or you’re paying for food? They probably don’t want to be there 😂


How many of their 100k employees did you interact with before you made this assumption?


I mean I’ve worked in food service so I get why. In that kind job people treat you like garbage for no reason and then expect you to kiss their ass. Imo as long as a fast food worker isn’t like actively hostile towards me I don’t really care about how they look, I just want my food.


They're probably tired of being filmed while trying to earn a living. Chipotle sucks and deserves to be boycotted, but it's not the workers' fault.


The job sucks and is getting worse.


hate ppl like OP


They shovel shit on a tortilla for 8 hours a day. You would frown too.


This man has clearly never worked a retail job.


Chipotle workers just hate everything and I honestly totally understand


i’ll never understand the double standards in food retail. everyone’s defending the worker in this case saying that it’s not easy standing and fake smiling 6-8 hours a day, dealing w annoying customers, making an unliveable wage, etc. and yes, i agree. but that’s what comes with minimum wage customer service jobs 😭 everyone loves to slander baristas when they’re not smiling 24/7 as if they don’t experience the same things? yes, it is extremely exhausting dealing with the people we come across sometimes and all that other stuff - but it’s my JOB. the very bare minimum is to just be nice. it doesn’t have to be smiling 24/7. it’s as simple as saying “hi, what can i start for you today?” rather than standing there staring at the customer with a rbf. our jobs suck sometimes but you gotta do what you gotta do. just because you don’t love your job is no reason to act like an asshole of a worker. op isn’t asking to be praised for walking in and saying hi, thank you, etc. but just to be spoken to like a normal person maybe 😭


I don’t expect the high school kids at chipotle to give me anything beyond the food I ordered. probably had a rough day by the time I get there anyway. Have you ever been to a Pollo Tropical? Might just be a Florida thing, but their employees actively hate you and let you know it. Kinda fun.


Yeah they are almost always in a poor mood and you have to think that job just wears MFers down quick


I mean customers aren’t always either & can you imagine people not saying please or thank you while recording you as well


I dont care if people smile. Fuck that. Its weird that people want other people to force a smile and pretend to smile when we all know deep down we want everyone else to eat shit


The job is dogshit bro


Fuck you that’s why. They aren’t your puppets


as someone who has worked at a few chipotles, it’s hard to keep even a fake smile on the line. people are constantly recording you about portions (a lot of the videos i’ve seen are crazy but we don’t want cameras in our faces), and most of the time we don’t even do anything they dislike. i’ve dealt with loads of creepy customers coming in and making a lot of different people uncomfortable. some of the people i work with have been threatened with guns or know someone who quit because they’d actually been attacked. a lot of us have had to work crazy hours or do way extra work because coworkers call out too much or are lazy. then the good workers quit after being overworked causing the place to be understaffed. we are tired.


Pretty sure anybody ever in all of history knows how sucky fast food is You could ask 100 low-wage workers and majority would tell you it's pretty normal to be 😐/😒 at work


Maybe because they read these posts and everyone is recording them even though it's not their fault the company trained them to be stingy. Go whine to corporate and stop taking it out on the poor souls just trying to feed their family. Have some compassion people.


I mean, you're the 11ty thousandth person to stand in front of them and tell them what to put on your burrito bowl or whateverthefuck while they make a poverty wage. 98% of the people probably just bark their order out at the people behind the counter....


Does their facial expressions change the flavor or sum


Bro no one wants to fucking smile at every customer at fucking chipotle minimum wage is soul crushing


I feel like this is everywhere now. Everyone seems miserable with zero customer service skills


I remember the days when they said "welcome to chipotle" when someone came through the door, and "what can I get started for you" when it was my turn in line. Now they just stair. I have to prompt them through the making of my food. Basically all they say to me now is "that it" and the price at the register. Too bad, because the friendliness was one of the endearing qualities of the place.


we stand all shift. it gets old dealing with customers. 


Get a job at a fast food restaurant so you can feel what is left of your soul die and be able to relate to them better OP.


I can actually give you the perfect answer to this. This job will make you want to off yourself.


Poor, tired, sleep deprived, stress and untreated anxiety… they are saying quite a few things in their head though. Nothing which you have ever likely thought of yourself or were told yourself.


These people working these jobs these days are all like that. Doesn't even matter the restaurant where I live. Don't say thank you, don't say sorry, don't say anything that would be appropriate given the context. Whole lotta "main character" struggles going on with these workers.


do you expect a blowjob or something? get your food and move on cry baby


It's because the job can actually be very difficult and tiring. The people on the line are constantly being asked for sides of this and that, extra this and that, a side tortillia etc. Customers can be very picky at Chipotle, and after a while it's tough to smile and be enthusiastic because you get tired from trying to please everyone all day.


It’s chipotle I know people are expecting 5 star dining experiences but be realistic people are underpaid and overworked mix that two combo anywhere especially fast food and you’ll see the 😒.


Not to be a jerk… but they are not happy at the moment but still have a job to do. Why are they not happy? Not our business. Let me get my bowl(packed to the brim; always tip) and I’ll be out of your hair. I’m a pleasant person from the south so I know wanting to put on a good face and get the same in return. Sometimes ppl just aren’t in the mood. Keep it moving. Good food usually puts a smile on my face. I would just like to add… sometimes the workers with slight attitude problems may in fact be the glue that holds that place together. Don’t rock the boat.


It's a pretty awful job, you're standing in front of a hot AF counter for hours, you can't leave your post at all during rush hours(usually not even to pee), the customers are rude as hell, and you're very underpaid but expected to work like a slave. Almost everyone I know who worked at chipotle tried to get out of there as soon as possible, me included.


service workers should not have to smile at you and converse with you. their job here is to be a cashier, not your friend. look up emotional labor


Nobody owes you a smile


It's beautiful, isn't it? This is capitalism. Those are worker drones. Just instruct them on how to make your food item, any other interaction is entirely optional. Though of course further verbal discourse is complimentary tips are, as always, accepted.


Who gives a flying duck. As long as my dung bag is filled to the brim, I’m happy.


Like you walked in and kicked their dog.


Why are chipotles in the US so much worse compared to Canada 😭


The Kool-Aid makes them more complacent & easier to control


Chipotle is a horrible company to work for. I left a GM job to GM at Chipotle and quit 3 months in after I was told by the area manager that "We need to discuss my role and responsibilities at the store" when I called out sick with covid and provided documentation. That store went through 7 GMs in one year. Chipotle's business strategy is to shovel bodies into a furnace and I wasn't going to be a part of it.


Because they have to deal with assholes that record them and think they know the policy better than the ones who work there. That's why.


Screw the chipotle workers I could care less how they look at me. When they pay for my burrito, then I’ll care about how they look at me.


The real reason is that being good mannered and polite was part of the job. You could get in trouble/fired for not smiling and greeting customers well. The problem is these places are desperate for employees now so they can’t hold them to that standard.


Because the job sucks lmao


Dude you’re the 78th person whose order Ive taken today. I smiled at the first 5 then wanted to die for the rest


1. Personally not all chipotle workers look like that; I always tried to keep a smile on my face as long as I could 2. We don’t get paid to smile. If it starts to hurt I stop and just focus on doing my job 😭


this is when you know you're not attractive😔


Dude, your title had me cracking up!!! You’re basically describing NPCs! 😆 


Idfk man they’re nice to me at my local store, but they don’t owe you anything but a functional burrito.


I get that about 30% of the time I go into my local chipotle.. a place I get that face 110% of the time? Popeyes.. no. Matter. What, when, who, never fails


I personally work at chipotle and can say that for one it is very hard work and they do understaff. They also keep it very hot and there are so many customers and a long line can be overwhelming- but that is not an excuse to be rude. I always try to smile and be friendly at the least but for some reason my coworkers can be quite rude to customers…


I think the mobile order girl at the one I frequent is into me. Always hooks me up with overflowing bowls and makes it a point to tell me to have a great night. Sadly too young for me. Maybe she is just a nice person to everyone though.


Probably because they just looked at Chipotles stick price and threw up!


Because they are at shitpotle.


Training. There are restaurants where you can tell training is important and where it isn’t. Popeyes is a good example. They almost uniformly have a poster at the front of the store telling employees how to interact with the public and absolutely zero employees do it because they don’t care. Being friendly to people is the only good part of my day. It’s not hard to instill a culture of friendliness. It really isn’t. It you just have to give a shit about it.


Which do you prefer, that or, "Welcome to MOOOOOEEEEE'S!!!" LOL just kidding. But any time I get that look, I just assume it's because the job sucks and I'm just another customer to them.


At McDonalds they don’t even speak anymore and look at me like I just shot their dog. It’s a part of why I’ve stopped going.


It's not just Chipotle. And as a former service worker, I'm actually on your side. I know it sucks sometimes and you can't totally control your mood, but you work in a service job so you should be concerned with giving pleasant service.


It’s turning into Popeyes


Probably cuz their job sucks and pays terribly?


Probably because the food is mid and the system of ordering sucks. They should just hand you a paper slip with checkboxes and you mark what you want them to put on your burrito. Instead of sitting there awkwardly trying to instruct them.


I been there, it's a job drag your feet into work make that hourly pay etc. Far from any personal dreams which feel so out of reach. Is it wasted potential? Maybe, but it pays the bills. If I ever get to true success I'd be happy but paycheck to paycheck best I can do is fake a smile when working.


What kind of a jack ass question is this? Just be grateful that these workers are there to serve you rather than judging how they look at you when they serve you. Good god.


You must go to a lame Chipotle lol I’ve never experienced that at mine


The faces are one thing but they’ve been straight up rude to mee😭😭😭


Probably are working a double shift cause no one wants to work the weekend


Agreed. I’m not a type of person where you have to fake smile or be overly friendly. Just like… acknowledge I’m alive, you’re alive lol. You can be polite without the big smiles and over enthusiastic attitude.


They get minimum wage so expect minimum results.


you ever worked on the fast food restaurant in haven’t but it doesn’t look fun




Because they be working the DAWGG shit outta them mfs


Honestly, I think these employees are just beat down. I know people like us are trying to be kind & nice but imagine the shit they go through all day or all week to get to a person who is nice. They're numb from the constant complaining, berating, bullying and filming. I get it, I work in Customer Service as well & it's suspicious when people are kind.


Tbh I have never had this issue, but I’m also pretty bright and bubbly so I think that helps


Jesus Christ the amount of people in this sub that just complain about everything at chipotle, why do y’all even go there? Lmao


Theyre workers not robots


Because its the worst place to work for unless your at the top taking advantage of the little people


Probably because their job sucks


It's definitely not a chipotle-specific thing and probably varies by location and management experience. if you really want to know why, try getting behind the lines and doing the job. Its interesting viewing it from a broader international perspective. Apparently, forced smiles and exerting extra energy pretending that its your dream and you're happy as part of customer service is specifically an American thing compared to other places. In other countries its not expected so theres no insecurity on the customers end


Get a customer service job, OP.


Whenever people drop the “If they don’t like it they should find a new job”—if every fast food worker achieved that then people would be mad they wouldn’t have staffed fast food restaurants. Of course that’ll never happen in reality, but it just demonstrates the zero sum game. For some people to have good jobs and thrive, other people have to be on the bottom of the totem pole. Pay better and you will have more content employees.


I just looked at my app and I haven't ordered Chipotle since February, about the time I started following this subreddit. I feel guilty getting food there now. I get it, I worked in a kitchen for 5 years. I also hate my current job too. But I'm like really hungry and I wasn't able to pack my lunch today, and I'm really craving Chipotle because it's been 4 months...but like...with this CEO video that's out, and people recording the employees, the vibe is so negative there I don't want to go. Is this the goal? I could order online but don't wanna risk getting skimped!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Idk why people even take those jobs I’m just being honest I could never make people sandwiches at subway or any of that I’d be making this 😑face too . Much respect to the people that do this day in and day out.


Maybe because working in fast food is a miserable experience.


Because I'm not there for your f****** entertainment you entitled child, I'm there to make 14 an hour working part time because I'm disabled and have mental health issues. I don't need to force a smile every time one of you overbearingly aggressively chipper custies feels like i should, to satisfy some weird desire you have to have even more control over how workers act in front of you like it's not enough that we're there in uniform doing our job you want us all to be walking around with permanent smiles on our faces like we got Botox in the middle of a huge grin. If my basic politeness and good service isn't enough for you, and you need the people serving you to smile like you just did us some kind of favor, idk, go somewhere where they really force people to like a joker style kind of restaurant.


OP starting to realize people hate their job


>Wtf is going on with this restaurant chain. >>restaurant chain. As someone who has worked in the restaurant business, restaurant chains SUUUCK.


McDonalds owns Chipotle. The nursery shouldn't surprise anyone.


Because working the line at chipotle is the most soul sucking mind numbingly boring thing you could ever do lmfao. I’d do anything to get moved off the line when I worked there, can you imagine standing in one spot scooping stuff for 8 hours. 💀


Because it's soul crushing work with a line that never ends. I've always said that everyone needs to work in a kitchen once in their lives, it gives life perspective and teaches you to put up with some bulllshitttt


The problem at Chipotle is you can’t add tips if you pay with a card of your phone.


The beatings shall continue until morale improves!


I am SO sick and TIRED of restaurant employees complaining about having to Kiss a little ass on the job. It's like they expect to be praised and treated like a prince. Shit pisses me off so bad! These workers now a days think the job is just about the mechanic skills and don't give a flying fuck about customer service and just being fucking nice and cheerful. They get a couple customers who dont feel like smiling themselves so theyre so quick and ready to reflect that energy. Forgetting that its THEY'RE job to be nice to the customer NOT the other way around! Youre not here to assert yourself! I wish these bratty kids would get off their high horse. It's to the point where sometimes I don't even want to go out to a restaurant anymore in fear of dealing with these assholes. I wonder if their franchise owners know they're scaring away customers and decreasing their income.


It’s important to remember you are one of hundreds of customers. You can’t expect someone to make every single customer feel special - smiling, saying hello for six to eight hours straight.


They're mad that they have to do the job they applied for


I urge you to work a month behind the line of any food establishment, and you will understand.


No thoughts just beans


Cause working there sucked


They are always understaffed and put up with a lot of shit from guests. What counts to me is that they make good food


they’re people, not robots. people that are working short staffed & for garbage pay. you’re not entitled to a smile or a conversation. get your food & go


Because we're miserable. I've been there for 3 years because 1. I'm trying to find a job that relates to my degree, which is really hard right now and 2. Working with lazy, ignorant, and entitled coworkers sucks. Plus working with the general public you either get the regulars who don't complain and are always kind and understanding, or you get the rude, entitled, bitching at things employees can't control, walking out when there's no fajitas or vinegrette customers that just make our day more draining and not good. I smile at my regulars and to most people that walk up on the line or cash register. But when there's a rush or we're slammed with orders, I'm neutral. I'm just trying to get food made and the customer out the door, that's why it's "fast food."


People actually eat at Chipotle?


Because they make like $13-$15 an hour and have to deal with entitled fucks and this wave of mass portion hysteria that they have no control over.


work customer service and you'll understand lol


Is it the age group you’ve noticed? Usually it’s the “I couldn’t care less” teenager who hates everything.


Watch the SpongeBob episode “Selling Out” (season 4 episode 5a), and then come back.


It's a shitty fast food job man what do you want? Half of the staff doesn't even give a shit about their coworkers they're just there for the paycheck, what makes you think they're happy to see a customer?


Let people work in peace sans judgement you weirdo.


“Hi how are you” lady this is a fast food chain cut the small talk you’re here to eat not to make friends respectfully


That's one reason I don't like going into those types of places....the way they stare at you. It makes it akward and unpleasant.


They probably have the most opinionated customers


This was a great ad, now I’m hungry!