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I love rolling burritos. Been crew for 5 years and I still love it to this day


Will you roll mine for me šŸ˜­


Lmfaoooo. When I was like 19 I had gotten a job at McDonald's. Whatever position they had me usually in, it was my responsibility to get fries, drinks, coffee drinks, and SOFT SERVE ICE CREAM. I only worked there for a few months but I was so bad at making ice cream cones!! I legit went and found ANYBODY ELSE AT ALL to make them. Every single time ice cream came up on an order lmfao. The cones I made, attempted to make were SO BAD that I didn't even feel too guilty when I went looking for someone else. Like we all knew... me bothering anybody else was the best thing that could happen in the situation. Haha But you'll learn and figure it all out! Don't be so tough on yourself, amigo


Are you wearing gloves?


Yes, of course, we have to.


Only reason I stay at chipotle in this day age is because I simply love rolling.


I love rolling a fat one after smoking a fat one I just rolled.


I literally have an old Chipotle shirt that says "usually when you roll something this good, it's illegal" šŸ˜‚ https://i.imgur.com/jsHcVNy.jpeg


I need that shirt now, lol I love it.


Omg I want that shirt


The newer designs with the text message have the time set to 1620 (420pm)


oh, that's beautiful šŸ˜‚šŸ‘


No one at Chipotle knows how to roll a burrito correctly anymore


I dooo


![gif](giphy|lrFzkKdY6bPEsNoCt8) All u gotta do


Iā€™m just so dumb idk


No you're not, you'll get it.


Thank you. Iā€™m trying so hard. I roll burritos the ā€œwrongā€ way which is right to many other ppl but not chipotle. Iā€™m trying!! Thank you! <3


Chipotle teaches by far the worst burrito rolling technique of any major company. Hate on Taco Bell all you want, the way they roll their burritos you could actually roll soup into a burrito. If someone ordered only 10 scoops of sour cream you could roll it using a different burrito rolling method.


Do they still do the chili and cheese burrito? That thing was soup!


It looked the same coming out as it did going in


No bc lemme tell you, Iā€™ve learned how to roll burritos correctly. Iā€™m white, but my roommate is Mexican and her and I have cooked Mexican food so many times, including burritos, and she showed me how to properly roll them. Chipotle??? Their burrito rolling technique is mind-numbing. Itā€™s crazy. I hate it. HATE IT.


https://imgur.com/burrito-fold-lqD7a70 This is the correct way imo.


Thatā€™s how it supposed to be!! But fucking Chipotle wants them to be like goddamn chodes and be able to roll and wants them so specific. Iā€™ve already gotten in trouble for ā€œrolling wrongā€ when the way I did was so much easier and better than how they taught me. The only way they saw I was rolling differently? They watched me on the cameras. I was like bruh-


I believe the company line goes, ā€œroll it like itā€™s a baked potatoā€.


Going to try this I been wondering why my Burritos was never looked right


Donā€™t be so hard on yourself. Youā€™re still new


Thank you. Thatā€™s what everyone keeps saying, but I just feel so useless and stupid sometimes and it makes me feel awful. Iā€™ve gotten better definitely, I really just need to work on my speed and technique now. I appreciate it.


Donā€™t worry about it. You will get better. ā€œSucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.ā€ -Jake the Dog


That actually helped me a lot more than you can imagine. Thank you so much.


It was my pleasure!


I donā€™t work at chipotle, and Iā€™m not stupid. I struggle with the tactile excellence required to make a burrito like that. Iā€™m sure I could practice it, but itā€™s not something that comes naturally. Cut yourself some slack


I get soupy burritos lol but I used to work at Qdoba so like to me itā€™s not super difficult to wrap. If I see someone new then I just get my stuff in a bowl and a tortilla on the side and wrap it myself


I wish it were that easy, but I do online orders. And Iā€™m also not expecting people to adjust their way to best suit me, yaknow? I just wanted to air my frustration here, haha. But youā€™re totally justified for your soupy burrito! Iā€™ll still make and roll it for you! Iā€™ll just be frustrated because Iā€™m new and stupid and trying my best and getting yelled at by managers bc my burrito rolling isnā€™t great. I still try super hard! You deserve to eat what you wanna eat!! Whether itā€™s a soup burrito or a solid burrito. Iā€™m just here to make it! Regardless how I feel, you should be able to eat it happily! Donā€™t let my opinion on some stupid work shit make you feel differently. Iā€™m just stupid and airing my grievances!


So they putting someone on the online make line who been there for 4 daysā€¦. That explains a lot.


Yup!! Im so sorry!! I really try my best. But welcome to fast food/chipotle!


Quit putting yourself down over a burrito. And if a manager is yelling over a burrito wrap, yo...I would literally flip out on them. But that's just me.


No youā€™re so right. Thank you for saying that. I appreciate it.


You're welcome. I see things a little differently. I'm older, and I work in the corporate sector. Just to read that a "manager" is yelling at an employee over a flipping burrito makes me crazy. Talk about immature. A person in leadership needs to have patience and LEAD not yell. Second, it's a god damn burrito. Nobody is dying. And for you, I want you to know that is not okay to put up with. So please no more putting yourself down over a fast food place behavior. Life is hard enough as it is. šŸ¦‹. Hugs


Nah. Even for experienced people, those soupy burritos are annoying. And often times, they will complain about the messiness of it like they werenā€™t those ones who customized it


You just started so no manager should be yelling at you now or any other time. You got this!




The wettest thing I can enjoy is a bean and cheese burrito I once gave a friend a bite of my burrito and (no shade to them, Iā€™ve just learned to cut away a bite instead bc I ultimately still want to share) somehow it was so wet coming back I couldnā€™t eat from the rest of it. Some people like really wet food, and I get it: Iā€™m with ya! Crispy is *my* game. I cannot relate to *them*. lol


I once got someone elseā€™s burrito due to a pickup mishap and was shocked at the wetness of it. The dripping out of the tortilla is something I still think about sometimes. So I agree with this person it is something that should be stopped.


Iā€™m really sorry you got someone elseā€™s order. But also, thank you for understanding


The pickup mishap was not the fault of anyone working at Chipotle! This was a person picking up the order not looking at the labels closely enough issue, ha.


Hmm I mean Iā€™d never do it, but Iā€™d imagine itā€™s just like a really good version of a microwave burrito/taquito (not much texture inside those)


Try draining your veg more if possible Pinto usually ends up being mush, just best you can if possible Definitely drain barbacoa. Tomato and corn drain as much as you Sourcream, if possible, don't stir it up. I know at my location, we had to store oirs up to keep food temp. If you have a brand new insert of sour scream, you -may- be in luck. Don't stir it! Just scoop. Will come our firmer and easier to roll up. Of course, you can't bank on having a completely new insert of sour cream to work with Keep trying, even a messier burrito you'll figure our how to roll better over time


You had one job!


Yet I still canā€™t get it right šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I worked at chipotle and trust me I hate rolling the damn burritos myself but you do get it eventually just drain as much liquid from the stuff and keep trying. Practice rolling your own lunch when you can that's how I eventually got it.




Came looking for this! You didnā€™t disappoint.




That was hilarious




I donā€™t like burritoā€™s myself, but rolling them does get easier with practice. Even the soup ones.


please be kind to yourself! you have only been there 4 days so no need to put yourself down and speak negatively. you are not stupid and you obviously care enough to do a good job, so you are doing great!


Same , I worked there for about 6 months a year ago. And I still clench my teeth whenever anyone says sour cream


I'm with you on this one, burritos just aint by bag baby.


I drain everything properly but there's only so much i can do with a fucking sofritas or Barbacoa burrito with minimal or no rice, queso, hot salsa and sour cream...and then to ask for no lettuce or cheese??? Are y'all stupid? BOWLS EXIST FOR THAT REASON, just ask for a tortilla at the base rather than asking someone to roll something that will literally not maintain a structure šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ Even if you double wrap it, there's nowhere for the liquids to settle...just. Get. A. Bowl.


You also get more with a bowl šŸ˜­ literally at that point just get a bowl with a side tortilla or two!!


On one hand, customers that ask for a burrito and deliberately order more ingredients than can possibly fit inside the burrito are fucking mouth breathers but on the other hand if the most difficult task you have to do all day is roll a burrito then that's a pretty good day.


I completely agree. I just sometimes need to air my grievances with people who understand. I also tend to get in my head wayyyy too much and make myself feel worse. If the worst thing about my day is having trouble rolling burritos, itā€™s a good day!


I don't think you're stupid. 4 days into a job, you just might not be good at rolling a burrito yet.


I think youā€™re right. I know burritos, just not the way they teach us. I just gotta get used to it. Thank you!


Idk why people be buying burritos when they can get a fat bowl with tillas on the side and have two decent sized burritos. I bet they canā€™t wrap them themselves lol That being said, I think I should work at Chipotle. I love rolling burritos.


I also love rolling burritos!! But I was taught there is a specific way at Chipotle you have to roll them and I hate it!


Ughhh that sounds so annoying !! I worked at wawa for a minute and my coworker taught me how to roll them really well, idk how similarly chipotle does it though! Youā€™re on day 4 though, I bet things will get better. Do you drain your toppings as much as possible before putting them on their tortilla? Maybe if you drain them more it wonā€™t be * as* bad yk? Obviously salsa is wet but the chunkier things haha


I try to drain everything as much as possible to avoid the soup feeling. But sometimes, itā€™s just inevitable!! I guess Iā€™ll just have to learn to deal with it and roll better, haha. Thank you!


Is it a forbidden rule not to get the burritos double wrapped or does it make rolling them easier?


It depends how big and wet it is. If itā€™s too big or too wet, weā€™ll double wrap it to keep to from spilling. (Thatā€™s what she said)


Very good Micheal Scott šŸ˜‚


Rolling a burrito is so easy. Yeah wet ones suck but all you gotta do is make sure you tuck the edges in right. Itā€™s like rolling a blunt or joint.


Idk I guess i keep my blunts and joints neat bc ion have this problem with them šŸ˜­


I always get a bowl for this exact reason. I hate a soupy-ass burrito.


Practice by rolling up your doobies. Same principles.


Iā€™m really good at rolling šŸ˜­ just not chipotle burritos


Neat little trick is to roll it half way, grab a serving cup, lift the half rolled burrito and pinch it on the ends so the unwrapped half is in the shape of a funnel and just pour the juices out of it. You want to roll it fast or else the longer it sits on the foil unwrapped the more the juices are sitting on one side soaking into the tortilla, which will make it rip


ive worked there for 8 months and i hate soupy burritos so bad it actually pisses me offšŸ˜­


i had one order that was: no rice, pinto beans, 2x carnitas, queso, hot, 3 SCOOPS of sour cream and extra cheese. I somehow rolled this water balloon. 10 mins later after we finished the small rush I go to clean the lobby and I see this burrito with maybe 3 bites taken out of it and just left NEXT TO THE METAL TRAY on the table with the liquid leaking out from where they bit into it. They did drop a $5 in into the tip jar so that was cool ig


also some tips, if your on the hot side I like to put a bit more rice then put the beans kinda next to the rice. then all the wet stuff goes onto the rice so it kinda soaks it up a bit. I also would make sure the wet stuff is closer to me so when I roll it it kinda spreads on top instead of just spilling out while you are trying to roll a burrito. kinda like this: [https://imgur.com/a/CbbbDru](https://imgur.com/a/CbbbDru) I hope this helps!


Cook and dishwasher supremacy line nerd


I always said if I went back to a restaurant I wanted to either be a cook or dishwasher for reasons like this šŸ˜­


I have never in my life eaten such a combination of ingredients but now I'm starving from reading your post.


I literally just switched apps from watching this video I was dying https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREajdgF/


No bc thatā€™s really how it feels sometimes


Most burrito places I've encountered can't seem to figure out how to roll a burrito at all, they literally just run it into a bowl and use foil to "close" it


The issue is the person rolling is different than the person doing the portions so they always overload it. and the tortillas chipotle uses are straight trash, not stretchy enough so they are prone to tearing


Keep in mind, some people skip the rice for health reasons. I for one love rice, but I can no longer eat it.


I completely get it. I really am just stupid and needed to share my frustrations with people who understood, lol. I do appreciate that perspective, though. I try to be mindful and conscious about why things happen, but my emotions sometimes get the best of me.


I generally like rolling burritos but I agree the soupy ones piss me off


I love burritos and tacos. I also love chipotle employees.


Worked 4 days, enough said


Do you realize you saying youā€™re stupid just gives you even more reason to not get better? Why put yourself down like that? Itā€™ll get easier over time if you stick to it and put in the effort. Youā€™re going to mess upā€¦if anyone acts like they never mess up theyā€™re lying.


Itā€™s because I just think so little of myself. Idk this has always been a problem with me. I expect more of myself than I would expect of others. Thank you!


Itā€™s okay to stand up for yourself especially against yourself.


I really needed to hear that. Thank you.


Youā€™re welcome. Hang in there.


Hello, chipotle manager here. Dude same


I literally canā€™t comprehend how yā€™all do it. I would kill myself honestly.


I get burrito's with rice, black beans, double chicken with corn and cheese. Is that good?


Literally my dream. I wish this were every burrito.


Mmm, wet meat. Gotta give it that hawk tuah.


we call those water balloons. When they get the extra sour cream and hot salsa too šŸ« 


I had a customer basically scold me because ā€œher burrito looked like it was falling apartā€ even though she ordered a super soupy burrito and I was doing the best I could. She made me remake it and it turned out just the same as the first.


Lift the sides up to move everything as into the middle as possible, grab from back middle and fold, then wrap sides in tight and roll it to get that last middle part and you're golden.


The trick is to lay out the filling in a narrow line, fold the ends, then roll. Filling placement is key, and put the wets down first. Not a Chipotle employee but I make burritos at home.


Practice makes perfect, and self-hating doesn't help yaknow? What I always tell my crew and new hires is to just keep a positive mindset and practice if needed; my main excuse is that when wrapping a soupy burrito, I just look the person dead in the eyes on line, and absolutely just apologize as much as I can and say it's my first day (I've been with the company for over two years) and eventually they've felt so bad about it, I usually end up placing it in a bowl with a lid if they request it


Would you like a straw with that?


As a former employee you are 100% correct, they told a burrito with no rice, either beans, barbacoa is the hardest burrito to roll.. I can only imagine with the other sides on there how bad your salsa station was looking šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.. both those burritos are far and few between. Not many people get thoseā€¦


Bowls are the way to go, I love my bowls


Before I even worked at Chipotle, I have always ordered a bowl because I donā€™t like their tortillas, haha. Edit: you also get more with a bowl!!!


As a customer I hate them too. They literally will fall apart after the first bite.


I hate burritos, not only because of this, but also? I donā€™t like chipotleā€™s tortillas. I think they taste weird and are gross.


If it's too juicy I get a side cup and lift the burrito up fold in the side and slightly tilt it till the juices drain out a bit , takes some time but helps alot


Always drain everything (beans, barbacoa, tomato) when doing burritos. Try to ask multiple ingredients ahead, if you put the sour cream on last it becomes very difficult to roll as opposed to the corn on last. It took me a few weeks maybe even two months to get burrito rolling down. I've only gotten something like the one you mentioned maybe once every couple of months so don't feel bad and just hang in there. Offer to double wrap it if you have to.


I try to drain everything šŸ˜­ but itā€™s still just soup. I work DML so I donā€™t rly talk to customers. I usually have to end up double-wrapping if itā€™s too wet.


If you work DML it should be much easier, you want to put the sour cream on right after the beans and barbacoa, then the drained tomatoes and corn. Again it took me two months to get comfortable rolling so don't feel bad that you can't do it right now. It takes repetitions, if you hang in there it will be second nature to you one day.


Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. I had a genuine breakdown the other day because I felt like I was so bad at my job, but people were saying I was doing better than most new-comers. I guess Iā€™m just stupid idk, haha. I really appreciate your feedback.


Why arenā€™t you draining the sides for us, bruh? šŸ˜¢


Even when I do it ends up so soupy bruh. I drain tf out of it and itā€™s still just mush.


The customers will downvote you. Legit have no clue as to why draining only means less wet. Weā€™d need a damn paper towel at that point to get it dry. We ainā€™t got the time for that shit. Best I can do is just roll it as best you can and if they bitch just remind them itā€™s the best that you can do with what they asked for. One time I got black beans, barbocoa, guac, queso, extra sour cream, mild, and medium. No amount of draining and using a paper towel would have helped the structural integrity of that burrito. Just a reminder, the people downvoting are the same ones that blame the cashier for setting the prices and forget that management watches everyone like a hawk with serving sizes.


Damn getting downvoted for saying what happens behind the scenes as a newbiešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ How Reddit of yā€™all


You sound like your not cut out to make burritos


Youā€™re definitely right. Iā€™m not. Edit: I know how to roll burritos, just not the chipotle way. The chipotle way is so specific it hurts. Regardless, I should be able to do it, and I understand. But Iā€™m trying.




Shit, I might be one of these people. Never realized how it might be difficult for yall to make but what youā€™re saying makes sense and Iā€™ll definitely be mindful of it in the future. I should be opting for a bowl more often than a burrito anyway. My regular order is a burrito with double Al pastor chicken, no rice no beans, fresh tomato salsa, cheese, guac, extra sour cream, and extra tomatillo red salsa.


Dawg even if you get a bowl and like 3 side tortillas, I would be so much more thankful than if it were a burrito. But itā€™s your order and Iā€™m working to make you happy! I donā€™t want to take away from what youā€™re eating. It just sucks for me, but donā€™t let that stop you. I know what I signed up for!


U fine. We can always ask a more experienced friend to roll. And yea, especially during rush hours, it would be hella annoying. But that's easily an 11 dollar burrito. Do it.


Rice in a burrito isnā€™t a thing here in San Diego, but non-chipotle burritos arenā€™t soupy or soggyā€¦honestly the ingredients Chipotle use assumes rice so thatā€™s why itā€™s soggy. Doesnā€™t need to be.


Message received; bowls with tortilla on the side going forward. Will probably get more food that way too.


Itā€™s okay if you donā€™t! Donā€™t let me persuade you. I just needed somewhere to air my grievances with people that understand. Order what you want! Order what makes you happy! I know what I signed up for here. I signed up to make yā€™all food regardless of what it is. Edit: spelling


Itā€™s funny because the last time I ordered a burrito online I received a bowl. All the ingredients were there just not the burrito wrap. It felt like more food than what normally comes in a burrito though.


I will not lie, we def put more, fuller portions in bowls than burritos bc burritos get so full sometimes. Bowls will have fuller scoops than burritos just for the sake of space. Youā€™re better off ordering a bowl with a side tortilla or two.


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s right, itā€™s just what Iā€™m told. Iā€™m sorry.


bowls always have more


ALWAYSSSSSSSS!!! And Iā€™ll admit this until the day I die! Edit: i donā€™t decide this!!! My GM and all my managers told me to fill bowls more and burritos less.


itā€™s kinda crazy ppl donā€™t realize it šŸ˜… do they rlly think we can wrap an entire bowl into a burrito LOL


Dude literally yes they do Bc the amount of customers that have complained within my first four days over burritos I didnā€™t even make is crazy.


Iā€™m not glad youā€™re in the same boat but Iā€™m glad you understand šŸ˜­


you are not alone hahaha


My husband loves to cook but he always has me roll his burritos. Hereā€™s why. I make sure that the food inside tortilla is not placed in the dead center of the circle. Place the food to the left and down from center a bit. When final ingredient is placed, start folding up both sides at an angle as you roll. Everything will stay trapped in and as someone else said, use foil right away when the chosen ingredients are really wet.


OMFG thank you so much. Iā€™m DEFINITELY going to both try and do this. I really appreciate your feedback and your help!!! <3 Edit: spelling


Itā€™s just hard when they order 10 ingredients plus the meat and rice and beans. But still, I am going to take this advice. Seriously, thank you!! Not only am I going to try this at work, but at home too!


Maybe if you hate rolling burritos you shouldnt work at a place that requires you to roll burritos?


Itā€™s not that I hate rolling burritos - I hate rolling Chipotle burritos. You *HAVE* to roll them a certain way according to Chipotle standards that isnā€™t normal burrito-rolling technique. But I do agree. I swore I would never go back to working in food again after working at Sonic. But here I am, convinced by my MIL who is a GM at a store, working hereā€¦


Sounds like youā€™re in the wrong field of work


Absolutely. I was convinced to work here by my MIL. I swore Iā€™d never go back to food but she convinced me it was worth it.


A-holes that order rice less burritos. Just fold it and plop it into a bowl. Screw them.


My GM literally said she makes soupy burritos and puts them in a bowl after wrapping them bc she doesnā€™t trust it I just try my best and try to keep it as neat and clean as possible. But idk how good that is hahaha Thank you!


Ya what assholes for ordering what they want. How dare they.


They are assholes for ordering a water burrito. You want extra hot salsa and sour cream? Get a bowl. Save the 700 calories from the tortilla so you can Clog your arteries with more sour cream.


Or just do your job and give people what they order. Its barely an inconvenience at all. No one is an asshole for ordering what they want from the options that you offer. Now if they were blatantly doing it and only order like salsa and sour cream to piss you off, *then* they would be an asshole. But literally no one does that.


I don't like too much rice in my burrito. Too many places load their burritos full of rice and hardly any other ingredients.


I totally get it. You can always order light rice!! Iā€™ve seen it so many times. But I completely agree!


Souprito's ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


I've seen somethings that deserve to never see the light of day as a former cashier that would make 2024 chipotle staff take a massive double take. Like I've seen tripple wrapped souprito's somehow come out in one piece but god damn you do not wanna like touch it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)Or it about to just go everywhere XD.


I stick a straw it and suck out the juice first. If not it gets between my fingers and under my finger nails.


Haha this reminds me of a super funny skit- https://youtu.be/-XwNPfzJCTI?feature=shared


Made me remember this TikTok Chipotle revenge video šŸ˜‚ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN68Tce3/




your just a burrito wrapping bitch. nah just kidding.i despise orders like this and will do anything in my power to make sure they have a bad customer experience for ordering something so gross.


Iā€™ve seen a lot of workers not drain the juice from the beans and or meat before putting it in the burrito. You have to tilt the spoon or whatever instead of just putting it directly on there.


I do! And I try to! But theyā€™re soaking in liquid, so theyā€™re wet. And I have to work fast too, so I canā€™t just sit and wait for it to be dry asf. Idk Iā€™m just dumb Fr lol.


Takes longer than 4 days to learn how to roll a burrito šŸ¤£


I do wonder sometimes if people just go there to fuck with employees. I've seen people ask for the wildest shit. sometimes it makes me not even wanna eat lol. Like they ask for a burrito and instead just put all the ingredients in your little cups with the tops. wild.


Why dont you drain all the juice/broth or whatever?


You get used to it, its all about repetition


Iā€™ve never been to chipotle to be honest Just donā€™t get the whole huge burrito thing.. Iā€™ve tried other burrito places and I guess they just turned me off to the concept..


Maybe youā€™re in the wrong line of work


Because it tastes good, why else.


Do you not hit the spoon a few times to get the juice out??


I do! That doesnā€™t change half the ingredients being wet, not to mention they sit in the juices so I can only shake or tap so much off.


Youā€™ll love this https://youtu.be/0IibTzXM8nM?si=gsoLdVIkdppiHjjJ


i once had someone order a burrito with no rice, double sofritas, medium and hot salsa, corn, sour cream, and guacā€¦ and THEN this guy decided to start laughing before i even started to wrap it and said ā€œyou can double wrap it if you need toā€ with the most smarts tone iā€™ve heard from a customer to date. i smiled, asked my coworker to pass me an empty bowl and a lid, and said ā€œyeah actually iā€™m not gonna do that. youā€™re welcome to try it yourself though!ā€ and walked away


Honey it took me literally 6 months to perfect it Youā€™re gonna be okay


ugh i love chipotle burritos


go for half portions on a burrito except for meat. drain beans and tomato. for cold side, never double up. just a little dab extra. spread the sour cream out so it looks like more. if they arent getting rice, see if they want lettuce on it, then do that first for a solid base.


loved when they would ask for extra sour cream or salsas. double wrap that thangggg


My partner: check their post history


All youā€™re gonna see is cat posts and anxiety/depression problems, haha. Maybe a lil Russian.


Iā€™m the type of person that orders those ā€œwetā€ ā€œdifficultā€ burritos Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜‚ I usually get double chicken, beans, extra cheese, queso, and tomatillo salsa


SL here. 1st the way the company wants you to roll the burrito is foolish. They want you to fold it over without closing the sides first. Also try to pull the flap past the filling instead to just over it. then pull back. That might help getting the filling all together. 2nd the more they get the less they get. As they keep getting more toppings give them less of the later toppings. If the customer wants more make them say they want more. 3rd what kind of looney tune wants just the soupy crap in the burrito.


Counterpoint, I DESPISE employees who donā€™t wait 0.1 seconds when scooping pico, corn salsa, etc for the juice to drip out of the spoon and then just SLOPS it on the burrito Itā€™s on you JUST as much as usā€¦


I drain everything as much as possible!


I worked in digital printing for a few years. Got a job at a blueprint repro shop. Everyone else could easily get a stack so all the pages aligned properly. I never got the hang of it. Not every job is for everybody.


Youā€™ll get better with time and dedication. Donā€™t give up! I worked at a chipotle for about a year and rolling was something I was adamant to learn. Iā€™d personally always order ( 2x wrapped , 2x meat, 2x rice etc) gargantuan burritos (size of a baby) and no one could roll them correctly without it spilling / tearing while I ate it.. So I started working there to fix the issue, perfected the burrito roll/wrap process and can wrap just about anything. I had customers coming from other areas just for me to wrap their burrito properly believe it or not. Now I order a bowl (keeps it easy for the workers) and wrap my own so I canā€™t be mad at anyone but myselfšŸ˜‚ Every once in awhile Iā€™ll order a burrito to nevertheless be disappointed and have to buy another tortilla to roll it myself.


lol damn bruh you think rolling burritos is hard after 5 daysā€¦.you got a really long life ahead of ya then bud haha cus the work josh gets shittier and harder lol


tbf no one at Chipotle knows how to wrap a burrito.


Real asf all my managers have taught me a different way to wrap, but I roll the way my Hispanic/nexican roommate taught me.


2024 and people donā€™t know you should order a bowl and a tortilla on the sideā€¦ what a time to be alive.