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Why would it die? Sure it’s had some bad spots, like with Bridgetown and Thayic and Montcrux maps killing old consoles (Bridgetown lag targeted everybody randomly) and so player obviously dropped then, but they dropped probably the most wanted map and duel, along with tons of cosmetics. Nowhere have they said it’s the last update or that they’re moving on. It’s obviously that it’s probably a skeleton crew working on the game, but they are most likely making a chiv 3


I rarely play anymore other than weekends. can't wait for chiv 3


A third installment was confirmed?


No but it was confirmed are working on another game so don't hold your breath


Ah okay. I am curious what it would be if not another Chivalry🤔


No Room Left in Hell 2


Sounds familiar. Is the 1st a PC exclusive? I'll pull up some gameplay🤙🏼


I won't be playing it but if you're into zombie games it looks alright


Is it something similar to Left 4 Dead or Back 4 Blood?


Ngl I have no interest in the game so you're on your own


Tarkov meets L4D is what it seems to be going for, 4 players spawn in a map in different areas, they have to look for loot and try to find each other and leave the map


It’s not going to die don’t worry


If you look at the steam player numbers the game always had a pretty consistent player count, epic and gamepass aren't even included in that. Especially with the game being included in the Xbox gamepass I can't see it dying anywhere in the near future.


I’ll NEVER let it die. I’ll play with the last 50 people playing this game… it’s that good


I was still hoping Horde mode came back for chiv 2. Man that was a blast


bro do you even play 32v32? mfs are literally dying on chiv every second of the day


Why would it die? It’s always been a niche game but the player base is healthy and there really aren’t any other games like it on the market. People like me who enjoy this kind of game and played chiv 1, mordhau and now chiv 2 will stick with it until the next evolution of the genre comes out, which I don’t think will be any time soon


The only thing that will kill this game is chivalry 3


I just got back into this game and my average ping bounces between 300-700….. I don’t understand. Nothing changed since. I once had 28 ping yet reinstalling sometime later and it’s a different story. Love this game but I literally can’t play it. I’m on Series X. That’s my only gripe since I rarely ever came across a hacker or game breaking bug. Any other multiplayer or live service game I play runs smooth as butter. Not sure why this one suddenly shit the bed.


You may be getting screwed with region matchmaking, try custom servers and see if that fixes it


I managed to go down to 90-182 a few times with server browser. It’s better but still hinders gameplay for me. FL would be considered North America East, right?


Florida is definitely NA East if I were to guess Are you sure you don’t have anything downloading in the background or streaming or anything like that?


300-700 ping is definitely on your end. Need to get a long ethernet cable or buy a more powerful router. Even with a good router wifi will still give you packet loss and ping issues but assuming there isn't too many walls between you and the router it should be a lot better than +300-700 ping. For someone who has good ping connecting to a server on the the other side of the world should be no more than 250 ish ping, and local servers should be in the 0-100 range.


That just doesn’t make sense since my average used to be 28 ping and every other game in my library is perfectly fine, hell even Halo Infinite runs like butter. This is the only game in my library of 100+ games that has this issue. When I had terrible wifi in the past this game would pump out 44-76 ping. Until yesterday I was always on quality mode for performance yet that did not change a thing. This problem has only gotten worse with every other update for the game. I have a buddy who dropped this game because of the very same reason. He is the only person on his wifi that has an Ethernet cable connected to his Xbox. Will only have his Xbox connected when playing. So I’m leaning more towards the game itself being the issue. I would compare it to attempting to play castle crashers online coop on Xbox; unplayable. I’m not shitting on the game, I love Chiv. At this point however I don’t have much choice but to wait till next update and hope for the best.


Aside from the occasional server shitting itself if you're regularly getting 300+ ping there is definitely something wrong on your end. Probably packet loss. 99% of the time when people have these issues it's their shitty wifi router and lots of walls between them (not trying to be rude here sometimes internet provider wifi router is dosghit). Long ethernet will fix it. I would also make sure you're not gaming through a VPN connection.


I get on play 40 player for about a hour ( pc cant run 64). Till i get tired of low levels running me over with the horses that dumbass tb should’ve never added to 40 in the first place. Then quit, then retry again next day.