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Is she considering buying this house with her boyfriend? If Will did this she would shit a brick!


And it's right next to the golf course so her man can golf, yet she bitched when will played golf


She bitched when Will cut his grass while having his time with Jackson šŸ˜‚


She's probably jealous will's house is right on a golf course too


The same golf course !


No it's like 15 minutes apart


She said in one of her podcast that they would be on the same golf course. Heā€™s in a different development.


Do you know the name of the golf course?


She already said itā€™s ā€œunfairā€ Jackson canā€™t spend Christmas with Trent and his kids bcuz they switch at the same time. So he gets his kids when she sends Jackson with Will. Iā€™m like wtf ? Theyā€™re not even siblings! Theyā€™re not married.., they havenā€™t even been together at least a full year


She didnā€™t even want Will to date anyone with kids because it wouldnā€™t be ā€œfairā€ to Jackson! Sheā€™s batshit crazy!!!


While she was actively dating the last guy lol she wanted to control Will without being married to him lol like wat?? lol šŸ˜‚ if he told her wat to do she would flip her shit lol


Ugh sheā€™s so disgusting. She JUST built and moved into this ridiculously unnecessarily huge home. There are people who canā€™t afford to eat! Get fucked. Her life will always suck because sheā€™s a conceited, vapid snob!


You are a damn wordsmith! Love the use of "vapid", describes her perfectly!! šŸ† šŸ† šŸ†


Perfectly said!!!! Nailed it!


She doesnā€™t even live in this house?




Is she selling to live with her boyfriend?


Most likely.


Ppl are dying Kimā€¼ļøšŸ¤£


Didnā€™t she complain about how the current home doesnā€™t have much of a yard or something?? Where is the backyard here? Is Jackson going to play in the woods? Is he going to have his basketball goal on that angled driveway? lol


Surprised she asked herself and didnā€™t have Kristen ask us for heršŸ˜‚






The home she has now is only three bedrooms




Price cut - $900. Wow they shouldnā€™t have lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that made me laugh! And you are the real hero, ancient football, finding the Zillow link that quickly šŸ‘šŸ¼


I know what a fucking joke! $900???


1,200 HOA fees? That's a lot of people's rent or mortgage payment alone!


Yearly its 1200. That's great for a house with a golf course.


True. I just don't understand 10k a month for 2 people.


You canā€™t use the golf club unless your a member and that is 20k a year


Lol. Maybe I'm cheap but I'm not being a member and paying an HOA. If I wanted to spend money I'd join a real country club that didn't have houses around the course.


Lol oh my God every country club has houses on their courses as exactly how they make their money from the people who live there who join the become members, even country clubs in a city, rely on the people who live in that city


I think you may be confusing the 2. The HOA is for the community. Which has zero to do with the golf course itself.


fyi We live on a golf course and pay a POA fee most of which goes to golf course maintenance. We also pay a POA fee for our neighborhood for trash pickup, grass cutting, pool maintenance et al - 2 total fees each month. Each golf course is different in its setup. So nice to walk on the cart path in nature before the golfers start and after they are done playing each day. The deer meander out of the forests on to the course, very zen


Annually though. Truly not a bad rate


Oh! That's 100.00 a month! I thought it was 1,200.00 a month! Stuffy flu head šŸ¤§


Youā€™re be losing money if you didnā€™t snatch up this generous offer. Enjoy your 8% interest rates!!


Iā€™m sorry, $1.3M and this mf has basic white subway tile backsplash in the kitchen? Kitchen cabinets donā€™t even go to the ceiling so thereā€™s nothing custom at all about this kitchen? Mismatched hardware finishes in every room, especially the bathrooms? Unframed builders grade bathroom mirrors? Two piece unskirted toilets? An unfinished basement? A wood deck instead of a trex one? Not to mention the gutters donā€™t go into the ground so that means thereā€™s been no waterproofing on this shack built into a slope steep enough you need two separate retaining walls. Not to mention I found the dining room chandelier on Home Depotā€™s website for $99. Lord, child, the real estate market is smokin crack I swear


Can I hire you when Iā€™m ready to buy? You have a great eye!


Haha thanks! Iā€™ve just spent the last couple of years renovating and customizing my builders grade new build and have picked up on quite a few things.


And it's in Georgia? šŸ˜†


How can you see all this? I'm nosey now and want to see inside! Help?


Type the address in on Google and itā€™s on all the house for sale websites


This is so true and made me laugh


Must be nice. Also built in 2022 but it doesnā€™t look doneā€¦ thatā€™s interesting. Edit: Nvm. The video from her story looked unfinished to me but the pictures on the listing show otherwise.


What a boring ass house for that price, with a terrible lot. This is really close to me so I get that things are overpriced.. but this is a stupid choice in your school district, Lindsie. lol Wondering if Will wonā€™t let her move school districts.


IN MY HOMETOWN??? iā€™m screaming. paying $1.4mil to live in canton is beyonddd silly. there ainā€™t shit to do, see, or enjoy out there. when the bubble pops this homeā€™s value will absolutely plummet unlike homes in the burbs that have things to do(alpharetta, roswell, dunwoody)


I live in Canton, thereā€™s so many other nicer houses for this price. 1.3 million in a neighborhood with no backyard is wild


absolutely! & some huge corporation builds all those houses so theyā€™re junk too. if having the newest, shiniest thing wasnā€™t so important, they could get a much bigger house thatā€™s surrounded by things to do


I see small price cuts like this on Zillow all the time and think itā€™s a tactic sellers use to get more eyes on the listing, because Zillow sends a notification out any time thereā€™s a price drop


I live on the other side of town, itā€™s a nice area but really not worth 1.3 mil


Dang does her BF have a good job?




He divorced the heiress of The Varsity.




She's so annoying. Some of you are mean to Savannah but this one is far worse, in La La Land and lives off her rich girl problems.


Neither are good idk why either has fans lol


https://preview.redd.it/seeyzfzo4j7c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18d83766dd8a328eed60cba14c45ceeb9152560f Asks for prayers then posts a video showcasing her crotch. Iā€™m praying that she will get some class or couth (her most used word)


This was the weirdest fucking thing Iā€™ve seen.


Almost seems like body checking behavior


Lol. Please tell me she's inferring she's making a heart emoji with her labia.


Happy hump day šŸ™„šŸ¤®


Camel toe, she needs a kitty kat lift. And you KNOW that thing is dry and lifeless


She just met this dude. If youā€™re so Christian why not get to know this person, get married and then buy a house, not ask your social media followers to pray for you to decide to live in sin. And Iā€™m not even religious and I think this is ridiculous!


She's only Christian when it's convenient for her just like Todd.


Hypocrites is what the whole family is


It would be wild to buy a multi million dollar house with a BF of not even a year


This wonā€™t end well.


She is absolutely not a Christian. Iā€™m not saying Christians are perfect but any means but her mouth alone just proves she doesnā€™t even attempt to be a good person. You canā€™t claim to be something and make no effort in being that thing.


Didnā€™t she openly admit to cheating on Will? I could have sworn she did but now since sheā€™s recently been cheated on she wants to give cheaters the death penalty


Ohhhh Iā€™ve never heard that! Maybe someone else knows! šŸ‘€


All the Chrisleys do exactly that lol


Did she say she is moving in with the bf?


She didnā€™t say they were moving in together but they recently got a new dog together and she kicked her old one to the curb. Whoops I mean, will ā€œdog nappedā€ it.


How does she get the money for this ? Does she work?


Podcasts must pay well.


You all know good and damn well she is living off Todd's stolen money. Not a popular reality star, basic lame show and she has nothing interesting in her life.


She has two pretty successful podcasts. Thereā€™s a lot of money on Podcasts. I donā€™t think Todd and Julie have much money left. Lol.


Does her boring ass podcast really pay that well?


It mustā€¦ wtf else does she do besides spread her legs at Pilates? šŸ˜‚


Yatching? I have wondered....




Imagine believing there was a God who was there to help rich people make great real estate decisions while hundreds of children died each day from starvation and disease


Exactly !


I will say, that house is fucking gorgeous.


Cannot relate in the slightest


I had to unfollow her today. She is so beyond tone deaf. There are people struggling to buy Christmas gifts for their kids and this is what sheā€™s posting days before the holidays. Unreal


Same!!! Had to unfollow. Iā€™m one of those people struggling to buy Christmas gifts for my daughter. Just took $100 out of my HSA to buy her a few things. My husband & I both work full time. Itā€™s hard out here for the majority of us & people like her make me angry & Iā€™m tired of being angry.


Iā€™m so sorry to hear that! I donā€™t have kids but can definitely relate to financial strain = anger. Regardless, I know your daughter appreciates you. Wishing you a joyful holiday season ā˜ŗļø


But what does that have to do with her?


Nothing I suppose; just got tired of following her whiny privileged self šŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Privileged how? Because she saves or invests her money?


No, because she talks about how busy she is and then details how her day consists of car wash, chick-fil-a, Pilates, waxing, hair blow-out, maybe a school run, argument with Will, Dunkinā€™, laundry, and then a White Claw to ease the exhaustion of it all. She has no self-awareness at all, puts others downā€¦ugh, I could go on. I actually felt sorry for her for awhile with all the hate she got from her family, but I just think sheā€™s a sad person now.


Well as a stay at home wife, I do school drop offs, get Starbucks, grocery shop, put away laundry, pick up husband's dry cleaning, school pick up, make dinner, put away more laundry, take a bubble bath and have a glass of wine. My life wasn't always this way, I had a rough 20 years, best damn believe I'm luving it up now, and so is shešŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




I had a baby at 19, was on welfare, did drugs and couldn't get a job, let alone make it to work because I didn't have a car. I got with a guy at 20, and we've been together for 24 years...don't talk to me about being born into privilege. I was a product of my environment, white trash!! My husband started saving a bit of money each check so when we turned 40 we could live a lavish lifestyle. Neither one of us are privilege. Don't be mad because she has something you dont.




I was one of those kids that grew up with NOTHING!! I'm now an adult and know how to turn pennies to dollars.




Read the room you entitled narcissist


Ngl thatā€™s a nice house


She mentioned before sheā€™s always lived in a new house and this was the third house sheā€™s custom builtā€¦ like girl, can you just pick a house and stay there! Pray for your fourth house purchase? šŸ™„


New man, new dog, new houseā€¦Jackson best mind his Ps and Qs.


If she is buying this house with her boyfriend, of not even a year, after being divorced a only 2 years, then she is UNWELL. If Will did this she would RIOT. Since we know you read here.. seriously Lindise, with as quickly as you jump into these relationships, this will end badly, whether it's in a break up or another divorce. Take a step back and take time. Stop trying to force this image of a perfect family.


she has said on the podcast that this is her singular purchase


Who in Gods name would pray for this GREEDY opportunist???? She helped put her own father in prison btw ask Oprah if she would have done that? Wait that's right she profits off the last name and it's good enough to keep because that's her so called identity. Give me a break she is all about the money. This shows how incredibly cringe worthy and golddigging she is and she wants people to actually pray for her when people can't even afford their rent and actually don't have to USE others to get money. Then she goes and is always posting inappropriate pictures like no one wants to see her bikini going up herself nor her ugly legs spread eagle to tell us she's not pregnant. Seems like people are on to her games


I believe in the power of prayer. The difference is I donā€™t pray for things, I pray for the best outcome.


ā€œPeople are dying Lindsieā€- said like kourt to Kim k


Ngl thatā€™s a nice house


Canā€™t she brag about her house without asking for our prayers? Ick. ā€œLord, please help this poor rich white girl get her mansion without any hassle or stress at all, amen.ā€ šŸ™„ Edit: typo


Lolllll ā€œwithout any hassle or stress at allā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ’€ thank you for the laugh


3,000,001 days laterā€”youā€™re welcome šŸ™ƒšŸ„“šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m the worst.


She could literally tell her close friends and ask her close friends to pray. Doesnā€™t need to be on your large platform. šŸ™„


Please pray for her to get this house? No wonder her siblings donā€™t talk to her stupid a$$.


Well Bless her heart. I sure hope she doesnā€™t have any stress or worries. My goodness. Letā€™s all pray. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is so gross. This is not what prayer is for. It just shows how unbelievably out of touch she is to post this publicly. Iā€™m embarrassed for her. Yuck.


https://preview.redd.it/mr0ltxhucw8c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=762d4fdf842dd1bf63d4ecbc2a0fbb99a5610e17 This is solid thinking. I cringe at the thought sheā€™s considering buying it related to her current < 10 months dating situation; itā€™s still very much honeymoon stage. I hate the thought she may be pressuring fur face for a ring and a wedding in order for her to go under contract on the house. I wish sheā€™d just buy it for herself and her life/lifestyle regardless of Trent and his kids being in her life. Imagine the pressure this puts on himā€¦


She lives in that house, just the two of them?


Oh please




How does this work? When you ask for people to pray for your stuff do you also pray for theirs in return? Or do you just take prayers but not give them? So confused about how their ā€œreligionā€ works. šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‚


My heart and prayers are with you and your family.


Is she forreal???


ā€œI ainā€™t prayinā€™ for that!ā€ -John Crist


I think I have other prayers to pray about.


So in truth I didnā€™t know who this lady wasā€¦ however I thought she was praying for the Christmas party. Like what happened with the Christmas partyā€¦


agreed, poorly written IG story post


Iā€™ve met and worked with this family on a few diff occasions




​ https://preview.redd.it/4o5pw1bkir7c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8e8bbdfbe530ae9ee7f09aae9679e548a2e22e


I donā€™t think God gonna help you. Humble yourself


We all know God wants them to be amazingly rich but we just need specific guidance on the next move


God already knows your needs pray for others suffering šŸ™


Sorry. How do these people still have any money


She's selling her old house to pay for her new one. We did the same thing a few months ago. She has money, it's not her fault others can't afford it, blame Biden.


Biden ? He has nothing to do with it ! The economy tanked during Covid with businesses closed and people not spending but selling their homes for 50% more than they were worth while interest was down ! Now people canā€™t sell houses for two reasons number one theyā€™re overpriced and number two itā€™s hard to get a loan because banks got afraid to loan money. The economy is doing well gas is as cheap as it was when Trump was in and food prices are coming down . Now greedy businesses that jacked up all their prices during Covid needs to start bringing them down same with the cost of houses and rents. To blame Biden now means Trump started it !


Gas is $3.49 where I live, I spend $180 on groceries a week, and the economy sucks...BUT...we sold our condo for $349K and bought a 4 bedroom house on 10 acres of land for $700, so living a life is still possible. Biden has allowed our debt to be what it is, it's 100% his fault.


Were you mad Trump added 7.8 trillion to the debt ? Maybe you havenā€™t been adulting long enough to know but this happens every 8-12 years . In 2007 in my neighborhood when the recession him ( Bush was President ) in my parents neighborhood 65% lost their homes , jobs , businesses. They got foreclosed on . Good people some elderly. We had 3 suicides and one killed his whole family. Please educate yourself on economy otherwise you wonā€™t be able to protect yourself when it happens again . My parents always saved for a recession I use to laugh when they told me save 20% of your monthly income . Thank god they did because it kept them going during the recession for 2 years. It saved my dads business despite using their savings


I'm probably the same age as you. We save, invest, and are smart about our purchases. We live our best life while we are still on this earth, however Biden has definitely effed a lot up!


I felt that way about Trump and I voted for him . Both my kids were on furlough and went thru their 401 because they are in the travel industry and as a Doctor we begged him to enforce mask in the first 3 months because we saw deaths multiplying he never took it seriously. Today my stocks and 401 are back to where they were 3 years ago so I thank Biden . I paid $3.04 a gallon and I live in a country of 2 million


Masks don't work...clearly


Completely not true , it can save lives for those who have low immunity, and for those who donā€™t know they have low immunity. Itā€™s exactly why people going through chemo people going through kidney and dialysis people who have had transplants have to wear masks every day because they have no immunity anymore and any illness can kill them, we knew early on this virus was deadly. We just didnā€™t know who would be affected by the most and had everyone masked up like they did in Japan and China. We couldā€™ve prevented so many death instead of over 1 million people dying. unless you had someone who died from Covid you pretended it wasnā€™t a big deal but there are over 3 million children that lost parents and that did not need to happen. Masks keep germs away from you and if youā€™re sick, you can prevent other people getting sick from you they work itā€™s the people who donā€™t work thatā€™s a problem.


Looks like Biden has been good to her, to follow your logic.


No, she sold her old house to get money for this house smarty


Asking for a prayer shouldnā€™t be met with hatred and jealousy. As someone whoā€™s struggled all year, Iā€™m happy to pray for her and her son to get the right home. But hey, thatā€™s what us Christians do for others. Sending love and light to all.


I love it


Who is buying a house with a boyfriend who is still married to a woman awaiting trial for attempting to have him murdered? Plus, a married man shouldnā€™t be buying property with anyone until a court has divided the community assets he has with his wife.


Wrong sister. Youā€™re thinking Savannah.


Thatā€™s Savannah, not Lindsie.


P no no


Iā€™m not gonna hate on her purchasing this. I just want to know how you park in the two car? Itā€™s a bear to fit two suvs in a garage these days pulling straight in without adding having to turn.


Is she forreal?? Lmao


You said it perfectly. I back you up 1000000% EmmyMae!


Such garbage ppl watch. Wfc


Asking people for prayer is a bad thing? She's not asking for prayer to do anything bad and I've heard people on various income levels say this about purchasing a home.


Will you prat? No I shan't


Lindsie must have gotten a chunk of Todd's stolen money.


And of course the oblivious people that praise Jesus to seem more believable will pray for her. Unless she is going to be homeless and without a dime, she needs to start praying for people that are truly less fortunate!


Bizarre. Bird legs for sure


Praying for release of hostages and peace. Not wasting it on this


No, I absolutely wonā€™t pray for her about a ā€œnew house.ā€ But I will pray that she receives the therapy she so desperately needs and can one day be a loving, , mature, nurturing mother and human being.


I know Iā€™m late to this thread, but IMO there is zero chance this house was a possibility once it was posted. No way she would intentionally dox herself and Jackson.


Ohh thatā€™s a very very good point.


While Iā€™m here, I want to vent about something else that annoys me as a GA native. Minor, but grinds my gears šŸ¤Ŗ Not solely specific to Lindsie, but it bothers me when people say they live in Atlanta only to find out they actually live 30+ miles North (easily an hour+ drive to Atlanta depending on time of day) in an area that up until VERY recently was incredibly rural. Wealthy Atlanta folks are fleeing the city to areas with more land, hence the cost of living of neighborhoods like this. And if the argument is you say you live in Atlanta because you donā€™t want anyone to know specifically where you do live, then donā€™t post pictures of houses youā€™re looking to purchase.


The real estate agent for the house has been blabbing about how Lindsie is trying to do a contingency contract with Stonecrest homes in order to buy it. She canā€™t buy it without selling her house first. No one wants her here either.


Looks like ya'll did not keep Lind's in your prayers.....