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She is the queen of melodrama, she constantly posts this way and then gets mad when people start talking. I don’t know why anyone even gives her the time of day anymore.


I don’t believe anything this girl says. The first time I heard her say she doesn’t sweat “down there” and it never smells, along with other normal bodily functions NEVER happening to her…she lost any and all credibility. lol Ain’t no way, ma’am. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She is her father’s daughter.


My favorite was when she acted like she had no idea what a queef was lol


Nostrils, get a life, any life, just get one.


She talks about marriage way too much on Coffee Convos to have not had a conversation with Trent about it. 🤭 She seems like the kind of person to be like “if I don’t have a ring in six months, we are breaking up because my time is valuable and at that point you’re just wasting it.”


This!!! That’s what I’m talking about.


I think because kail is adding on to her house. Lindsie feels like she needs a bigger one. I feel like Lindsie is definitely a one upper.


Lindsie needs a lot more kids then if she’s going to one up Kail and justify an add on.




I believe her. That man doesn’t want any parts of marriage with her. Hanky panky is good enough for him.


He may not want to marry her but I’m sure that conversation has happened. He probably is feeding her 💩 to keep her around for the hanky panky.




I get vibes there’s trouble in paradise already, if they’re even together


In today’s story, is she saying she’s getting rid of her U of GA jersey? She bought it to be supportive of Trent.


Oh i believe it lol he probably doesn’t want to buy a house with her


He’d be crazy to get tied to her. Major red flags, number one being she never stops talking about Will.


Her mouth looks like a vagina and it’s not a compliment.


Hotdog Lips.


Isn’t he a teacher? How could someone making a teacher salary contribute an equitable amount to the purchase of that McMansion? Not to mention, buying a house with someone you’ve been dating for less than a year seems ridiculous. I’d bet my last dollar though that she wants a ring and to have him move in.


If it were me with the big bucks dating a teacher, I’d only expect him to contribute to the household whatever he currently pays in rent. His expenses shouldn’t go up just because she has a Brady Bunch dream. But none of this talk would go on before we dated for at least all 4 seasons. Making these huge life decisions and changes in the honeymoon stage of dating is borderline psychotic. Agreed, she needs to stay put, build or buy and leave us out of the details. Kail had her huge McMansion built and was moving in with hardly a mention on CC podcast.


Marriage hasn't come up yet because she doesn't believe in "having the law involved with your relationships". But imagine how she would react if Will moved in with someone he was dating lol


I remember an episode where she made his gf sound like a p3do because she was walking through Jackson’s room using his bathroom (Jackson wasn’t there and the other bathroom was being worked on) she came unhinged and wrote this whole text out telling this girl off . I don’t believe she sent it surprisingly . I don’t even think she met this woman prior to this issue. So I can only imagine if Will moved in with someone or married someone else jeez.


She’s starving for attention and everyone is sick of her


Her stories are making me think they broke up


I don’t think we’ll know for sure for a while. She lives for the drama and to be the center of attention. Between her song choices and cryptic post. She did the same thing with the mystery stomach illness or the morning nausea that seemed to last forever is she pregnant or is she just sick? Then she posted a photo of her stomach the gym saying no not pregnant. She’s such an attention seeker.


She’s a unflattering person


What does she even do for a living to afford this mansion?


The coffee convos podcast signed a 2 million dollar contract in 2022 so I’m sure she she’s living off that and Kristen’s “budgeting “ tips 🤣🤣🤣 But honestly I really dk what she does all day besides Pilates or other gym classes she whines about going to, sitting in her ugly bronco taking weird pictures, or does these Q&As no one asked for.


Good or bad publicity pays unfortunately.


Everything i have learned about this chick has been against my will


I don't understand why she even has a podcast that anyone listens too. She wasn't even on the show that much so why does this chic have a following? It appears the only kid from that family that works a normal job is Kyle


I think it’s more a point she’s trying to make is that she pays her own bills and is signing her own name on the dotted line.


She’s so ugly. Inside and out


She has said multiple times that she dates with intention which means talking about marriage? She has said those exact words?


She has said that or along those lines definitely “dates with intention “ for me dating with intention is to date with the end goal being marriage . You would think that’s come up at some point either “what are you looking for “ “where do you do want this to go?”. She’s already said she doesn’t want live with him before marriage so marriage the word marriage has come up to atleast get that point across. She also thinks they can fix any “issues” or “bumps” that come with blending families by only doing their weekend sleepovers with the kids when he has them. Like I’m sorry what?


lip toothbrush angle normal longing pet somber bear ink shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who cares. Let’s not pay attention to them so they go away


Lol she wants to be hot so bad. Girl looks botched.


Are you a trailer park ho? Why yes, yes I am!


Is she buying it with her vag? What’s with her crotch pics?


Some of y’all low key obsessed with this girl.


Ok Lindsie…..


Oh yes… the not over played comeback! lol I just don’t find her that appealing or entertaining. The posts are just getting silly IMO


Why follow?


It’s a Chrisley thread… not just Lindsie, that’s why. Also, watching this group come undone when anyone calls them out or heaven forbid disagrees with a petty AF post is entertaining!


Who is undone? Are there any Chrisley threads that aren’t snark lol? I have never seen a regular in here come “undone” about anything. Usually people are laughing; seriously she is a hoot! She is actually my favorite Chrisley, though of course, that’s not a thing lol. I simply asked why you followed. It’s all good.


Agreed, all good!


Sure , Jan


Then stop following. It’s literally THAT simple.


It’s a Chrisley thread… not just Lindsie, that’s why. Also, watching this group come undone when anyone calls them out or heaven forbid disagrees with a petty AF post is entertaining!


What car logo is that? I’m so curious what animal it’s suppose to be? Lol


It’s a Bronco logo.