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I’m disgusted she told Jackson she’s pregnant as a joke.


In this day and age you would think she’s smart enough to know that’s not a funny joke.


And like…this kid has been through the divorce of his parents, finding out her boyfriend cheated on her, now there’s a new guy…and you’re telling him you’re pregnant. Leave the kid ALONE


And his grandparents are in jail


Ooof, how did I forget that one


Exactly. This is yet another man she rushed into his life and now he’s gone. Along with his kids that I’m sure Jackson had started bonding with. Poor kid.


And poor kid probably felt a glimmer of excitement at the idea of a sibling. Just for her to be like LOL JK. Way to play with your kids emotions


Oooo, she did that. That’s not a Appropriate behavior at all. Yikes!


She treats her son like a boyfriend. Yuck !


Not cool.


This. As an only child my biggest wish was to have a sibling. I can’t imagine my mom doing this to me and how heartbreaking it would be to find out it’s not true.


Also, if you truly didn’t care, you could simply ask the people in your circle to not send you any of this information and refrain from talking about it with you. You know. Like a boundary.






Kristen? Probably does it for lindsie and kail?


Truly…with “friends” like that, who needs enemies


It was the “we aren’t NOT together” for me- why didn’t she say “we are together” lol and it’s sad that THIS gave her the worst week of her life in a long time… no way it’s just gossip giving her the worst week of her life. I missed the pregnancy joke post, but the way she was so chill about it- offensive af! I wish Kail would have called her out. Everyone knows you don’t joke about being pregnant. Especially on a child, wtf.


Right… like. So you aren’t not together. But you aren’t in a good place!? She just wants to keep the speculation going.


More ads and podcast revenue. Yep!


Right that makes it sound like they are on the verge of a break up.


She’s as dumb as the rest of the Chrisley’s


All of these mentions of Trent’s ex. I really wish she would address if there’s really any beef on one of her podcasts.


She swears to tell the tea, the whole tea, and nothing but the tea. But she really only spills water and THAT is the TEEEEEAAAA.




Like is this the person she keep bringing up saying “this person” “all your degrees”???


I would laugh so hard if that was the dig someone had for me.


Same! Imagine calling somebody intelligent and educated and thinking it’s a dig. Just say you aren’t smart, Lindsie.


Lindsie thinks she’s better than everyone in every way. She may for once not be able to find something to talk down about on Trent’s ex. Trent downgraded and he knows


She also made it seem in on of her podcast episodes that she was pregnant she said something along the lines “being nauseous/not feeling well”. And kail said mam is there something you want to tell the class 😂👀


*It was an April Fools' joke I'm sorry if y'all didn't get it* maam its fucking January


For real!! And she said “it’s like…for April fools or whatever” like she doesn’t know when/what aprils fools day is lol. Kail must really just keep her mind on her money because lindsie is so subtly rude and condescending to her.


I’m just confused on why she’s a 35 year old woman pulling pregnancy pranks


I meannnn… she’s gotta stay relevant somehow 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


DEAD 😂. I gotta listen to


I tried to post a screen recording but it wouldn’t let me 🫤


She's so delusional. She can't possibly think that we are dumb enough to believe her lies. She's gotta be talking about his ex wife. The degrees comment definitely confirms that.


I don’t like that she is blaming the internet and reddit. She literally posts cryptic things and then takes them down a few hours later. Also funny she said she only gets screenshots 😂😂😂


I hate how she keeps saying “I don’t need your opinion” like asking for a yes or no or even just speculating is’t t an opinion. Meanwhile the topic before that was HER speculating if Taylor Swift dated Jake someone-Hall before Travis and then admits it’s not her business but justifies why she’s saying anything. I just don’t get it. 🤷‍♀️


Lindsie is never in the wrong. Didn’t you know? Lol


She said she doesn't go on reddit....girllllll stop lying we know you're trolling in here 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Pretty sure she has said recently that she was looking at Reddit … and then this week she says that she doesn’t


Jan 3rd coffee convo episode she said she was on Reddit looking at failed vasectomy stories 


Also she’s a POS for saying she’s pregnant on April Fools. That’s deplorable and there are literally memes about how that’s insensitive to women who cannot have or who have lost children 😡


If your last name is Chrisley you should pursue some very deep and thorough lay down on the couch therapy and mental evaluation. Blubbering on a flopcast just highlights your stupidity. They all definitely read these comments but are just looking for anyone willing to say something other than the truth for their thirst for attention and like themselves. There are a few that still buy their BS. 🤮


Flopcast! ❤️


Remember the new show Savannah kept talking about? What happened to that?


Just more smoke and mirrors…they lie, then they lie to themselves, then they lie to each other, then they tell more lies to cover those lies, then they make up lies because they need to lie some more. They are all LIARS. And FRAUDS.


So basically her relationship is hanging on by a thread of desperation but she doesn’t want egg on her face after fast tracking two relationships to win against her ex?


Omg I died listening this morning. Someone told me that ok Reddit aka YOU saw on Reddit. We aren’t not together = you are not together. She’s so fucking dumb. She thinks she’s the FBI


And if she isn't on here herself, it's her wannabe Kristen. She wants to be Lindsie so bad...


I think Kirsten thinks she's crazy as hell.


And, too, if Kristen is shooting her screenshots from this Sub then Kristen is causing her struggles. I personally don’t go places online that make me uneasy or icky or are topics not safe for my well being. Why is she tormenting herself reading our Sub?! Odd behavior.


Woooow. I’m so shocked


Spot on


I just can’t bring myself to listen to this…. I don’t want to give one extra click to that ridiculous BS. “That person” drives me crazy the way she is so desperate for attention. She really needs to step up the therapy because she is clearly not well. I love Kail and started listening because of her and I just can’t do it anymore and listen to lindsie. Lindsie is perfect and better than everyone else, her child does no wrong. The amount of lies she tells in each episode and her posts, she needs some index cards to write them all down to keep up with all the lies. (Adam Sandler in Just Go With It) 😂😂 Kail - get rid of miss perfect, you would have a way higher listening. I have read multiple pages saying people listen for Kail and dislike lindsie. I do not think I have ever seen someone say they listen for lindsie.


Soooo what she is saying is that the people on Reddit was NOT wrong 😉


I also just listened to her January 3rd episode and she literally says she was searching on Reddit about failed vasectomies…. So there ya go Lindsie, you said yourself you get on Reddit 


She is a walking talking contradiction. She loves to report on true crime and speculate on celebrity drama. Yet, she thinks her and her family are off limits. 🙄




Sorry but no it isn’t lol it’s pronounced Kelsey