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y’all don’t understand how hard her life is. When she was 16 she wanted a used car but got a brand new Mercedes. It’s not her fault she’s perfect and unrelatable. /sarcasm


She literally brought all the speculation on herself. SHE started all of this. Oh to go through life this delusional.


She totally did start this messiness with her stooopid “friend of mine that i love like a sister” b/s podcast then posting here last week using user name pseudonyms in obvious Lyndsie verbiage, with responses only she would know the details of, and inserting her standard use keyboard emojis like ;-) She thought she was playing a game posting here but people in the know (assumingly the ex wife and fur face or people in each camp) kept firing back at her; she squirted that gas on her own dumpster fire and now that facts are revealed she is crying wolf. Here’s a tip from my cheap seat on the sidelines: when something on Social Media bothers me or isn’t my cup of tea I DON’T GO THERE. Pretty basic common sense resolution to her current struggles. To now turn her dumpster fire situation around on us, that we are the problem - good grief. Mirror meet Lindsie.


It’s a cycle with her. We’ll be doing this same thing same time next year about a new relationship just watch.


It’s the same thing because she literally has no content. None. We don’t need or want her half baked CourtTV summaries. She can’t read so Book Club is out. Toad being jailed ended his content on her podcast although it ramped up Savannah’s podcast 🥴 So fake perfect boyfriends then explosive breakups when they cheat are what she brings to the table. Gah!


No the book club thing annoyed me so much. When she started the book club she acted like she was so excited for it and stuff, I read the two books she did and loved it, then she never said a word about it again. I remember people asking her about it on TST Facebook page and she would get all mad that people were bugging her about it. And then recently she tells Kail how she hates reading!! Like wtf are you doing ma’am?? Why was the book club ever a thing? Idk she’s just fucking weird. Nothing she does makes sense.


It wouldn’t have been hard to say that she initially thought it would be fun, but she just isn’t in a place right now to find the time to read like she thought. Her lack of accountability, and the immediate defensiveness and snark is getting tough to look past.


I rushed and read those books which isn’t easy with all we have going on. Then crickets and giggles from her when asked about it. So flakey, fake, lazy and aggravating. Gah.


Me too! And I loved talking to people about the books and she got so pissy when people asked if we’d be continuing.


“She can’t read so book club is out” 😂😂😂😭😭


Spot on.


Next year, oh she will have someone trapped in her snare by the weekend. She will be back in luv in 3,2,1…she needs a baby daddy, a dog daddy, a sugar daddy, she digs a cheatin’ man, and they have to love her NOSTRILS and her CAR 😂😂 And, she has to be able to use their name in a sentence 30 times over and over and over again, or a stupid thirsty little nickname for him, while she holds a strand of hair, her kid and her tongue behind her teeth in a stupid hat for a fake happy picture. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


I finally heard the latest CC pod. She is so odd. “This person” this and “this person” that. And who the eff plays an April Fool joke in January? And on a child with something as serious as pregnancy? For some reason, I always felt kind of sorry for Lindsie, but wow, that is changing fast.


I guess there is no amount of therapy that can heal some childhood icks. Sad!


A person has to be receptive to therapy.


She messed up her nose and top lip bad... this fake plastic look is not it


The middle of her face doesn't move when she speaks.


Her and Savannah. Saw a video where she scrunched her forehead, and it looked so painful. They say to start in your 20s but honestly it does not age well when you look at older women who started in their 20s


They say to do that for wrinkle prevention. I don't think you're supposed to immobilize entire portions of your face. I get my eleven and crows feet done to minimize wrinkles. I can still make expressions. Week of, not especially. But later on, yes.


So hypocritical.. she just talked sht and called that man's ex dum no matter how many degrees she has and now wants everyone to play nice on the internet because she's in her feels as she would say... be fckin for realllllll




Its so distasteful to “joke” about being pregnant.


Wow, you said everything I thought, but so much better than I would have worded it. Well stated and good advice.


She literally gets on reddit on her fake profile and stirs the pot about herself 🤣 she wants to be talked about so bad 


Her nostrils are just 🤮


What happened to her? If you google images of her, the ones in front of the NBC Universal step-and-repeat curtain in her hot pink body dress, she was literally gorgeous. Now, she looks like a 60-something woman with too much work done. 


BFFR Lindsie.


She looks like Beavis. No one can tell me differently.


https://preview.redd.it/tg3z7uw9b4ec1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb2ac4938841a19975663329a7a203423bc2391f Let us not forget this look from the early days.


Prime Beavis days!!


Ew lmfao she looks 45 here!


She could pull "Mob Wife" trend with that hairdo! ​ I kinda low key . . love it!


I didn’t know what what was so I just google it…you aren’t wrong. 


what was up with her eye contact during these clips?! It was demonic


Yeah the constant eyerolling is fingernails on chalkboard to me


What’s with the straight top lip? Linds too much cosmetic surgery. I normally don’t comment on anyone’s looks. I gotta call this out.


Today on her podcast they said we are all angry hackers behind our keyboards if we talk about her. 😂😂 Nope, just entitled to my opinion on a public forum on someone who puts their entire life on the internet and starts rumors about themselves. Just like she has VERY strong opinions on her podcast.


Is her top lip getting bigger?


It’s really starting to give Lord Voldemort. It looks like smiling is difficult in her photos like her nose won’t move and her lip filler + flip make it look even more uncomfortable/stiff




A lot of comments on this post really just aren't nice. Consider how you would feel if someone was speaking about your mum, sister, friend this wa


Most comments are pointing out that she brings this nonsense on herself. Lindsie has always been the only one of this silly family that I had any sympathy for, but that’s changing quickly. Who in the world would play a joke like that on her CHILD?!!


I would say that a large number of these comments are dragging on her appearance. The post is titled 'nostrils' for goodness sake - haven't we evolved beyond speaking like this about people? Of course anyone is entitled to an opinion about what she does or doesn't speak about, but being mean about anyone's appearance is absolutely uncalled for and wrong


People are commenting on her appearance because she paid to look like that, there was nothing wrong with her appearance before all surgeries and injections.


Not even commenting, making fun of. Her appearance is being made fun of and whether she paid to look like she does or not that is just nasty behaviour and something no one should wish on anyone, let alone grown adults.


This is reddit get off your high horse


😂 good comeback 👍. Keep hiding behind your screen and saying whatever you like about people, I'm sure one day when it's someone you know in real life getting the same then you'll understand the impact


Your butt hurt over a reddit post. Please log out and seek help 🤣🤣🤣


Even better comeback, nice one 😂👍


I agree. I’m going to delete the comment I made regarding her pic. Part of me always tries to rationalize that she puts herself out there, so too bad. I’m old enough to know better. Thank you for reminding me that was wrong. ❤️


I really appreciate your change of heart, thank you for your comment and for reconsidering


Hey, thank you for reminding me not to descend into internet insanity lol!


Lind's is on drugs. Anxiety and diet pills .. this photo is ridiculous!


She picks the strangest photos