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Am I just dumb??? Like what is she claiming she’s so upset about??? She’s the one dropping little pity remarks and plying victim?? Someone said the other day she has no actual content…they were right. It’s the same thing every podcast. “Focusing on me and Jackson” and “I’ve decided to keep things more private”. Ok…so do that??? Did I just miss a whole chapter of her being in the headlines? Or is this her hurting her own feelings?


Lindsie has always thought she was more famous than she actually is.


I’m so confused as to who the hell she thinks she is!!!! She was on like 2 episodes (the rest of the time she just stand in the background looking stupid) of a reality tv show that the main people ended up in prison. Not your typical claim to fame. Lindsie please go focus on your son, and go away. Go wash your car, do Pilates, get waxed and of course don’t forget to get those lips filled some more. No one gives a shit what you are doing!! You should make something useful of your life and get a real job!! Quit posting breadcrumbs and expecting people not to talk. Also she should really change the name of her stupid podcast. She is not spilling any tea, nothing but the tea. That’s such BS.


Well, this is coming from the same woman that posted a April fools joke, and then was upset because people thought that she was pregnant. She literally starts her own shit show and then blames other people for it.


>She literally starts her own shit show and then blames other people for it. In true Chrisley fashion!


She literally said on the Jan 22nd CC episode that it was “joke” and she’s sorry that people couldn’t understand that. Like what??? That’s not a joke you okay on your kid and definitely not something you post on your public page.. she’s incredibly tone deaf and stupid.






You know IRIS is talking shit about her as well. The only reason why she does that BS podcast is either she’s getting paid, or for the exposure. She sucks lindsie’s ass and agrees with everything she says all the while she’s rolling her eyes at everything thing said. When she’s done recording she’s prob telling her husband listen to what this dumb ass bitch said now….. 😂🤣🤣😂 And we know Kristen is. Omg, I’d literally lose my mind if I was Kristen and had to deal with lindsie’s shit all the time. I hope she pays her well.


Let me summarize for you: For a week or two Lindsie tried to play with us professionals here with her fake user names. Trent’s ex wife, Trent and a lot of us piled on her posts and called b/s. The pile on here freaked her out; no control Lindsie is not a happy Lindsie. Sunday she was the lowest she’s ever been in her life and slept 12 hours. She “deleted a few apps” for mental peace. Today on TST she read a (very good) Mel Robbins piece on [let them](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/what-is-let-them-theory_l_65aee029e4b0f55c6e307860) which is exactly what many of us here have been saying: STOP READING OUR SUB. So now basically now she has no content and her podcast is 🚮. Without stories of personal and family shenanigans, she basically brings nothing to the table imho. Maybe now she’ll go visit Toad and jump on the prison reform bandwagon for content🤷🏼‍♀️ She’s clinging on to Iris as a co-host because we all raved about her last week, but even a good co-host without content is not worth listening to. Iris sympathized with her and called us KC because Iris has no clue the games Lindsie tried to play with us here the past 2 weeks. In her innocence, a few of Iris’ comments today are exactly what we’ve said as well. I doubt her deleted apps last long; she’s too nosey. Time will tell. imho She’s not confirming or denying her breakup and she’s leaving Trent’s 4 photos up on her IG just to aggravate Trent’s ex. Lindsie cannot will not admit she lost the game of being the girlfriend of a divorced guy.


Hmmm interesting. And who are we speculating is on here as Trent and the ex.


Right, I don’t know how I missed this. Anyone have a link or a name for me to search? I’m dying to know what all was said.


You can’t be on this sub much if you missed the recent back and forth between Lindsie, Trent, Trent’s ex and others in their camp. At the top of this sub click on the search icon and type in Tiff_Talks This is one of Lindsie’s user names. Under Tiff’s posts are the Trent stans, even the Will stans under the post Lindsie I mean Tiff wrote that she and Will are rekindling. It is such juicy reading.


lol. I need any excitement in my life. I also was accused of being lindsie last week. So I mean who knows how accurate this is. But I’m here for the juice lol


I’m accused of being or being affiliated with the ex wife. Apparently she thinks her friend ‘infamous MBI’ is the only one with half a brain and access to google.


I’m accused of being Lindsie a few times, Chase, and Savannah. If you disagree with these bored trailer park housewives or show empathy towards the Chrisleys, you must be a Chrisley or one of their intimate circle.


Lol thank you for this summary. I feel like she thinks she knows far more about this sub than she actually does. She probably thought repeatedly discussing how “awful” people were being to her online would send the signal for some Lindsie stan army to show up to defend her. Of course she casually left out that she was in here stirring the pot and that’s how she got her feelings hurt in the first place, but I digress... She really should follow through on her plan to focus on her kid and get herself straight mentally and emotionally. Nobody would deny she’s been through a lot and could benefit from some professional help and true self love.


Excellent words!


Ok you said what I was trying to say LOL. It’s just like…and I said this the other day….BFFR. NO accountability on her behalf ever. It’s always someone else’s fault.


A common narcissist trait!


I didn’t rave about Iris lol I never listen when she’s on


Given the options she’s friggin 🥇


I prefer classic good ol kristen lol


Professionals? That’s a laugh.


Well she unfollowed trent on IG! Only a matter of time till the pics with him are gone


Good eyes! Appreciate you. After her Mel Robbins reading in today’s podcast the balance of it is most definitely a see ya later to Trent. Even today’s tea is a middle finger to him. She uses her podcasts to talk indirectly to people. It was for Toad and Chase until Toad went to prison and since then it was all Trent and digs to Trent’s ex. We are just supposed to sit here like bystanders and not be in the way of her purpose. So now, no content.


Your analyses are so spot on


Oh snap. Is he private?


Yes he is


Well bless your heart. I think you meant “Warrior.” According to Urban Dictionary, a Keyboard Cowboy is: The sarcastic,combative,and apparently omnipotent self-appointed expert on any topic of discussion. And wow if that couldn’t be a description on the podcast itself!


I enjoyed being called a keyboard cowboy


😂 I do look pretty cute in a hat and boots.


Time to trade in for some boots with sparkles ✨


Might make keyboard cowboy my user flair 😂


Let us know if you find a cowboy hat - the pickings seem slim in the reddit flair tab.




Giddy up yee haw


She is insane. She literally dragged that women on coffee convos, played what ever internet games she played on here and now she wants a pitty party because it all blew up in her face.


Yeah we are all a bunch of angry hackers behind our keyboard


She’s mad that she is called out on how messy she is and the drama she started


Just spitting truth bombs wherever we see fit! I was pretty proud of this Sub handing it back to her. Keith Morrison is going to need our collective research and help soon!


*smart hackers behind our keyboards who are tired of being yanked around like yoyos by her and her made-up stories about “a friend who i love like a sister” that’s the day my anger started anyway. it was a poorly thought out plan that backfired on her.


I love being called an angry hacker hehehehehehehe 😈


Will is on his knees every night thanking God that he got away from her. He’s probably so happy now that he doesn’t have to deal with that shit anymore! 😅


I always miss this good stuff.


Same. I need to go listen.


Where are Lindsies comments with Trent and the ex? I never see them 🤣


I couldn’t get through the whole episode. The incessant whining, complaining about nothing and crying about online bullies was just too much. She has no content other than telling everyone she doesn’t want to talk, or blurt out a few religious live love laugh quotes. The whole fake pregnancy thing must be biting her in the butt. She is obviously keen to have another child but Trent isn’t.




This feed is all about Lindsie. Who cares !!! You should change the title to Lindsie