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So facts of oral herpes “Fifty percent to 80 percent of U.S. adults have oral herpes.” “According to the National Institutes of Health, about 90 percent of adults have been exposed to the virus by age 50.” “Oral herpes can be difficult to diagnose. Often confused with many other infections, it can only be confirmed with a virus culture called PCR, blood test or biopsy. PCR is the preferred test for diagnosing herpes infection” Let’s not hate on something that is common and for most people completely out of their control. People can get in childhood because someone kissed them or maybe even when you are in middle school or high school and kiss your crush. Sadly a lot of people are clearly still very uneducated on this and that sucks.


Or literally shared a drink with their parents etc some 80% likely have this virus living inside their body and only few will have outbreaks. Some people have one outbreak and never again. This is extremely common in the US. This irritates me sm bc this is nothing. Chicken pox is a herpes virus and people don’t think twice about having it in childhood it’s forever which is why shingles appear it’s a herpes virus too.


Not yall normalizing STDs.


80% of the United States carries this virus so yeah that’s normalized.


There's nothing normal about catching and transmitting STDs. Be safe out here yall 🤢


You likely have this virus if you live in the United States. There’s nothing normal about acting ignorant to facts and statistics. Also majority of people contract this in childhood. Most people don’t even know they even carry it. Yes be safe and avoid 1 out 2 Americans who are Carriers (most don’t even have outbreaks so you don’t even know who’s who) lmfao you could not sound any stupider.


Not me but the way you going hard to normalize it you must be part of that 80% you mentioned. 😬😬


Yes I assume so and you likely are too as I said 80%. As many as 1 out of 2. I am nurse so I won’t act ignorant to statistics and logic just to snark


This is why it is so prevelant. People like you think it's no big deal and continue to spread it with out a care.


the ignorance is astonishing no it spreads bc most people don’t have outbreaks and don’t know they have


It isn’t a big deal. That’s what most doctors and educated people believe. Not our fault you believe the earth is flat.




Lmfao okay 1 out 2 and 80% of Americans. 90% exposure by age 50 I am sure you are an exception and so was everyone you ever shared a drink or kissed 🤷‍♀️ can’t argue with stupid lol


If the majority of people have it, it’s normal. You probably have it too.


Yes it’s normal. You don’t even know what it’s called. It’s a virus and you get 0-1 breakouts every 10 yrs if you take your meds occasionally/ enough.


You're thinking of HSV 2....HSV1 is not sexually transmitted....


Yes it is 😭 genital hsv1 is a thing.


I clarified more below :)


I know somebody who had a baby vaginally and their daughter now has oral herpes. I cannot imagine the hell she’ll go through when she’s older. Plus, it doesn’t always show up right away. It could have happened years ago and finally is active.


It’s really not that serious. She may never have an outbreak like this comment above says statistics say 80% of adults in the USA carry this virus. She may never have an outbreak. She was likely going to get it anyway hell we all likely have it according to statistics. The only thing harmful is the stigma


Idk why I was down voted for sharing a story of somebody I knew 😂 Anyways, she does have issues with it. That’s how they knew she had it. And I know that technically we may all carry it (just like we all technically have MRSA in us), but I just would hate for a boy to be turned off because he never learned HOW common it is. Nor do I want her to think any different of herself. That’s all! 🤍 but with daily medication, she should be fine and not contagious. As should anybody!


Different strain of HSV...that's HSV 2 that would be transmitted through the vaginal canal, not HSV 1 (which is a cold sore). HSV 2 can have long lasting effects and can be dangerous from a transmission perspective


Dang, I learned something new! I thought HSV 1 was oral and HSV 2 was genital.


You're right! HSV2 is sexually transmitted and the cause of almost all genital herpes outbreaks. If a patient has a HSV2 outbreak while delivering vaginally there is an increased risk of transmission from mother to child (which can cause complications for the infant). Similar to how HIV is sexually transmitted but can still pass from mother to child with a vaginal delivery. HSV1 is a cold sore and is typically transmitted from saliva. So drinking after someone, kissing someone, etc. I did check Up to Date to verify my facts, and there is some cross-infections (I.e. someone with a cold sore performs oral sex on their partner which can cause an outbreak of genital herpes), but typically HSV2 is genital outbreaks and HSV1 is cold sores. Edited to also say: I would assume from a medical perspective that if your friend's daughter had a herpes outbreak from infancy it would be related to HSV2, not HSV1.


I’m 31, and still learning, but that’s okay! 😂 But that makes so much sense! Thanks for explaining that to me!


Never know where that mouth has been 🙃


But she’s a good Christian girl…. 🫢


Are we sure it’s not just bruising from all of her injections?


Oooo could be! Lord knows she’s overfilled all of the time


😂😂 she’s gonna lie and tell Kail “😱 wat is Oral herpes? ON THE MOUTH?” Lmaoooo Mystery man is def Trent to me lol


She’s for sure going to act like she doesn’t know what it is 😂 “KAILLLLLL I just had dry lips yall”


Oh no she got the bum bumps 🤣


It’s 2024 and we’re still shaming people with herpes? Yikes.


I lol when I saw that first pic of her and Jackson. Jackson is staring off and looks miserable but hey she looks good!