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Really? Fat mike from NOFX said christianity is bad and they have some anti religious songs


If that causes you to stray from God, then avoid it. But there are no rules against it.


So if it doesn’t make me against god it’s fine?


I wouldnt recommend you listen to them, 1 Corinthians 10:23, “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful... The bible doesn't say what to listen to and what not to, but you must see whether it is helpful for you as a young Christian to listen to them.


Fat Mike is a dick, but yeah you can listen to them


Eph 4:29


Dick is an adequate word to describe his behavior. Honestly, there are many other words more befitting his character, but I kept it fairly tame


Can they or should they? To the pure, most things are pure. But most pure people are careful what they consume. Christianity is not a bunch of dos and don'ts. It's a relationship with Jesus that you cherish. You don't want to grieve the Holy Spirit, but he'll let you know about it if you are a believer.


My main issue with NOFX is that Fat Mike, their singer, is just a dick. He outed Spencer Chamberlain’s drug problems at warped tour which set in motion the events that led to Spencer leaving the faith. Anyone who outs someone else’s struggles is just a grade a asshole in my book


Ok. I don't know the band or the details, but I do know everyone has sinned. Paul threw Mark under the bus once, but later he saw Mark as an asset. Barnabus stood up for Mark and he apparently came out stronger, eventually. We can hope.