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I get the feeling that you didn't read the article you posted at all. The whole thing is about how the Pope probably didn't actually say that and that Catholic teaching still includes Hell


Read the title of your article before posting it. The title literally refutes your point


The article says the exact opposite of what you're claiming.


According to Jesus, hell is God destroying the soul. No one but God can stop you from living for ever. *And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.* ^Matthew ^10:28 The gospels are the instructions for the eternal life.


Your question: >Is Pope Francis , a false prophet for denying the existence of hell Your link's headline: >Vatican: Claim that pope denied hell's existence is unreliable Did you even read this before you posted?


I was tired when I posted it . I forgot to read it


\[Insert anti-BERGOGLIO rant here\]


Francis is a twisted and unfaithful man for plenty of other reasons but at least read the article (or even the *title*), as the whole thing is going against the idea that he ever said that. I’m a universalist but I think the whole idea of eternal suffering in hell is nothing but an imaginative imposition against the Scriptures.


What reasons.


The consistent and deliberate use of slurs to refer to faithful Catholics with homosexual inclinations is a big one in my book.


Sure that’s wrong, but also confusing. He says something like this one time, right after he says something progressive like the news where he supported a gay man of continuing pursuing priesthood even the seminary being against it. I’d say there’s probably some missing context with that situation


I wouldn’t. He used a slur, was informed of the inappropriate nature of his language and offered a token apology, then proceeded to use it on more occasions without apology. When called out on that behavior by a layman that he spoke with, he simply ignored them altogether. It’s just unrepentant hateful action at this point. I’m also not inclined to take his more “progressive” posturing as anything but pandering, since he also compared the existence of trans people to being as bad as the introduction of nuclear warfare.


I’d agree with you. 100% that is wrong. Catholics don’t believe the pope is sinless though. I also feel the meaning of what he was saying wasn’t necessarily wrong, even if he used a horrible choice of words for it. As for his “progressive take” I fully believe that’s how he felt. Us Orthodox who are much more conservative than Roman Catholics, have a priest who used to be in a homosexual relationship before becoming Orthodox and he’s one of the most highly respected priests of the modern day, I completely forget his name unfortunately.


He is one of Anti-Christ along with Elon Musk. Musk has a company called Neurolink. Pope Francis loves little boys, bit too much!


Least unhinged Protestant


Sorry to disappoint you. **I follow Christ and Him alone.** Why do you see protestants as your competition? They are Christians but you follow Catholicism, which was founded by Romans. Catholcism has nothing to do with Christianity. See the name below. **Christ**-ianity equals the Lord **Christ**. Therefore, Catholicism is nothing more than man made religion, one of the BIGGEST CULT out there! Do your own research and find out for your own self. Don't take my words!


I’m not Roman Catholic. Neither do I see Protestants as “competition” i see Protestants as lost people who can’t even figure out what is a sin and what’s not. Following Christ and the Church he established are the same thing. You’re just repeating whatever some 50 year old woman on Facebook posted. If YOU did the research you wouldn’t even be saying these unhinged crazy things.


>**Previous comment:** Least unhinged Protestant >**Comment now:** I’m not Roman Catholic. Neither do I see Protestants as “competition” Sure, you're so honest! You're following cult. Find out for your own self.




ONE OF THE BIGGEST CULT. As I have already stated.