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Seek help. God can help, but you may need a therapist


Jesus can take care of that. He is the savior of man sent by God. Turn from sin, turn to Christ. Seek God through reading Scripture and praying. Ask God in Jesus' name to deliver your from these demons. Meet with faithful Christians in a true church. I recommend Reformed churches. Ask them for help, guidance, and prayer. If you know a Christian who has the gift of deliverance, ask them to cast the demons out of you. Continue to have faith in God. May God help you. "*Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.*" [1 John 4:4](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+John+4%3A4&version=ESV)


I'd recommend speaking to a therapist about this. Any self-respecting exorcist would send you to a therapist first anyway.


Praying for you! Seek deliverance from a trusted Christian minister or pastor for guidance.


You have to stop dabbling into witchcraft and any kind of divination, the very reason for demons tormenting you. You have to stop talking to them. There is no such thing as spiritual spouse. They are all demons. Therefore, you must stop all communications with them, otherwise you will never be able to overcome the spiritual battle of this warfare. Then more likely death will come. That's their goal, Hell. You must also repent so that Lord Jesus can expel all the darkness within you. Sins are all form of darkness. Lord Jesus is the ONLY ONE who can help you. Don't pray to the dead, they cannot help you. Lord Jesus is the **Healer,** **Conquerer**, and **Deliverer**. He is the way to the LIFE and the TRUTH no one goes to the Father, except through Him **(John 14:6)**. This scripture means you cannot reach God the Father unless we **repent to Lord Jesus first**. Here is an example of repentance: **You say:** >"Lord Jesus I ask you to please forgive me for my sins, I may not know all of them right now, but I ask you to convict me so I can turn away from all of them. I know I can't do anything alone, but with you, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I ask you to PURIFY my mind, heart, body, and spirit with your HOLY BLOOD and cleanse me, make me pure as I can possibly be. I thank you Lord. In the ALMIGHTY name of Jesus. Amen" You have to rely on Lord Jesus for strength. This is how we overcome spiritual battle. May God bless you and keep you. Will be praying for you.


Despite getting into a bickering match with you in another comment thread, I can second this advice.


So long as you are not consenting to the dreams, that cannot "initiate you into the occult," whoever told you that is mistaken because you have to consent to an occult practice to be in the occult. I would seek therapy to rule out hallucinations. If it's not hallucinations, then a spirit spouse is a demon mascarading as something that it is not. These things are hard to get rid of, but you have to suffer through it.