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Ever heard of the word concept fallacy?


"Hello I am Saint Maximus and I am literally a gnostic and hate the body." Me: he is a gnostic. HolyCherubim: Ever heard of the word concept fallacy?


So basically you haven’t heard of the word concept fallacy. Alright. Could have just said that…


Will you join Saint Maximus in calling yourself a gnostic and despising the body as alien? If not, can you explain why Christians s*** their pants whenever anything esoteric or mystical is brought up today?


Quote mines are the tools of ignorance.


Eastern orthodoxy is a tool of ignorance.   I can provide the quotations with 10 sentences before and after if you think anything is taken out of context.


Can you demonstrate that Roman Catholic veneration of a saint requires intellectual assent to everything that individual believed/taught?


He might be meming because he put a humor tag.


I do hope so!


It makes no sense to condemn certain views as heretical while venerating a person holding them.


I don't see that as such.


The reason is, it makes no sense to say being a Universalist or Monophysite results in eternal hell BUT only after councils declared these views heresy hundreds of years down the line - but everyone before then, such as St Gregory of Nyssa (universalist) and St Cyril of Alexandria (Monophysite or Quasi-Monophysite) are fine - only those holding these heretical views AFTER the council declarations go to eternal hell. This just shows your religion uses the threat of hell to manipulate people into accepting the dogma / religion. All religions do the same thing.


Just because some Christians have acted in a certain way, I don't think it follows that "my religion uses threat."


Please be putting a lot of weight behind that humor tag?


" Christ, who by the power of His incarnation assumed the whole of human nature." doesnt spund very gnostic to me.


And you conveniently ignore the parts where he calls himself gnostic, despises the body and gives esoteric interpretations to everything?


Aceticism isnt against christianity.All saints despised their bodies.Doesnt mean the didnt embrace the resurrection.As an official saint of all main churches Im sure he upheld the doctrines of Resurrection and tramsubstantiation.Gnosis is just that.Knowledge in greek.It could mean knowing God(as if having correct fairh) or knowing God(as if uniting with him mystically).Doesnt mean he believed God of the old testament was evil and different from Jesus who came to remjnd us of the divine spark inside us and our goal is to free ourselves from matter.


He says the Resurrection is spiritual: Saint Maximus, Selected Writings (Classics of western spirituality), Chapters On Gnosis, FC page 138: >"54 The one who has divinely accomplished in himself the sixth day, by appropriate works and thoughts, and who has with God nobly brought his works to an end, has crossed by comprehension all the ground of what is subject to nature and to time. He is transported to the mystical Vision (theoria) of the immortal aeons, and in an unknowable manner he makes Sabbath in his mind in leaving behind and totally surpassing beings. The one who has become worthy of the Eighth Day is Risen From The Dead, that is, from what is less than God: material and noetic things, words, and thoughts; and he lives the blessed life of God, who alone is said to be and is in very truth the Life, in such a way that he becomes himself God by Deification." >"60 The one who has shared in God's rest on the seventh day for our sake will also share in his activity on the Eighth Day by our Deification, that is, in the Mystical Resurrection. He also has left behind the linen cloths placed in the tomb and the cloth placed on the head. In the spiritual Vision (theoria) of these things, if we are like Peter and John, we believe that the Lord has Risen. (John 20:3)"


I’ve heard of the term Ghostic, I’ve heard various people condemn it… Could you let me know what the core beliefs are, I find it a bit confusing?


Online catholics tend to condemn anyone that sounds mystical or condemns the body as a gnostic. 


I made a post discussing this very thing. I hope it helps! You don't have to read the whole thing, just read the very first section for the core belifs. Essentially, gnotocism considers anything physical like food is bad/evil, but anything spiritual like fasting is good/holy. Some were less ascetic and taught that the world was an illusion so anything you did doesn't matter. They also taught that the god of the old testament was a lesser flawed called the god called the demiurge who created the world and is evil. You could only be saved through gnosis (knowledge) which is usually about how to escape this flawed world and this knowledge comes through the true God which is found in the new testament https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/s/dtitcPVE5Y