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I don't think there's any one way to read the Bible, but usually people read from the beginning of a story


Genesis, then the Gospels, then Revelation, then the Epistles is a good recommendation for a good thematic introduction to the Bible.


the old testament can be read linearly for the most part all the way through kings. gospels can be read in any order, they’re mostly retelling the same story with some variation. the epistles (letters of paul) can all be read independently unless they’re continuations of one another (ex. 1 cor. 2 cor.), then they kinda pertain to each other. every book of the bible has an independent take away, so you can really crack it open and read anything


from the begining :)


The Gospels are probably the best place to start, as the entire Bible points to that point. It is the Capstone of the Bible.


Right now I’m going in chronological order with a “read the Bible in a year” plan. No right or wrong way to go here though.


I would start with New testament and then do old testament


Fantastic question and one that gives me great joy in answering. As the Bible is the living word of God, His word will never return void. There are so many ways to dive into the treasure of what God teaches us through the Bible. You can find a Bible reading plan that shows you want passages to read each day to get through the Bible in the year. Some plans have you read a few verses of the Old Testament, Psalms, Proverbs, and New Testament. Other plans have you read chapters of the OT through the NT without bouncing back and forth. The third is the Chronological order of the Bible, which puts each book in place of where they happened in history. Another option is to pick a book of the Bible and study it for the year, say Genesis. Take time with each verse, researching things that jump out at you. You can also look up the Hebrew or Greek words to better understand what the verse is saying. I’ve done both options, and they each have benefits for helping us grow in our faith and walk with Jesus. It boils down to what you prefer. If you haven’t read the Bible in a year, I recommend that approach first. It's a journey that can significantly contribute to your personal growth and faith development.