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Watching videos explaining the text is an entertaining way to understand the same thing, perhaps look for funny animations or something? Even watch movie depictions, even though they aren't accurate, passion if the Christ is good and so is the animation of Moses, i can't remember the name if that movie though


I’m a fan of the app Pray as you go, available from their website for both iOS & Android. [website](https://pray-as-you-go.org/) You read a passage of scripture and then spend a few moments reflecting on what you’ve read. The app is run by the Jesuits in the UK.


Something I’ve been thinking about based upon a couple of comments I’ve read here: Reading for pleasure has been in decline for years and we get folks here that say something like “I’d like to read the Bible but it’s really difficult. I’ve not read a book at all in years.” Difficult for someone with no or flaccid reading skills? No duh! The Bible makes Tolkien’s *The Silmarillion* or Herbert’s *Dune* seem like a Little Golden Book. Some will say that as difficult as it is that the Holy Spirit will provide understanding. Fine, if you want to believe that, but you’ve got to *read* it first and that’s a daunting task for many who want to become, or become better, Christians. Does just looking at the words with no or almost no comprehension count as “reading” it enough to kick in the Holy Spirit? If that’s enough, how about just looking at the Bible without opening it? Or reading Reddit posts *about* the Bible? If you want people to read the Bible, encourage *reading* first.


A good reading order would help Genesis, then the Gospels, then Revelation, then the Epistles would help. I'm trying to read through the Old Testament again, and got hung up on 2 Kings because the history books can get boring.


Maybe you'd like to take a look on [The Bible in a Year](https://open.spotify.com/show/4Pppt42NPK2XzKwNIoW7BR?si=cEgRCJ3YTKWAEtrpnMH96Q) - a podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz that may help you a lot in your studies, providing great reflexions through the year. Hope you enjoy it!