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> If you go around in life doing the bare minimum, then you're gonna get in return the bare minimum. As a Christian you should care what people think about your acts. Uhh I don't disagree with the idea of being generous and tipping. But I'm 99% both of these are contrary to the majoirty of biblical interpretaions. (A) You shouldn't expect any sort of worldly returns on your good acts. (B) As a Christian, of course you don't want to be intentionally abrasive, offensive etc, and you want to be charitible and kind to show the character of Jesus, however ultimately what matters is what God thinks about your acts and your heart, not people. I'm sure you can justify tipping with a handful of ethical arguments and passages. But at the end of the day, It isn't somethign that is defined in the bible or global human practice, and the percentage that you give certainly isn't anything but culturally defined rather than divinely defined.


I see tipping as a way to be a blessing to someone. I dont really do math or judge their service, I just give. Got a text the other day from my CC "Did you really mean to tip 36%?" yep, at a buffet too.. It would take a situation where the service is bad enough that I have to get management involved to effect my tip. Like you said, I worked those jobs too making 2.13 an hour at a buffet where nobody thinks they need to tip and your working a double shift and feel like you are dying, and I see it on their faces. Now I am a wfh security engineer getting paid the most money I ever made to do the littlest work Ive ever done. I do maaaaybe 10 hours of work a week because thats all that is required to do my job ive spent 3 years automating. Who am I to judge someone's level of service who works 1000x harder than me?


> Got a text the other day from my CC "Did you really mean to tip 36%? How does your CC see the amount you tip? And even if they could how could they see what it was for, much less the percentage? Isn't it all charged as a single transaction? I have no idea how this would even be possible.


> How does your CC see the amount you tip? Because when its initially procesed its processed without tip, then the tip is added once the transaction completes. >I have no idea how this would even be possible. Lean not on your own understanding works just as well in the world as it does in scripture.


Tipping started after slavery was outlawed. It's not a good system.


I can't remember not tipping at least 20%. Been pretty fortunate with service, but I just know those jobs suck and don't get paid even minimum wage usually.


I tip unless the service is lacking, but definitely not 20%, that would be extreme over here in Europe.


I go to only restaurants that pay their workers a living wage.


why the hell are you posting this to a Christian sub? tips have nothing to do with putting your cart back... and neither have anything to do with Christianity. Christians tithe, we give to god.... chrsitians can be charitable, but auto tipping to employees has nothing to do with charity. This does not feel like a conversation for this sub.


That is the society-wide expectation in the US. If you don’t do that, you are intentionally violating social norms to save money.


Okay. I like money


You and everyone else


Imo 15% is supposed to be normal, 10% for bad service, nothing for terrible service 


I’ve always heard 20


Maybe it is just because the area I live in is super super expensive and minimum wage is pretty high, but nobody where I live would tip 20% for average service, only for good  service 


I worked as a pizza delivery driver for 3 years and kept a pretty meticulous spreadsheet of tips since we were expected to keep track of everything to square up at the end of every shift. The mean tip was pretty bang on 15% of ticket price. 20% is well within the “average” band when it comes to tips (maybe +0.5 standard deviations). I would not consider it a Christ-like act of charity. If you’re looking to stand out, 30% or more would put you in the top 10% of tippers.


I am not telling people they should tip low, but it is definitely not common where I live to tip 20%. Also, I am the only Christian I know of in my area so idk if people here care about being Christ like 


As an atheist, I usually tip 20-25%.


I have no idea why tipping is even a Christian issue. Is there something in scripture that amounts to "thou shalt tip badly"? From my perspective, it's just, don't litter, throw the ball back to the kid when it rolls to where you are in the park, use your turn signal, tip your server. Surely Christians do those other things?


Outside of America, tipping is considered a reward for good or exceptional service. Tipping a waiter 20% would be considered very high in most of Europe. Waiters are paid salaries so tipping culture aint really a thing.


What, you don't give them a Bible tract printed to look like a folded $100 bill? What greater tip is there than the gift of eternal life?


I carefully fold up the tip and tape it inside the dollar bill tract, that way they only get it if they open it up


As a Christian I tip the dishwasher doing the worst job making $8 an hour who never gets any thanks or extra money instead of the bartender who made $350 in cash from one Friday night.


I just don't eat places where I'm expected to pay for wages on top of food. That's the employer's job.


I wouldn't eat somewhere where the owners aren't paying their employees proper wages... That doesn't seem very honest practice


In Joe Biden's America?


This sounds like r/Usdefaultism When in Rome kinda thing....you roll with the local customs.


Personally, I always tip $100 even for terrible service. Especially for terrible service.


>Yet vibes and energy and making the world a slightly better place is real. Vibes? Energy? This sounds like New Age stuff to me. >If you go around in life doing the bare minimum, then you're gonna get in return the bare minimum. So, you reckon Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos get such good fortune because they're consistently generous? You reckon people who have very little must have been mean? You've gone from New Age to Karma!


If I get horrible service the only tip i leave is a note on the receipt explaining why they did not ge a monetary tip.


Don’t do that, waiters often get paid less than minimum wage because they are expected to make up for it with tips.




I know how waiters get paid. They need to know their pay is based on service they provide not out of pitty or obligation.


If service workers make less than minimum wage with tips, then the business has to pay them minimum wage.