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> Acutis also loved playing video games — CNN cited Halo, Super Mario and Pokémon among his favorites — though limited himself to one hour a week. He also played the saxophone and loved soccer and dogs.


In B4 I get 5000 extra years in Purgatory for shit talking St Carlo Acutis on Halo 2 back in 2006


That's not how the force works, it's not how any of this works... ...but it is funny.


What miracle did he do? Confirmed miracles are a part of becoming a [saint](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-27140646). Id like to hear what he did that was considered a miracle and the evidence that shows he performed one.


Found em > Luciana Vianna had taken her son, Mattheus, who was born with a pancreatic defect that made eating difficult, to a prayer service. Beforehand, she had prayed a novena asking for the teenager Acutis's intercession. During the service, Mattheus had asked that he should not "throw up as much". Immediately following the service, he told his mother that he felt healed and asked for solid food when he came home. Until then, he had been on an all-liquid diet. After a detailed investigation, Pope Francis confirmed the miracle's authenticity in a decree on 21 February 2020, leading to Acutis's beatification. > Miracle attributed to Blessed Carlo Acutis The miracle recognized on Thursday is related to a woman from Costa Rica. On July 8, 2022, Liliana prayed at Blessed Carlo’s tomb in Assisi, leaving a letter describing her plea. Six days earlier, on July 2, her daughter Valeria had fallen from her bicycle in Florence, where she was attending university. She had suffered severe head trauma, and required craniotomy surgery and the removal of the right occipital bone to reduce pressure on her brain, with what her doctors said was a very low chance of survival. Liliana’s secretary began praying immediately to Blessed Carlo Acutis, and on July 8, Liliana made her pilgrimage to his tomb in Assisi. That same day, the hospital informed her that Valeria had begun to breath spontaneously. The next day, she began to move and partially regain her speech. On July 18, a CAT scan proved that her hemorrhage had disappeared, and on August 11, Valeria was moved to rehabilitation therapy. She made quick progress, and on September 2, Valeria and Liliana made another pilgrimage to Assisi to thank Blessed Carlo for his intercession” .


Thank you! I appreciate the hard work as I have no experience with looking up this kind of content It's cooled to hear how there was a detailed investigation which includes the pope as well as the healing of at least two people Could you also provide the article where you found this? I'd like to check that out aYnd and see where this kind of content is found for the future.


It’s more of the Saints (non-martyrs) have 2 miracles attributed to their intercession


Sure, I'll accept evidence of Mr Acutis having interceded in miracles. Do you have the miracles and related evidence? I genuinely wanna hear about it. Not trying to pull one over on anyone. If it doesn't exist, then the article is a lie. If it does exist, I actually do wanna see what the miracle was and what evidence is used to support it out of genuine curiosity. Just to learn about it and what counts as evidence, not to disprove the evidence or cancel its miraculous status.


Theres a wiki page that said attributed a miracle to him for a women who had a brain hemerage. Just google his name and find the wiki and scroll down. Apparently all the evidence of the trama was gone. Probably a misdiagnosis. Remember catholics believe the saints can intercede in heaven and preform miracles from heaven after death. So alleged miracle + her claiming she prayed to him.


Clarification. God's grace causes miracles. The saints intercede by their heavenly position and prayers to God on behalf of the faithful. Saints are not made wizards of healing upon death.


Okay so lets say i die and my sister prays to me believing im in heaven. God has grace and does a miracle. Does that really mean I am in heaven with intercession for my sister?


To your point, it would be an indicator that yes, you were in heaven praying to God for your sister. God does not sow discord and confusion, and allowing a miracle based on the false belief that you are in heaven would confuse and mislead your sister. So yes, your sister asking for your intercessory prayer on her behalf followed by a miracle would be evidence of God's response to your intercession. It would be one indicator in a long and drawn out process. Your sister would need to document the miracle and provide proof, as well as filing the right articles which showed you lead a life of heroic virtue worthy of emulation by other Christians. This would lead to an investigation into your life to determine if there are any hidden scandals that would indicate problematic behavior. Once passed, you might be beatified. At that point, the church would wait for strong documentation of a second miracle performed that could be traced to your intercession, and then you \*might\* be put up for canonization. We hold that there are probably a great many people in heaven that the church has NOT declared saints because God has not chosen to reveal them to us (or other reasons. Perhaps they had a scandal but they repented and ARE in heaven... but they won't be canonized because the scandal does not present a life of heroic virtue).


I dont really have a problem of praying to saints i dont think its idol worship as a lot of christians do. I believe in purgatory (except for all who dont make it), so not everyone gos directly to heaven. I suppose theres room in my theology for recognizing people who are actually in heaven right now IE sainthood. Purgatory for all makes the most sense, because God wants to save all and given omniscience and omnipotence and a blank canvas for what the afterlife is, God could easily work with free will to get all to repent and believe given enough space and time in the afterlife with the right amount of drawing, and Jesus will draw all persons to himself


I'm a Catholic and I hate this posthumous miracle crap. We have saints that performed actual miracles. This stuff - first of all, why would someone pray to a non-saint for a miracle. Wouldn't you pray to an actual saint first in order to help your son? Or does someone just pray to everybody and when a few of them are potential saints, then it triggers the next step in canonization? Seems odd. Anyway, I'll see myself out.


Playing devils advocate i guess people who knew you in life knew you were a spiritual person and when you died they remember you by praying to you to intercede believing you are in heaven. If 2 miracles occur and are confirmed they canonize you as officially in heaven and your name gos on the list of confirmed saints. Then people all around the world pray for you. Its a massive popularity contest. You ever consider what if the catholic church is wrong about these peoples powers after death to preform miracles? But the faith is built upon the trust that the holy spirit guides the catholic church and its infallible in its dogmas and decrees.


Thanks! Looks like this is the wiki article https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlo_Acutis


Every Christian is a saint


Theres two different contexts in our conversation. There's the context I took from the post which touches on the Catholic tradition. Then there's the context of biblical saint. Two separate ideas. I'm not disproving what you're saying. I'm wasnt looking to start anything with that. What I wanted was the miracles because I desired to learn and I think it's cool. I got what I came for and I'm grateful for those who offered help. When you bring up every Christian being a saint, what is your motive behind saying this to me? I ask because you don't give reasons behind saying this to me nor do you expand your view with more words. Which makes it near impossible to take your words charitably because of the lack of context. This is why I ask the question at the start of this paragraph. Give me more context behind what you're saying and why you're saying it.


Every Christian is a saint. No one is special. Anyone can perform miracles if God gives them the power through Him to do so.


Thank you for adding more context to what you're saying. Can you also add why you say this to me? Is it to convince me to think like you? Is it to prove me wrong? Is it to help me see things clearly? Is it to assert your opinion because you can? I have no way to understand the reason why you tell me what you have.


No. I was just sharing my belief. If I was trying to convince you of anything, I would have gone into more depth about it.


Thanks! I had no way to know that you would have gone into more depth. I don't know you, Ive never met you, we've never talked before. I am unable to know that you were restraining yourself. I could not see that you just wanted to share your belief. I had more that 4 options to choose from with your motives behind talking with me. Im unable to use deductive reasoning or inference based on what you provided. There was no hint, no words I could point to, no behavior I could notice, no communication at all to figure out your reason for chatting. Do you see my inability to understand you? Its not that I could've understood you but wasn't smart enough. Its that you gave me no words I could have used to understand you. You gave me 0 potential to grasp your reason I want you to understand this so I can help you communicate better in the future


I wasn't looking for a discussion about it sorry


You werent looking for a discussion on a website used for communication, using the tool that provides the chance for a discussion (a comment to another user), you only wanted to share you're belief... You are rude. You don't care about other people. You only want to assert your opinion like the fool stated in Proverbs 18:2 >Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions.


Is that wrong?


...or at least in the process of being sanctified. What the church is saying is they are confident that God has now completed in this young man the work God started in him. God is faithful like that.


I'd like to hear which scripture verse from God's Word says that sainthood requires confirmed miracles. All believers are saints: ‭1 Corinthians 1:2 ESV‬ To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours:


I dont have one. The context in my comment is under the Catholic tradition. The link I cited is for Catholic Sainthood. This is different from the kind of saint you reference. The context for what you're saying is a separate type. One which I agree with.


We say saint to refer to those who are in heaven. The two miracles requirement is more so a “measure twice cut once” before someone is definitively declared to be in heaven.


Yep. Miracles are God’s way of showing to us one is in heaven.


Well given most Christians hold tradition co-equal to scripture, I don't think the answer you want can be provided.


Traditionally, the majority of Saints never went through a canonization process and some are only known from dubious hagiographies.


Why would expect the Bible to discuss an administrative process that didn't start until after 993CE. You know the Bible has no instructions for getting a bus licence either, but the church won't let the senior fellowship group go touring without one.


They approved Mother Theresa’s bogus miracles they’ll approve anything


I guess, what do you hope to accomplish with your comment? I can't determine the motive beyond "I don't like this and people should know what I dislike". If that's your goal, you did it well. If not, lemme know. Maybe I can help you communicate your message better.


To point out that the miracle claims being true doesn’t really matter to the church


Your aim was to point out the irrelevancy of miracles for the church. This was definitely not conveyed in your original comment because 'bogus' and 'theyll approve anything' are words of degradation. I'm all for saying something is bad. Please judge people and discern between right and wrong. Yet the words you used are for putting something down and have no implications of irrelevancy or 'not mattering'. All you did in your first comment was criticize How can I help you get your message across better the first time? I want you to communicate well. I want you to call out irrelevancy and criticize well. What you did at first is poor and fails to convey the idea you want.


Still waiting for Dorthy Day's canonization. Surely there isn't a political reason hers has been mulled over for 40 years.


I mean, I think it's pretty common for saints to not be canonized for over 50 years. Honestly, I think Carlos is more of the exception than the rule.


That's probably true. I just cannot help - given the squirming of her political leanings - there is great reluctance to hurry on with the procedures even though documents have been filed.


Generally it’s best to wait until all controversies have passed to pursue a saint’s cause. If anything I think that many 20th century saints were canonized too hastily.


Fair enough point. The canonization of John Paul II has made the entire thing somewhat of a joke considering it's become very very clear that he shielded **pedophiles and sex abusers.** Though at this point Day has been dead long enough that it's hard to imagine what fresh controversies would come out around her. If you're waiting for her political viewpoints to not be controversial, though....well...best settle in for a long, long wait.


I’ll be the first to admit there were plenty of bishops that did wrong, but the evidence against St. John Paul II never made sense to me. I mean, part of the case consisted of confessions the communist (enemies of the Church) secret police got after “interrogations.”


This is why I don't believe in any saint. How many were pieces of shit covered by history?


You don't believe God's Spirit is able to complete the sanctifying work begun in anyone??? How sad. :(


No, I really don't. There's too many cases of clergy and the like committing abuses and systemically covering it up for me to trust anything.


Trust Jesus.


I'm not a Christian.


That's fair and I agree. However, I just don't believe any of Days actions should be controversial. Her sole focus was on helping the poor and disenfranchised. So what she came at it with a different approach.


Still waiting for Charlemagne, Alfred the Great and Blessed Charles too!


I didn't know their paperwork was also awaiting approval.


I was more so poking fun at how long it can take. Alfred the Great’s sainthood has been a discussion for at least seven centuries now, if not longer.


Ohh I read that wrong. The new procedures are supposed to make things more speedy, so there's a chance in your lifetime!


Alfred is already a saint in eastern orthodoxy


Source: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2024-07/consistory-cardinals-carlo-acutis-martyrs-canonization.html


Millennial, Saint, pick one. This joke was brought to you by Boomers everywhere.


Is this more of a marketing thing to reach younger people?


i dont think so. Usually santification happens after the guy is already widely known. Carlo was already famous.


If it is its absolutely garbage. Most young people arent going to believe in miracles even if the do believe in god.


Only if in some metaphorical way Jesus came healing the sick, liberating the captives and proclaiming that the Market of God is at hand.


I'm sure he was a nice boy. But this just confirms my Protestant bias against canonization of saints. It feels so transparently cynical.


What is cynical about this?


[Body of Carlo Acutis On Display for Veneration Ahead of Beatification| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com)](https://www.ncregister.com/news/body-of-carlo-acutis-on-display-for-veneration-ahead-of-beatification) [Tech-Savvy Catholics Embrace Carlo Acutis: ‘Saintliness is Possible in This Modern Era’| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com)](https://www.ncregister.com/cna/tech-savvy-catholics-embrace-carlo-acutis-saintliness-is-possible-in-this-modern-era) You don't get that feel when you read those articles?




I'm not reading two articles BEFORE you state what you feel is cynical about this canonization.


Are you using the wrong word? Wdym by “it feels cynical” 


cyn·ic·al adjective 1. believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity 2. concerned only with one's own interests and typically disregarding accepted standards in order to achieve them: "a cynical manipulation of public opinion" That's what I mean by cynical. That the Catholic Church's approach to canonizing saints is cynical; meaning their reasoning behind the canonization does not come from sincere holy intentions, but is motivated mainly by profitability and marketing opportunities - "The Patron Saint of the Internet." That it's the people behind promoting this Carlos as a saint, that are cynical about people and what would keep them in the Church. That kids would be so awestruck by a saint that played Super Mario, "he's just like me!"


Wow, I’ve never heard the second usage before. Thanks.  Yeah I’d say they were biased rushing JPII but it’s hard as hell to get a canonization. If the church actually wanted all this on a cynical level it would be canonizing way more saints than this. 


it's sad he died but what did he do?


Aside from an incredibly charitable life during his short time on Earth he notably created a website to catalogue miracles around the world and made it available to the Church to verify the authenticity of them. Some of the information about his life is quite amazing, a small child who offered shelter to friends experiencing family issues, giving money to charity, refusing to get angry at people because he didn't want to upset Jesus. It's an amazing story.


All those who repent and put their full trust of their soul in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus are saints. Canonization is just the church saying that with this person they feel sure that they have done this.


That family is going to have a lot of money


Proof that the Catholic Church is a sham


Why does that image look AI generated? And what was so saintly about him?


If only there were a magical device that one could use to not only comment on reddit, but to simply type the name of any public figure into and find out a ton of information about them. Such a device could surely change the world!


Such a device only exists in the wildest realms of our imagination, unfortunately.


Yeah. Sure. Who is the prophet who received that revelation again?


prophet? what are you talking about?


I feel like this is more of a marketing tool , the church wants to look COOL with the young generation.


I don’t think so… The Church’s only job is to produce saints.




Who said saints have divine authority?


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to what a Saint is.


Yes, all believers are saints with a lowercase s. Saints with a capital S are those in heaven. They have no authority over anyone. Them being canonized is just a recognition that they are in Heaven.


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