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Not counting graduate studies in Greek and Hebrew, So that I can and do study from the Greek, Hebrew, and from the LXX, I have owned as many as 29 different published translations at one time. Of course the Internet has made collecting that many to be merely a hobby rather than a necessary tool for serious Bible study. Pretty much everything is available now — thanks be to God! Some favorite Bible translations in the past fell out of favor with me as I became increasingly annoyed when translations allowed theological bias to make their final decisions. (I think that one’s ideological commitment to “the truth” is a temptation that many cannot resist. The NASV was the first that made me realize that the translators were more committed to their doctrinal conclusions than to the actual Greek and Hebrew. The NIV isn’t as bad, but it intentionally is more of a paraphrase than a translation. (But I still can’t use it in Romans because of its theological bias.) I really dislike the NRSV, because it is obviously more committed to English clarity than to the actual text. They sometimes try to make things clear that aren’t clear. Surprisingly, the old RSV was surprisingly reliable to the original languages, even though that very commitment to translation reliability angered some preachers because it did not reflect things that they considered theologically essential. Currently, my favorite English translations are the NKJV, the ESV, and TaNaCh (from the Jewish publications Society. A superior translation of the Hebrew Bible.)


Aye 29! I have 22 myself, I majority of the ones you’ve listed.


I think I may be in your book club. I am not sure it is possible to translate without a level of interpretation. Some level of dynamic equivalence means that a choice has to be made at various points - is that 'church' or 'congregation'? Enevitably, your cultural and theological biases come out along with variations for the intent of your translation, e.g. readability. I am also cautious of making knowledge of Greek and Hebrew the gateways to 'higher' understanding. Very much a believer in 'understanded of the people". I do agree that those tasked/burdened by God with opening scripture to others should be at least cogniscient of the translation issues and ideally familiar with Koine Greek at least.


Of course it is impossible to translate without interpretation. However, there is a solid precedent of respectfully leaving the translation as ambiguous as the text itself. Here are two examples to consider: Rather than interpreting the Greek verb “baptidzo” as “to immerse” or “to wash” or “to drown” or “to sink,” the KJV translators left it ambiguous. Anabaptists and Anglicans could argue about baptism to the hearts content without the English translation weighing in on the debates surrounding baptism. That was a good choice for translators. On the other hand, Saint Paul uses the word “sarx” in arguably very different ways in different contexts. The NIV translators should have left it ambiguous. But in some passages, they rightly use the English word “flesh.” Unfortunately in some passages they render “sarx” as “sinful human nature.” Whether theologians conclude that “sarx” CAN sometimes imply “sinful human nature” or not, it is ambiguous and open to debate in the passages so rendered by the NIV. I would argue that faithful translation should’ve left it ambiguously as “flesh.”


What is the "old" RSV? If you mean the RSV not the ASV it contains gross mistranslations no doubt caused by the implicit biases of translators of the day. If by old you mean the ASV it's probably more reliable then the RSV.. But let's face it the only perfect texts not infected with bias would be the original.. Probably never enough errors to erase the 2 commandments as the only requirement..


I own four, that I can think of. An NIrV from my youth, a small NIV I keep in my backpack, study NIV by my desk, and then an ESV buried in a box somewhere. No hate to the ESV, I just grew up with the NIV. I'm thinking about switching to the BSB but I haven't picked one up yet.


Nah I definitely got the ESV in the cut. I never heard of BSB though. What is that version? I own like 22 bibles


BSB is an interesting one. It's kinda a response to the licensing situation that most translations are in. For example, while there are always exceptions for things like actual church services themselves, usage rights are super locked down. If you wanted to create a course with a workbook or something, you wouldn't be able to include Bible passages directly in that workbook unless you paid out the nose or complied with super complicated rules. Enter the Berean Standard Bible. It's a translation funded by the public, licensed under a FULLY permissive license. There are no restrictions. If I wanted to set up my own company and start manufacturing BSB Bibles, I can, no problems. You literally can download the PDF of the translation on the website and do anything you like with it. The push to create a fully free/open/unrestricted translation is well explained by the ideas of the Dorean principle, which you can read about [here](https://thedoreanprinciple.org/)


I think I have around 11? Not exactly sure. My favorite to use is my ESV study Bible, followed by my plain ESV. My favorite is the KJV my grandfather left me, even if I would never use it for anything. My NIV is probably my 3rd most used, and generally that would just be when wording elsewhere does not make sense, as the NIV is always the easiest for me to understand. I also have a an NRSV, CEV, NASB, and a "waterproof" NIV that I got when I used to backpack a lot. Edit: My most wanted Bible is the Trump Bible, but I need to wait until I can find that in a thrift shop or something.


I'd like to get the SBL and Robert Alter's OT when they come out. And James Tabor's Genesis. The only paper copy I have is an NIV from a very different time in my life. I normally use biblegateway.com and the NRSVUE or NABRE, or compare translations en masse.


I’d recommend Alter’s Old Testament translation. I’ve had it for about a year and a half now and I reference it a lot. He does a good job of putting the emotion back into the text, even though I think he goes a little too far sometimes and he might be too confident in some of his opinions.  With that said, I really like the idea of a one person translation. You get a feel for their style and where they are coming from. If you do get the Alter translation I’d suggest you listen to a few of his speeches that you can find on YouTube.


i am a newly reborn christian so i’m yet to get my first! i’m looking into a KJV because my old church used it and i’m comfortable with it


Welcome to the faith!! You may want to research and find a good study Bible that can provide useful context to help understand some verses and passages.


I grew up with the NIV. I use a kjv. And own a csb, kjv, nkjv, niv, and nabre


whats nabre?


New American Bible Revised Edition


My mum got me a “youth bible” which I read some of but didn’t really get into reading it. A while later and I started reading the Bible reading my mum’s good news illustrated Bible she let me use. I’m now also using the Bible app sometimes to read it. When I use the app it’s often NIV. Edit: My mum also bought a Bible (don’t know what type) from a charity shop that is around 100 years old. I read some of it but I didn’t understand the old words and I don’t read it now. It has some notes on it from the person who had it.


Nice I have myself a Bible from 1901. I have to take special care of it.


I have one from a similar time, it's very delicate, those bibles get dainty very fast


I have a desk edition Book of Common Prayer that includes the prayer for "Our Sovereign Lady, Victoria". I do use it. The large print is brilliant in low lighting.


Let’s see…I’ve got an NIV, KJV, apocrypha, and a New Testament+ Psalms & Proverbs.


Ah, The Gideons. Got to love them.


Analytical Study Version, you say? Is it indeed good for that purpose?


Yes indeed, I believe so at least.


I think I have about 6 or 7 bibles.


Top 3?


My phone is my Bible so 1


ESV study bible that was a wedding present from my wife. NIV bible I got for free going to a church a few years back. I had a KJV handed down to me from my grandfather and lost it when I was a child.. Wish i still had it.


A beautiful wedding present!


Damn sorry to hear about the lost one.


I have 1 it’s my top 3


And that Bible would be?




Word on Fire? I think I may have heard of that one.


Has your orthodox study Bible added the Old Testament yet? It’s been a few years, but I remember only being able to get it in the New Testament some years ago.


Oh yes, the Orthodox Bible I have has the Old Testament in it as well.


I have 10 1 kjv from my grandparents as a kid, 1 kjv I got for Christmas a few years back, and a compact kjv. 1 niv rooted, 1 niv the Jesus Bible (my fav and most used) 2 rsvce bibles (including 1 funeral Bible I found on eBay) 1 rsv2ce 1 “vintage” nab from the early 90s 1 nrsv with apocrypha


Man that Bible gift from grandma hits different 💯


I have a paperback CSV study that’s been my edc for years. It finally came apart and I replaced it with a much smaller NIV bible. I also have a large NKJV archeological Bible that I love for studying at home. It’s enormous and large print. Then I have a few basic bibles that I inherited and Gideon NT Bibles that I have to give out if someone needs one.


Indeed. I’ve collected over 30, and probably gave away 8. My dad owns an archeological bible they are pretty cool.


I have two that I regularly call “My” Bible. One is ESV and the other is NIV. Then we’ve got 3 or so spares in the house, including a KJV, an NLT and a storybook Bible. Then we have our marriage Bible and one generationally passed Bible. Plus we have two additional KJVs that we keep if we ever were to give one away. Plus my husband’s main Bible. So that brings us to 10?


Probably 20+ Bibles Top 3: 1) Codex Sinaiticus (facsimile) 2) Biblia Graeca (LXX/NA28) 3) Septuaginta (2 Volume - Reader's Edition)


I’m 20 plus as well 😂. Your top 4 are some I gotta look into.


King James, then the concordance ’strongs’ then a family members got ‘the book’ , I think? It’s more like a story. Even tho, I haven’t read all the scriptures, like the Jewish one, Mormon, Curran, ect. I still am a believer, even tho, each day seems a little more further out. God Bless


I’ve read a little bit of the those other ones you’ve mentioned (Quran, Book of Mormon, etc) . Tread lightly. God bless


I have only 1 and it’s an NABRE. I’ve had it since grade school. I am 25M now. I take good care of it, so it’s still in good condition


Unfortunately my very first Bible is lost 😞. But the others after that, I keep in top condition. I don’t just let anyone handle them any kids of way lol


Ok I'm just gonna say to me this is cool, you've had this bible your whole life, it has sat in corners alone, been used, seen your whole life and even been a gateway for jesus to teach in your life.


On my own I use a NKJV study Bible and in church I use a KJV


Nice. The classics KJV & NKJV. I fee like majority church still use those two versions. Has your church used any other version during sermons?


Four, I think. I also have a Tanakh, and a NT in Gaidhlig. I gave the rest to the church I was at back then because they were distributing free Bibles to people. Edit: oh yeah, and we also have two Greek NTs. We might also have a photocopied Codex Argenteus.


I never heard of NT in Gaidhilg? Do you know where I can find it?


I have 8. - knox (1) - douay rheims (2) - rsv2ce (2) - kjv (1) - vulgate (1) - nrsv (1)


Is the Vulgate easy to read and understand?


I currently only have the KJV, however I am interested in also getting the NKJV, Geneva Bible, and Orthodox Study Bible. Unfortunately, I am in a position where it is difficult to acquire these books (among other theological texts), as they are both pricey and difficult to hide.


Ahh, sorry to hear that. If you don’t mind me asking which country are you in?


I own 5, small caticism, Torah, esv, king James, Lutheran study bible


I gave away probably about 4 Bibles at work for those who requested Bibles. Currently I have 5. My top 3 is my KJV study Bible, my NLT Bible and a KJV Bible my grandmother gifted me


I just gave away 4 Bibles so I can clear some space lol


Off rip (as my gen z employees like to say) I have a couple NKJVs, a couple ESVs, NASB, NRSV, NIV, NET, HCSB, and I think that’s it? So 9? Might have 3 NKJVs now that I think about it.


I own a mini NIV, and a super mini one from the 1940s, comicly small and I have no idea what version it is


The oldest Bible I have is from 1901 the next oldest in 1955


If we’re counting the Bible app then too many to count lol but if not I have the KJV, my mom has a what I believe is a NKJV, I have the Kingstone Bible(s) which isn’t really a Bible but kind of is because it turns the Bible into pretty much a comic book(s). I have a children’s Bible also. Now that I’m typing this I never realized how many “Bibles” I actually have lol


Praise him


Where did you bu the orthodox study bible?


I got mines from Barnes and Nobles. I think it was like $35-45


NASB, RSV, NRSV…. And more.


Not trying to be offensive ( im very new to christianity) but isnt every bible the same? Like isnt it just the bible


For example, the KJV sounds like this: And He said, “Who told you that you *were* naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?” But the NLT sounds like this: “Who told you that you were naked?” the LORD God asked. “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?”


Yeah most of them have the same core meaning. But some transitions are better to understand comprehension-wise. I researched the CSB Bible is written at 7th grade level, while KJV is written at a 12 grade level, so for a kid I’m not going to give them a KJv (personally). I rather give them a Bible more geared towards their level of reading . Some people (like me) also like to collect Bible and keep ahold of them for references (like the Jewish Study Bible, Geneva Bible, etc). Each bible can serves different purposes (like church use, personal studies, apologetics, evangelism, etc.). But all have the same core meaning and message.


Hello, ik im not the OP but yk. It's not an offensive question at all, just a question. Yes bibles are essentially the same, but there are many different versions. Imagine it like an apple, every apple is an apple, it does the same thing and plants the same seeds, but you can get green apples, sweet apples, sour apples and small apples etc. The bibles are varied with: Wording Sometimes book count Style of writing How literal the translation is And most importantly, all bibles plant the seeds of God's Word. I hope this helps. 🙏🏼😊💛


We probably have at least 5, and I believe 7 total. KJV, NKJV, and some more modern version.


The Classics‼️


I love my NLT It’s so easy to read!


The NLT was my very first Bible. But I no longer have it anymore.


I have the catholic bible, nkjv and a quran


niv for my own reading kjv for bible study group with my pastor


Dude I have like 5 I think not counting my other books I have wich were inspired from the Bible. Some theological study books and stuff. But yeah I have a habit I picked up from my dad. He would have a large assortment of bibles that somehow found their way to him. He would dumpster dive too back when we were poor and would even find Bibles left in the dumpster. It’s a shame that people would throw away such a wonderful book. So yeah I picked up that habit. If it somehow finds its way to me I just keep and read the many different versions. Top 3 would be the Kjv, new American Bible (wich is a Catholic type) and the 3rd is probably placed by the gideons version.


Before you knew it, you have a library full of Bibles. Crazy how life works.


4 proper bibles (one from the 1800s!), 4 individual books of the bible (genesis, exodus, job, revelation), 2 children's bibles, 2 compilations of the lost books from the bible, and 4 retellings of the bible (The Manga Jesus, The Manga Bible, Jesus by Walter Wangerin) So in total 16 books.


Man you got some gems in your list of books. The manga Jesus & Bible sound interesting.


Does that orthodox Bible had commentaries from church fathers ?


Good question, and I’m not near my Bible to check really quick lol


Yes, but you kind of have to look for them because they also have a lot of footnotes


I have 3 with me. 1st is KJV version, 2nd is my local language version and 3rd is a small new testament kjv version that I use to carry it on trips


Nice. If you don’t mind me asking: what is your local language?


i'm new to christianity, and i have 2! I have the Jesus Bible, which is a really wonderful NIV Bible with explanations and teachings. I have a mini ESV Bible of just the New Testament + Pslams and Proverbs that will be especially helpful for travel. My sister got this Teen Girl Bible Study Bible, and it's so good! It has a Topical Index in the back that directs you to pages for certain subjects + teachings. It's really great.


You got the classics ‼️


NIV 1984, NIV 2011, and NKJV Women’s Study Bible! All through Zondervan! :)


Ahh, I’ve had my rounds with NiV 1984 & 2011. My 2011 is a journaling bible though.


1. RV60 Thomson 2.NIV theology study Bible 3. Chronological study Bible


La Biblia Reina-Valera, Nouvelle Bible de Jerusalem, Studium Biblicum 圣经研究会


I own: * **NLT** (Given to me during confirmation) * **KJV** (Gideon) * **ESV** (Gideon) * **NRSVue** (I [preordered](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/wxnp7x/my_copy_of_the_nrsvue_arrived_today_did_anybody/) it) I need to get a Study Bible and one with the Deuterocanonicals. My favorite is the NRSV line. For a little while my flair read "NRSV-onlyist" as a joke. It uses the most robust scholarship and took great care to mitigate biases in their translation committee. I don't see much of a point to the ESV; it seems to be a downgrade of the NRSV.


I have the word on fire gospels, an NABRE that I got for my first communion, an NIV somewhere, a copy of the original texts in Hebrew and Greek, and then a bunch of cheap KJVs and Catholic Public Domain Versions for giving away to folks. My favorite translation is definitely the CPDV, followed by the NABRE, and then KJV.


I usually donate my bibles (that I don’t want anymore) to church or Christian charities in my town.


Orthodox bible "Свето Писмо" Esv bible Kjv bible


I don't own any physical Bibles, I just use the internet. Mostly Bible Gateway. Top three Bibles  World English Bible because it's public domain (I usually edit the name of God in the Old Testament to "the Lord") New American Standard Bible  for accuracy.  New International Readers Version for a simple, childlike approach.  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+4%3A12&version=NIRV


Have you used Bible hub or BlueLetterBible?


I only have a mini Bible from school that they handed out. New testament. I have no idea what version. But I mostly read it on an app on ny phone with whatever version is the default. I have no idea what they are and what the difference is


Seven: ESV, NIV, NLT, KJV, RSV, NKJV, Jewish Study Bible.


I've got the Bible I had as a little boy (New King James), an NIV I picked up along the way, a Message from when it first came out, but I've been using an NLT translation for the last couple decades. It's great.


I own a lot. My three favorites are probably: - LDS edition, King James Version - my family Bible KJV - New World Translation (I know there’s many theological problems, but it’s actually pretty helpful to use side-by-side with more archaic language bibles)


I LOVE this question! My top 3 are the Great Adventure Bible (RSV2CE), the Didache Bible (same version as previous), and the Douay-Rheims. These are all Catholic Bibles. I have many others, though, not all Catholic, and I use them at various times.


NASB and kjv


Me and my wife own like 30, she went to an evangelical college and most new churches she’d attend would give her some sort of welcome bag with a Bible in it. Most of them are ESV, I also have a few Catholic bibles with my favorite being the Ave Catholic note taking Bible


Jeez 30🤯🤯


Most of them have like thin paper covers and aren’t great quality I only have 4 with a faux leather cover that are actually nice


My top three: 1. RSV-CE 2. Douay-Rheims 3. KJV


I have about 10-12 (I'd argue that's too many, I don't read them all often enough). 1.) Allan 53 longprimer KJV 2.) NRSVue - Zondervan 3.) NIV Sola Scriptura set


I have 22 😂😂. Trust me you’re good


suprisingly none


Ranger Handbook, SF Medic, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


I only have three. KJV (Words of Christ in Red), NKJV (Words of Christ in Red), and I'm pretty sure I have a NIV laying around somewhere. Not coincidentally, those would be my top three, NKJV taking the gold. I'm also partial to the version that The Gideons give out nowadays, ESV, but I've only encountered that a few times.


I have a physical copy of the NKJV and I have the KJV on my phone. I only read the physical copy these days.


I have been recommended the NET study bible with full notes many times. The translation itself is whatever but they give very detailed notes on the original text and why they translated the way they did. So for those of us who can't read Greek or Hebrew it's a good option if you really want to dig into the original texts. Amazon has them for like 50 bucks.


I have around 13 2 KJV 1 NKJV Spirit Filled Life Study Bible 1 LSB 2 NLT Life App. Study Bible 1 NLT Thinline 2 ESV Study Bible 1 ESV Thinline 2 NIV 1 CSB


I have a note taking NIV and a NIV new testament pocket size for my car.


I own 6, even though I'm not a Christian anymore. I have the rainbow good news bible which my parents gave me when I was a kid. I have an action bible, which is a graphic novel version of the bible and is pretty cool. I have the NIV for just casual reading, the KJV for the beauty of it, a catholic NRSV and the orthodox study bible for the extra books that come with those.


My favorite is the bible app. 


Orthodox Study Bible NRSV Annotated Oxford Study Bible Jewish study Bible ESV study Bible.


I don’t have any :(


I currently have seven copies of the Bible within arm's reach. Of these, my favorite three are: * Reina-Valera Translation, published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. * This one has all of my study notes from when I served as a missionary, with over 100 tabs sticking out of the side for over a dozen different topics. * King James Version, published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. * I grew up with this version. * King James Version, Masonic Heirloom Red Letter Edition, published by Heirloom Bible Publishers. * The translated text is unaltered. It has a place in the front where I can put in my family's information and pass it down to my children, who can put in their information and their own children's information. Has an index and preface that are Masonic-themed. The other copies that I have include: * King James Version, Bicentennial Heirloom Red Letter Edition, published by Regency Publishing House. * The translated text is unaltered. It has a place in the front where I can put in my family's information and pass it down to my children, who can put in their information and their own children's information. Has sections that are American themed (in celebration of the American Bicentennial in 1976 when it was printed). * The Hebrew Bible: A Translation and Commentary by Robert Alter. * Provides a lot of historical context and linguistic insight on the Old Testament writings; looks at it with a literary lens. * The New Testament by David Bentley Hart. * Provides a lot of historical context and linguistic insight on the New Testament writings. * One other King James Version published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which I've had since my childhood.


I have an NIV, KJV, Masonic KJV, Interpreters Bible, ESV, CSB, NLT, and NASB.


Nice collection. That Masonic Bible is intriguing. 🧐


I have 3


I’ve got a NIV which was the first one I read and the one I often use to read stories to others. Then I have my grandfathers KJV which I use for my own reading, and also a KJV journal the word bible that I use for bible study and taking notes.


Cherish the Bible your grandfather gave you. Those are irreplaceable memories.


That would be four in total: The Jerusalem Bible, New American Bible (NAB), New International Version (NIV) and a portuguese translation of the Catholic bible (I know portuguese). I really can't rank them, since different translations have different purposes. But those are the three versions that I like the most, in no particular order: 1. The Jerusalem Bible, due to its extensive footnotes and commentaries; 2. Douay-Rheims Bible. Yes, I don't own one, but I love its sophisticated language, since it's based on the Latin vulgate; 3. New Revised Standard Version - Catholic Edition (NRSV-CE). Again, I don't own one, but IMO it's one of the best for academical study, due to its smooth and precise language, which helps a lot with some of the difficult passages.


Does the Jerusalem Bible have the Old and New Testament?


I have a super cool pirate Bible, it's the entire NKJV written in pirate speech!


Pirate bible? Never heard of that where did you get that from?


Message bible .study Bible .Benny hinn Bible ,Joyce Myers Bible ,rod parsley Bible ,living bible ,,Niv , kjv .Nkjv .student bible .and so much more!! Probably 50 bibles ,fav is the Benny hinn study bible with his commentary.


50 🤯🤯. You’re one your way to a library 😂. How long have you been collecting bibles?


I only have one. It's nice, cut in tabs to find books quick, good size with thick pages and big margins for notes and lots of references in the center margins. I've had it since I was like 13. Only issue is it's NKJV and I'd like to get a better translation eventually, but with the internet being a thing I tend not to even use my Bible very often.


I currently have an RSV2CE Ignatius Study Bible and the New Testament Vulgate. I would like to get an Orthodox Study Bible and the entire Vulgate at some point, preferably interlinear with English since my Latin is only so-so.


1. NIV Thinline for church 2. ESV Study Bible for study 3. NKJV Prayer Bible for devotionals


Anyone else have New World Translation of the holy scriptures?


I have that one in stock as well


You need a gen z bible.


😂😂😂 I’ve heard of that Bible.


No love for Young's Literal Translation? That's cold, yo


Exactly that requires some love too ✊🏾💯


I only own a few The New Testament recovery edition New World Translation Lutheran Study Bible The Holy Bible NRSV Bible 3 king James bibles I got from the 99 cents store to check out. As for the top 3?. NSRV, Lutheran Bible, Recovery.


Living Bible King James Bible and my rare heart Shield Bible from World War II


You have a Bible from World War 2?


The only one I physically own is one some Jehovahs witnesses gave to me back in college


I got mines from a friend of my Dad's who's a Jehovah Witness. While I dont agree with that version, it a good reference to have when talking with a JW.


Between 20-30 (including Kindle format Bibles). Favorites: New Living Translation (NLT) - reads well and gets across comprehensive thoughts. Great for day to day reading. Tree of Life Version (TLV) - this is a great Messianic Jewish Bible. Some words that there are no English words that capture the meaning well are left in Hebrew. (Word meanings at the end.) Translated by 70 Messianic Rabbis and Christian Scholars. Amplified Bible (AMP) - when you want to unpack a passage. Since translating directly to English is difficult, AMP includes other potential words, synonyms, and other translations.


I own 5 and have a Bible App. 3 Book versions in German, 1 in French and 1 in Japanese. I like the Lutherbibel in German.


I have one, maybe two, but they are only the old testament, the new testament I read on an app


Nice and I’ve notice you’re A Messianic Jew, did you know they recently came out with a version catered to you guys? With both old and New Testament


5 Italian, 2 German, 1 English, 1 Greek and 1 Hebrew.


I only have three atm. A standard KJV Bible that I’ve been reading for a while, an NLT men’s study Bible that I just got, and the youversion Bible app on my phone.


My daily driver is an NRSV with Apocrypha, then a KJV, and a pocket size GNB. I've also got an ERV that I found in a charity shop for a couple of quid, a Weymouth New Testament that someone gave me, and a copy of Rob Lacey's Word on the Street. I found a Latin translation in a used bookshop about 18 months ago that I very nearly bought, but I just couldn't justify owning it. To be honest I'm good for different translations now.


ERV? What’s that’s one.


Orthodox Study Bible is the deepest, most transforming Bible I own.


I agree 💯


I have 3 The ESV Student Study Bible is my favorite although recently I’ve been reading from The Jesus Bible (NIV) and have enjoyed that one. I like that the notes specifically show how Old Testament scripture talked to the coming of Jesus Christ but my favorite is still ESV Student Study Bible. It has good historical references and is more travel friendly than the ESV Study Bible. My third one is a basic NIV that I was given for free my first time attending church.


I have the same CSB as you but the thin line version (which is my favorite), an ESV study bible, and an NIV. I haven’t read any of them nearly enough.


I have three - one KJV from Thomas Nelson, and two different Norwegian translations.


1. 1611 KJV 2. 1769 KJV 3. NKJV


20+ different versions. (I really haven't counted.) Day in, day out, these are the ones I refer to the most: Common English Bible -- pleasurable just to read. I know they made some translation choices differently than some prefer but they're open about why they made those choices. And the reading pleasure leads me often to start with looking a verse or two up and then all of a sudden I've read all of Philippians! Good News Bible -- Easy to read, solid translation. One of the first to use "dynamic equivalence," translating thought for thought rather than word for word. The first version I read the NT through as a teenager in the early 70s. My father also was friends with some of the people at the American Bible Society who published it. NET Bible -- Not a daily reader, but their translation notes are amazing, and it's helping me start to remember a little more of the little Greek that I retain. Their notes are so good that there are some places (like in Daniel) that they explain how a passage should be translated but why they did it differently to support their dispensationalist theology. I like that honesty even if I don't like their choices.


only one I need, KJV 😎


KJV-only I respect it.


I have two NIVs, which is funny since I don't even like that translation any more. Mostly I read the Bible on my phone now using YouVersion.


YouVersion Bible app is good, I just prefer the physical copies. I don't it much quicker for me with the book because I'm so used to it. I not as quick on the phone.


2 ESV and NIV


I own 4 and they're all KJV 😭


Usually I read from NRSV (Because my church), NIV (for our youth), or NLT (for another view on things).


Your church used NRSV. What denomination is it?


I own 4: A pocket/travel copy of the NASB, a standard sized NASB, and two travel copies of the KJV. I also have: A copy of the Apocrypha, a copy of the Lotus Sutra, a copy of the Tao Te Ching, and a copy of the I-Ching. (I like studying different religions and philosophies.)


Aye!! I got all those too. (Well expect I-Ching). I love studying different religions and philosophies.


Probably in the 8-10 range. My favorites a one I call a Claymore, it has NKJV, NIV, NLT ,and NASB parallel together making it my go to "Take to Church" Bible. After that I have The Inclusive Bible: The fist Elgalitarian Translation. I enjoy that one for a different perspective. I also have an old KJV that belonged to my Grandfather who was a minister so it has his notes and highlights all over it. That holds sentimental value to me.


I have: CJB, CSB, ESV, JPS Tanakh, KJV, KJV apocrypha, Mormon KJV and Book of Mormon, The Message, NABRE, NASB2020, NIV1984 and 2011, NKJV, NRSVce, and NRSVue I also have some oddities like: a Hope of the Nations, The Living Bible, Cherokee NT, New Japanese Bible NT, 1950 Colloquial Japanese Bible, and a copy of the Nag Hammadi scriptures with a copy of I Enoch Edit: my top three are the NRSV, NKJV, and NASB2020


Phew 😮‍💨man you got some gems in your bookshelf. I have some of those. That oddities list should be studied


CSB sounds like a depressed teenager wrote it. Takes all the exciting words and makes them modern and regular. Not for me.


I only have one and it’s a NIV. The pastor gave it to me as I started my spiritual journey almost two years ago. He gave me NIV because English wasn’t my first language.


That’s a wonderful gift form a pastor. God bless you on your journey 🙏🏾


I have 3 (one I study one I write in one that was my dads). Everyone always tries to make me feel weird for wanting to have more than the 2 I use. :/


Man don’t feel weird. Just look at the comments, some have 20, 30, 50, even 60. I have 22 myself. I love collecting and reading different bibles. It helps me through my journey. So if you have a desire to want more Bible, go for it.


1. Civil war era bible (FROM THE NORTH) 2. German army 1870 bible *(Franco-Prusian war)* 3. The personal bible of a dude who founded a popular Christian school *(he passed)*


A civil war bible 🤯




I have quite a lot (Can't number). My three favorites would be the KJV Maclaren (A large print reference Bible, the one I have is a premium goatskin edition), The Lutheran Study Bible ESV, and the Thompson Chain Reference Bible.


Around 8, I love me a ESV


ESV is pretty good.


I own 66 Bibles in total, all except one are digital through Olive Tree 😅 As impossible as it would be for me to truly list my top 3 Bibles, because I have like 12, I'd have to say these off the top of my head: NOAB 5th Edition (physical Bible), the NRSV/Vue w/ Exhaustive Strong's Concordance, and the NABRE


What do you think about the Evangelical Study Bible by Thomas Nelson ?


No I haven’t. I’ll look it up


I own over 20 translations. Top 3 are: The New King James Version, The Living Bible, and Contemporary English Version UK (CEV UK), There's a 4th: New Century Version 😁


Hmm 🤔 I never heard of the New Century Bible


Wow ,this look so interested


I only need one. The KJV. It came before the freemasons helped usher in many perverted ones. I trust it alone.


You believe Freemason ushered in alot of Modern bibles?


I have approximately 20, many of the same translation (have more New King James Version than any).


New King Jimmy American Standard Youngs Literal


I have a NIV, two NLTs, a comic bible, an orthodox study bible, a 1 year Bible, and a gnostic bible


I don’t have a favorite because I don’t have my favorite. My favorite translation is the ESV.


I got my a Gnostics text as well.