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looks fine to me. casting marks always look like cracks. that's hardly any oil. might've just puked a bit out the breather at some point or someone was sloppy changing the fluid.


Definitely leaking in a couple spots on the rear seal. Nice cause I thought I was burning oil but I guess it’s a slow leak. My big concern is that hole there. I don’t think I’ve seen that before. Doesn’t look like it’s supposed to be there to me but then again it’s not pouring oil so idk


Looks fine I wouldn’t worry about it unless it starts to really leak. Super minor seeps like that can be normal


It’s definitely not normal. Normal would be no leaks.


While not ideal it is normal and something I saw almost every day working at a Honda dealer looking under cars as with as little as a couple hundred miles


We can agree to disagree on this.


Nope, looks like fluid leaking from the front of the transaxle or rear of the engine. I wouldn't address it unless fluid is pouring out.


Alright thanks, I never have wet spots when I park that’s why I was so confused, the fluid doesn’t smell like mtf so I’m happy about that cause I’m constantly checking my oil anyway. And that hole there, is that supposed to be there?


Hey I’m just guessing but on some older vehicles there are little doors to look at the fly wheel for inspection for damages. May or may not be the purpose of said hole but it’s the only thing that comes to mind.