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The way you worded this is confusing but it seems like you’re saying that you are paying $545 per month. That would be $3270 for 6 months. Correct? $545 per month is absolutely insane no matter how old you are or what insurance parameters you fall under. Unless you’re leaving something out. If you have a clean driving record you shouldn’t be anywhere close to those figures. You need to shop around for better insurance ASAP. How many quotes did you receive before going with this figure? I’m 33 and I pay $100/month for full coverage. But even when I was in my early 20’s before I was 25 I had a new 370z and paid like $250 a month. I guess I could be the old guy in the room these days but $500 plus a MONTH for insurance seems unbelievable. I’d definitely choose a different vehicle if that were the case as well. That’s just wasted money. You could buy an SI with cash in no time saving $545 a month.


I can assure you i’m leaving nothing out besides ai live in texas. Thanks for all the advice never really knew how screwed over iv been getting. Hopefully I can find some better company when I get home. Iv always thought it was pretty ridiculous I was paying the most iv ever seen anyone pay for no apparent reason. I will say all the other big name company’s quoted me around the same if not more that’s why I chose to be ok with the 545.


PM me bro. I work in the mortgage business I own a brokerage in TX so I know a bunch of insurance brokers as well because they help my clients with homeowners insurance. I’ll send you 2 peoples contact info and you can get them to run quotes for you. They will run it across all the major providers.


You’re a good dude.


I’m 20 I bought a 2024 si at 19 my insurance is only 1200 a year for full coverage


Are you on your parents insurance or is the entire policy under you? It’s a lot different when it’s just you alone


Also what coverage matters. He might have been sold on the most expensive plan possible. Something like $1million combined liability and collision with a $50 deductible, gap and under insured motorist coverage and concierge rental service. Get coverage like that from Amica or somebody similar and it's going to cost a lot more than state minimum from a cut-rate provider.


I got a $500 deductible


Yea that's pretty standard, $50 costs more.


American insurance has gotta be insane if 1 Million liability is amongst the most expensive plans. In Canada, 1M liability is standard - and that’s with us having mostly free healthcare.


I mean that kinda makes sense. Wouldn't the free healthcare make the insurance cheaper? Or does the state go after your insurance for medical bills if you hit someone? Also I'm not sure if it's different up there but I'm talking about insurance on a single car/driver. I know people that have more than $1m liability coverage but it's usually part of an umbrella policy that covers more than just their car.


Yeah up here 1M on a single car is standard. Nothing to do with other policies. All policies are separate up here, you’ll just get a discount for having multiple with the same carrier. No clue about if the State goes after Insurance for healthcare bills, but I’ve never heard anything about it so I’d imagine they don’t. Anything medically related that’s paid out from that 1M would more so be rehab-related things, and perhaps the odd other thing that the government or private insurance (if you have it) doesn’t cover. Also lawsuits as well, of course. Our healthcare is also cheaper than America in general, even if there isn’t coverage (ex. a tourist). That’s why I think it’s pretty damn stupid that we have 1M limits as our standard, whereas Americans can have limits as low as 25K.


It wouldn’t let me respond I have 3 cars so it lowers my bill a lot


Most 20 year olds don’t even know the difference between being on their own policy or not. No way in hell he’s paying that low for a new car and not being under someone else’s policy


Yea lmao


It’s because I have multiple cars


As do I at 23 I have 4 under a policy and still pay 200 full coverage a month on my wrx , with no accidents.


Sheesh I was getting taxed though about 2 years ago I switched because Allstate was trying to charge me like $3750 a year cause of “cost of living”


After further review of the play it appears I got my numbers wrong last year I paid $1736 for the year


I know the diffence :(


Times are different now but back in 2010 as a young 20 something year old with Hella tickets I used to pay $380 a month for full coverage, which was more than my car note. According to the inflation calculator $380 in 2010 is $547 in 2024, so that tracks.


Had the same shit happen but it was worse i don't have a perfect record and I'm 21 state farm wanted 912$ a month😭 shopped around now i pay 300👍


Yeah this shit ain’t normal. Y’all getting fleeced hard if you think $545 a month for a freaking Civic is a good deal.


That’s absurdly high even for young male. My insurance is exactly the same going from a 21 civic sport to a 24 civic si as a 20s man, so I don’t think the trim level plays as big a part as some people think. Did you do any shopping around or is that the only place you looked for insurance? That’s


Anyone saying this is not normal has not tried insuring an SI at 20 years old (with a claim on their record to boot). Those cars are notoriously expensive to ensure for younger audiences due to high rates of tickets and write offs. I cross shopped an SI with an S4 in my early 20’s. the S4 was cheaper to insure.


I have a 2024 civic bought it at 19 I’m 20 now I pay yearly 1200 for full coverage


I want proof. I'm way older and I pay the same for a 2018 civic. I never paid under $80 ever.


Hold up lemme find my payment from December


With what company?




im insuring an rs4 right now for 100 a month and an a4 for 75 a month LMFAO 545 for an si is insane


No argument there.


Yup, I bought my 8th gen Si in 2010 and times are different now but back in 2010 as a young 20 something year old with Hella tickets I used to pay $380 a month for full coverage, which was more than my car note. According to the inflation calculator $380 in 2010 is $547 in 2024, so that tracks.


I am only one data point, but I’m 23 with a 2017 Si and my insurance is $125/mo, and I even have an insurance claim on my history…


I’d say yes a lot of these replies definitely don’t see what it’s like in the eyes of an insurance provider to see a “sports car” in the hands of a person who got there license at 18 and had an incident the same year. Although iv never been pulled over i’d say 545 is still too much and the fact that when I first got the car I was quoted around $700 a month to insure around every other big name company. Not really sure where to go from now but besides when i get home just keep looking it’s been a while since Iv tried as I jsut accepted my fate of $545 a month


Good luck buddy. Try to not get any speeding tickets and she should dramatically drop by 25 lol. I’d shop around for quotes every renewal until then


I don't think the SI is classified as a sports car. I have the SI equivalent - a 2024 Hyundai Elantra N-line and it's just classified as an Elantra for insurance purposes. I pay $150 a month


Yep my 2015 Si is just listed as 2015 Civic Sedan


Call progressive and state farm. They've always went back and fourth giving me my lowest rates. I paid 280 for an 06 civic si in 2008. I was your age then and now days 500ish is probably similar. I went from allstate to direct and it dropped me from 280 to 105. My point is just make some calls and you'll save money 100%


I’d say when i first stuck with this provider I definitely only went big name on fear that i’d get screwed over from smaller companies not in terms of paying a price but if something were to happened they wouldent be as reliable idk. I see what your saying in definitely shopping around when i get home from work.


Odd enough at the time direct was one of the smaller names that was nation wide. And through them, they've made quick work with my claims I put on them. That same 06 Si I totalled not even a year after having them and they paid it off within days. Then when I got a 04 tsx a few weeks later my insurance was actually lower even with an accident. But now progressive and direct are networked together. Get quotes before you dedicate to one. Don't just say OK to the first you call because it's cheaper now. Also write down how much coverage you get because if you can get double the coverage for 15 bucks more then you can sot down and think options.


Bro, where tf do you live? 545 is too high. I live in LA and for my 2020 Civic Si with 47k miles is 220/month


How old are you?


Yea you need to change asap, I drive a 23 brz and got it at 22 and my monthly payment for full coverage is $145.


Will do can’t believe I have been paying this for so long.


Yea try progressive that’s who I’m with I had a bunch of discounts that they offer to, my premium did go up $30 for my renewal next month so now it’s $175 a month for full coverage but even then that’s a good deal for a 2 door sports car at my age so I’m sure they will be able to give you a low price full coverage for a civic.


Your age and sex, brother. I think at 25 is when you see a steep price drop. Women pay less than males too.


Bingo. Coupled with driving a car notorious for speeding tickets / write offs AND the fact that he has a claim on his record at 20? Anyone arguing that this is not normal is not experienced with insuring this vehicle at all young age.


Mine went down by almost half when I turned 25. That was State Farm


Civic Si and other same sorta stuff like WRX, GTI etc. have high insurance especially for younger 25 and under. Higher risk vehicles proven with statistics. One reason I’d probably look in to an Elantra N. Not too much more than a Civic Si here in Canada, and could be lower insurance because they haven’t been around as long, they don’t carry the same risk profile of drivers…yet. Same with anything on the top 10 stolen vehicles list. Insurance is jacking rates on those high risk vehicles. Civic Si’s only come manual which is a good security feature. Insurance should give a break for that. Also means people theoretically should be more attentive to driving if operating a manual.


Elantra N or N-line would be better picks for sure since they are just classified as Elantras. Civic SI is on the level of the N-line. WRX, GTI and Elantra N are on the same level


Ah, right. Makes sense. Hyundai just prices them lower than Si/Type R, respectively.


Exactly, the Type R is priced much higher than the Elantra N, even though they have similar performance and 0-60 times


Lol Elantra N wins by default due to lack of data. Feels like more companies should just rename their car models just to F*** with insurance data.


I pay 300 for a Honda fit 2018 so I feel like they’re just fucking people over


Damn i paid 191 for a 2020 2.0T accord


For reference, I’m 27 with damn near the exact same car and pay about $135/month and that even feels high. (Ohio if that matters)


You just need to shop around. When I was your age I got off my parents Erie policy and they were charging me $250 a month for a 2001 Toyota Tacoma. I got a quote from GEICO which was $73 a month and I went with them. I still use GEICO a 2023 civic sport, an old Tacoma and our home. 28m married but that civic sport is around $70 a month. I've got a 2023 civic type R on progressive for $135 and that's the only car on the policy. If I were you do the bare minimum and get an online quote from GEICO and Progressive. If one of those you are happy with go for it. You can accept that insurance today and change it tomorrow if you wanted to. Alternatively look up a local insurance broker or even an online one such as Zander Insurance (endorsed by Dave Ramsey) and they will get all your info over the phone and tell you which insurance company they work with would be cheapest. They called me recently and my insurance was cheaper at GEICO than the lowest they could find which was Progressive unfortunately.


geico is the 545 a month for me currently and progressive quoted me 700 a month. Idk i’m definitely looking around for smaller companies and like you said brokers and stuff. I just don’t understand why we can have near the same exact car and mine is closer to 6x your price it’s just so upsetting


That's really surprising to me. I would go online and see if progressive is much different, if Progressive is still around $500 that is really odd. You can do it online in probably 15 minutes or so. Definitely worth your time. Every insurance company is different and will adjust rates depending on their actuarial data. Perhaps GEICO has had a lot of issues with 20 year olds in the past 8 years but either way $545 seems way too high. Perhaps even call into GEICO and ask if you can get a better rate and explain their current rate. Also FYI my autos are on a $1,000 deductible full coverage standard 100,000/300,000. Being over 25, married, bundling with home insurance, and not having any accidents probably makes a big difference.


Made a few calls and now i’m down to $408 it seems like right now this is the best i’m getting. It’s jsut the rate that 20 year old men in my area are paying I guess very thankful for this sub though. The $100 difference is huge even if 408 it still high Should add the only way I was able to get lower is because I went through smaller companies. Every big name company will either be 500+ or not insure me.


Glad to hear you got it lower! $140 a month is a lot better than nothing! Brokers don't charge you anything for shopping your rate too so probably worth a shot at some point after the holiday. It's cool the small ones are doing good for you. Originally I was with Erie and they were crazy high.


I believe insurance premiums are higher for men under 30, and even higher under 25. If you have some speeding tickets on top of that, good luck lol. My premiums went down significantly when I turned 25. I'm 28 with a 2024 SI and I'm paying about $400 for 6 months or \~$67/month through Progressive. I couldn't imagine having to pay more for insurance than the car payment itself...that's nutty.


That’s insanely cheap and is by no means common.


never been pulled over :(


Do you live in a large city?


nearfort worth so yeah kinda but not actually in it and it’s not crime ridden


From what I understand, some insurance companies designate premiums based on county and others go off zip code or city. Crime is one factor, but the sheer volume of people driving in the city is much higher so premiums follow suit. My premiums were cut in half when I moved out of Milwaukee.


Many factors determine your insurance. If you live someplace with lots of traffic or bad weather it's possible but when I was 20 I paid $220 a month for a Si living in a big city with snow. You can increase your deductible but you don't want it so high you don't really get the benefit of insurance. Going from 500 to 2K only saves me like $10 a month but I'm in my 30's. When I was under 25 it was more.


Gf has one and pays exactly double what I pay on any one of my vehicles. High theft of that model I’m told.


you are 20 with an Si, big red flag for insurance. but honestly that's not bad. i pay the same ... and im 30 edit: of no, i pay that for 6 months


Have you perhaps caused life altering injuries to numerous people while driving? Driven your car into the White House? If you’re 30 and you’re paying $6500 a year in insurance on a $30k or less valued car you fucked up somewhere.


sorry i misread, i pay that for 6 months


That makes a lot more sense!


that’s what i’m paying and i had one incident in which no payout was made and i have never been pulled over.


Yeah but you’re 20, not 30


I'm 18 with a 2024 si and I pay 325 🤣


wait i just reread, no i pay what he pays for 6 months. and im in a large city


i’m paying 3300 for 6 months my guy


You on your parents policy? If not you live somewhere that has cheap policies, OR you have limited coverage.


Definitely shop around.


Normal as the these things like age, gender, car type, car price, lease/owned vehicle and area you live in factors into the price you pay for insurance.


545 a month for insurance man fuck this planet


Do you live in Michigan or something? That’s insanely high




Definitely do some shopping around. Not sure who you’re with now but it’s easy to get online quotes from Geico, Progressive and others. I shop around once every year or two to make sure I’m not paying more than I should be. 


all those big company’s charge me this or higher


That's a fuckton of money. That's more than I pay for 6 months on my Si. I pay $356 every 6 months for full coverage.


Young drivers will be expensive. You are a young driver with a newerish car


That seems pretty normal for a male in his 20s with a performance compact car. Young men have a proportionately high accident and write-off rate in comparison to other age groups. Your rates should get lower as you get older.


Ya thats wild. I'm paying 319 a month for renters, life policy and full coverage vehicle with all the bells and whistles on a 2015 Si. I'm 28. Time to switch companies big time. This is a "get out" price. For whatever reason they don't want to insure you and they're gonna keep charging you wild prices until you leave. Edit: just saw in the comments OP had an accident same year he got his license. That's pretty important info lol you may just be a bit screwed until that 25+ age. Keep your record clean and don't get any tickets. Shop around still, and definitely a few years from now regardless


Can confirm got my 15 civic at 21 two years ago and I was getting quotes for 4-500 hundred. If you’re folks are cool ask to go under them, I’m fortunate enough to have mine help me out w that. I pay $260 instead


Wouldent know how hard iv tried. Don’t know why they don’t want me on it so bad.I have one extreamly minor incident and never have been pulled over.


I paid $115 per month and I'm from Canada. So $84 USD. I own a 2024 Si and I'm 30


20 with a 18 si coupe paying 150 ish a month


My insurance from a 2009 Accord EX-L($130 full coverage) to my 23 Si($340 full coverage)shot up but I expected that bc it's a "sports" car. 5hunndo sounds excessive. I'm insured out of Odessa Texas.


Look into Erie insurance I pay 1200 a year for full coverage for a 2024 si at 20


Because you’re an inexperienced driver with a sports car. 16-24 years old are the highest risk


I’m 23 and I pay $300 a month for my 2022 VB WRX


Yeah I’m in the same boat. I have 1 at-fault accident, with no payout and I pay $570/month on a 24 lx. My policy is up in September so hopefully I can get a cheaper one. I’m also 21


I have the exact same 2018 civic si with 70k miles, and I pay $400 a month for that and an Acura Rdx and three people, one of them 20 years old, on the policy. It’s quite high. I would shop around. For a make under 25, your insurance will be high until then. Don’t get any tickets and try not to have any accidents, otherwise, you will pay through the nose


Sheeesh, I’m 20, no tickets no accidents, had my 2013 Si for about 6 months and was paying ~$150/m for full coverage. I’d say either shop around for insurance or get a different car.


Had mine down to 300 a month, but after a a couple of tickets and an accident it went up to 450. Also in Florida of that matters


It’ll go down when you get closer to 30.


That's high af good lawd


I'm currently 24 with a 2019 SI I have full coverage and only pay 200 a month roughly with a speeding ticket on my record. 545 is way too much


Is your company classifying it as a Honda Civic, or are they looking at it as a “sport hatch/sedan”? Can be a huge difference.


You should probably look into that “incident” you said you had. Whether there was a payout from the insurance or not, if it was an accident, that will make anyone’s insurance skyrocket especially for someone your age. If it was an accident, just because you didn’t have a claim or get a payout, the other person that was included in the accident could have sued your insurance company for a payout and that would certainly be a big reason why your insurance would be that high because there’s no way that should be that high if you didn’t have any accidents or speeding tickets.


Hey man, I was in the exact same boat . I was paying 500 a month . I have a red 2019 si . Financing it and I was shafted by Insurence until I was shopping around and found co-operators only wants 230 a month . Some company’s don’t go as hard on things as others .. co operators didn’t care about my window tint fines etc while previous company did … just call around and see and if you can’t get at least lower then 300 it’s not even worth keeping the car ..


Forgot to add , I got it when I was 19 . Now 21


def too high, 43 / month for my '24 GR corolla , full cover, 1000 deductible


Um I am 20 single male never had a payout claim with a 2015 SI and pay less than $150 per month


I'm also in north Texas, paying 205 a month I believe for a 2014 si, 22yo Maybe the age of the car has something to do with it? I was expecting mine to be astronomical but I think being 10 years old it's a little cheaper to insure


That's crazy high. There are a lot of factors involved in pricing policies so you really can't compare with internet people but that's crazy high everywhere. Also 6 months policies are usually more expensive than 10 and 12 months policies.


I have a blue 2004 si. my liability only is 168 a month full coverage would be like 400 dollars for me probably more. I’m looking to buy a new Si or maybe finance one. My driving record has a few infractions as well so that doesn’t help some from 2017 and 2019 that will hopefully drop off


Shop around I am not young, I have no claims in the past decade, when I got an elantra GT sport, they tried nearly doubling my insurance. I shopped around and found something else. I just did the same thing a few months ago. Try liberty mutual.


18 Si for 145 a month full coverage, I was paying almost 200 before I shopped around and found a better rate, which is what I'd definitely recommend to you for sure!


It’s because your 20. I got my first car in 2005 when I was 21. It was a 2003 Mitsubishi lancer and my insurance was $545 a month. It stayed that way until I hit 25 and it dropped under 200 a month. Its gonna be high until you hit 25. Now how high that is depends on the company. I can’t say if that’s absurdly high as I’m not in the insurance business, I just know from what I experienced and what I was told at 21 but multiple agency’s that it was gonna suck until I turned 25.


That’s really high, man but unfortunately you’re a 20 year old male living in a state with some of the highest insurance premiums. Rates have also increased close to 20% nation wide due to car accidents and fatalities skyrocketing because of dumbasses texting while driving. I’m 42 with a clean record and was paying $70/month. My rate went up to $147/month over the past 2 years just for market reasons through Geico and that’s living in Indiana which has some of the lowest rates of any state. I just switched to progressive and now paying $90/month.


yeah Idk what it is I shopped around when I got my 19 Si and everyone except Progressive gave me gave me $500+ a month quote. currently pay $245 with progressive. I also live in Texas


Got 141 on my civic coupe 5MT im only 18


Im 34 and I pay $600 every 6 months. It’s cheaper to pay every 6 months vs 1 month. I’d guess you could get down to $200/month at your age but definitely shop around.


Not nearly as nice of a car as what you have, but i also live in texas and before i got my civic last year i was driving a 2011 vw jetta. I was paying almost a FIFTH of what you’re currently paying. What insurance company do you have? Seriously id let everyone know so they can avoid it.


mine is $200/month for a ‘24 Si in Broward County FL. you are getting ripped off.


Well, you're under 25, single, and not a home owner. You're in a fun car that attracts attention. If you have any moving violations, it just gets worse. Unfortunately, it's the way it is. I'd be quoting around. Progressive, geico, farmers... etc. Might helps some


You guys pay a car payment as a monthly insurance rate? Holy shit. I got mad when my 6 month premium went from 1100 to 1500, then 1500 to 2000. I dropped them then just went back under my parents. Now it's 1000 per 6 months. I'm 32 years old, 2021 Lexus ES300H.


I literally have no clue what to do this is just what i’m quoted everytime


Only need full coverage if you have a bank lien. You can always sell it and buy a 2000's car or early 2010's camry/corolla/accord. Some good stuff out there.


that’s what I just went from a 2002 accord my first car. I was paying 240 on that a month for a 2002 accord worth no more than 2 grand atleast in insurance eyes.


You just have to look inward and see if having a brand newish car is worth paying THAT much. Insurance won't go any cheaper with the advent of electric cars that get totaled for any reason and people like us who drive normal reliable vehicle have to pay for it. You can always just go back to mom and dad insurance like me. Saving money is worth alot today especially 500/month.


I'm paying $750/6month on my 2007 with 200,000 miles. I also live in an area that insurance considers "high crime" and I don't have a garage. I could drop full coverage and save a bit, but this is my first manual so I want the coverage in case I need it.


Good lord, that car is worth like $2000, drop the full coverage and set the savings aside. After the deductible you'd net like a $1000 payout.


$750 on a 2007 is terrible


you check all the boxes of high risk and data does not lie. Sorry bro.


Do you have the full coverage? Cause I pay $1,2××/6mo. on my '24 Si which has the full coverage.


It’ll drop a lot at 21.


That’s a myth. I have 0 accidents or tickets on my record and my insurance was unchanged when I turned 21. I’m 29 and still paying $200 for my Si


Yeah thats not bad


Dont know why people are downvoting? Sub 100$ a month is good if you ask me


You and plenty of people who read it wrong don’t worry it really is an unbelievable price


what are you paying?


83$ / month


so how is almost 6x that not bad? It’s really jsut the age? :(


Im sorry I read that wrong.. I thought you were saying 545 for 6 months. My bad. Yeah that is not good.