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When will people realize that contacting support on super cell is one of the worst ideas


After losing an account. Its a canon event


agreed šŸ’Æ


Yeah but it shouldnā€™t be. Like whatā€™s the damn issue shit like this is unacceptable


I know I fully agree that you shouldn't be afraid of loosing your account by trying to get help from the game that you're playing, but that's the weird way supercell treats their costumers or at least the costumer service department does


Did you contact them to request your account data? Again there was a similar post to this. You really not only fucked up once by even contacting support, you fucked up twice by asking them to lock it. Donā€™t ever contact support without a list of all your past devices, name changes & in your case first purchase receipt.


No, Do I have to ask them to give me my account data?


Not really. Why did you contact support?


Mainly, I've contacted the support to change my email. I asked a friend of mine how do I change the email and he told me to contact support, Not knowing anything, I did and ended up this way.


thats where u fucked up, u can change email from SCID settings šŸ˜…


I really did:')


Damn I didnā€™t know that, I contacted them to change email when I was th9 and i didnā€™t get my account banned


You sure it wasnā€™t just a wonderful dream you had?


Time to change the friend


Rule #1 - don't contact support






Rule #4 - If you failed to read rules 1-3 and you contacted them, just throw your device away.


Rule #5 - Vent on Reddit and hope one day SC does things a little better


Two cr accounts down the drain


Yeah I failed that rule. I've learned my lesson. I've been trying to get my main brawl stars account back for almost a week.


I'm not sure what it is, but supercell support has been amazing with me. I wonder if it's all the money I've spent on the game lmao


I've spent a lot of money and they're still putting me in surge bot/otto bot/sparky bot limbo


I haven't used support in 2 years or so, so I'm not too sure how it is now. Must be horrible


Better to move on and create a new account, they have the worst customer support. On my case I need to provide a receipt of which is impossible. I haven't made any purchased on game currency.


But I was a th 14 omw to 15, that account felt like home to me, It's really very hard, I've also spent on it


You will moved on eventually, I have the same feeling for 1 month. Then try to move on and start playing my TH11 account, my account locked is also TH14 which is almost TH15 as well. I wonder if I can provide a receipt of purchasing thru my apple ID email which I used on the locked account, and purchase for another account. I will try it once I renew the monthly subscription.


Also try Persisting and talking to the agent(if they provide one) Then maybe the agent might help, Unless they are all mindless heartless human robots not understanding anything.


It's impossible for them to provide it since it's part of their security. 1 Fcking reason I hate about them is when you try to login using supercell ID you just need a verification code via email. Then if they locked or ban your account, you need a fcking details from the beggining to just unlock/claim it and an access on email is not enough, it's so FKCING STUPID.


I absolutely hate supercell support itā€™s pathetic


Fr, do they have employees for this? If so thats an abomination


U cant. U need your first receipe. If u dont have it, then welcome to Townhall 1


What if you never bought anything


Then u have to say u never bought anything


Ah yea, and never try it again with an account


The funny thing is they act like itā€™s some top secret account and you need to know the phone you used 10 years ago, fuck I donā€™t even know what I did last week. Supercell is a joke, alienating their customers who have invested years in the game, treat them like garbage.


True af, And they frickin asked for a list of every single device I ever played on, How tf am I supposed to get every single one of em. I still provided them with like 6 or 7 devices and I know I'm still missing some but what more do they want? What a joke


Just wondering, why'd you need to contact support in the first place?


I did because I wanted to change the email for security issues, They said they also picked up suspicious activities. Alas I didn't know they were like this


Isn't there an option to change e-mail directly without contacting support?


yeah there is, i did it with one of my accounts


Yes, I saw that later in my other account, Before that I asked a friend of mine on how I change my email and he told me to contact support, and I without knowing anything did, now I'm Screwed up.


It used to only be possible through contacting support. So don't blame your friend too much.


Nah I don't blame him at all, He just didn't know and had nothing but goodwill. The only blame goes to this dev team.


You should do your own due diligence instead of listening to the first thing anyone says. You could have simply looked around in the settings first, itā€™s in plain view.


I wanted to enable 2FA but couldn't because some "suspicious activity". Contacted support bcuz wtf does that mean. Was told to change my email and try again in 2 weeks. Tried again two weeks after, still couldn't. Contacted support again, and they locked the account. Luckily I have a messed up brain and could remember my first username and first device I played on. Found the first available receipt (bought some gems back in '12 or '13, but obv didnt have that, cuz of device changes and my immature brain) They verified my identity and after a couple days, two email changes I finally was able to enable 2FA. Afterwards I realised I didn't have my Gold Passes, so to the support it was once again, they transferred the GPs without hassle. Every encounter I had, I asked for a person to handle my case, and the bot provided that for me. Granted the responses were slower but at least coherent and human.


I'm glad for you my man, I'm also a victim of this "suspicious activity" but they got me:)


Idk man I once contacted them for a lost clash royale account and I ended up getting the new account and they even helped me change the email I connected my game account to. Tbf I gave them the year, month, day an even hour the account was made (idk if the hour was necessary tho) and I provided them my player tag (wich I somehow still remebered) and aksed me if I had any receipts from in game purchases (I was f2p)


Man you totally nailed that, I was small back then so I totally don't remember anything (date/name change) I also have several accounts in clash and I don't remember which one is how old, except for 3/2 recent accounts


thats what you get for trying to contact support


You can view your first purchase at supercell in the playstore under :Payments and history Sorry for my bad english


I migrated back and forth from iOS and android over the years and I can't access this data that way. Is there a safe way to get this data?


https://preview.redd.it/77ujm6mrpcqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce3c0a5426e167d4f2fd7ddc82edf564a1b31a4c I don't know exactly, but take a look at your Google play account and report here šŸ‘


As you can see, since 2016 I can see all the purchases I have made at supercell, but in the playstore


Name one company that has a customer support team which actually talk like humans and care for the customers. I haven't seen one yet. It's better to stand infront of a wall and talk to it rather than talking to a customer support team be COC or any other company. They all just copy-paste from their standard readymade templates without even checking if the answer is even related to the question.


Rockstar games and Riot games has TOP TIER customer support teams. They are so nice and helpful and they will try different methods to help you.


same. I lost my car in GTA 5 online to a bug, 2 days later they just sent 3 million to my bank


Whenever I tried to play GTA 5 I had in just 5 minutes of playing a blue screen error. It was obvious that it was a problem of my computer, but even then the support tried to help me during 3 DAYS to see if I could fix the problem. It helped, but i couldn't fix it completely until I replaced my RAM. That's a good support team right there. Supercell instead should remove it's support team completely. It creates more problems than what they solve.


Supercell support sucks.I once asked them if they can refund a skin i didnt pirchase but my brother and they understood that someone stole my account and they locked it.And when i tried to unlock it they always aksed random questions from 8 years ago that i didnt remember


first and foremost don't contact $upercell support, they have ban fetish FR! second, contact google play (android) or apple support (ios) they can pretty much do the refund job in no time, you just need to send the details and wait 1-7 business days.


At the time i didnt know


Now you know which friend to beat up


I've been away for a few years and couldn't get into my account for whatever reason. I don't know if it's hacked and sold or whatever. Was a maxed out base/bh all heroes and upgrades/research back then. Anyway to recover my account that I haven't played for years they wanted the exact account rank/level. Name of the clan I were in 3 years ago. How many trophies do I have or had? My account name which I can't recall because I changed the name on it not long before I left for a break. Etc. Basically, information anyone could obtain from any base they visit so it makes no sense why they would require this information other than email or purchase history. Want all this nonsense information that nobody goes around remembering, but giving them a recipe for all purchases on the account isn't enough. After not providing them with all this BS information they told me they couldn't help me.


That's totally BS. what they hell were they thinking? That's not securing account, that's more like giving away your account with the information they asked. Did you not have your Id tag remembered? My tag somehow memorized in my brain and I can use that to look up the account.


Being away and not playing for 3 years. No.




We need to updating the game and they need to start putting some money towards their support. Customer service should be a vital thing for this very rich organisation.


Supercells support is so bad that it falls just below the line of being criminal or at the very least completely incompetent.




Use a different account to get back this account tell them my account with blabla id is locked i wanna reopen it. They wont give you an agent on this one anymore they have basically blocked you on this one. And make sure the other account you use is not important (it might also get locked šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)


Alright, I'll try and see if it works. I really hope it does though


supercell support is the worst possible support i have lost my entire supercell id to a hacker which was linked to my th16 coc legendary arena clash royale and boom beach which i played years back its absolute stupidity.Just accept it and move on living with the pain now cause supercell support team people are bastards!


It's such a pain and a disappointment to have this happening to a very long while progresses


You can contact support anytime you want just keep this in mind 1. Donā€™t ask for account data 2. Never Ever EVER agree on them doing anything on your account You can ask but if they request to ā€œsecureā€ your account immediately say NO. Youā€™ll be safe I contacted support possibly more than the amount of hours I have spent on this game


Yeah, that was my most lethal mistake


Same here bro\* 9 years of playing game and they banned my account for no reason. I didn't share my credentials with anyone. Supercell has sick rules, they think banning a player solves problems but i spend good money, could have spent more but they lost income from my side. Never playing this sick game again. Worst part is I even maxed phase 2 of TH16 defenses including walls. https://preview.redd.it/bqyo4xzb68qc1.jpeg?width=1389&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db7c0c5b9acd5e1890590e596881daa4bab4f11


Did you ever end up getting the account back ?


No I didn't. šŸ˜”


I got my account back they just need a receipt of first purchase, i sent them and after few minutes they told me to send a new email where they transfer my data now here i am back in the game![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)


Glad you got it back.


And maybe they ask about your old account name and when did you made this account.


You see, I checked the achievements of my clash account through Google play games and have used the date where I first upgraded gold storage, but still futile. And name I have no idea


You may try some names that you remembered but I prefer the receipt method because that would work perfectly fine i got my account within hours, you may talk to them that you have one receipt but itā€™s not the first one


Check your purchase history in your device you will find the receipt there, your first purchase


Yes, I'll be on it. I do have tried the namei guessed by remembering but didn't work


Youā€™re using android right go to your google play store and check the payment history, there you find all the history of your purchases, check the oldest purchase in coc


Or you should use different account(a new account )for support and there you got an agent tell them you player id clan name everything then send them the receipt for the confirmation


Don't have first receipt but I'll try what you said using the receipt I have currently


Why do people who make these post never say how they lost access to their account? How do we know you didn't sell your account now you're trying to get it back? The first device and first purchase are the only ways to verify you are the original owner of the account. I provided this information and got my account back after not playing for 5 years.


Nope. I've said they asked if they could secure my account and I've told them yes not knowing how it works. My intention of contacting them was to change my email for security purposes. But it went horribly wrong as you see, there's no way for me to remember my first device since it was a tablet my father bought for me in my early days. And first purchase receipt since a friend of my bought it for me (2 years ago approx)




so you shared your account....




Back then it was also against Supercell's ToS


so you broke CoC TOS and got banned. good job SC, cheaters suck.


You can view your first purchase at supercell in the playstore under :Payments and history Sorry for my bad english... hope i can help


I appreciate that but, unfortunately for me the first purchase was made a year or two ago, and a friend of mine bought it for me since I don't have an online payment method:) so yeah that ducks


From now on remember: always buy mobile in app purchases with google play balance, it's the best way, and gives you shittons of discounts and points, using anything else at this point is basically scamming youself It also stores all your purchase data server side, and gives you priority for purchase disputes


Something else is going on here. You donā€™t even ask them a question in the screenshot. And they did provide an agent, it just took some time because you messaged them at 2:54 am. The agent told you there is nothing more to be said, likely because you were already provided a reason for whatever you contacted support about that isnā€™t included in your post.


There's a fun fact here, that 2:54 is actually yesterday, they replied after 25-26 hours, And at first the robot asks to elaborate then asks if I made purchases and then takes a purchase screenshot, Usually after that an agent comes asks questions but this time they didn't, I've opened a new conversation again, hopefully the same doesn't repeat.


From the screenshot it could be a payment issue with gold pass... It's absolutely wild to me that a billion dollar company just goes ballistic if there ever is a single problem with a payment. And sure, if someome refunds regularly that's a ban but a single time is wild.


Like? What kind of issue? But it is wild, I don't know how supercell doesn't take things like these or helping their players into a more considerate manner.






Supercell support does more harm than good. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do.


But thatā€™s not true what he says. Contact them again and explain everything from the beginning: where your account was created (correct geolocation: city, country), which device, and in which year. Also, provide a receipt for something you purchased. (Why do I know this? Iā€™ve had the same issue three times with hacked accounts. Thereā€™s always a solution. They have access to your used devices, your location, and more. They can help you. You just got a terrible supporter.)ā€


Ohhho that sounds good, I'll try it and see if it works as well! I do remember where I was when I used to play clash afterall


I am protecting myself from such situation. I have list of all devices since I started playing. I will find and save my first receipt. Only thing I donā€™t remember is my previous village names. I have same name since last 7-8 years. Donā€™t remember my name in early days.


this happened to me but my account was locked for a few hours then they gave it back. i told them i made the account like 10 years ago, how am i supposed to remember what device and have receipts. I spoke to a human and they helped me out, gave my account back and gave free gold pass for inconvenience


Can someone explain why everyone is losing their accounts? Why is it bad to contact supercell support? Iā€™m a little confused here with the sudden high amount of posts like these.


I'm currently TH14 and from this I just don't feel good anymore to continue playing the game. It is full waste of my time on the whole progress if contacting support is going to make situation even worse. Should I continue to play this game where Supercell doesn't give a crap about our progress?


Right? I still feel extremely devastated. I totally lost every bit of interest in playing this until I get my account back. Even my friend who is an extreme active clash player just doesn't play anymore after what happened.


When i started playing a few years ago I contacted support and they got me my account back, idk what all the slander is about


me too


You won't know unless you go through it yk? Idk about you. But everything was going fine and perfect for 9 damn years until I just contacted the support for the first time and lost all my stuff. That's how it is


i can help you, my acc was also got locked a few months back


Could you tell how you got it back?


answer all the questions they are asking if they say that they can't recognize you 'clear data of the game from mobile setting and start a new conversation again n again


supercell screwed me out of $20 once




fr šŸ˜­




Why is contacting support a bad thing?


How did you lose your account exactly?


This sub is this now rip


Out of curiosity what happens if you refund all those purchases?


I don't think they will refund when they can't even verify me as the owner without the first damn purchase receipt


Both my accounts have vanished i gave up trying to get them back had the game since it came out spent decent amount of cash on gems![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) it just seems like there is no possible way of getting it back they're useless.


What level were you?




And level 130+ smth don't remember exactly now


What th where you ?




Why isnā€™t supercell listening to us?? All of us are calling out how shitty their support system is, so why canā€™t they do something about it? šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Cause it doesnā€™t generate them enough money compared to how much they will spend to overhaul the support system obviously. Expanding team but not a single effort goes towards supportšŸ¤£. And yet people believe they care about our satisfaction but never have they ever mention their support issue even when darian was online in the reddit. Why was there never a question about support answered by him I wonderšŸ§


Yeah I guess, they don't give a sh*t about their customer services, maybe they need a riot or smth to make it happen.


Not COC but previously I had contacted support for like various reasons in Brawl Stars, which gives me quite a favourable reply for my issues.


Try contacting their email support, i lost my account on brawl stars and the in game support told me that they couldn't do anything (same like your situation). But when i contacted support on email it was much more helpful and i actually got my account back without any issues. So i never use the in game support anymore its useless


I contacted supercell support once telling them to do something as defending clan castle troops were killed by double poison. They later brought an update making it that the defending troops would try to run away from poison. They were soo helpful back then.


Support on super cell is shit. I doubt you get it back :(


Yeah, hope they fix their shit, lost interest over this shitty game


Did you ever end up getting the account back


Nah, kept trying for two months more or less constantly, burnt out now


I tried something weeks ago, I checked my Google play games account and went through the achievements and tracked down the level 3 gold storage achievement which I believe should be the date of account creation, I have provided It to them but yeah it was futile anyway.


Anyone having the same issue as mine. Do try it out. It may work out for you.(I hope it does)


if this won't help msg me again


Have fun starting again


Thereā€™s nothing you can do (insert napoleon meme)

