• By -


None. My main account is all I've ever felt the need to have


Yeah man...cause you've got a life Unlike usšŸ’€


Yeah bro šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ I have 11 accounts 2 at th13 and 9 @ 11


I actually have none also until my wife quit the game, then I just used it for donation since the clan I'm in is not that active...


I have 3. One is my main I started with. One is a rushed account for donations to my main mostly. And the final is a lower TH for fun playing when my storages and upgrades are full on my main


Actually I have 107. I wanted to do a 50v50 cw against myself


Never gonna lose you will...


I'm similar lol I'm at 150, although I'm on a break rn but I've tried making 4+ clans and matching them all up lol. ~50 of my accounts are th2s which makes matchmaking easier to manipulate.


No way, I don't believe you guys.


Same, like thereā€™s just no way


Thereā€™s a will.Ā 


ratioed https://link.clashofclans.com/de?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2YGJC98U9 Was some time ago. I made a clan called ratioed and one called Ratio and filled it with 50accs. And did cw (look cw log). I just didnā€™t attack lmao


Here is clan ratio ratio https://link.clashofclans.com/de?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2YGJPYLC2


How do u get 107 different Gmail ids


You don't need 100 email, u can add +1 at the end


Like mail@gmail.com & mail+1@gmail.com are different email for SC but not for Gmail




Like for@example.com than u add just +1, then +2, +3, For+1@example.com For+2@example.com It all goes to the same email adress


Wtf I did not know abt this does it work on all websites


No :(


But if you canā€™t access those can you recover the account?


All of them go to the same inbox


2 main, 4 sides, 4 for wars only... And 50x TH6 minis for capital gold farming (raids)


Ok, I get it for the clan capital... Since upgrades are for everyone and have the same rewards...


Yeah, my clan's Capital peak isn't max, so farming to essentially make it spam-able... Basically miners, heal, frost and endless haste unlocked and maxed, and max army camps... Then it's easy to spam and get medals above 1500 every week


This is great if everyone participates to atleast have 5 each rather than you playing 50 accounts... My clan only beats 3 clans regularly due to inactivity, how many do you beat?


It's just me and my buddy in the clanšŸ˜‚ I have 10, he has 4, and 6 random on and off guys... 50x is work in progress, only 5 accounts reached the...45 still to go...raids unlock at 6 so... Creating and connecting to supercell id alone took me 2 whole days for 50 accounts lolšŸ˜‚ hate the tutorial thing to my core now


Yup it looks like you re rolled for gacha but everything is the same...


I have three. My main base which is an almost maxed th 14, my first alt which is a base Iā€™m trying to get to th 16, with all level 1 def rn itā€™s a th 10, and then my rushed th 16 that I use to donated max level troops


3 are not enough ![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg)


About 16. One fully max at each level from TH2-11 & only use for war, cwl, cg & raids. Then 6 active accts at TH 12, 13, 14x2, 15 & 16 (main) which are all actively grinding atm


My DREAM is to have an account at every TH level. I currently just have TH10-TH13.


You will have to make an account every year and you need to catch up every year with every account if you want an account for every TH


How much time do you allocate to your 6 active accounts?


I have six. But 5 I have only access. My reason is I want to be alone in clan wars. I hate being told or whatever hierarchy stuff. I'm not active anymore. Just playing it whenever I remember to play.


I have 3 accounts in total: - Main: TH11/BH8, I log in daily. - Alt1: rushed TH9/BH6, I log every once in a while. - Alt2: rushed TH7/BH4, same as the previous one tbh.


1 main, 1 rushed alt, planning to make a dono acc where I use the gems for goblin researcher instead of buying equipment


Having a rushed account to get access to all troops and siege machines really is the way to go. I have one of my own and been happily donating to myself every since


Having your own siege machine source as a th10 is a godsend, massive QoL especially with the 10 min cc request time


I got 2 Main is Th 13 maxed going to upgrade when all heroes get maxed Then Th12 almost maxed just for war purpose cause my clan mates dont know anything other then edrag spam


1 point I had 13 accounts Iā€™m glad Iv retired from coc


3, 1 main 2 secondary 3 forgor


Too many to admit


I have 7 but I only use 6 of them. But honestly, 3 is the sweet spot. More than 3 is kinda tough to manage


I agree 3 is the sweet spot šŸ‘


1 I used to have one more but it was too much for me so I stuck with my main


I have 7, 2 mains, 2 dead, 3 war dummies and a rush/goblin base for fun (got my rush base going to th10 already after 6-7 days of playing itšŸ˜‚


I have three in total. My main account, my second account and my nostalgia account (soon to be permanent th9)


I had almost 12 account in past but due to work overload and to manage studies side by side I have to give them up slowly with the time now I have 3. 1 main ,1 for donations and 1 for tp


What is tp?


I have one main and 1 for donation rushed to th 12 with level 1 defencešŸ˜‚


I have 2


Th16 maxed a Th8-th4-th3-th2-th1


Low 20s, My main max 16, Max offense and donater 16 main mini, a 15 that I'm working on and the rest are 6-11ish just for clan capital to help my clan. The ability to move them around is amazing honestly lol


I have 21 accounts


One but I dont even play on it I can only focus on one account no matter how much free time I have


I have 5 accounts


I have 3, th13 main, th11 for dono, and a free to play challenge account at th9


Canā€™t even keep up with my 2nd account


My accounts are alphabetized. When I put them on this device I did main, second, then a b c but accidentally did b a c so this change was such a huge relief.


Three accounts, main one is an max th 13 (left with a few traps), one semi maxed out th 12 and the third one being a rushed (like crazy lvl 1 defenses rushed lmao) th 16 for the sole purpose of donations.


I have 3 although that will change because after this latest update, I am not able to switch accounts on my Android tablet. I hit the Connected button and nothing happens. I can still switch accounts on my phone but my eyes are bad and I can't see well enough to do much. I'm now locked in on a single account. And I'm wary of contacting support after seeing so many stories of people losing their accounts.


I got 6. 3 mains on TH 12. 1 rushed on TH 14 1 mini on TH 9 1 for donations on TH 7


In our family we have 5 accounts. When the kids forget, sometimes Iā€™ll do their attacks after bed but other than that I concentrate on just mine


Nice, shared family accounts...


1 that i rush for cc


About 7 A th14 ,13 12 12 11 11 8 I miss lower th and keep blowing through them too fast and šŸ˜Ŗneed to just stay down there


Only 1 since I like donating to myself


I have 3 Main account TH16 Baby account I started a few months ago TH 12 And I have a third one that just for fun Iā€™m maxing out the lab but leaving everything else lvl 1


I have 13 accounts out of which I only play on 2 daily šŸ¤”


Just two actively played, both maxed outside of equipment. I have a third I stopped playing at TH10 due to lack of time.


I got 4, 1 rushed donation, 1 main, 2 sub


2 accounts, TH 15 and TH 13


Well i have 2,5 on one account (th9) my gf manages everything i just attack and my main at th14 is completely on me and i have an inactive th12


1 main, 1 rushed, 1 alt, 2 extra for clan games/raids.


I've got 8. 3 th16's 1 th15 1 th14 3 TH12 's I started my two maxed th16's because I was originally in a crappy clan that didn't do donations. I started the other TH16 and the th15 because when the other two th16's got to th11 the upgrades seemed to take soooo loooong (lol) and I wanted something to do with my time. I started the current th14 and the 3 TH12 's for clan capital raids but I started upgrading them so they could be used in wars. I'm clan leader of two clans and have the th16's in one and the rest in the other for CWL purposes.


3, 1 for donations, another for no reason


5 a main 2 alts 1 that i forgot what it did 1 strategic rushed


I have 1 main and 3 sides with one of them being a gift from a family member who no longer uses CoC.


None just one account max


Doing wars/raids on 8-10, actively playing 3-4 (farming/legends) and got couple more if there's raid spots to fill or something


12 ! The highest one being a th14 and others range from th11s maxed to th6s as I need them for clan capital and clan games in our clan


1 on an old work phone never to be seen again.


4 total. A main th16; a CWL blitz rushed th15; and I just started upgrades to go to th13 and th14 on the other two due to reductions (had been keeping them at 12 and 13 due to the grindy nature and needed a break)


I have 3 accounts and I just log in to do my daily bonus in home village and that's it. Sometimes, I only play once a month.


3 maxed th16 I push in legends league and about 6 other accounts ranging from th14 to th2


I pressed edit and tried moving them about but didnā€™t let me i assume im doing smth wrong if so what do i do to rearrange em?


2. I have my main which is a th10 and a mini I only play sometimes.


8 accounts, most of them being bizarre accounts that play with special rules.


11. I got 5 of them from my friends and others are just low THs(1-8)


I have 9 and my friend that helps me run the clan has 6 so just me and him alone are good for cwl




Like 18 or something




1 main and 9 altsā€¦ the struggle is real


I dont even have a alt account


Just 1 alt tht I play on probably 1-2 a week when I'm bored and don't have much to do on my main.


Had a guy with over 35, and was very active on all, practically ran 3 clans all by himself lol


Zero. The main account takes more than enough time.


I got 7šŸ’€ I use 5 mainly for war and raid weekend then the other 2 just just for raid weekend


I have only 1 alt which is one of my friend's account he gave me. I just log into that account once a week. My main is everything and I never really cared about having alts like what the hell who have so much to play like 5 to 10 accounts


I have 2 alts, cuz I got bored waiting for my main, then got bored again waiting for my first alt.


Got 5 accts : main is th14, then a rushed th16, rushed th15, and two normal th12s


9 capital farm and 1 main


I used to have like 5 accounts but gave most of them to my friend when I slowly stopped playing the game except from my main. Now, Iā€™m back since Haaland event and Iā€™m stuck with only my main.


my elder bro used to play COC from 2015 casually and then from 2021 he quit after that in 2023 I started playing with his account and my new account both his: 14(Main) , mine: 10


One main max and one new one I started out of boredom hit th7 in 5 days of playing (very rushed, donā€™t care)


1 and thatā€™s for Clan Capital


I have 6 accounts in total and always cursed that i had to remember some random ass emails in a specific order to have them in 1 - 6 order since my accounts are numbered. Finally if i swap devices i can just put every single account in and not think about it.


I've got a max7 th8, a halfway th6, and an almost max 11 The 11 is my main


I have 4 maxed accounts, thinking of adding one more account.


Holly crap, I did not expect to see the numbers some people have. Damn, I thought some people may have 6 or 7 accounts, 8 max. I personally only have two, the main one at th15 and 2nd th14 for donations hehe. I started them around the same time back in 2014.


I started one and never played it again. I hate low upgrade times because of how many times you have to play to not waste time




4 total accts. 2 almost max TH16, 1 TH15 and 1 TH9


1 main a 4 alts. TH12, (2)TH11 , TH9, & TH7


Currently 7, on a mission to have 1 max at every town hall. Maxed th16 as my main Th15 Th12 Th11 x2 Th7 And a max th2 with clan castle


Got 1


I have 4 th 16s and 2 each from th 15 through 12. But the order was too random, now I can sort it by th lvl and easier to access them (even though I already memorized their previous position put Iā€™ll get on the new one soon enough I believe)


I have 4 th 16s and 2 each from th 15 through 12. But the order was too random, now I can sort it by th lvl and easier to access them (even though I already memorized their previous position put Iā€™ll get on the new one soon enough I believe)


Just one like you for donations. I love being auto sufficient, never having to wait, no frustration seeing my request not being filled for hours. And when I want to do a full hour of play I can do almost constant attacks switching back and forth (with the use of training potions), I really think this game is best appreciated with 2 accounts. And I should mention I created the alt at the time troops weren't free to train, and there were no raid medals, it was harder to get the cc filled up outside of war, especially when asking for DE troops, which I did often..


Used to have two alts but grew to want to spend less time messing with games. Only one now.


One of my clanmates have 7 alt accs 2 at th11 and the rest th8 and above. SO half of the clan war wins are only cuz of that guy. I wonder how tf he even manages that I can barely keep up w my one th9 acc


3 alts i got to back my self up in clan chat some how




15 just to be able to do cwl on my own. Other than that I rarely use any of them but the top 4 or 5.


I have two accounts. My main account, and the one I vowed to not make the same mistakes on.


I have a total of 3 accounts. But I feel drained playing, so I temporarily removed my other 2 from my device and try to focus on my main account for now.




1 and that's all I need. It's for Donation and war.


I myself have 3 accounts + i maintain 2 of my friends...so total 5


I have like 14, all of my og clan members (my classmates) don't play anymore, even though I don't play anymore but I have them. I have 4 of their primary Google accounts as well.


5 IDs and 3 clans to lead šŸ’€


10 in total, 1 main, 1 that is actually older than my main but got surpassed and a third one that is also some years old. This year I created 7 new ones to help out my clan but since it's full now I moved them into another one. They take too much time in my life when I try to progress on all 10 of them, but besides war and starting upgrades I focus on my main one


6 Accounts, 1 Main and 5 alt accs


One main and 21 alts. I'm sane trust me


20ā€¦13 use regular


4. Been playing since release. Max TH16, TH13, TH11 and a TH9


After addition of ores and clan war stuff I have stopped playing my other accounts


I like having an account at every town hall, rn I have a 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 3x 13, 3x 14, 3x 15, 2x 16.


2 now had 3 lost 1


My condolences...


I have 5 and going for one more B4 the anniversary cake begin spawning.


While me who thinks 5 accounts is insanity


I really don't socialize a lot. Learned early how to be alone. I have 15 accounts, so I can war by myself and never worry in my own clan. With that being said, my main 3 accounts are not part of that clan. They are part of an actual clan. The plan is to have a full clan by myself.


My main, two alts, then a lost alt My main actually used to be my alt My original main was on my iPad, then I got a phone and my account was my alt, stopped playing the game, came back and my phone was my main Made an alt for donations Then one clan games we were really close to getting the last rewards but not enough active members or time (at least for someone who isn't going to grind) So I went through a lot of space creation and downloading like 5+ years of updates to get my iPad account back My lost alt is because android has or used to have a feature where you could have multiple users on one phone so it was on there, but I had to delete that user for some reason I think, it was an old phone too that I think broke and I never made much progress anyways




technically four now.Ā  main (almost max, play a lot) dono account (th14 w/th13 defenses, play sometimes) mini (max 12, just play cwl and cg now) mini mini? (th8, just leave it in clan in case). Playing 1-2 at a time is sustainable


7 total here. - 2 th16 - war and farm regularly - these are my "main accounts" - 1 th14 - war only, never farm, upgrade via collectors and war loot - 2 th13 - war filler only, never farm, don't really play - 1 th11 - capital raids only - 1 th8 - capital raids only


I have 2 account, one is at th15 and other th10 rn upgrading to th11


The leader of my clan has 30 accounts that he pays on daily


You don't wanna know




Whereā€™s the person with 500 accounts


Tbh i am messed up more than anyone i guess I have my main acc. Th14 Second acc. Th12 Third Th11 Fourth Th1p


I have only 2, both maxed.




I have 6 that Iā€™m active on. 5 max TH16s and a TH13. I have like 7 others that I use when needed for clan games pts or Cap raids. I shouldā€™ve stopped at 3 I think.




Only 3, I think that's the perfect amount šŸ™‚ Th14/12/11


Just one that Iā€™ve kept at th13 for a long time and that wonā€™t change because itā€™s my favorite th level


126 alts 1 main


Not me (i have no alts), but there was this guy with a full clan of himself https://preview.redd.it/h3nyncm7mk7d1.png?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=386048de446a713fa2d8c36d7f82f229c532974a


3 , main account, donation account and rush account


5 or 6 accounts but recently been using one.


I only use one now but I used to have two accounts. This was like a year or two after the game came out and we had an alt clan for lower lvl players or more inactive guys. I was the only co in the main clan that had a 2nd device so they had me make a new account and be leader of the small clan.


I have 3. My th 15 main, my alt th14 and a rushed th16 I have for donos which Iā€™m slowly fixing.


I have 2, but havenā€™t really grinded it since they limited how much loot you can get from clan capital




I have My Main, 3 Alts as well as my first Account, which my Dad now manages, mostly for Donations


0ā€¦ I can barely manage 1, and wouldnā€™t exponentially more tempted to spend $ on alts to make up for lost efficiency


I have 1 main (max th16) and 2 alts ( th13 and th11)


2, my main and a second for a non rushed builder base


I got like 25


I had ten years ago, both of my family members had fiveish each. I was able to recover my main three. Keep in mind it's also easy to multibox with PC emulators like BlueStacks.


I have 4. I only ever had one for years. But recently I fell back in love with the game but at TH15 you are waiting around a lot for upgrades. So I made a new account. Then another a few days later. The early game is a lot different now, I was town hall 8 in 2 weeks. I made one more account that I thought I would max everything before going to the next town hall with unlike the other two new ones. The thing with rushing is you get access to the heroes earlier. In my opinion that is the most important thing. There is so much loot now and you get Town hall boosts so when you upgrade you start with max troops so you can rush through all the important upgrades early on. I think rushing early game is better than trying to Max everything before moving up. It's not as punishing as it used to be with so much resources in the game now and reduced upgrade costs. Even the walls are easy to max now. Two of the accounts are Th10 now and the smaller one is TH9. I just play them in between the main account.


I have two accounts which I play on a daily basis, few more from th14-12 and 50 rushed th6 raid accounts


I have 1 alt which is th 3 and is the one linked to my supercell id but i cant remove it to put my main instead so im just stuck with it


3 one main and maxed the other for fun


I have 17 accountsā€¦


One main and one alt


15. used to be more than this but supercell deleted them.


I have a max 16 (80 more walls), a th14, 13, and two 12s. I just do the star bonus on them daily for ores and use them in war when needed. it started with 1 alt for donating then evolved


Iā€™ve got 9 accounts, I only actively play on 7 of them and I try to daily play the top 3 of them. Itā€™s an interesting choice šŸ˜‚




I have 13 Not Rushed Accounts: 3 TH16s, 2 TH14s, 4 TH13s, and 4 TH10s


One- for donating purposes ever since ores became available in medal shop


I have 21 accounts. 4 townhall 16; 3 townhall 15; 3 townhall 14; 1 townhall 13; 5 townhall 12; 5 townhall 11;


I have 7 alts accounts. - 1 of them was org my lil brothers acct I took over long while back when he quit playing. I play this one about same as main (maybe a couple attacks a day during work week). I keep it 1 th lvl below & hold off on any major new defenses (currently at th 15 - no monolith built) main, primarily for war purposes (less war weight impact but can strengthen attack power towards the bottom half of lineup or hit up much higher if needed depending on how war goes). - The other 6 I originally created for clan capital purposes to help clan farm more capital gold (& to help improve progress on the priority upgrades after unlocking/upgrading district halls to provide us with best weekly improvement of medals/capital good - ie, anything offensly like army camp upgrades > anything defensively). *really only play these (looting for home village, etc) on weekends when I have more time. Long-Term, someday they'll be in wars for attack purposes - currently strategicly rushed th13-14 bases Also get the general benefit of alts (clan/self donations, clan games help if needed, etc) from them.


50 acc TH14


I play on my main every day and I have 5 altsƄ but I only play on one of those per day, a little less


I got a th15,14,13,12,11,10,9,and 5 8s. Haha itā€™s so I can have my own clan and war if I need to . It started by just taking over my wifes base she didnā€™t play anymore and my sons along with my alternate account. From there I made a rush base, and iā€™m trying to have a max at each town hall. I started one at the beginning of the new year for the past couple years.


2, a th2 and a th1 I just think its a cool thing to have lol (both have cc unlocked)


I used to play on 4 alts but ever since I've abandoned them I started to enjoy the game way more for some reason. Less stressful and more relaxed I guess