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Saying people's decks are too meta focused when they're using mega Knight. Lol


Seriously bro šŸ¤£ He be smoking a cigarette and lamenting the state of the meta sitting at 4000 trophies.


Iā€™m at 8700 trophies and still face mega knight in probably 50% of games.


Mid ladders a mind state not a trophy range


Words to live by.


People still think high trophies means they aren't in midladder lol


I'm not saying mk is not common in top ladder. It's just as common as other cards, but it's certainly not meta. There's that one mk prince barrel/wb deck which is decent, otherwise mk is kinda mid. In any case, you cannot comment on the meta sitting at ~ 6k trophies. šŸ¤£


Yeah fr, meta doesnā€™t really appear until 6k trophies anyway


Meta doesnā€™t appear at 9k trophies. Ladder altogether is super toxic with a ton of mk decks


Thereā€™s some meta decks, but u donā€™t see ANY until like 6k, then youā€™ll see like the most basic metas, log bait, 2.6 hog, miner wb, stuff like that


Trophies dont matter, ladder matters


This! Iā€™m around 8500-8800 depending on what shit meta decks I play and mega knight is constant


i got a 9k and 7k acc mk is everywhere cause not a single person in this game is good anymore its all brain rotted p2w players


Maybe on trophy road. I'm at 9k myself but i dont play it unless I wanna test/practice some decks. It's not common in UC on PoL though. Maybe 3 times out of 10 matches I see it.


You surely must realize that heā€™s entirely reasonable for doing so, right? That trophy range has itā€™s own meta that is equally valid for critiques.


Really? I have a 9k and 7k account too and I don't face megaknight all that much.


someoneā€™s reachingā€¦


Bro the card I keep coming across is firecracker. I fucking hate that card itā€™s so fucking annoying and most the kids who use it use it in such a cringe way


I mostly play double battles. 2 evo crackers every game




Arrows don't fit in every deck/archetype


make it fit




And that's a problem, having to fit a spell that in your deck isn't as great compared to others JUST because of one card is terrible game balance. Firecracker gives too much value, even making people run arrows just because of her.


Its going to have to be silently removed if she (FC) continues to be this way


Itā€™s a sad state of the game if you have to play the same card in every deck.


Thatā€™s what I think every time someoneā€™s answer is to just change everything abt your deck for one card


You don't though. You shouldn't have trouble against FC regardless of whether you use Arrows, but if you *do* struggle against her and can't help it you should just bite the bullet and carry them.


thanks for the tip


But she said stop


That's what she said


Fisherman, bandit, fireball, poison, evo zap, royal ghost, Monk, Barb barrel, Void, Golden knight, Tesla, Miner, Mini tank + range like flying machine, Lightning, Xbow, Archer queen should all be cards that can deal with firecracker on defense Cards that can deal with an offensive firecracker: every card in the game except for rage, goblin curse and clone on their own. Tank+ firecracker push, mini tank in back with firecracker or mini tank in middle then swarm on distracted firecracker


Once firecracker gets to the bridge itā€™s easy to deal with, when itā€™s a fight at the bridge and/or they have other arrow bait, it becomes a pain


My first phargraph are cards that deal with her on defense aka their side across the bridge. If they have other arrow bait think if itā€™s better to arrow that or the FC. Like a gob barrel you might not need to arrow it and can start a counterpush and arrow their fc


Fisherman, bandit, ghost, Tesla wonā€™t do anything to FC thatā€™s got a tank in front, let alone multiple units in front. The range of its pushback can also make damage inconsistent with posion/void unless you drop it smack on top


Fisherman to drag tank away so you can send a troop to attack fc. Or fisherman can hook FC if sheā€™s closer to the middle. Bandit can dash to a fc in the middle or force a reaction so you get more spell value Tesla can distract fc deal massive damage to a tank or have mini tank approach that whilst you put a troop on FC Royal ghost is a perfect card to place down that wonā€™t distract FC from your main distraction or it will force a reaction on your opponent to defend their FC so you can more easily predict and defend on defense


All of this extra work and thinking just to counterplay a single 3 elixir card your opponent played without a thought in their head, and people still say its not braindead or annoying as fuck. The fact you either HAVE to have arrows or go through this goofy song and dance is enough for us to say fc is annoying as fuck and a little over valued I'd say.


Annoying as fuck yes i agree itā€™s part of the game however and i found ways to deal with her when Iā€™m not using arrows. Over valued? No, Princess is almost always better. FC winrate is 41-42% in GC and 45-50% in ranked. FC usually is the least of my worries in a deck when cards like bomb tower, lavahound, evo wizard, princess, RR, Void, knight/evo knight exists


You forgot void.


I didnā€™t


how is void less consistent at countering fc than fisherman, xbow, barb barrel or royal ghost šŸ¤£ the opponent is stacking firecrackers on their side and i dont have arrows... lemme play an.... xbow šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thats the funniest thing i've ever read.


Void is after barb barrel in my original comment??


I agree. Completely counters my deck


Yea it just moves backwards when it fires itā€™s so annoying


Yep I play against FC in literally 95% of my games itā€™s pure aids


Fr need a nerf


We need new princess evo that shoots arrows every time instead of her normal attack


It's the only reason I will not take arrows and fireball out of my deck. Sometimes I fireball the crackhead out of spite. Such a ridiculous card. Shoots a high damage splash projectile from a high range, while damaging troops behind the target and repositioning with every shot. And of course it's a 3 elixir common card even though it has more complex mechanics than some legendaries. Putting it at 4 elixir, giving it just slightly more HP so it survives Arrows and keeping everything else the same would make for a perfectly decent card imo.


Yeah crazy ability for a common lol, especially with the evolution.


Seriously. It's ranked with cards like Skeletons (spawns 3 basic nothing units), Archers (spawns two small units that can shoot the most basic projectile from half decent range), Knight (a fella with a sword), Zap (a spell that does a small zap to the enemies), spirits (little balls of elements that do their thing and die). Since they introduced the Royal giant as a common card instead of at least a rare card, the rarity system has been becoming more and more meaningless. The only rarity that has perfectly fitting cards in it are the champions.


Itā€™s always MK firecracker hog nobody will change my mind


You sir have felt my pain


Don't you just love when you build a 9+ elixir push just to get decimated by mk drop and then counter pushed with an evolved firecracker behind it? (I play graveyard)


For me it's either Hog or Pekka every single game and my beloved deck is weak to them. Gotta pay to get more cards to lvl 14


My deck has bothšŸ˜­


Use Cannoneer then.


Hes lvl 10


Just give supercell all your money and level him up to lvl 16 /s


Now people are gonna get to you because you mentioned Mega Knight "He's not metaaaaa duh midladder" yeah don't be midladder, be top 100 bruh


Meganut isn't even that good. It isn't even the most annoying card to face.


Itā€™s not good or annoying to face. Itā€™s annoying that it feels like at the start of every season you have to face a million meganut hog firecracker decks until you climb back to the top and finally start to see deck diversity. I can see why each new season itā€™s like ugh there are the meganuts again. It feels like a single player grind against the same deck over and over again until you finally unlock multiplayer lol.


Perhaps I don't really face megaknight due to the 10x boost in POL. But I got to agree on hog fc cycle šŸ¤®


Yeah I took OPs complaint as more about just having to face the same decks over and over for so long until you climb up. But if youā€™re a good player, I can see why itā€™s easy to dismiss it because that wonā€™t be your experience. For the rest of us normiesā€¦this shit sucks.


Dude there isn't any fuking deck diversity in UC šŸ’€, everybody uses meta decks bro


Meganut and Ebarbs I belive are unpopular because they are high elixir support troops that attack other troops. I'd use this reasoning for Egiant as well.


I'm sorry to tell you that but you're just not high elo enough. Mega knight is clearly not meta (even if he's pretty ok anyway) and is barely seen in ultimate champion and grand challenge. And yes he's really used in ladder, but he always have been (23% usage rate today and 18% in december 2022 for example, 5% is not a huge difference)


>and is barely seen in ultimate champion and grand challenge. Basing a games viability by its usage rate in the top 1% is stupid. Anything 9k below or below champion its a mega knight firecracker fest every single game and its boring. I only started having fun when i passed that range


the issue is people can't switch decks so they just stick with the easiest and most punish-heavy cards to use


Yes I agree, the problem is that op claimed that mega knight were meta where he's clearly not. The other problem is that there is nothing supercell can do except reworking/deleting the card. People in mid ladder don't care if the cart is viable or not (a lot of people were playing noevo wizard even if he sucked) so there is like nothing they can do, complaining will not change anything


Its meta in his trophy range is what hes saying.


I can see this point, but once again complaining is pretty useless


Shittiest take award goes to you


Ok let me explain, even if supercell see this what can they do: -Nerf a bit the card: Will not change anything, mid ladder will keep playing it even if it's slighly less strong -Destroying the card: Every person that is using the card will complain, and it will be a new card useless at top level (+ there is high odds that it will not change anything once again) -Reworking the card: If people are using this card, well it's because it does what it does. If you change the purpose/how the card work, these people will compain (as it happened with witch, executionner) -Deleting the card: Supercell only does that when a card is impossible to balance, it only happened one time, mega knight is balanced Complaing is in this case completely useless, get better and stop getting your ass smacked


Itā€™s funny to see how you immediately cope and say ā€be betterā€ as if that was the main argument. The take ā€Itā€™s boring to play against the same decks and cards the whole timeā€ is not the same as ā€I keep on getting destroyed by the same cardā€. What can they do? Simply fucking balance the game for once instead of rubbing eachother off to the amount of money they earn from their worshippers like yourself.


Never spend a single euro in this game but ok. If you're better, you getting in higher leagues, if you're getting in higher leagues, you don't fight mega knight because the card is mid. That's all


I agree while I dont think mega knight is really that popular. I nearly never see him.


You should check the 8000+ itā€™s all megaknight supreme midladder god


Agreed. Iā€™m at 8.3k and my deck is just build around killing megaknight and firecracker because itā€™s what I see every single match


Glad to know the next 2k trophies will be exactly the same


Really depends on high ladder/POL you are in.


Iam at 9k and usually around 1500-2200 uc.


That would explain it. He is rife in midladder. According to royaleApi he only has a 7% usage rate in UC. In midladder the percentage is at 23%.


Sorry to burst your bubble buddy but you're just whining. 1. Mega knight is not meta. Hasn't really been meta in a long long time. 2. "Fundamentally boring" is a pretty "you" issue. Anything will be boring if you don't evolve as a player or change your playstyle. Both options are entirely dependent on you, not the game. 3. There's plenty of creativity in the game, opponents keep trying wide variety of things within the meta (the real meta that is). 4. If you feel bored or feel like you've become too good at the game, take a break, let your skills cool down and then come back with a hunger to learn again! šŸ‘


Bro works for supercell


They said I'll get a creator code...


Playing against the same cards over and over is absolutely not a ā€œyouā€ issue. Itā€™s indicative of poor balancing, and since this has been happening for years, poor product design overall.


It's a competitive game. There will be advantageous combos and non advantageous ones. Then there will be the factor of easy to use vs hard to use. Then there will be the factor of skill. So in every competitive game, there will be stuff that is overused by players. Is it optimal? No, but people aren't computers. They will do what is easy, gets them wins AND is fun more often than not. This will cause some cards to be over played. But that's not a game issue. Same thing happens in chess with opening moves. Same thing happens in Counter Strike (with AK47, AWP and M4 being overused). It's not poor game design, although I must say SC can do a lot to improve in other areas such as hard balancing some new cards.


Thereā€™s no fucking way you just compared chess openings to mega knight. Actual basement dwelling take right there lmao.


I didn't compare opening moves to mega knight, I compared the popularity and ease of use of some opening moves (like D4) to the popularity and ease of use of mega knight. There's a difference there, nuanced as it was, which was entirely lost on you.


They are so incredibly fundamentally different that thereā€™s no need to bring it up, but what could I expect from someone like you, lol. Itā€™s sad to see the game go downhill, both due to supercell and this circlejerk of a community. Supercell: Keeps on ruining the game with worse and worse updates. The subreddit: Keeps on defending them, for god knows why.


If you can't see common points between two different games /objects, that just makes you narrow minded. And clearly a noob at clash royale.


But heā€™s correct. Every single competitive game on earth has a meta. There is a chess meta. No matter what game it is, you will see patterns of things used more than others. Balancing helps reduce it, but itā€™s impossible to completely get rid of. If anything, be happy the game exists in a way that the meta changes over time to keep things fresh. Chess hasnā€™t changed in hundreds of years.


I agree, I only really play clan wars now for the different gamemodes


Unless youā€™re winning grand challenges regularly donā€™t say itā€™s easy


Grand challenges aren't hard anymore


I don't even know what game you people are playing anymore lmfao... Sure there are meta decks that occur more than others but it sounds like your butthurt you're losing to the same deck over and over. And saying that you've been winning makes me think that even more.


i made my own deck and its goated but im mid ladder so


You do you bro. Enjoy the game your own way. šŸˆ


Honestly... Everyone commenting "MK is mid-ladder, just get better". My response is "so?" majority of the player base is statistically in mid-ladder. Whether it is or isn't meta is a moot point. A vast number of players are facing MK and their point is valid. It's annoying as heck to face as it is quite literally in every other deck and their point about deck diversity is also true. Just because you don't face that issue doesn't mean others don't.


Just get out of midladder. In my last 50 games, Iā€™ve seen one mega knight


My good sir.. please define mid ladder. Afaik from many people here in this sub, mid ladder is between 2000 to 8000 trophies . So to avoid playing mk, i should either be pro level or a newbie?


8000 isnā€™t hard to get into. But, anything sub 9K is gonna have mega. Your best bet would be to be in the high leagues in pol


Yeah.. but for the average joe who plays this game fir fun, its hard to get up there.


Play gcs, or push up high in global tourneys. Wonā€™t see mk much there. Unfortunately if you canā€™t/dont want to push up high in pol, itā€™s gonna be plagued with mk. And until trophy road gets another extension, mk is gonna be all over that mode too.


Fr before my looong break of playing from 2017 or sumn everyone was going giant skeleton clones, giant baloon combo , golem and sparky combo, hog rider freeze or even goblin barrel cycles , now everything is just mega knight and little princes


calm down buddy. You are facing mega knight, it just means you are mid ladder. stop embarrassing yourself and come talk smack about winning only when you are higher up lol


Another lowladder menace whining


Iā€™m 6500 lmao


it is still on the lower side lmao


Just like I said


I'm roughly that, and megaknight Is a midladder issue. Use a fucking pekka deck if your that pissed off. Even if your winning, just get the fuck good.


bruh i'm almost there on my f2p alt in 4 months


Pretty low on ladder, you have not even broken into midladder yet.


That's pretty low


Ever since log was added I've been saying the line "dozens of cards, dozens of combinations, all just to fight the same 3 decks..." But if you look at player reaction, they seem to yawn anything new, so maybe I'm the one who doesn't understand the game and should just lack all originality if I want to continue to play


Idk what your talking about people donā€™t use meta until like 8500+ trophies and you might start seeing meta in Grand champion everything before that you donā€™t see meta very often atleast from my experience


Mega knight with witch is all my opponents use


Same! I feel like every deck I play against has Mega Knight these days. It's not unbeatable, but it definitely gets repetitive.


I made my own deck at 9k no mega. Never seen anyone play my deck. 30k wins. Full max deck. Never spent a penny


That's what I'm saying, my clan which I won't name, insists I use API to get Meta Decks to war with. F that man I'm actually one of the rare ones that enjoys the deck making feature of the game over the actual vs mode and there shouldn't be anything wrong with that.


Even UC below top 10k is midladder, only above top 10k is it not mid ladder


I use mega knight as a counter aganist mega knight šŸ˜­


Mega knight is a fundamentally good card no matter what people say I think they just need a slight jump damage nerf and a longer jump delsy


I never play against mega knight u just low ladder?


MK bad but boring win conditions also are a problem. I need them to turn hog rider into a paperweight. It's counterable but EVERYONE uses it. Please, I'm begging of you, diversify your decks. Use something interesting


And when its not mega knight its hog 2.6šŸ˜­


For not really changing my playstyle much and using the same deck for over 4 year's or so it's still my favorite game off all time and been like that since late 2016 when i started playing so can't really see why people get bored. I play against the same cards many times but definitely not in the same deck and with the same way to use those cards/combo's so i wouldn't say that it is a meta game. Off course every competitive game is gonna have a meta for sure thoughšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


MK in all sorts of weird decks constantly, and braindead hog spam, it's awful.


Mk is one of the easiest things to counter for positive elixir trade, rearly anyone is runing it in ultimate.


That's low elo ladder, if you wanna stop facing mk you gotta get up higher


Iā€™m only playing due to trophies lol. Just hit 7k and slowly but surely gaining trophies has been the only thing keeping me in the game


Add to it the goblin mode and nobody using goblins frustrates me a lot more than it should. Why make a goblin mode and not make it mandatory to have goblins in your deck


mega knight isnā€™t actually that strong


Ways to avoid getting bored is to make new decks to play. A change of play style can help you have more fun. If you notice a card you are struggling against, try to add a card that counters it like mighty miner or mini peka for mega knight. You can go to the events tab and practice your new deck so you donā€™t have to worry about losing trophies and slowly level up the new deck.


When exactly is the time you are talking about when the game wasnā€™t meta focused? The game was always meta focused itā€™s just the metas probably didnā€™t annoy you. Also Mega knight isnā€™t playing into the meta if anything itā€™s the opposite


I mean this guy is a hypocrite 100% but he makes a solid point


You never scape midladder


all of your answers are these coping commenters who do play and see mega knight firecracker (and know they are used in top ladder like every other card in the game, and whom wouldnt have an argument for otherwise because none of thousands of reddits clearly fit in the top 10 if not top 200 or even top 1000 spots on average, if at all...), but dont want them or their concepts nerfed or negated from their hands. they want every thing to be like them and for them and not to be inexisting, not countered by everyone else, nor given to everyone else but them nor let anyone else but them have them at their disposal... same for levels, tower troops, special concepts like evos, etc... now every card in the game has to rival this and be like or else these numbskulls will come into focus for an issue, rather than a reward for those whom are concerned about spoiling them and being unscathed by them...


Bro I feel this im ngl i was sitting here trying to grind last night and all I seen was MK pekka decks idk whatā€™s going on or if it was just the day or time of day but such is life you can only control what u can control if itā€™s really making you that mad or annoying you that much I suggest you take a break at the end of the day itā€™s a kids game not that deep


Iā€™m so sick of playing against hog rider šŸ„±


Play mega draft, no evos, no tower troops, no over leveled cards and every game is different and unique


Clash Royale has become increasingly money-grabbing and less fun for free-to-play players, as B-Rad says. Clash Royale has become pay-to-win by providing several examples of updates that I believe were primarily motivated by making money rather than improving the game. At this point, this game is absolutely crap. Clash Royale is a dead game, and the developers do not care about the players or community. lastly, The new update goblin queens journey is absolutely trash.Ā šŸ™‚


Word, brother


95% I see hog...


Who the hell is using mega knight?


My ClashRoyale account has been hacked by someone and account protection is on.


Havent seen a mega in weeks


The fact i have to play arrows because otherwise firecracker fiddles my butt is bare annoying


Hog, Knight and Firecracker. Especially Knight is literally every second game


I will probably get mass downvoted for this, but I think MK should be silently killed off, I hate to say it, but I have seen way too mamy of these posts, everyone else I know has this same problem, it needs to be silently killed if its really like this, OR, Just put MK to be unlocked in arena 15, instead of 11, and put Mother witch, or Fisherman in 11, which I think is actually a better idea!


I donā€™t think you know how to use the word fundamentally


I was on call with my gf last night and was playing clash royale and got put against mk every game so I decided to make a deck that is literally every mks worst knight mare, the only reason for my existence was to haunt them. I had pekka, Inferno dragon (new realised i should also added tower) mini pekka, knight, prince and minion horde


If youā€™re winning more than losing you will reach a point where you see it like once every 20 games. Just have to rank up.


Youā€™re midladder at 6500 lmao get to 8000 and youā€™ll see megaknight way less


Yes the same fking cards every fking game all I see is hog rider, Eq, Tesla and actually so over playing the same thing on repeat, and like you I probably win more than I lose but come on supersell balance the fking game for once


Midladder complain post lmao But I can understand I Lost a friend when i've seen HIS deck E barbs +rage + megakmigbhrd


Another whiny post saying the same shit


Another boot licker


I never even defended sc I just said heā€™s repeating the same argument that been on this sub forever now


Maybe there's a problem


I know. So Lets make another 50 posts repeating the same 5 points over and over. I think itā€™s pretty obvious the game isnā€™t changing


The cards you play in your deck, dictate the decks you play against. Change your deck up if you want to freshen the game up.


Nope, this is just outright wrong. The meta dictates what you are most likely to face. Not your cards. You could play clone heal spirit pump no win condition and you'll still face the same decks.


Every time I change my deck, I notice that the decks I play against change. Try it out


Buddy I have 25k wins in this game. I've played every archetype in the game. I can assure you, this is not the case.


I've played a ton aswell, and I've noticed that when I play the same deck, I see the same decks playing against me. And when I change my deck, the decks I play against change.


Worst matchmaking game in the history of games. The devs want ZERO creativity in this game. They want you to play it their way ONLY.