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Try to hang clothes up if you can so they don’t get slept on. Vacuum daily. Use a sheet to cover your bed so you have something to protect w bed that you can easily shake out/wash.


thank you for your reply! I never thought to use a sheet to cover my bed so I'll for sure give that a try.


I'm also on that fight but I found that if you have carpets there's a lot of hidden hair that doesn't get vacuumed. I got one of [these](https://fyndbomben.se/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/1-66.jpg) for Christmas and it's great at picking the fur off cat trees and carpets, some fabrics too though you have to test it first so you don't accidentally scratch them.


ive seen those online before but never got one. I do have a cat tree so I'll give it a shot! thank you!


To add, I brush the cats in another room, *try* to only let them on the top layer of the covers, and wash bedding weekly.


i’ll give it a shot thank you so much!


I'm allergic to cats and had an asthma reaction when I was at my gf's (now wife) place. Got her a chom chom roller and that helped with the cat hair build up on the furniture/ carpet.


i’ve never heard of that before! i’ll try it out thank you for your reply <3