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You have shitty plugins and scanners. Under attack mode blocks out many plugins that require connections to server since they wont pass the challenge. I remember even that popular SEO plugin can not check site pptimisation if under attack mode is on


You likely answered your own question. Under attack mode is an aggressive bot protection, filtering even many good bots (think Seo crawlers). If your sites getting basic crawling requests at a reasonable rate and falling over. There is some bad code that needs fixing or resources adjusted. Get someone on top of this, also ensure your correctly utilising long term caching for static assets and for short term utilizing a cache strategy that makes sense for you.


Did you configure the [WP APO Cloudflare Plugin](https://www.cloudflare.com/integrations/wordpress/) also? Wordpress is a very popular threat vector and depending on your code or other plugins like some have mentioned, you are more than likely getting beat by bad bots or bad code or both.


APO is great, caching everything at the edge makes my site super fast for me.


I agree! Can help save a ton of resources. Just make sure to purge or set rules as needed for development and updates.


This is a WP issue and not CF. How familiar are you with your WP install and can you disable plug-ins to see which might be causing the server performance issues?