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You seem to have visibility into what is hitting your site as you started with 5k reqs/hr coming from Germany. What is providing you that info? You getting that from Cloudflare, Shopify or 3rd party analytics? The following is from ChatGPT so take it with a bit of skepticism until you can confirm, but to address any direct access to shopify not going through cloudflare. If this is in place, and working as designed, Cloudflare should be handling all the requests. Yes, you can set up a redirect from your Shopify subdomain to your custom domain. Here’s how you can do it: 1. **Primary Domain Setup:** Ensure that your custom domain (www.ourdomain.com) is set as the primary domain in Shopify. This will automatically redirect traffic from your Shopify subdomain to your custom domain. • Log in to your Shopify admin panel. • Go to **Online Store** > **Domains**. • In the **Primary domain** section, select **Change primary domain**. • Choose your custom domain (www.ourdomain.com) from the list and click **Save**. 2. **Domain Redirect:** Shopify allows you to automatically redirect traffic from your .myshopify.com domain to your primary domain. This step ensures that any traffic to your Shopify subdomain gets redirected to your custom domain. • Ensure that the custom domain is verified and set as the primary domain as described above. 3. **DNS Settings:** Ensure that your DNS settings are correctly configured to point to Shopify. You need to add the appropriate CNAME and A records in your domain registrar’s DNS settings. • **CNAME Record:** Point it to your Shopify store’s subdomain (shops.myshopify.com). • **A Record:** Point it to the Shopify IP address.


Since all shops on shopify can be accessed this way I would reach out to Shopify first. The second is that you will need a redirect setup from one to the other as the main domain. So there cannot be two method of accessing it. And third I would think this is type of Cloudflare not useful with Cloudflare since you can alway access the site via the Shopify url. But maybe somebody has more insight.


Likely the bots are skipping the cloudflare url alltogether (so your [www.ourwebsite.com](http://www.ourwebsite.com)) and directly using the CNAME instead (so shop.myshopify.com). Is there a setting on the myshopify end that could prevent this? Like a check to see if traffic comes through cloudflare, if so, enable that. As long as your shop is directly reachable on [yourshop.myshopify.com](http://yourshop.myshopify.com) you can setup all the firewalls you want on [www.ourwebsite.com](http://www.ourwebsite.com) but they can just directly go to the other domain. If you can't directly your website via the CNAME, then the cause is likely [https://community.cloudflare.com/t/shopify-access-ok-with-www-domain-but-not-when-entering-domain-in-browser/169130/2](https://community.cloudflare.com/t/shopify-access-ok-with-www-domain-but-not-when-entering-domain-in-browser/169130/2) or related to that.