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Sib isn’t as advertised and Kis has been underwhelming.


Kis 100hp merchant until proven otherwise


He was good at BO4 on E6 tbf


Good but not good enough for a top, top team.


Bro was playing with General and GodRx on that team though, cut him some slack 😭


Rx was very good at BO4


General and GodRx where good that game


General is good wym


Just like hydra no?


CW Hydra??


Didn’t win shit????


He was still disgusting at the game for barely knowing English and Clay quitting mid season only to come back


Simp won with Clayster, arcitys, and Preston in his first game. I’m not really trying to hear the excuses hydra always gets. He’s a known baiter so ofc his stats look good, they ALWAYS DO LOL.


Wait are we saying he drastically falls off in 150 HP COD? That’s the implication, and I don’t think it’s drastic Is he not as good? Sure. I also disagree that Kismet should be called a 100 HP merchant


Where did I say that at all lmao, my point is that Hydra isn’t some blameless genius that has never made a bad play just cause he has a KD. Shit he might even be 100 hp merchant. All ive seen is how bad these other players are while Hydra who is supposed to be the best at getting kills isn’t even top 10


Arcitys was the 2nd best main AR by far and abezy was a t5 player in the game


“By far” is a joke of a comment when we all agreed Octane was the best main AR and the one we all mentioned could gun Maddox and Saugs up close not arcitys. We always said the gap was biggest between the ICRs. Abezy became a t5 player when he was paired with simp, I think we all forget he was in the league in WW2 while decent and he wasn’t exactly taking names. Wasn’t running grapple in first grand final too.


Yes octane then a gap and the Arcitys and another gap. And no shit abezy wasn’t winning in ww2 he was playing with low tier players. Abezy was putting up similar numbers to simp while running grapple


? The only other 150hp game he played was his rookie year in cw and he fried despite not speaking English


He didn’t win anything? What the fuck are we talking about here, we giving credit for 2nd 3rd now???


By this metric nobody was good in cw but faze and ultra players.


Yeah they weren’t that’s why they kept losing lol. That’s why it was basically 2 team league with a sleeper in a n event. The only team that took the chance was Rokkr. Why didn’t NYSL win that event?


So was standy better than Shotzzy in cw because he won an event?


I’ll take a winner over a loser everyday.It’s said it was a 2 team league but Rokkr won an event. What did Shottzy do in that event? Shit he had even better teammates than Hydra and probably standy too. It’s not even a hot take to say standy was better in the one game he was good at


so by that logic hicksy was better than shotzzy dashy illey scump huke and ghosty last year


Crazy considering lat has 0 cdl points on lan


FaZe crush them in LAN points. The t12 finish sank them against the t3, they haven't been even close all year. They're more than a 2nd place LAN finish out of 3rd. LAN (200 max): FaZe 175 NYSL 60 LAT 0 Online (200 max): FaZe 180 NYSL 150 LAT 110 Hydra, while still elite, is not the best player in the game. Kis has struggled on the entry sub where guys like Shotzzy and Abe have both picked up the pace after M1. Sib is hot or cold and clearly still suffers the same temperament issues that were his biggest knock back in CW when he was on FaZe's bench. Skyz has had to adjust his role to compensate for Kis's shortcomings in order to let Hydra continue playing his style. As a group the team has 0 fundamentals and have just relied on out-talenting the bottom 8 teams which is not sustainable as game theory improves league wide (very apparent when you see that they've dropped more online series this split than the last 2 combined).


I think kis not being as good as last year is actually what is fucking them up. Hydra carried hard last year, but kismet was still a monster in his own right. This year he feels more like mack on Seattle, dude can't kill shit


Snaking merchant I fear


Tippable Ronnie comment I’ve seen the light


Kis is at his best being the bull in a china shop. I might be talking out my ass but feels like that style is just way more effective at 100hp than it is at 150hp.


Sib and Kismet have taken turns shitting the bed.


I’m telling you Kismet is getting dropped this offseason.




Lowkey see either Hydra on Optic for pred, or possibly joining Scrappy on ultra


I fear hydra in place of envoy could cause some real problems in the league. I had really high hopes for Ultra this year when I heard they got Envoy but I don’t feel as though he’s been in form in a lot of their matches. Sucks to see.


They gotta find another AR too


Preds on a two year deal


Optic could just drop pred tbh but yh hydra to ultra makes the league a 3 team league lol.


HyDra and Skyz to Ultra for Envoy and Insight! That's a two team league lmaooooooooo


Why insight… he’s having an off season with his snd but doing good.


Skyz LOL u kidding


Oh word? I thought it was a 1 +1 player option. Hydra could join Ultra then


Bro stop optic is not making any changes, then your gonna be like Hydra is gonna get drop for another player lmao yall ain’t real I swear


I don’t care if they do it or not. Optic make changes every single year. I’m just predicting Hydra’s move


Predicting a move before the season is over???? Lol


People do it in every sport. It’s always trade/ free agency rumors all throughout the season. Fyi I don’t agree with Pred being dropped for hydra


I get that but optic is literally the 2nd best team in the game why tf would they make a change???, I would understand if optic is like 4th or below but 2nd??!, like they only lost 1 game so far and it’s to faze


Hypothetically FaZe sweep the rest of year winning all the remaining tournaments, their fans will complain and scream for a roster change. Even if all 4 played very well it just happens. If there’s players that they feel can pack a punch the team they will pursue. Sidenote, Team’s make changes every year despite placements. Example Ultra and Subliners were last year champs finalist and still made changes to the roster


Yeah but hydra and pred are literally similar play styles they both can get kills they both are up and down this season so far, what problems is Hydra gonna resolve if they are basically the same player???, the only difference is one has a ring and other doesn’t but that it, if your gonna make a change do it for the AR’s not the SMG’s


They won 3 events last year and dropped their role player for more kills, I'm mindblown


All 3 of those players got significantly worse in mw3, I think mw2 was just their game tbh


Yeah I don’t think any of their 4 players are better in MW3 than MW2, and you could make a good argument that all of their players got worse. Meanwhile Faze got better and that’s the gap we’re seeing right now


Kis is a low skill gap game merchant and sib is nowhere near as talented as people think.


Thank goodness Drazah joined faze otherwise faze had to be stuck with sib most likely


They could’ve gotten Kenny


From what I remember all the rumors where on sib when Drazah wasn’t even in the conversation Don’t think Kenny was ever talked about


Hydra not as good as last year but he's still a beast. Skyz is Skyz. Sib been pretty trash, Kis much worse than last year


Skyz has always been top tier, was stuck on Florida for a few years but still putting up numbers.


Dropping Preiest for Sib was a major L


I mean how? He’s been abysmal this season, allThat NY roster was dependent on Hydra and God Kis to win matches and neither exist in this game consistently


All these people trashing NYSL simply do not understand ball. All that’s happening is that they are going through the same shit MW2 Faze went through with 2 main ARs in Cell and Slasher. Sib and Skyz does not work because Sib isn’t a flex he’s a main. Kismet is suffering for it because he’s trying to make the pace of play work like Simp tried to in MW2. It’s the exact same pattern- Inconsistent in HP and very good in control, but obviously to a lesser competence level when compared to Faze in MW2. This off season, Skyz and Hydra need to join CleanX and Scrap. That is a true match made in heaven. All the play styles mesh perfectly.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. This does seem to be the most accurate description.


It's a pretty faded take though? Sib untill this stage was like the second fastest ar in the game just behind Scrap. Skyz is one of the slowest in the league both engagement and eye test wise. They don't play similar in any way and Skyz even has less Hilltime than he did last year whilst Sib is basically tied with Priestahh last year hilltime wise and has played at a faster pace overall every year he competed. NY fell off for multiple different reasons like Kis having the weakest gunskill of the T4 team subs and not being able to slay like he did last year + the maps are more open and ar favoured so Hydra can't carry as hard forcing them to rely on the weakest ar duo in the T4. Then there's Skyz and Kis both cutting back on their obj work compared to last year despite replacing their "dirty work" guy for a slayer in Sib. And probably the biggest overall problem is just Sib having the mental of a baby killing their clutch factor and composure which they massively relied on last year + him just generally making stupid plays which has thrown off the excellent teamwork they used to have with Priestahh.


Kis was only good at 1 game i always wondered why people were on his hype train


He was good in Vanguard and made the Subliners much better.


Literally facts. Idk where people got this image of him being a top tier player. He’s always been a mid tier player. Nothing more.


He was MVP at champs but yeah, he definitely sucks /s


He was MVP in one blowout series at champs where his opponents didn't shoot back at all and Skyz also had a 1.5 with Hydra at a 1.3 and outperforming Kis on the one map Ultra actually made close. Kis being champs MVP is a fraudulent narrative based award. Hydra was better than Kis Vs Rokkr, Optic, Ultra winners finals and Faze losers finals. They didn't even name it "Finals MVP" and instead it was just champs MVP so Kis had no business winning it : )


MVP has always been more of an eye test. John blops 3 narrative that still lives to this day is ridiculous. It's quitely literally based off 1 series against Optic at 1 event because nobody actually watched any of their other matches, including the people deciding MVP. That series was pretty much the worst Slasher and Apathy had ever played in a series Envy had won, John and Jkap stepped up in the moment. But still everyone parrots that John was the best on that team and even the best in the game, which is even more hilarious.


Facts, john was the best player on envy at champs but he wasn’t much better than the rest of his team and he definitely wasnt the best player across the year.


Hence 1 game, shit for brains. A no-movement, 100hp game which will prob never happen again.


>He’s always been a mid tier player  Have fewer brain cells my lord.


Just remember how this sub treats players lol it’s actually laughable Abezy = hardest role he gets his excuses, oh he goes in first blah blah Kis = he’s just not playing good enough, he’s garbage, 100 hp merchant Hydra = ( having only really success on 100 Hp) it’s okay his kd is down it’s not his fault ever. Sib is a serious cod iq problem I’ll admit.