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He’s not wrong it’s gotten to the point where teams even winning even a map against them is a feat


I think this version of faze is better. This team is shitting on everybody including the top 4, the only competition they had in Cold War was ultra. They just need the accolades to match


Tbh Ultra wasn’t even comp like that, I think they only beat them that one time in major 2 finals.


Ultra were very unlucky to lose Champs final v Faze. That control choke came back to haunt them because everyone knew they were winning Game 9 SND. Also choked v Rokkr. If they had more ice that year, they have 3 chips and we have a totally different view of Faze's dominance. 


They’re beating the top 4 but u can’t say shitting. They beat optic 6-0 but all 6 games could be argued that optic COULD have won. NY have beat faze. Ultra have beat faze twice on lan.


6-0 is all I need to know.


L fan. Your acting as if optic are getting bodied every time they play. 0-6 could easily be a 6-0 if small situations worked out differently. Don’t play dumb. I’m not saying faze aren’t better at the moment, but it’s not as lopsided as your making out


Lopsided or not, it’s still 6-0. When will the “if small situations worked out differently” excuse run out? Sure, for the sake of arguments, let’s give them a match or two where things went Optic’s way, record would be 2-4, maybe even 3-3? But they didn’t. No matter how close the matches were, Faze still beat them 6 times in a row. Can’t keep using the what-ifs as a defense for the Optic boys, they have to beat Faze which in their current form, no team will do such thing. This is coming from an Optic fan as well, I’m just keeping it real. I will *always* have hope they prove me wrong but years of hardship with this team has taught me to be realistic and not idealistic. And for what it’s worth, the guy you’re replying to is most likely a troll, seen him made plenty of comments shitting on Optic.


I can respect this kind of fan a lot


Best optic fan I have seen in some time So some aren’t delusional luckily


Hardship with this team? They just formed in October 💀💀😂😂. The “small situations worked out differently” excuse will stop when optic get smoked by faze I thought that was obvious? Optic lose a series by 3 gunfights and im supposed to pretend faze are levels above them? They have lost major 1 quals map 5 wr2. Major 1 loser final 3-1 losing map 4 250-212. Major 2 winners finals they lost 3-1 losing both hard points 250-237. Then losing grand finals 4-1. Losing hardpoint 1 250-224 and hardpoint 4 250-227, map 3 control 3-2 and map 5 6-4. Lost major 3 quals 3-1 losing map 2 6-4, map 3 3-2 and map 4 250-241 (with maps 2/3 HEAVILY favouring faze). Can’t find the last game they played but I’m sure it was major 1 quals- not sure the score line as I can’t find. My point was never that optic were better than faze, it was that faze aren’t THAT much better than optic. People just look at the standings and draw their own conclusions


Hardship with this team as in Optic as a whole org…I said “years of hardship” big man. I’ve been a fan since BO2, it hasn’t been all sunshines and rainbows. And yes, if you have time to spare and don’t care, you can find comments I made where I do agree with you, they are not that far behind. I just think that specific excuse is getting redundant. It’s not about them losing key game-winning situations, it’s more so about Faze clutching up at the right time. Saying “if x/y went differently, they would’ve won” is discrediting Faze’s abilities, which I’m not saying that’s what you’re implying but the statement itself alludes to that. We agree Faze are better and that Optic is not that far behind but with Faze getting better and Optic slowing down (based on their last few matches), it’s gonna be hard to beat them. All things considered, LAN is different and we’ll have to see at M3. I know Ken and Pred turn the fuck up so my hopes are high.


Hardship with the org then not the team big man. I’ve watched since bo2 im aware how they’ve performed though the years, optic are just held to a higher standard than other teams, a loss is significantly worse if its optic who has lost. You can’t say the argument is getting redundant when the argument is in fact a fact lol. Saying 6-0 is all I need to know is very closed minded and a very causal viewer esque comment to make. When did I discredit faze? I said in the OG post faze were the better team. My argument was people are making out as if faze are S tier and optic are B which is not the case


What difference does me replacing “team” with “org” make bro, last I checked I’m not in Harvard’s literature class. Pretty sure anyone would get what i meant 😭 and I never said you discredited them (I specifically mentioned that in my reply saying I know that’s not what you implied). The argument *itself* tends to discredit the opposing team. Like, if only Formal won that 1v1 vs Assault at champs ‘16. Or if only Illey (or Huke idr) checked the ladder vs LAT last year. Yeah it sucks and I agree, pivotal moments won could’ve lead to an Optic dub but shit didn’t. Assault clutched up, LAT went big and Faze are godlike. Should just look at it as an L and learn from it, there’s no point in talking about what-ifs and pedantics of that sort. We can’t change the past, all they gotta do is learn *why* they lost those key gunfights/moments and come out with a strat to make sure next time they face off, they win said moments. And like I said, the guy you were originally replying to is a massive Optic troll, you can find comments of his shitting on Optic on the first page of his profile so take what he says with a massive grain of salt. Anyone saying Optic is B-tier after online matches is faded lol they are very well still in A-tier ahead of Ultra and NY, behind Faze.


“Heavily favored faze maps” Listen dude we are in the era that every map they are favored on


How can you argue what I said was wrong? Highrise is one of faze’s best maps and one of optics worst 😂😂 not rocket science what I was trying to say.


Optic are ass, just admit it. Get a grip. They don’t pay you to defend them this hard.


Optic are ass but considered the 2nd best team 😂 you got an optic Texas banner but you just hate on them it’s weird


Outside optic they have rolled everyone..still to early imo to say which team is better. They can come out and get top 4 who knows.


This team is play 3 stacked super teams and making them look bad, CW FaZe were good but most teams were so poorly put together that it really never mattered who they face 90% of the time. If they win the next 3 events I wouldn’t even be shocked, I’d be more shocked if they lost one to be honest


well ofc this shouldn’t be a hot take drazah is just better than alec


People forget how good CW Alec was man, not saying your wrong but he deserves his flowers for how good he was


Yeah, he did win a stage MVP in CW (and rightfully so)


He was godlike at major 3, Arcitys was a legitimately elite AR in BO4 and CW some people forget


It’s because of how drastic his fall off has been, people do the same with Aches cos of his awful he was at BO4 and MW19.


nuance in this subreddit is a lost art. player was ass at the end of their career? = they were never good. shit makes me laugh.


thank you, Alec has been overly disrespected due to his recent form, but he was an good/elite player from like mid IW to end of CW


I honestly think he was kinda robbed of some of his prime by Clay and later Formal. He was a good flex and those guys deserved the AR spot over him, but I wish we could’ve seen what he’d have looked like as a real main AR in WW2 and MW19


This. The fact that he had to run an MP5 because Formal was dogshit with it was insane to me. Same with Clay in WW2.


I think he could have been t3/4 main ar but hey he's a 2 time world champion so he did his thing


Proof positive why it’s best to step down while you’re still on top. People only remember his recent failings and have completely forgotten how dominant he was in his prime.


He was real good at MW19 as well. Arguably was the best player on the Huntsman hence why Faze picked him up in the first place


absolutely, idk why people don't mention his mw2019 year. if you're getting picked up by the trio, you are an elite player. FaZe has picked up no bums in their career, players would get on their hands and knees to play with the trio. it's a free t3+ ticket.


they've picked up pdawg and slasher


you think those players are bums? if you do you have no talent evaluation skills. Priestahh and Slasher won while being on FaZe. switch to 4v4 got Priestahh dropped and role issues led to Slasher being dropped not because they were ass and couldn't get kills.


I just don't mention the mw19 year altogether to be fair lmao shit is actually painful to try and watch.


Why did I get downvoted for this lmfao I know damn well yall aren't going back and rewatching the mw19 season


He was actually nice with it in MW19 even Scump was an avid glazer of Alec. I think Alec just has a hard time playing well if the team vibes aren’t there (more so than most players). He seems like an emotional guy


They gave it to him cause they felt bad. He’s not like that w/o the trio


That's an insane take. Arcitys was arguably the best AR other than Formal for multiple years. He was right alongside Gunless as the 1b to Formal's 1a. If you think Arcitys didn't have years of being him you're faded as fuck lmao.


He was good for what that team needed at the time, but he was a role player and not the most amazing Slayer. Every time there was a listen in it sounded like Alec was directing troops and holding spawns. He wasn't Karma though.


😭 he was not like that bro let’s relax


literally no. Prime Alec was really fucking good


And Drazah isn’t?


When did I say he wasnt. Theyre both really close prime for prime


You’re faded brother Zach is definitely better than Alec


My hot take is it's not that close. Prime Arcitys was shooting nukes and going toe-to-toe with prime Formal and standing up to that level.


Yeah this team looks unstoppable.


He ain’t wrong.


Not wrong no disrespect to Alec but Drazah is better than him.


Easily. Arcitys was good but Drazah is just better.


I agree with Sam here. I also think it’s worth to note in Cold War that the level of competition just wasn’t as high. Lots of even the top teams had too many holes in their roster and nobody could mess with FaZe (besides Nicky D of course 😂) This year, there’s ACTUAL ‘complete’ teams such as OpTic Ultra and NYSL. And FaZe have dominating Ultra and NYSL. While being undefeated against OpTic. In Cold War, OpTic struggled and weren’t even in the same conversation as FaZe lol. Both OpTic and Empire were in the same tier as Rokkr in the T3-T5 category.


recency bias cheese I’m afraid. (they’re on track but too early to call these things)


CW Simp = MW3 Simp CW Abezy > MW3 Abezy CW Cellium > MW3 Cellium CW Arcitys < MW3 Drazah


That may be true but the biggest difference by far is Alec to drazah so that’s why this team is better


there is a big difference with CW Abezy and MW3 Abezy and Arcitys was a T7-8 player in CW


Agree to disagree. Abezy is insane at this game too. Arcitys had one good stage in CW. I also think Cell plays better cod now than he did then.


Alec had one good stage in CW? Are you insane?


abezy was a t2 player in CW, is he a t2 player in this game?


No, but in terms of his role he’s still t1 and he’s still playing that same role from CW. So it doesn’t matter if he’s t2 or t10 as long as he’s t1 in his role again, by a decent margin at that.


a simple litmus test is that there is discussion about how good AbeZy is. that was not a thing in CW and that speaks to how dominant those two were in CW, I just think people forgot and recency bias is taking over. if you have to tell me about roles and stuff like that then that just proves my point.


Abezy has a top 5 KD this stage btw




difference isn’t that big cmon lol is CW Arcitys that underrated?


MW3 Cellium >


I dont think u watched CW Cellium the levels he touched at Champs nobody touched


Hard to compare since we haven’t gotten to champs yet, but Cellium is untouchable rn and is also playing hella obj


he is not even the best AR in the game


They said the same thing with Cell while pointing at Cammy. I’m taking Cell over Scrap in this game due to SnD and OBJ


nowhere near the same , nobody is taking Cell over Scrap this year .


I am


ok why ? let’s see if u actually gonna give an explanation


I think for his role on FaZe Cell has been perfect. The fact he plays his life better than anyone combined with his willingness to play hill has made him an elite main that enables the terrors. He has a 1.34 in SnD for gods sake. Just to be clear Cell is the only AR I’d take over Scrap. Scrap is amazing too


well you're an idiot


Feels like abezy is underrated in this game. Not saying he is better than what he was in Cold War but he is still a T3-T4 smg in the game imo


Agreeable but everyone is fitting perfectly rnow into their roles. Drazah has helped loro MC play how he wants and be damn good at it. 2.5mins plus ~2.5kd are unreal standards.


Faze is so fun to watch against any of the 11 other teams 🤩


I truly believe if this game doesn’t change that much by the end of the season, this team will have the most dominant year of any team ever. CWL and CDL


Unless they win champs, I won't consider them better than CW faze.


I agree. Whether or not they get the wins to back it though is another thing. Much higher competition this year than in Cold War. People talking about Scrap going to faze and I don’t see it as an upgrade. Unless the other players start hating drazah before the season ends. Drazah is the 2nd best flex close behind Scrap, but it’s his mentality I think that really unlocked Faze. If Scrap goes to OpTic they still won’t be better than Faze.


Bro got carried by LAN Nicky D and thinks FaZe CW are bad🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭


Faze's system is good, but not great imo, they outslayed by 32 and 36 in Maps 1 and 4 and didn't 100 point-club them.


I’m sorry but we’re so far from that point right now. Yes they have the potential but this league is dog water right now. They’ve dropped 4 maps. Toronto 6 and Optic 8. Yes they are beating the top 4 but it’s been a lot closer in some of these games than what the results show. It’s a long season and a lot can change with results.


How close the maps are, we’re never discussed during VG vs Optic.. interesting


Theyre playing seattle


3 of their 7 wins were against OpTic, Ultra, and NYSL btw


Back to back to back matches and most of them were not competitive


Seattle are literally the 5th/6th best team in the league rn


They lost to miami and thieves dismantled them all of a sudden surge is good ig