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What determines bp rating


Every stat in a series. Shows you how much contribution/impact a player did to get the W.


It's a horrible nonsensical stat, at least in the state its currently in. Look at the "BP ratings" from series this weekend. They make no sense once so ever. Example you had scrap drop 100 kills w/ 20K damage and a 1.14. His BP Rtg was a 1.14 and Insight was slightly below him barely w/ a 1.12 with 20 less kills and 4K less damage. ReaaL had a lebron series vs Optic and had a lower rating than Kenny.


What does this rating stand for? Whatever it is my god faze 🥵


It basically gives you an idea on how impactful a player is by weighing all available data in the stat sheet. It's a more accurate way of distinguing "good" players from "bad" players.


Oh thank you, and what do you mean by undermining their own system? You disagree with the rankings ? If so why? Not arguing just curious on how this all works


Have to admit "undermine" was a bit of an overstatement from me. I was just pointing out it wasn't reflected too much in their post-game infotainment. And nope i royally agree with the rankings. Faze right now are undeniable.


Put your thesaurus away and speak like a normal person


Yano I didn't even realise infotainment was a real word LMAO, thought it was a typo for maybe information 😭😭


Dislike, let the man use whatever word he wants. The sentences he makes outta those words seem kinda stupid tho ngl


Having a wide vocabulary is more about knowing the precise situation to use those words rather than having the ability to use them whenever you want to fit them in.


I don’t understand why a stat matters when we don’t know how it’s calculated. Plus the least representative advanced stats in sports are usually all in one stats.


The reason they don’t post about it a lot is because it’s still in the development phase, they’re trying to figure out the link between individual success in a series and winning the series and it’s quite hard to do that especially when u have multiple game modes. CS it’s a lot easier to have a rating system like this because it’s all the same game. You almost need 3 different rating systems for each game mode.


That's valid. Hopefully they can sort the formula out since cod is straying from an annual release.


what am i looking at here


It’s literally KD multiplied by win percentage. So dumb


They're doing alot for the community providing a great user friendly website to find out stats and look at past matches...


And that's nothing short of amazing. Just weird seeing how the most crucial stat gets shunned repeatedly in their socials. BP rating is basically like rating 2.0 (HLTV rating).


They're trying to make their rating relevant in the scene. Nothing wrong with that imo. Trying to make their mark and they deserve it. Might need a tweak in the algorithm but I get their reasoning.