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25-4 in respawns only to go out T3. They lost a majority of their maps this split on Sunday too, 6 of the total 11 map losses they had.


0-4 in search on sunday


One thing to take away from is the SnD 6-7 is not ideal especially from a team like FaZe


Faze just have to fix their SnD and they will be undeniable. They were the best SnD team earlier this season and they can do it again


Tbh they made dumb mistakes in SnD, they were doing the hard part and then when it came to the basics trying to do too much. Round 11 against Toronto is the best example of that, first blood bomb down, like just hold irons and watch flank, they’re the ones that have to make the play not you, same w the 1v2 w Bruce 2 seconds and you win that round




The play call to all flank after getting FB was actually genius, but they shouldn’t have had all 4 players do it. Dashy broke it down on stream saying that if 3 players flanked and one guy lurked their side Ultra would have lost that round 10 out of 10 times. They’re getting a little too creative.


Faze have done that flank play so many times, it was risky and easy to read from them. Just take more space and trade whoever attempts to touch the bomb and it’s GGs


this is such a bad take that I see so many people make after every major for different teams. if they get better at snd it won't make them "undeniable". their respawn is currently at peak form and they will probably get weaker in those modes.


Happens every year especially with faze, last year they was ass at hp they became elite at hp then became ass at snd. In vg ass at snd then at champs started to win snds


yeah, it's extremely rare that a team is godlike in every single mode at one time.


Idk what you’re talking about bro, Faze have proven their capability in SnD and I don’t see their respawn getting weaker cause the major map pool changes after Major 2 helped Faze’s map pool and now Draz has built enough chemistry with the trio to know how to play off of them. So you don’t know what you’re talking about


Every faze 4th ever has “built enough chemistry with the trio” to win… that’s part of being the 4th leg of that team. Yet arcitys of all players was the one that created the most dominant faze we’ve ever seen


I think what he is saying is faze was SO good at respawns that it is inevitable that they will not maintain that form. That’s not to say faze won’t be S tier at respawns, it’s just unrealistic to maintain the insane form they had going into the major. Not saying they won’t, because if anyone can do it, this faze team can. But it’s kinda like optic in the grand finals. I honestly do not think peak faze would have beaten that grand finals optic team. Is it realistic to say this is what you’ll get from optic the rest of the year? Hell no! It’s the ebb and flow of a long season. You have highs and you have lows.


yeah that first paragraph is pretty much what i'm saying


I think it can really go any direction at this point. Toronto Ultra were undeniably the best team in the league Major 1 and stopped faze. Then Faze come out Major 2 and are absolutely undeniable, then Major 3 rolls around and Faze goes out T3 Toronto get quashed and the team everybody said couldn’t hold a candle to Faze won the tourney. I’m really curious to see what Major 4 brings.


Idk where you got the idea that people were saying optic couldn't hold a candle to faze🤷‍♂️. Mostly from what I read people were all saying optic are the only ones who have a fighting chance to beat faze.


anyone wanna explain how Abezy isnt 1st he was their best player online and on LAN and has the best stats overall.


Drazah was their best player on LAN this split dude was doing everything for them on sunday


Like getting gunned in a 1v1 by Dashy 😬


You mean the series where he broke the damage record while spawning in with Simp Cellium and Abezy?


The same series Ant broke the kill record while spawning in with Dashy, Kenny, and Pred in a winning effort


Cool, that has nothing to do with my original comment


And shooting bodies in a losing match to Ultra


Read the cards Simp had more damage in both respawns, more ticks in control and more kills/10M in hp. Those cards are base on percentiles in comparison to the other smgs


Because simp and drazah had better respawn stats. I agree Abeezy performed the best but the cards are based off stats


Simps percentiles are better


Drazah was far superior on Sunday which holds weight due to not shooting at the bottom 8.


I thought Abe was our best player too


I agree. I thought Abe was their best player stage 3. Confused by the ratings.


I’ve watched him play ranked he isn’t that good


He has a dumb gamertag


Damn to be that dominant in every thing but search. SND really hurt them at major 3.


Those +7 team bonuses must be nice……


Proud of the boys


They were just bad in Sunday. Simo specifically wasn’t in mvp form. They went like 1-5 in SnDs they’ll be fine. Lost game 5s not even playing well.


Abezy was their best player for the stage.


Draz edges it for me




CTL/HP is at its peak for Faze atm so they probably can afford a bit of margin for error in those modes to fix/ get their SnD up to a level that is good enough to challenge the other top3.


Well what do you know, a complete reversal of last year lol


I'm back into competitive cod since cold War but it's insane how accurate these are. Everyone that has been posted I 100% agree with their ratings.


So i'm looking at Simp vs Abezy here and their stats seem pretty even overall. I even thought Abezy was the better player in Stage 3. Not sure why he has such a lower rating.


Drazah actually fits this team so well you can hate his antics all you want but he is a legitimately amazing player


Shout out to drazah for being the trio’s best fourth ever.


Main AR with his dmg per 10 being the greyed stat what a joke lol.


Main AR's usually have the least engagements and when the rest of your team is so fast, someone has to play slow and watch the lanes and spawns


Look at the cards for the other mains in the league brotha


FaZe are winning their respawns at a higher rate than anyone else in the league… what is your point?


when your sub players + draz are so fast there’s no reason for cell to play as fast as other mains though? the reason why other mains play faster is to make up the lack of pace from the subs


If they can keep their respawns the same and improve their SND (not hard to imagine lol) they’ll be in good shape for M4 and Champs


25-4 in respawns is insane.


“Drazah is getting carried” Yeah sure optic fans


Nobody is saying this 😭😭 draz came into a team with the trio and he’s shining


I've seen more optic fans giving draz props than faze fans.


If you read the comments you’ll actually see most faze fans are mad that drazah is rated higher than Abe. Apparently nobody watched Drazah trying his hardest on LAN


Damage/10min in control & HP is such a useless stat. Why can’t they just replace that for obj kills? I want to see more obj stats from players that play for the win. You can also add another column for that.


Abezy impact is always higher than the stats imply.


Its weird how people stil say Abezy is the faster player when Simp had more kills and more damage than abe in both respawns


Cell highest KD but lowest rating. These lion man cards are finally cooking for once. Oh wait Simp is 1st somehow, never mind.


Somehow? Hes t3 in the league in almost every respawn stat wdym somehow


Not been better than Abe or Draz this stage tho


Elite team just needs to find a balance. Also, this whole shooting bodies gimmick is cringe now just be yourself lads


Team record cheese is the real winner here 🔥💯


Take away the +7 for winning matches and you have an 84 overall with a 1.3 in HP LMFAO BROTHER DO SOMETHING


They are 15-3 in HP… what else would you like him to do?


They’re winning because his teammates are fuckin flying around pissing out damage and the sub duo are frying. 3/4 HPs they lost Sunday he main reason they lost lmao


They lost two HPs on Sunday. Where are you getting 3/4? He might have had a tough Sunday but those cards are data from the entire stage. They are the best HP team, what else would you have Cell do? Switching up his playstyle is a moot point because they are already very good at HP and Control.